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College of Law

Constitutional Law
And Political Law Review



By: Atty. Alman-Najar L. Namla

Updated: June 7, 2022

The policies listed herein are put in place to create a fair and consistent testing environment conducive to
student success, while upholding the integrity and validity of exams across the curriculum.

High academic integrity standards are essential for the School to fulfill its educational mission.
Furthermore, integrity, honesty, and professionalism are essential qualities in the Legal profession.
As a student member of the profession, you must exemplify these characteristics, as well as your
conduct, which must be above reproach. Academic dishonesty jeopardizes the profession as a
whole, as well as the entire academic institution. As a result, it cannot and will not be tolerated.

Students found improperly using the Google Forms Quiz or any other software to gain unfair
academic advantage are violating the WMSU Law Code of Conduct. Violations such as "academic
dishonesty" and/or “professional misconduct" would include, but are not limited to using a
classmate's login/password, tampering with exam files, and falsifying upload or download
information, or any attempt to circumvent the security features of the software.

Prior to the Exam:

1. The Two-device policy shall be strictly enforced. One device will be dedicated to answering
the exam via Google Forms, preferably a laptop or a desktop for ease of typing. While the
second device will be used for the Zoom app, a tablet or phone may be used for this.
Dual/Multiple monitor set ups shall not be allowed in taking the exam.
2. It is the responsibility of the examinee to assure that his/her device meets the minimum
requirements provided by Google Forms.
3. Google Forms is a web browser environment to carry out e-assessments safely. The software
turns any computer temporarily into a secure workstation. It controls access to resources like
system functions, other websites and applications and prevents unauthorized resources being
used during an exam.
4. The student must have stable internet connection and continuous and reliable power (not
using battery power) for all devices.
5. A blank paper may be allowed but this paper should be concealed as much as possible
during the exam and placed under the laptop when not in use.
6. The student must be logged in to Zoom and ready to click the link to the Google Forms
Quiz twenty (20) minutes before schedule.
7. Students will be asked to show their immediate surroundings to the proctors through their
Zoom devices.

During the Exam:

1. The examinee must be alone in the exam room with minimal noise. (see list of acceptable
exam area)
2. The examinee may not have any documents, notes, books or electronic devices on the desk
or in the test area except for the approved Zoom Device and Laptop/Desktop.
3. The microphone of the examinee MAY NOT BE TURNED OFF.
4. The examinee may not wear headphones/earbuds/earphone or any in-ear/on-ear device.
5. The examinee may not leave seat and/or be out the line of sight of the proctor. There will be
no bathroom breaks for 2-hour long exams. However, strict 2-minute bathroom breaks may
be permitted during midterms and final exams.
6. The examinee may not talk or even mouth words.
7. The examinee must be compliant with the proctors’ instructions.
8. The proctor must have unimpeded view of the immediate surrounding of the examinee with
both hands clearly visible for the entirety of the exam.
9. The proctor will be randomly asking examinees to move their zoom devices and pan around
the exam room to ensure compliance with the guidelines.
10. Only clear glasses, cups, mugs or bottles of water are allowed for drinking. No eating will be
11. Proper attire must be observed by the examinee.
12. If an examinee finishes earlier than the allotted, the proctor must be informed that he/she
will submitting the answers.
13. The examiner/proctor shall have full discretion for penalizing non-compliance with the
aforementioned rules.

List of Acceptable Exam Areas:

1. Dorm room
2. private room in house/apartment
3. A library study room
4. Any private space where you are alone (no talking in the background, no other people in the
room or walking by, etc.)

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