Article Guidelines: Last Updated: 7/3/2011

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Article Guidelines

Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

Article Ownership

Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

Article Ownership
Doodle Tuts takes pride in making sure that none of our content gets linked to on any other site or sold in the format it is presented on Doodle Tuts remains the sole owner of all tutorials when constructed into a step by step guide, artists that produce full pieces remain the owners of the art in its singular form.

Sounds Confusing! Do I or Dont I Own The Art

Yes you own the art-work with rights to sell it as long as it is not sold in the tutorial form which is published here on Doodle Tuts.

Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

Guidelines for Article creation

Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

Guidelines for writing on Doodle Tuts

For style, spelling, grammar, etc., the Chicago Manual of Style and the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary are used. Please be sure to use these so that we can keep all of the articles consistent. There are a few issues to think about when writing for Doodle Tuts.

Credit All Sources and Use Common Sense

Always credit your sources. When you credit your sources, its clear that you arent trying to hide something and it helps protect Doodle Tuts and yourself as an artist. Use common sense. There are no hard and fast rules about copyright. Beware of rules like copying 40% is OK, theres no such thing. And remember that even aside from exact words or images, it can be the idea or principle. If you think something might not be OK, then trust your gut and dont do it.

Source Images
Some tutorials make use of photos. There are a few things you need to know in this regard: DO NOT use images from Google Image search or simply taken from a website DO NOT use images from Flickr UNLESS they have a Creative Commons License. In this case you must provide a link back to the Flickr page you found the image on. Note you can find CC Commercial images on Flickr using their Advanced Search feature. DO use images you photographed yourself DO use images from free stock sites like and, BUT make sure you check the agreement for use in files for distribution. Sometimes you need to ask permission from the photographer. Thank you for taking the time to make sure the photos are OK.

Author/Artist Agreement
The author can use tutorial/content graphics in any commercial or non-commercial work, except in an online tutorial. You grant a license to readers to use the knowledge demonstrated in the tutorial/content in their own projects without reference to yourself or Doodle Tuts. They may not reproduce the tutorial itself, but they can use the techniques you teach. You grant a license to Doodle Tuts to be the exclusive publisher of the tutorial/content online. You may republish extracts online for example on your own site however the tutorial in its entirety should not appear elsewhere. You may also republish the tutorial offline in any way you wish e.g. sell it to a magazine, submit it to a book. However, artwork may not be redistributed elsewhere. You consent to the full tutorial, content, extracts, samples or examples from it appearing in other Doodle Tuts products or promotional material.

Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

Article Template
The following pages will demonstrate how you should lay your tutorial out, we have put these guidelines into place so that we can keep a set standard across the site

Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

{Tutorial Title}
Tutorial Details Difficulty: {difficulty rating} Estimated Completion Time: {completion time}

Final Product what youll be creating



{This is where some information about what the tutorial is about will go, shouldnt be more than a few lines long} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae mauris risus, id faucibus erat. Duis feugiat neque non nisl molestie et auctor purus malesuada. Suspendisse cursus nulla eros, non cursus libero. Curabitur tincidunt varius sapien, non aliquet risus sodales a. Phasellus gravida consequat neque non eleifend. Vestibulum vehicula, urna in tempor facilisis, nibh dolor molestie nisi, a ultricies enim odio non erat. Duis euismod feugiat ullamcorper. Fusce tincidunt nulla eu turpis cursus ac viverra dui sollicitudin. Etiam semper dignissim nunc non mattis. Ut posuere, ligula at vestibulum auctor, tellus lorem sodales nulla, ut fringilla nisl arcu ac mauris. Sed tincidunt eleifend mi, eu rutrum dolor porta nec. Vivamus ac lacus turpis, vitae ultrices nibh. Aenean molestie arcu iaculis neque accumsan nec dapibus velit ullamcorper. Quisque at lorem ut nunc congue scelerisque in quis lacus.

Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

Step 1
{This is where some information about what the tutorial is about will go, shouldnt be more than a few lines long} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae mauris risus, id faucibus erat. Duis feugiat neque non nisl molestie et auctor purus malesuada. Suspendisse cursus nulla eros, non cursus libero. Curabitur tincidunt varius sapien, non aliquet risus sodales a. Phasellus gravida consequat neque non eleifend. Vestibulum vehicula, urna in tempor facilisis, nibh dolor molestie nisi, a ultricies enim odio non erat. Duis euismod feugiat ullamcorper. Fusce tincidunt nulla eu turpis cursus ac viverra dui sollicitudin. Etiam semper dignissim nunc non mattis. Ut posuere, ligula at vestibulum auctor, tellus lorem sodales nulla, ut fringilla nisl arcu ac mauris. Sed tincidunt eleifend mi, eu rutrum dolor porta nec. Vivamus ac lacus turpis, vitae ultrices nibh. Aenean molestie arcu iaculis neque accumsan nec dapibus velit ullamcorper. Quisque at lorem ut nunc congue scelerisque in quis lacus.


Note: Follow this step for all the steps that are included in your tutorial


Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

{This is where a small conclusion about your article will go} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae mauris risus, id faucibus erat. Duis feugiat neque non nisl molestie et auctor purus malesuada. Suspendisse cursus nulla eros, non cursus libero. Curabitur tincidunt varius sapien, non aliquet risus sodales a. Phasellus gravida consequat neque non eleifend. Vestibulum vehicula, urna in tempor facilisis, nibh dolor molestie nisi, a ultricies enim odio non erat. Duis euismod feugiat ullamcorper. Fusce tincidunt nulla eu turpis cursus ac viverra dui sollicitudin. Etiam semper dignissim nunc non mattis. Ut posuere, ligula at vestibulum auctor, tellus lorem sodales nulla, ut fringilla nisl arcu ac mauris. Sed tincidunt eleifend mi, eu rutrum dolor porta nec. Vivamus ac lacus turpis, vitae ultrices nibh. Aenean molestie arcu iaculis neque accumsan nec dapibus velit ullamcorper. Quisque at lorem ut nunc congue scelerisque in quis lacus.


This is the finished image.


Copyright Doodle Tuts: 20112012

Last Updated: 7/3/2011

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