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The CONTRACTOR shall fully and faithfully deliver, undertake and perform

the supply of labor, materials, consumable, tools, equipment, supervision and other
facilities needed for the Complete and Functional Fire Protection System Works of
Building of Bataraza Municipal Hall based in the plans, specifications,
supplementary drawings and within the contract the in accordance with the plans
and specifications. All items of Proposal shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR
and the scope of works shall include all Fire Protection system works.

1.) The CONTRACTOR is required to refer to all architectural, structural,

mechanical, sanitary, plumbing, and electrical plans. And inves$ate all possible
interference and condions a1ecn$ their *ork/2/ All *orks shall comply *ith
the pernent provisions of the Fire Code of the concerned city, NaonalFire
rotecon Associaon 3NFA +4, +5, 2, 67, 5, ++ and
8+59 and :nder*riter;s )isted0Factory<anual 3:)0F<9/4/ Complete (nstallaon of
Automac Fire !prinkler and Combined !tand ipe system havin$ *aterpressure
maintained at all mes includin$ supply and installaon of #l ipes, !chedule
8 supply andinstallaon of s*ay braces, O! = > $ate valves, ?oor control valves,
supervisory s*itches, *ater ?o*s*itches, pressure $au$es and $au$e cock valves,
valves 3check valve, $ate valve etc/9, drain valves, si$ht$lass, tamper s*itches, ?
o* meter, pressure stop valves, alarm check valve complete *ith trims, alarmtest
valve, return chamber, *ater motor $on$ alarm s*itch 3interfaced *ith FAC9,
pressure s*itches,complete set .re department inlets0connecons, .re department
hose valves *ith cap and chain,inspector test valves0connecon, roofcv manifolds
and accessories/ All valves should have proper valveta$$in$ upon turn@over
and all supplied pressure $au$e should be calibrated
*ith calibraoncer.caon0factor test cer.caon and ta$$in$/8/ Complete
installaon of return pipe to .re stora$e tank and R assembly for Bockey
pump/7/ Complete (nstallaon of !prinkler eads for eDposed public areas, endent
type *ith chrome .nish forall areas *ith ceilin$ and eDtended covera$e horiEontal
side*all sprinkler *ith chrome plated .nish andmatchin$ escutcheon// Complete
(nstallaon Fire GDn$uishers includin$ supply and installaon of steel plates,
bracken$supports and eDpansion bolts/6/ Complete (nstallaon of locally
fabricated Fire ose Cabinets *ith ?ush mounn$ door *ith trim forall $lass
plate, .re hose rack and other standard accessory/

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