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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Koronadal district II


Name : ___________________________________________
Grade Level : ___________________________________________
Section : ___________________________________________
Date : ___________________________________________
Quarter/Week : Q3-W6

I. Lesson Title
 Using an Outline

II. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

 Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on
an issue (EN10LC-IIId-3.18)

III. Specific Objectives

 At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. define outline;
2. identify the essential parts in outlining a composition; and
3. create a composition outline about current issues.

IV. Key Concepts

 Outline

An outline is a sketch of framework of your composition, showing the

important ideas and the order in which you are going to write about them
in an organized form.

An outline is the first step in the writing process. This gives you a brief
and orderly way of showing how ideas, facts and examples are related to
one another. Hence, you can organize your ideas or thoughts about a
subject by making a sentence or topic outline.

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 1

Study the sample outlines of an article below.

Sentence Outline

I. Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia.

A. The countries around Thailand are Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and
B. Its total area is 513,120 sq. km. and its coastline is 3,219 km. long.
C. Its climate is tropical (rainy and dry).

II. The people of Thailand are called Thai.

A. Population is 67,741,401 as of 2013. Ethnic groups include Thai
(95.9%), Burmese (2%), others (2.25%) as of 2010.
B. Thai is the official language.
C. The Thais are predominantly Buddhist in religion.

III. Other information include about the government, economy,

communications, and transportation of Thailand.
A. The kind of government constitutional monarchy; its capital is
B. Thailand has a strong economy due to industrial and agricultural
exports- from electronics to process foods.
C. It has a very sophisticated and highly developed telephone system
and broadcast media, 101 airports, railways, roadways, and

Topic Outline

I. Southeast Asian country

A. Surrounding countries
B. Total area
C. Tropical Climate

II. The Thai people

A. Population
B. Official language: Thai
C. Religion, Buddhist

III. Other information

A. Constitutional monarchy
B. Strong economy
C. A modern system of transportation and communications

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 2

V. Process Questions

1. What is the outline all about?


2. What types of outline were used for the article? Discuss each type.

3. Identify the three topics given in the outline.


4. Write the sentences that lead to the development of details of this



Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 3


I. Introduction
 General information about the topic, reason for the reader to be
interested, context, etc.
 Thesis Statement
II. Main Idea
A. Detail
B. Detail
C. Detail
III. Secondary or Subordinate Ideas
A. Detail
B. Detail
C. Detail
IV. Other Supporting or Related Ideas
A. Detail
B. Detail
C. Detail
V. Conclusion
 Restatement of thesis statement
 Summary of main points, wrap-up

When making an outline, keep in mind the following:

1. Think of a topic.
2. Write the title of the outline.
3. Identify the main topics and number each with Roman Numerals.
4. Identify the sub-topics and mark each with capital letters.
5. Identify the details under each sub-topic and number each with Arabic
6. In an outline, everything comes in pairs. If you have a I, you must have
a II. If you have an A, you must have a B. If you have 1, you must have
2, and so on.
7. You can have a one-point outline, a two-point outline, or three-point
outline, and so on.

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 4

VI. Activities
 Activity 1
Rearrange the details for the outline below. Choose your answers inside
the box. Write it on a separate sheet of paper.

No to Plastics!

I. Let us put a stop to the heavy use of plastics. This has caused gross
environmental problems.
II. Plastics aren’t biodegrable.
III. As garbage, plastics are a threat to life.
IV. There are some proposals to minimize the problems.
V. For good or bad, the use of plastics must be lessened or better yet,
totally stopped before it endangers every living thing on earth.

A. They clog the waterways.

B. They pollute the soil and the sea.
C. They pollute the air when burned.

A. Recycle
B. Reuse
C. Make and use biodegradable plastics

A. They aren’t synthetically or artificially produced.

B. They are made of inorganic substances.
C. They do not rot or decay.

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 5

 Activity 2

Organize your ideas on any of the following issues using a topic or a

sentence outline. Do this on a separate sheet of paper.

Topic 1: Illegal Logging: Why It Must Be Stopped?

Topic 2: Climate Change: What Is It?
Topic 3: Why Do We Need To Recycle?
Topic 4: Choose your own topic

Rubrics for Scoring

Areas of
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points

Presents ideas in
Presents ideas in an Ideas are too Ideas are vague or
Ideas an consistent
original manner general unclear

Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows

Understanding strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding

Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous errors

Most ideas were Some ideas were Ideas presented

All ideas were
Accuracy presented presented need
presented correctly
correctly correctly improvement

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 6

VII. Reflection/Generalization
 Read and answer the following questions.

1. What did you learn about the lesson?


2. What did you like most in this topic?


3. What type of outline do you intend to use in your composition about

current issues? Why?



Teacher II, Engkong ES

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 7

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