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Ingrid Jael Martínez Osorio 9B LGDT Product

Como ser más saludable

1. What? You could take some time to do the things most like you
2. How? You can eat in the Best restaurant and drink the most rested tea of the Day,
make yoga, Cook a salad or real the most interesante tale.
3. Why? Because you Will feel more quiet and happier.

1. What? You maigth workout

2. How? You maight run by the closer Park to your house, dance the crazyest music
and make the most delicious diet of the World
3. Why? Doing so will help you feel healthier, more comfortable, more relaxed.
Como ser más estudiosa
1. What? Organize priorities
2. How? Chose the homework with the closer delivering date and check the most
important information and be more carefuly tan anything.
3. Why?, You will have more time to rest and is important to realize this proces to
be better than other students.

1. What?Find a more comfortable place.

2. How? Have your place the more comfortable and more clean posible, your works
should be the most interesting one.
3. Why? Because your schoogrades will be the higer ones, your works the best and
being more studious you will get a schoolarship

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