5, 25 Latin Legal Terms You Should Know

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Latin Term Legal Definition Explanation Real-World Use

Ab initio
Often used in reference to contracts, ab
If a contract is entered under false pretenses, a judge can
initio means a court decision is applied to
(From the From the beginning. decide that the contract never existed and is therefore
the start of the issue as opposed to when
beginning) nonbinding.
problems arose.

Ad hoc For the particular end or When there is an issue or problem that
An ad-hoc committee handled energy-related matters
(To this) case at hand without can’t be solved by an existing group, a
before the U.S. House of Representatives created a
consideration of wider new one is created to deal with that
permanent committee in 1977.
application. specific purpose.

Alibi A defense of having

(In another been somewhere other A solid alibi can confirm a suspect’s Alibi was first adapted into the English language in the
place) than at the scene of a innocence, if it proves the suspect was in 18th century as an adverb, but only became a noun by the
crime at the time the a different location from the crime scene. start of the next century.
crime was committed.

One (as an individual or

Amicus organization) that is not
This term is used in criminal justice
curiae a party to a specific
proceedings when a person who is not
(Friend of the lawsuit but is allowed to Judges often receive amicus curiae briefs to explain the
directly involved in the case provides
Court) advise the court possible legal ramifications of the case’s outcome.
evidence or information that could add
regarding a point of law
context to the decision.
or fact directly
concerning the lawsuit.

Actus reus Actus reus is the act of the crime, though

The wrongful act that Committing a criminal act, criminal negligence and
(A guilty act) it also considers deliberate intent to
makes up the physical failing to report a crime all fall under actus reus and can
commit the crime, as opposed to self-
action of a crime. lead to criminal charges.

Bona fide
(In good Characterized by good Bona fide is often used to describe a In Alabama, companies who want to hold a “going out of
faith) faith and lack of fraud person or company that does something business” sale can only receive a license if they are
or deceit. with legitimate intentions. genuinely going out of business.

Prepare by Buithihongngoc for MinilegalEnglishCourse

An extraordinary writ
issued by a superior
Certiorari court (as the Supreme
One of two ways the U.S. Supreme Court can review
(Certified) Court) to call up the A request for documents to be turned
cases from the U.S. Court of Appeals is through a writ
records of a particular over to a higher court by a lower court.
of certiorari.
case from an inferior
judicial body (as a
Court of Appeals)

The substance of a
crime that the
prosecutor must prove
Corpus delicti and that consists of an
(Body of the The main facts surrounding a case that In contemporary times, corpus delicti has also been used
injury or loss (as death
crime) proves to a judge or jury that a crime did to refer to physical evidence in a crime, such as a victim’s
of a victim or
occur. body in a murder.
disappearance of
property) and the
criminal act that
resulted in it.

De facto Many countries, including the U.S. and the United

(In fact) Something that exists without having
In reality. Kingdom, have no official language, but a de
been specifically created or mandated.
facto national language.

De jure
(By right) Concerns something that exists with A de jure government is one that’s codified and enshrined
By right: of right.
authority from the law. by national laws, proving that it is legal and legitimate.

On behalf of or
Ex parte involving only one
In some instances, there may be a situation in a court case
(On behalf of) party to a legal matter A ruling or motion made by just one
with an ex parte proceeding, in which only one side is
and in the absence of party in a dispute.
and usually without
notice to the other party.

Ex post facto
(After the The U.S. Constitution forbids the use of ex post
A recent ruling that will be applied
fact) After the fact. facto laws made by the U.S. Congress and individual

Prepare by Buithihongngoc for MinilegalEnglishCourse

In camera At the judge’s discretion, all or part of a
(In chambers) In camera hearings are often held in the cases of
In private. case may take place without giving the
guardianships, custody disputes or adoptions.
public access.

Of, relating to, or being

a motion, petition, or
In limine order regarding the
(On the A request for the exclusion of certain In 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that “the State
admissibility of
threshold) evidence because it would unfairly sway may not show defendant’s prior trouble with the law…”
evidence whose
the jury or judge. (Michelson v. United States).
exclusion is sought
especially on the ground
that it is prejudicial.

In loco
parentis Some states allow people considered in loco parentis to
(In the place When someone other than the biological
In the place of a parent. have visitation rights, or to consent to medical treatment
of parents) parent assumes responsibility for a minor.
of a minor.

Inter alia The phrase inter alia is a method of

(Among If a suspect is accused of multiple crimes, a prosecutor
shortening legal documents so certain
other) Among other things. would refer to one crime, inter alia in legal documents to
sections don’t have to include every
save space and time.
allegation or every reference.

Ipso facto
(By the very By that very fact or
If someone is born in the U.S., ipso facto they have a U.S.
fact) act: As an inevitable Like the English word “therefore.”
Social Security number.

Locus in quo
(Place in A crime scene can be either where the crime took place or
The place where a legal
which) The scene of a crime. any location where evidence pertaining to the crime is
cause of action arose.

Mens rea Determining mens rea considers whether a crime was

(Guilty mind) A culpable mental state. Seeks to establish a defendant’s intent. committed purposely, knowingly, recklessly and

Prepare by Buithihongngoc for MinilegalEnglishCourse

A connection or link
Nexus between things,
In a legal context, this term could appear
(Connection) persons, or events A nexus is commonly required to establish due process
in legal proceedings when trying to
especially that is or is in criminal cases.
connect laws between jurisdictions.
part of a chain of

Postmortem Also known as an autopsy, a coroner or

If the cause of death is undetermined, in some states a
(After death) Done, occurring, or medical examiner investigates a cadaver
coroner can hold an inquest, or judicial inquiry, to
collected after death. to determine the cause and manner of
determine the cause.

Prima facie On first appearance

(After first absent other Used when a plaintiff or prosecutor has A prima facia case presented by a prosecutor to a grand
view) information or enough evidence for a case to go to trial. jury could result in a criminal indictment.

Pro hac vice

(For this Pro hac vice refers to lawyers take part in
Pro hac vice has been traced back to 1629, used by the
occasion) For this occasion. an out-of-state trial where they don’t hold
English Courts of Common Pleas.
a license.

Quid pro quo

(Something Something (as In a legal context, prosecutors offer alleged criminals a
In a quid pro quo, one person provides
for consideration) given or lighter sentence in exchange for witness testimony
another with a favor or an advantage,
something) received for something against another alleged criminal facing more serious
with the other person returning the favor.
else. charges.

Knowledge of the
nature of one’s act or
Scienter Scienter means having guilty knowledge,
omission or of the An example of scienter can be seen in lemon laws, which
(Knowingly) either in committing a crime or
nature of something in protects consumers from purchasing a vehicle that
withholding knowledge or evidence of
one’s possession that is doesn’t live up to manufacturer warranty claims.
often a necessary
element of an offense.
25 Latin Legal Terms You Should Know - provided by Merriam-Webster’s legal dictionary.

Prepare by Buithihongngoc for MinilegalEnglishCourse

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