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Enlighten: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam

Vol. 5 No. 1 (Jan-Jun 2022), 15-24

Academic Hardiness and Active Procrastination: Levels

and Correlation among University Students
Abu Bakar1 , Fajriani Fajriani*)2 , M. Husen3 , Nurrizki Shafira4
Department of Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh,
1, 2, 3, 4

*) Corresponding author, e-mail: fajriani@unsyiah.ac.id

Received: Accepted: Published:

22 February 2022 13 June 2022 30 June 2022

Academic hardiness is a personality characteristic that can resist all academic pressures on students, while active
procrastination is an activity or behavior that procrastinates intentionally, and repeatedly in completing academic
tasks. The research objectives: (1) measure the level of active procrastination and academic hardiness of students,
and (2) predict the relationship between academic hardiness and procrastination in students. The research uses a
quantitative approach with the type of correlational research. The research population is active undergraduate
students in one of the State Universities in Banda Aceh. Determination of the number of samples using the Slovin
formula, from a population of 22,798 students obtained a sample of 393 students. The Clustered Random
Sampling technique was used in the selection of samples with batch as the cluster from the 2016 to the 2020
batch. The data collection technique used a questionnaire contains two scales; namely Revised Academic
Hardiness Scale (RAHS) and Active Procrastination Scale (APS). The results showed that the average active
procrastination level was in the medium category, with a percentage of 68.4% and the average academic hardiness
level was in the medium category with a percentage of 67.4%. Research shows that there is a significant positive
relationship between academic hardiness and active procrastination with a Pearson correlation of 0.308 and a
probability value of 0.000 (ρ <0.05). The results of this study can be used as the basis for making a hardiness
trainer program by the University Counseling Service Unit to increase academic hardiness in students so that they
can fight all academic pressures.
Keywords: Academic Hardiness; Active Procrastination; University Students

Academic hardiness adalah karakteristik kepribadian yang dapat melawan segala tekanan akademik pada
mahasiswa, sedangkan prokrastinasi aktif adalah kegiatan atau perilaku menunda-nunda secara sengaja, dan
berulang-ulang kali pada penyelesaian tugas akademik. Tujuan penelitian: (1) mengukur tingkat prokrastinasi aktif
dan academic hardiness mahasiswa, dan (2) meramalkan hubungan antara academic hardiness dengan
prokrastinasi pada mahasiswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian
korelasional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh mahasiswa S1 aktif di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di
Banda Aceh. Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan rumus slovin, dari populasi sebanyak 22.798 mahasiswa
diperoleh sampel sebanyak 393 mahasiswa. Teknik Clustered Random Sampling digunakan dalam pemilihan
sampel dengan angkatan sebagai cluster-nya dari angkatan 2016 sampai angkatan 2020. Teknik pengumpulan
data menggunakan angket dengan 2 skala yaitu Revised Academic Hardiness Scale (RAHS) dan Active
Procrastination Scale (APS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan tingkat prokrastinasi aktif rata-rata berada dalam kategori
sedang, dengan persentase 68,4% dan tingkat academic hardiness rata-rata berada pada kategori sedang dengan
persentase 67,4%. Penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara academic hardiness
dengan prokrastinasi aktif dengan pearson correlation sebesar 0,308 dan probability value ditaraf 0,000 (ρ <0,05).
Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar pembuatan program hardiness trainer oleh Unit Pelayanan Konseling
Universitas untuk meningkatkan academic hardiness pada mahasiswa agar dapat melawan segala tekanan
Kata Kunci: Academic Hardiness; Prokrastinasi Aktif; Mahasiswa

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ©2022 by author.
Academic Hardiness and… - Abu Bakar, Fajriani, M. Husen , Nurrizki Shafira


INTRODUCTION moderate categorization, 23.6% in the low

categorization and 19% in the high
Procrastination has been around
categorization. However, the results of this
since ancient times and increased over time
study only described the level of passive
during the Industrial Revolution (Steel &
Klingsieck, 2016). Burka & Yuen (2007)
Chu dan Choi (2005) and Wessel et
estimates that 75% of university students
al., (2019) contrast passive procrastination
and 50% of school students procrastinate,
as inadvertent procrastination despite
meaning that university students
realizing the need to start their task early.
procrastinate more than school students.
Active procrastinators intentionally
Initial observations made by Azizah and
procrastinate, seeking pressure imposed by
Kardiyem (2020) in Economics Education
proximal deadlines to increase motivation
students at Semarang State University
without compromising performance.
(UNNES) class of 2016 on January 25, 2019
Research has found that intentional
resulted in 96.23% of 53 students having
procrastination has a positive relationship
procrastinated. Students who do academic
with mindfulness, self-control, and well-
procrastination tend to do things that are
being (Haghbin, 2015; Haghbin & Pychyl,
non-academic rather than immediately
2015). Subsequent research has supported
completing assignments from the lecturer.
the positive side of active procrastination.
It is proven that 60.38% of students access
Active procrastination is positively
social media outside of lecture materials,
correlated with psychological well-being,
13.20% chat with friends outside of
autonomy, environmental mastery,
academic assignments, and 26.42% do
personal growth, positive relationships,
other activities such as joining
and life goals (Habelrih & Hicks, 2015).
organizations, entrepreneurship, and
Active procrastination also showed a
taking breaks. Based on the research
significant positive relationship to self-
conducted by Muyana (2018) 6% of
regulation, self-efficacy, awareness, and
students of the Guidance and Counseling
proactive coping strategies such as
Study Program at Ahmad Dahlan
intentional procrastination (Chowdhury &
University had very high criteria
Pychyl, 2018). The aspects that build the
procrastination. The majority or 81% had
characteristics of active procrastination are
high criteria procrastination, and 13% had
as follows: outcome satisfaction, preference
moderate criteria procrastination. This
for pressure, intentional decisions to
means that almost all students have done
procrastinate, and the ability to meet
procrastination. This procrastination
deadlines (Kim & Seo, 2015; Kiser, 2020;
behavior can be carried out by students
Mccloskey, 2011).
anywhere, including students in the Aceh
Every student has academic
region. The results of previous research by
pressure during lectures. People who have
Setiawan & Faradina (2018) showed that
tough, strong personality characteristics,
57.36% of Syiah Kuala University students
and are able to face all academic pressures
did academic procrastination in the
Academic Hardiness and… - Abu Bakar, Fajriani, M. Husen , Nurrizki Shafira

are people who have academic hardiness Noltemeyer, 2018; Creed et al., 2013), and
personality characteristics. Benishek et al. university level (Weigold et al., 2016).
(2005) and Cheng et al., (2019) mentions Research has found that academic
that academic hardiness refers to a person’s hardiness plays an important role in
resilience to persist in completing his learning, such as self-efficacy (Wang &
academic tasks. Benishek et al. (2005) build Tsai, 2018), and academic achievement
the concept of academic hardiness from (Benishek et al., 2005). The results of
two cognitive-oriented theories, namely Mahasneh et al., (2021) at Hashemite
Kobasa’s Psychological Resilience theory University, Jordan showed that from a
and Dweck and Leggett’s Academic sample of 804 male and female students,
Motivation theory to understand why Hashemite University students had
some students can survive in the face of academic hardiness in the medium
academic difficulties while others cannot. category.
Academic Hardiness has been Tamaya’s research results (2016)
conceptualized as a combination of three stated that the majority of Syiah Kuala
aspects, namely: commitment, control, and University students had academic
challenge (Creed et al., 2013; hardiness in the medium category of 82.3%,
Karagiannopoulou et al., 2014). (1) while 17% was in the high category, and
Controls; associated with a person’s desire 0.6% was in the low category. Furthermore,
to have control over important events. This Jannah’s research (2021) which measured
control aspect is divided into two the academic hardiness of Bidikmisi
dimensions, namely control of affect students at Syiah Kuala University (USK)
(students’ ability to regulate their emotions showed that the academic hardiness of
when facing academic challenges and Bidikmisi students at USK was in the
control of effort (students’ ability to medium category at 71%, while in the high
recognize and activate behaviors that category, it was 14.8%, and the low
improve their ability to overcome academic category was 14.2%. The number of USK
difficulties), (2) Commitment; refers to a Bidikmisi students was 5,982 out of a total
situation where individuals are willing to of 22,798 USK active students. However,
commit or engage in certain activities or the results of this study only described the
tasks, (3) Challenge; students’ intention to level of academic hardiness of USK
find difficult course work and view Bidikmisi students, not students as a
academic challenges as experiences that whole. Therefore, in this study, the aim of
will ultimately contribute to the student’s the researcher was to measure the level of
personal development. active procrastination and academic
Several follow-up studies use the hardiness of all USK students and to
theory of academic hardiness to measure measure the strength and weakness of the
the resilience of students and their relationship between the two.
performance, such as students at the end of
elementary school (Kamtsios & METHODS
Karagiannopoulou, 2013a, 2013b), Junior
This study employed a quantitative
and Senior High School (Abdollahi &
approach, with the type of correlational
Academic Hardiness and… - Abu Bakar, Fajriani, M. Husen , Nurrizki Shafira

research. The population was all active including: strongly not suitable, not
students at one of the State Universities in suitable, doubtful, appropriate, and very
Banda Aceh for the 2016 to 2020 appropriate. The instrument trial in this
undergraduate level, as many as 22,798 study was conducted with 37 students
students (University Data Portal, 2021). drawn from the same population. The 80
Sampling used the Clustered Random items Revised Academic Hardiness Scale
Sampling technique, with batch as the (RAHS) resulted in 49 valid items with a
cluster. The number of samples was 393 reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha
people who were calculated using the 0.929 > 0.60 so that this instrument was said
Slovin formula with a 5% Margin of Error. to be consistent (reliable). The 16 item
Table 1. Distribution of Population and Active Procrastination Scale (APS)
Research Sample
produces 10 valid items with a reliability
coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha 0.688> 0.60
Year Population Sample
so that this instrument is also said to be
2020 6.564 115 consistent (reliable).
2019 5.762 99
2018 4.829 83 RESULT
2017 3.816 65 Based on the results of descriptive
2016 1.827 31 analysis, the average value (M) of the
Total 22.798 393 active procrastination variable was 28.49
with a minimum value of 15 and a
Instruments and data collection were maximum value of 48. The standard
filled out by students voluntarily without deviation (SD) obtained was 5.58, so the
being paid. The data analysis technique category of active procrastination level of
used descriptive analysis to find the level USK students could be arranged in 3
of student academic hardiness and active categories. The categorization formula used
procrastination and product moment the guidelines from Azwar (2012).
correlation analysis from Karl Pearson to
measure the strength and weakness of the Table 2. Categorization Guidelines
relationship between academic hardiness Category Formula
and active procrastination. Low X < (M – 1 SD)
The research data collection was Moderate (M – 1 SD) ≤ X < (M + 1 SD)
carried out from 22 May 2021 to 21 June High X ≥ (M + 1 SD)
2021. The data collection technique used an (Azwar, 2012)
online questionnaire (made with the help
of Google Form) which was compiled Table 3. Levels of Active Procrastination
using the Revised Academic Hardiness Category
Category Frequency %
Scale developed by Benishek et al., (2005) Intervals
dan nd the Active Procrastination Scale Low X < 23 61 15.5%
Moderate 23 ≤ X < 34 269 68.4%
developed by Choi & Moran (2009). The
High X ≥ 34 63 16.0%
researcher then modified it with a 5-point
Likert-type scale to make it easier for
The information in Table 3 shows
respondents to distinguish each point on
that the average active procrastination by
the scale and process information. There
USK students is in the moderate category,
were five answer choices for each
which is 68.4%.
statement item with a rating scale,
Academic Hardiness and… - Abu Bakar, Fajriani, M. Husen , Nurrizki Shafira

Based on descriptive analysis on the Table 6. Levels of Academic Hardiness Aspects

Academic Hardiness variable, the average Aspects Category Frequency %
value (M) is 177.15 with a standard Low 45 11.5%
deviation (SD) of 19.634. The minimum Moderate 275 70.0%
of Effort
score obtained is 128 and the maximum High 73 18.6%
value is 263, then the category of academic
Control Low 45 11.5%
hardiness level can be arranged as follows.
of Affect Moderate 273 69.5%
High 75 19.1%
Table 4. Levels of Academic Hardiness
Comm- Low 54 13.7%
Category Frequency % iment Moderate 260 66.2%
High 79 20.1%
Low X < 157 58 14.8%
Moderate 157 ≤ X < 196 265 67.4%
High X ≥ 196 70 17.8% According to Table 6, the results of
descriptive analysis on each aspect of the
According to Table 4, The results of academic hardiness variable show that
the descriptive analysis show that the level most of them are in the medium category.
of academic hardiness owned by students Most students or as many as 72.3% of
is in the medium category, which is 67.4%. students tend to have challenge
Further in Table 5 shows the results characteristics, namely the perception that
of descriptive analysis on each aspect of the challenges are experiences that are
active procrastination variable showing important for personal development, not as
that most of them are in the moderate threats. Most students or 70% of them tend
category. 57.8% of students are satisfied to have the characteristics of control of
with the results or achievements of the effort, namely the ability to overcome
tasks carried out after procrastinating. academic challenges through effort. Most
63.1% of students tend to enjoy the feeling students or 69.5% of students tend to have
of being challenged when a deadline control of affect, which is tend to be able to
approaches. 47.8% of students tend to have control their emotions when facing
the ability to meet deadlines, and more academic challenges. Most of the students
than 50% of students tend to decide on or 66.2% of students tend to have
procrastination intentionally and suddenly commitment, which is tend to be willing to
maintain their efforts and make sacrifices
Table 5. Levels of Active Procrastination Aspects to achieve academic excellence.
Next, the researcher tested the
Aspects Category % assumptions to fulfill the basic
Low 16.3% assumptions of correlation analysis,
Satisfaction with Moderate 57.8% namely the normality test and linearity test
results 26.0%
High whose calculations were assisted by the
Low 12.7% Statistical Product and Services Solution
Preference for time Moderate 46.8% (SPSS) Program. The normality test used
pressure 40.5%
High the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Low 8.9% technique. The result was a significance
Ability to meet
Moderate 47.8%
deadlines value of 0.200 > 0.05, which meant that the
High 43.3%
data from the two variables were normally
Low 12.0% distributed. The linearity test was carried
Deliberate decision to
Moderate 63.1% 18
High 24.9%
Academic Hardiness and… - Abu Bakar, Fajriani, M. Husen , Nurrizki Shafira

out using the Lack of Fit Test method Table 7. Correlation Analysis Results
Variable R P Result
which resulted in a significance value of
deviation from linearity 0.079 > 0.05, which Hardiness – Positive and
means that the two variables had a linear 0,308 0,000
Active Signifikan
relationship. Procrastination
After the data was declared to be
normally and linearly distributed, the DISCUSSIONS
product moment-Karl Pearson correlation The results of the research
test was performed. This correlation test conducted on 393 samples showed that the
aimed to measure the relationship between average student was in the category of
the active procrastination variable and the moderately active procrastination. The
academic hardiness variable. The result of results of the data analysis indicate that on
the product moment correlation test average students have 4 aspects/
from Karl Pearson showed that the characteristics of active procrastination
behavior in the moderate category, namely:
correlation between the academic
Preference for pressure, Deliberate decision
hardiness variable and the active
to procrastinate, Ability to meet deadlines,
procrastination variable had a
Result satisfaction (Kim & Seo, 2015; Kiser,
correlation coefficient (r) of 0.308. 2020; Mccloskey, 2011).
(Table 7). The relationship between the Students who become active
two variables included a weak positive procrastinators are students who tend to
relationship. This was in accordance enjoy the feeling of being challenged,
with the Interpretation guidelines for which results in increased motivation, such
the correlation coefficient from as opinions Chu & Choi (2005) motivated
Sugiyono (2013) which states that the to do their jobs as they approach deadlines.
correlation coefficient in the range of They tend to decide to procrastinate on
purpose, suddenly, but the time used
0.20 to 0.399 was included in the
remains organized. They can accurately
category of a weak positive
estimate the minimum amount of time
relationship. This meant that there was
required to complete a task and push
a weak positive relationship between themselves to proceed efficiently toward a
academic hardiness and active goal, even with (or perhaps because of) last
procrastination. Thus, that the results of minute pressure and tend to derive
the correlation analysis can be satisfaction from the results achieved
generalized, a significance calculation because active procrastinators know how
using the t-test is used. The significance to motivate themselves in a state of
value obtained is 0.000 which means, it urgency, make a deliberate decision to
is smaller than 0.05. Therefore, it can be procrastinate, and complete tasks on time
(Choi & Moran, 2009).
concluded that there is a significant
The level of academic hardiness
relationship between academic
based on this research is in the medium
hardiness and active student
category, which means that students have a
procrastination. fairly good academic hardiness. Maddi
(2006) explained that academic hardiness
gives students the courage to overcome
difficulties and see academic stress as a
Academic Hardiness and… - Abu Bakar, Fajriani, M. Husen , Nurrizki Shafira

learning opportunity. This courage and have academic hardiness feel confident in
positive view of stress actually comes from themselves when faced with academic
4 aspects that build the characteristics of pressure, so they can motivate themselves
academic hardiness in students, namely and are not afraid to procrastinate. The
commitment, control of effort, control of positive relationship between self-efficacy
affect, and challenge (Creed et al., 2013; and academic hardiness is supported by
Karagiannopoulou et al., 2014). Based on previous researchers (Jang & Liang, 2016;
the analysis results, USK students have Wang & Tsai, 2016; Cheng et al., 2019)
academic hardiness characteristics in the which shows that there is a strong positive
medium category. The first is association between academic hardiness
“commitment”, i.e. students are willing to and self-efficacy. Their perceptions of
maintain their efforts and make sacrifices academic self-efficacy were strongly
to achieve academic excellence. Second, related to academic resilience, indicating
“control of effort” means that students that students with higher academic self-
have the ability to overcome academic efficacy strongly reflected their perceptions
challenges through the efforts they make. of academic resilience and vice versa. The
The third is “control of affect” where study of Cheng et al. (2019) revealed that
students are able to control their emotions the 3 dimensions of academic toughness
when facing academic challenges. The (commitment, control, and challenge) were
fourth is the “challenge” where students strong predictors of academic self-efficacy.
have the view that every academic In addition, this study also shows an
difficulty is a challenge, not a threat. This effective contribution from the two
happens because the student has the view variables which can be seen from the
that any knowledge or insight gained from results of the measures of association
the class will be beneficial for his analysis with R Square = 0.095. Therefore, it
development, and feels challenged to learn can be concluded that the magnitude of the
it. influence of the academic hardiness
Active procrastinators are people variable on the procrastination variable is
who deliberately choose to procrastinate, only 9.5%, while 90.5% is influenced by
have high self-efficacy, they have the other factors not examined in this study.
ability to make decisions to complete tasks The description of the level of
on time, and the results obtained are academic hardiness of students who are
satisfactory (Chu & Choi, 2005). According still in the moderate category is expected to
to Chu & Choi’s opinion above, it means be the basis for the creation of a Guidance
that there is self-efficacy possessed by and Counseling service program by the
active procassors which according to University Guidance and Counseling
previous researchers is positively related to Service Unit which aims to help students
academic hardiness. Bandura (Cheng et al., achieve success in studying in Higher
2019) explains that self-efficacy is related to Education. The Guidance and Counseling
a person’s beliefs about what can be done service program to improve academic
with certain skills under certain conditions hardiness in students that can be applied is
that affect how people feel, think, behave, Hardiness Training. Hardiness Training is
and motivate themselves when facing a training that not only teaches
problems. It is this individual’s belief, conceptualization of academic toughness,
hope, and confidence in his ability to carry but also how to utilize certain techniques
out the task that makes individuals who and develop certain attitudes that will
Academic Hardiness and… - Abu Bakar, Fajriani, M. Husen , Nurrizki Shafira

transform stressful situations in their lives category. Furthermore, there is a weak

from potential problems into opportunities positive relationship between academic
for growth (Maddi et al., 2009). Hardiness hardiness and active procrastination. This
training has been widely applied and weak relationship does not mean that the
effective in the academic field, from higher the academic hardiness, the higher
students to students. Hardiness training is the active procrastination by students.
effective in increasing the average value of There are many other factors that are
first semester students (Maddi et al., 2002), related and affect active procrastination
meningkatkan IPK mahasiswa (Maddi et besides academic hardiness, both internal
al., 2009), reduce anxiety levels in 1st grade and external factors that still need to be
female students in Tehran (Moazedian et studied more deeply.
al., 2014), improve the quality of life of
female students at Fatimah Azzahra school ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in Ahwaz (Shokohifard et al., 2017), nd We would like to deliver my sincere
improve self-efficacy and self-acceptance in gratitude to LPPM and Universitas Syiah
male students of Parsabad city junior high Kuala for funding this research (Research
school in Iran (Azimi & Shariatmadar, Contract Number 143/UN11.2.1/PT.01.03/
2018). PNBP/2021). We also thank to the lecturers
This research has been carried out and staff of the University who have
as well as possible, but of course it still has helped distribute the online questionnaire
limitations, such as: (1) Data collection was to students. We’d like to thank the students
carried out online during the covid-19 who have been willing to give their time to
pandemic, so that researchers could only fill out the research questionnaire.
distribute instruments through social
media which could cause respondents to REFERENCES
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