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Forty-Second Annual Convention and Exhibition, May 2018



William Angtony*
Hadi Winarto*
Steven Chandra*
Yulio Adhitya Nugroho*
Taufan Marhaendrajana*

ABSTRACT studies in order to tackle this troublesome

reservoir nature.
Sand production is a major problem in the
petroleum industry. Most fields located in Saucier (1974) was one of the pioneers in
Kalimantan Island experience severe sand designing proper sand control methods by using
problems. Various methods and techniques gravel pack. He proposed a rule of thumb equation
including mechanical and chemical methods have that is still widely used today in the oil and gas
been proposed but some have failed and some have industries to properly size gravel packs. As durable
been ineffective in controlling sand production. as it is cheap, the gravel pack is not heavily reliable
Traditional sand control methods tend to solve when faced with excessive sand production in a
sand production problems but cause a significant long-time span where the possible choking effect
drop in the value of the permeability of the can have a severe effect on productivity. Tippie
reservoir. and Kolhaas (1974) highlighted the importance of
properly containing sand production by defining a
This study comprises of the evaluation of a new new skin factor that is attributed to sand
chemical composition to consolidate the loose production. Bratli and Risnes (1979) introduced
sand at their contact point so that it can withstand the important concept of stable sand arch in
the drag forces induced by the reservoir fluids and perforated wells, where a stable arch could be
other induced forces. The proposed chemical used formed naturally after a well is perforated that acts
is the combination of nano silica and resin. This as a natural filter to small sand production.
study is focussed to study the effect of However, the arch stability criterion is not always
concentration to the compressive strength of the properly defined as it relies on vast amount of data
injected core. Permeability is then measured to and sometimes geomechanical properties in the
make sure that there is no significant reduction in near wellbore region cannot be analyzed in a static
the permeability of the core. fashion.

Keywords: Sand Consolidation, Sand Control, As sand problems sprout in oil and gas fields around
Nanomaterial, Organosilane the world, the attention that was previously devoted
into designing mechanical sand control methods are
INTRODUCTION now diverted into properly modeling sand
production using geomechanics techniques that have
Sand production has been a latent problem during been successfully adapted from mining engineering.
the lifespan of oil and gas production. It has the Massie et al (1987) was the first to incorporate rock
negative effect of reducing well productivity, failure criterion in designing sand control methods
deteriorating surface facilities and its corrosive for the Gullfaks field in the North Sea. Further
effect can also reduce well integrity. Problems developments are attributed into modelling rock
related to excessive sand production can happen failure that is the main culprit of sand production
even in the early stages of field development and which was done by Veeken (1991), Anderson
proactive plans should be derived after geological (1986), Morita (1989), and Hainey (1992).

* Institute of Technology Bandung

The development of sand control technology in In this experiment, we measure the change in
Indonesia also relies on gravel pack, as it is one of permeability across a number of combination of
the most economical methods to be installed. composition from organosilane and nanosilica
However, as reservoir pressure drops, affecting oil compounds mixed with a diluted mixture of
productivity as well, it is therefore not economical epoxybased resin to obtain optimum permeability
anymore to rely on gravel pack, which requires a lot reduction of loose sandstone reservoir without
of workover during its process. Companies have penalizing its economic flow rate. We also conduct
shifted into more permanent solutions such as screen tests on biaxial strength of the core samples imbibed
or wire mesh for onshore wells, and frac pack for with the composition mentioned previously to
offshore wells. These mechanical methods are maintain its integrity under pressure cycling due to
reliable in the long run, but the cost is somewhat high the effects of oil and gas production.
for low productivity wells. Davies (1991) proposed a
chemical consolidation method utilizing readily The merit of this research is that we employ an
available industrial grade polymer to reduce the need inexpensive top-down method to physically produce
for expensive stainless steel mechanical sand control nanosilica from silica grains that are easily
devices. The chemical method has its own merit, as obtainable almost everywhere, especially in relation
it increases rock compressive strength and to remainders of cuttings from oil and gas drilling
consolidating loose sands, however care must be activity. Wang and Xia (2004) explained that there
taken in designing the chemical composition due to are currently two approaches in creating nanoparticle
the fact that excessive injection would create plugs of a single compound, namely the top down and
that blocks reservoir permeability. In this bottom up approach, which is summarized in the
publication, we utilize the easily available epoxy Table 1.
resin to consolidate loose artificial sandstone core.
Epoxy resin has been proved to be protective of Based on the considerations presented by Wang &
water and hydrocarbon invasion up to 80 to 130°F Xia (2004), the authors decided that the top-down
(Marfo, 2015) and has been known to possess better approach is suitable for applications of nanosilica in
bonding quality compared to other commercially sand control activity due to its low cost and that
available resins such as furans or phenolics. Mishra currently there is no need of advanced nanosilica that
and Ojha (2016) were the first researchers who could serve as wettability altering agent, although
proposed the utilization of urea formaldehyde resin later developments will encourage multitasking
imbibed with nanosilica for sand consolidation. nanosilica to be employed.
However, this study requires constant high
temperature to maintain chemical integrity of the The nanosilica are prepared from mesh 100
mixture, thus making it not economical to be applied sandstone obtained from local sources. The sand is
in Indonesia where low reservoir temperature is then manually ground to reduce agglomeration due
mostly encountered and the availability of urea to presence of humidity and ensuring higher
formaldehyde resin is an issue as it is not easily efficiency of the ball mill utilized for making
obtained due to security measures. nanosilica, as shown in figure 1. The ball milling
process itself was done in an affiliated institution that
METHODS specializes in providing scientific services, with the
specifications listed below and described in figure 2,
The methodology used in this research includes, but with resulting nanosilica potrayed in figure 3.
is not limited to permeability measurement, biaxial
tester and core flooding. Core flooding is a In this research, we used several artificial sandstone
laboratory test in which a fluid or combination of cores using the ratio 65 % sand to 35% cement in
fluids is injected into a sample of rock. We use the order to properly simulate unconsolidated sandstone
core sample that is made in the laboratory with reservoir. In total, 11 artificial cores were made to
certain specifications. This process is utilized to test permeability reduction and compressive strength
inject nanoparticle mixture with brine using only properties of resin mixture. In order to properly
linear displacement inside the core sample to consolidate the aforementioned sandstone cores, a
maintain integrity and equal amount of nanoparticle mixture of epoxy resin, organosylane and nanosilica
distribution. The principle of this test is to show how were made. Due to its chemical affinity, heating is
liquids flow through rock. Depending on the purpose not required in order to mix these two substances, but
of the test, coreflood conditions may be either there are traces of colloidal mass that appear at the
ambient temperature and low confining pressure or bottom of the container. For this research, the
high temperature and pressure of a subject reservoir. apparatus utilized are gas permeameter, gas

porosimeter and hydraulic press as shown in figures compounds. The presence of nanosilica in these tests
4-6. The material used are synthetic sandstone core reduces the requirement of continuous monitoring
made from 100 mesh sand, class G cement, epoxy of permeability reduction parameter, as it helps in
resin and organosilane, where the core samples are reducing the negative effects of epoxy injection.
shown in figure 7. The concoctions are divided into Table 3 and figure 11 also pinpoints the reliability
two sections: base case using standard epoxy mixture of nanosilica compound in increasing
as described by Chandra (2016), portrayed in figure compressive strength of sandstone cores. This
8 and the modified concoction utilizing colloidal parameter signifies the amount of pressure that is
nanosilica that can be seen in figure 9. It is also worth needed to implement first crack in rock sample,
noting that the nanosilica has to be properly mixed where in sand control measures this parameter
using agitation and the remaining suspended implies the integrity of rock samples against
materials ought to be filtrated in order to reduce overburden pressure and hydrostatic pressure
plugging in porous sandstone cores tested. from column of fluid (water or hydrocarbon). The
test results in exemplary fashion where cores
To obtain more accurate results, we divide the tests injected with nanosilica proceeds to withstand
into two aspects A and B, where part A is dedicated more pressure compared to base case. This is
to test the effect of nanosilica- doped resin against caused by the relatively minuscule nanosilica
compressive strength, whilst part B will be tested which is able to seep between small cracks or
against permeability reduction. A total of 6 weaknesses, reducing the amount of disintegrated
artificial cores are utilized for this project, with the parts inside core samples. Further studies must be
dimension ranging around 1” x 1.5”, where 11 encouraged in order to properly map the
cores were built but 5 cores were deemed to be too propagation of nanosilica inside pore networks
unstable for further testing. It is also important to using relevant methods, and the exact integrity-
note that porosity and permeability are measured strengthening mechanism must be investigated
using gas porosimeter and gas permeameter further in future publications. However, this
consecutively, with the samples exhibiting avant-garde study should prove to be eye-opening
porosity ranging from 22-26% and permeability to industry practitioners that siliceous materials
ranging from 400 md-2000 md for very loose that are often regarded as waste materials can be
sands. Base case cores are also used as a recycled and engineered as a prudent solution for
comparison for technical and economical values of containing excessive sand production.
application of nanosilica in maintaining reservoir
consolidation. CONCLUSION
RESULTS This publication addresses an alternative
utilization of siliceous material as a method to
From the resulting tests, we have found that the
counteract sand production problems that mostly
application of nanosilica in doping epoxy-based
occur in unconsolidated high rate or mature oil and
concoction greatly reduces the need of more
gas wells. Based on the results of compressive test
expensive chemicals and acts as an intermediate
and permeability reduction tests, we conclude that
chemical compound that allows consolidation by
this material has a potential to be further utilized
seeping into unconsolidated pore networks and is
in field applications for mitigating and containing
able to assist in withholding granular invasion due to
troublesome sand production.
pressure drawdown and intergranular friction. As
seen on table 2 and figure 10, where in table 2 the top
three rows depict nanosilica doped cores and the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
bottom three depicts base case, we can conclude that
the addition of 8000 ppm of nanosilica compound, it The authors would like to extend their gratitude to
effectively reduces the value of penalized OGRINDO Research Consortium that has
permeability as a side effect of resin consolidation. supported the research from the beginning, and Dr.
Previous publications, including Chandra (2016) Edy Sanwani, MT from Mineral and Ore
noted that excessive addition of epoxy mixture into Processing Laboratory (FTTM ITB) for his
unconsolidated cores in the end tend to plug guidance in processing silica material. It is also
interconnecting porous network in sandstone cores. worth noting that this work cannot be done without
Therefore, preventive measures must be done to priceless assistance of Advanced Material
acquire the correct mixture that is not too thinly Processing Unit in BATAN Bandung.
diluted or excessively diluted with organic

REFERENCES Formation in Oil Field, International Petroleum
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Presented at OGRINDO Research Consortium Saucier R.J., 1974, Considerations in Gravel Pack
Annual Meeting. Design, Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol.26,
Davies, D.R., Applications of Polymers in Sand
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Sand Flow or Stability in Unconsolidated Sand
Hainey, B.W. and Troncoso, J.C., 1992, Frac Pack: Reservoir, SPE Annual California Regional
An Innovative Stimulation and Sand Control Meeting.
Technique, SPE International Symposium on
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Kooijman, A.P., 1991, Sand Production Prediction
Massie, I. Nygaard, O., Morita, N., 1987, Gullfaks Review: Developing an Integrated Approach, SPE
Subsea Wells: An Operator Implementation of a Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
New Sand Production Prediction Model, SPE
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Parameter Top-Down Bottom-Up

Methods Physical high energy grinding, Chemical process, such as Sol-Gel,
milling, and cryogenic process Thermal, Controlled Hydrolysis

Size Macroparticles to nanoparticles Atomic size to nanoparticles

Cost Relatively cheaper for grinding or Expensive
Uniformity Considerably within normal Highly uniform
Chemical Same as before or minimal changes Heavy chemical properties
Properties alteration



Case Core Initial K Final K Reduction (%)

1+N* E1 3021.5 1568.8 48.07876882

2+N E2 3604.9 1882.9 47.76831535

3+N E3 796.59 532.4 33.16511631

1 E10 3502.3 1634.3 53.33637895

2 E7 2398 540.81 77.44745621

3 E9 2381.8 1580.1 33.65941725

) Nanosilica injected cores



Case Core No Compressive Strength

1+N* E1 1830.755863

2+N E2 2444.596599

3+N E3 1794.745096

1 E10 1509.191341

2 E7 2352.099361

3 E9 1798.919542
) Nanosilica injected cores

Figure 1 - Preprocessing of Siliceous Material Using Manual Milling

Figure 2 - Specification and Cross Section of Planetarium Ball Miller

Figure 3 - Nano Silica Powder Resulting from Planetarium Ball Milling Process

Figure 4 - PERG Gas Permeameter

Figure 5 - PORG Gas Porosimeter

Figure 6 - Hydraulic Press

Figure 7 - Samples of Unconsolidated Sandstone Cores

Figure 8 - Standard Epoxy Mixture for Base Case

(a) (b)

Figure 9 - Nanosilica Doped Concoction (a) Before and (b) After Filtration

Permeability Reduction
Permeability Reduction (%)

40 w/o Nanosilica
30 with Nanosilica
1 2 3
Sample No

Figure 10 - Comparison of Permeability Reduction (%) From Three Test Cases

Compressive Strength

Compressive Strength (psi)



w/o Nanosilica
1000 with Nanosilica


1 2 3
Sample No

Figure 11 - Comparison of Compressive Strength Increment from Three Test Cases

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