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= ALLEN ™ CLASS PRACTICE TEST for JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED ) 2019 NURTURE COURSE PEEK BATCH : AIM SECTION - I - SINGLE CORRECT [+3 & -1] 1. Foran orbital, the number of angular node is 2. If the radial probability curve for the orbital is ‘Academic Session: 2017-18 anit — then the orbital must be (A) 3d (B)Sd {C) 6f (D) 4p 2. If the position of an electron can be determined within + 0.0001 A precision when momentum of electron is, Z hore ays 0.529 A, Then find the ratio of minimum uncertainty in momentum to given momentum, a {h = 6.626 x 10°] (A) 2645 (B)3425 (c)e28a (0) 1257 3. Fora particularorbital of uniclectronie species, the radial wavefunction is given as yen Vo =ie| +] (e° -90? +200-12)e% 0764 (a0) where o= 2! & a= 0.529A If itis known that a radial distance of 3 there exists a radial node, calculate maximum radial distance at Which radial probability is zero, (a) 2342 x 10% m (B)1324x10?m = (C) 158710" m ——(D) 3246 x 10" m 4. The distance of spherical nodes from nucleus for the given orbital are Yu sie( =] [(6° —40 +3)] exp(-o/2) 2zr where ay & Zare the constants and 6 = ay (A) Zero, inifinty CHEMISTRY 1 radius of 1* orbit of 5. The radial wave function for Is electron in H - atom is R er% where H-atom, The ratio of radial probability of 1s electron in hydrogen atom at distance ay from nucleus to that at distance fi a stance “> from nucleus, 1 4 e (A) equal (B) ) -(ST}, (D) = (PQR) _(D) (A) -(PQR), (B) - (PQRST), (C)- (ST), (D) - (POR) (A) (A) -(P), (B) - (PQRST), (C)(A) -(PQR), (B) - (QRS), CHEMISTRY 2 10. i. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Match the column - Column-I Column-II (ay) (P} Indicates the distance from nucleus Bom (Q) _Itcanhave only two possible values. O m {R) Possible values are 0 to (n= 1) D) on {S} _ Indicates the possible orientations in space. {T) Possible values are +1 to -1 including ‘Zero! (A) (A) -(R), (B) -(Q), (C) - (ST), (D) = (P) (B) (A) -(RT), (B) -(Q), (C) - (ST), (D)-(P) (CVA) -R), (B) -(Q), (C) - (5), (D) -(P) {D) (A) -{R), (B) -(Q), (C)- (ST), (D) - (PQ) How many non-spherical sub-shells are possible that have atleast two maxima ifa curve is plotted between radial probability distribution function versus radi distance for which principal quantum number: n <4? (ays (B)4 2 5 The figure shows a sample of H-atoms having electron revolving in higher orbit‘. If this electron makes transition from this orbit ‘to the ground state, number of Paschen lines emitted is: (a4 (81 ye 3 deBroglie wavelength associated with an electron in 4" orbit of hydrogen atom is a X (7trg) where tp is radius of 1* orbit of hydrogen atom, find value of 'a'. (ay (Bs (cy2 (D)16 IF uncertainities in measurement of postion and momentum of an electron are equal, then the uncertainity in measurement of its velocity is: m, = 9.1 x 10" kg, and h = 6.625 x 10d (A) 8 x 10 (B)9 x 10° (C)7.2 x 10% (D)6.3 x 10° The aeclerating potential that must be imparted to a proton beam to give it an effective wavelength of o1 Ais (A)2V (B)6.8V (D)8V D)13V The ratio of angular nodes of 3d orbital and radial nodes of 3p orbital isx : 1 what is the value of x. (ay (B)2 (03 (D4 ‘The minimum number of waves made by a Bohr electron in an orbit of maximum magnetic quantum number will be- (ay (B)3 4 os The radial probability of finding an electron at spherical surface S,,S, and S, are inorder IA)S, = 5) = Sq (B)S, > S,>S, (C)S, <8, >S, (D)S,S, CHEMISTRY 3 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. SECTION - Il - ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT [+5 & -2] The given diagram shows points P,, P, P and P, in Is orbital 's orbital “The comect order of increasing radial probability at these point are (ADP, = Py = Py > Py (B)P, = Py Py = Py (D) P, = P, =P, < Ps Choose the conect statement(s) : (A) The shape of an atomic orbital depends upon azimuthal quantum number (B) The crigentation of an atomic orbital depends upon the magnetic quantum number (C) The energy of an electron in an atomic orbital of multi-electron atom depends upon principal quantum number onky (D) The number of degenerate atomic orbitals of one type depends upon the value of azimuthal quantum number The radial part of schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen atom is wh) = (6 ~ 1) (0? - 86 + 12) «7? 16V4.a;” Where ag = constant & 6 = 2r/nay: n = principle quantum number Select the comect statements (A) Distance of nearest radial node from the nucleus is 2a. (B) Distance of farthest radial node from the nucleus is 12a, (C) Number of maxima in the curve 4n7y") vs rare 4. (D) Wl) is for 4p orbital Inanexcited state, a calcium atom has the eletronie configuration 1s*2s?2p°3s"3p%4s"dd?. What isthe orbital angular momentum for d electron = (a) Van (B) Vi6n (Cl von (D) V10n Which of following has correct matching for the curve and the orbital I I I “5 S| _ 2 é z = = & § § r 7 5 (A) Ip) nas) map) {B) 1p) (3d) TI(3s) (C) Wad) (2p) TS) (D) I{2s) W4f) (3d) CHEMISTRY 4 22. 23. 24. 26. Choose the contect statements from among the following, (A) a node is a pointin space where the wave function (‘P) haszero amplitude {B) the number of peaks in the radial distribution curves is n—1 (C) radial probability density p, (t) = 47°, (D) ¥* represents the atomic orbital De-Broglie wavelength of two particles A & B [of similar charge) are plotted against |: where V is potential on the particles. Which of the following relation is correct about mass of particle : B _ Iv (A) My = My (8) M, > My. (C) M, < My (D) My Ms Which of the following graphs of radial part of wave function (‘P) v/s distance from nucleus isare comecty labelled ? 1s 3s 3p 2s 4 | "| | (a) (B) (c) (D) 77 aa A graph is plotted between uncertainity in position and inverse of uncerntanity in wavelength for an electron, ‘We get a straight line passing through origin. Calculate voltage through which electron is accelerated with - =) & o-unt(2) (i) a (A) 150V {B) 75V (C)37.5V (D) 300V Choose the correct stalement(s)- {A) Radial wave function [\(r)] of 2p, & 2p, orbitals are same (B) Angular wave function [(0,6)) of 2p, & 2p, are different {C) Angular wave function (W(0,9)) of 2p, & 3p, are same (D) Angular wave function [\(8,6)) of 2p, & 3p, are same CHEMISTRY 5 27. 28. 29. The probability density plots of 1s and 2s orbitals are given in diagram. Is orbital 2s orbital The density of dots in a region represents the probability density of finding electrons in the region. On the basis of above diagram which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ? {A) 1s and 2s orbitals are spherical in shape. {B) The probability density of finding the electron is maximum near the nucleus. {C) The probability of finding the electron at a given distance is equal in all directions, {D) The probability density of electrons for 2s orbital decteases uniformly as distance from the nucleus increases. Select the correct statement(s) {ADR (1) vsr curve for3s intersect 'x’ axis as2 point other than infinity. {B) Orbital angular momentum quantum number of ‘3p is ‘1’, {C) Radial probability density of electron belonging to 2s is zero at nucleus. {D) Outside any orbital, probability of finding an electron is exactly zero. Choose the conect statement. (A) d,, orbital lies in the xz plane. {B} p, orbital lies along x-axis. (C) Lobes of d,s ,: orbital ate at 90° with z-axis. (D) Lobes of d,, orbital are at 90° with z-axis, SECTION - COMPREHENSION TYPE [+3 & -1] Paragraph for Q.30 to Q.31 30. 31. Asa consequence of dual behaviour of matter and radiation Hensenbera's uncertainty principle was proposed, according to which product of uncertainties in position and momentum (Ax and Ap) always exceeds a constat h value (: 2) - Based on this information answer the question that follow : Which of the following statements is comect ? (A) Bohr’s modelis in accordance with Heisenberg uncertainity principle. {B) The principle is not applicable for motion of microscopic. {C) The principle is significant only for motion of microscopic {D) Both Band C. What isthe order of the minimum distance in which the electron can be located ? {mass of electron = 10° lg) (A) approx 10 m (B) approx 107m {Ch approx 107 m (D) approx 10° m Paragraph for Q.32 to Q.34 An unknown orbital shaving the following equation for its wavefunetion, 42) *(o-1)(6" 80 +12)o0*"* cose win80)=3{ 35. where o = 22", ag is constant = 0.529 A and all other parameters have usual meaning. Based on this data answer the question that follow. CHEMISTRY 6 ‘82. Whatis the number of total nodes of the orbital ? (Total nodes = raidal nodes + angular nodes) (A)3. (B)4 (C2 (D)5 10 i the angle measured from z-axis, the the above wavefunction represents which orbital (A) orbital (B) 4, orbital (C)p, orbital (0) d, orbital 84. The maximum distance from the nucleus, where there willa radial node willbe given by es = 52 r= S20 1220 (are (B= (r=$ (r= Paragraph for Q.35 to Q.37 ‘When a particle is restricted to move along x-axis between x = Oandx = a, where a is of nanometer dimension, its energy can take only certain specific values. The allowed energies of the particle moving in such a restricted region, correspond to the formation of standing waves with nodes at its ends x = Qandx = a. The wavelength of this standing wave is related to the linear momentum p of the particle according to the de Broglie relation. The energy ofthe particle of mass mis related tots linear momentum as E = >. Thus, the energy ofthe particle canbe denoted by a quantum number i taking values 1, 2, 3,.... (n= 1, called the ground state) correspond- ing o the numberof loops in the standing wave. Use the model described above to answer the following three questions for a particle moving inthe line: x=, Takeh = 6.6 x 104Jsande = 1.6 x 10°C. =0t0 35. Theallowed energy for the particle fora particular value of nis proportional to (Ale? (Bae? (Chat (je? 36. I the mass of the particle is m = 1,0 x 10° kg and a = 6.6 nm, the eneray of the particle in its around state is closest to (A)0.8meV (B)8meV {C)80meV (D) 800 meV. 87. The speed of the particle, that can take discrete values, is proportional to (ayn? (By nt (Cnt? On wees CHEMISTRY 7 => ALLEN" CLASS PRACTICE TEST for [ewe CAREER ierrruTe| os ERENCES TT JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED ) 2019 fame Sasson 7 NURTURE COURSE DATI Cer BATCH : A1M, A1J SECTION -I- SINGLE CORRECT [+3 & -1] 1B) 2 (A) 3. 4 © 5. 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (A) 9 (A) 10. (D) 11. @®) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15. (C) 16. () SECTION - Il- ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT [+5 & -2] 17. (BO) 18. (ABD) 19. (ABC) 20. (C) 21. (BO) 22. (BCD) 23. (B) 24. (ABCD) 25. (C) 26. (ABD) 27. (ABC) 28. (AB) 29. (CD) ‘SECTION - Ill - COMPREHENSION TYPE [+3 & -1] 30. (C) 31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35. (A) 36. (B) 37. (D)

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