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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Koronadal district II


Name : ___________________________________________
Grade Level : ___________________________________________
Section : ___________________________________________
Date : ___________________________________________
Quarter/Week : Q3-W7

I. Lesson Title
 The Conflict

II. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

 Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the
elements (EN6RC-Ig-2.24.1- EN6RC-Ig-2.24.2)

III. Specific Objectives

 At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. define conflict in narratives;
2. identify the different types of literary conflict; and
3. analyze the type of conflict present in narratives.

IV. Key Concepts

 What is Conflict in Narratives?

A conflict is a literary device characterized by a struggle between two

opposing forces. Conflict provides crucial tension in any narratives and is
used to drive the story forward. It is often used to reveal a deeper meaning
in a narrative while highlighting characters’ motivations, values, and

There are two main categories of a conflict: Internal Conflict and

External Conflict.

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 1

 Internal Conflict is when characters struggle with their own opposing
desires or beliefs. It happens within them, and it drives their development
as a character.

 External Conflict sets a character against something or someone beyond

their control. External forces stand in the way of a character’s motivations
and create tension as the character tries to reach their goals.

 Including both internal and external conflict is crucial for a good

story, because life always includes both.

 Just like it takes two to tango, it also takes two (or more) to create a
conflict. What you choose to pit your characters against will have a
significant effect on what kind of story you tell. Many stories contain
multiple types of conflict, but there is usually one that is the main

Types of Literary Conflict

1. Character vs. Self

 This is an internal conflict, meaning that the opposition the character
faces is coming from within. This may entail a struggle to discern what
the moral or ‘right’ choice is, or it may also encompass mental health

Example: Alexa caught her friend Jamie stealing from a classmate. Now
Alexa must choose between keeping her friendship with Jamie
and doing the right thing.

2. Character vs. Character

 This is a common type of conflict in which one character’s needs or
wants are at odds with another’s. A character conflict can be depicted
as a straightforward fist fight, or as intricate and nuance.

Example: Jimmy and Eric compete for the same position on the baseball

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 2

3. Character vs. Nature
 In a nature conflict, a character is set in opposition to nature. This can
mean the weather, the wilderness, or a natural disaster. This is the
essence of the man versus nature conflict: man struggles with human
emotions, while nature charges forth undeterred.

Example: Alex and Scott are out at sea on a small fishing boat when a
large storm hits. After their boat flips over and sinks during the
storm, Alex and Scott struggle to make it back to the shore. Just
when they think that things can’t get any worse, they see a shark
fin circling them.

4. Character vs. Supernatural

 Pitting characters against phenomena like ghosts, gods, or monsters
raises the stakes of a conflict by creating an unequal playing field.
Supernatural conflict also covers characters, like Harry Potter or
Odysseus, who have a fate or destiny and struggle to accept the
sacrifices that come along with it.

Example: Tara and her friends accept a dare to sleepover in the old
abandoned house on the hill. They acted brave at first, but when
they started seeing ghosts they tried to run. Trapped in the
haunted house, Tara and her friends struggle to escape with
their lives.

5. Character vs. Technology

 In a story with this type of conflict, the main character resists
technological forces. He or she may battle rouge robots or hostile
computers. Or he or she may just struggle to accept or use the
technology of a changing world.

Example: Bob is a salesman who never adapted to the new ways of doing
business. Now he has a new boss who forces Bob to send text
messages and emails. Bob struggles to use these technologies
and fears that he will lose his job. But maybe some help from his
youngest son will help Bob catch up to the pace of business

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 3

6. Character vs. Society
 A character vs. society conflict is an external conflict that occurs in
literature when the protagonist is placed in opposition with society, the
government, or a cultural tradition or societal norm of some kind.
Characters may be motivated to take action against their society by a
need to survive, a moral sense of right and wrong, or a desire for
happiness, freedom, justice, or love.

Example: Vanessa makes an art project protesting police brutality. Her art
teacher loves the project and tries to feature it in the town art
show, but the county commission rejects the project. Now
Vanessa and her art teacher are going to fight for the freedom of


 All stories feature some kind of conflict that the characters must face
and overcome. This not only drives the story forward but also gives
readers an insight into the main characters’ actions and motivations.
A good piece of fiction writing will be full of unforeseen tensions,
competition, and power struggles. Nonfiction writing also benefits
from conflict drawn from everyday situations and people that are
central to the narrative.

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 4

V. Process Questions

1. What is a literary conflict?


2. What are the two main categories of literary conflict? Discuss briefly
each category.

3. Enumerate and describe the six types of conflict.


4. Why is conflict a crucial element in narrative texts?


Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 5

VI. Activity

Directions: Read the description of the story. Identify the type of conflict
being used (example: person vs. nature).

1. After breaking his mother's favorite vase, Casey struggles to decide whether he
should tell his mother the truth and face the consequences, or whether he
should attempt to hide his mistake and blame the family dog.

Type of Conflict:

2. Kiko is a ninja warrior trained by Mountain Master Yoho Mahrati. When

Master Mahrati is slain by Shan Bhutan of the Lotus Clan in the most
cowardly of fashions, Kiko lays it all on the line to avenge the death of his
master. Will Kiko overcome Shan Bhutan and the powerful Lotus Clan?

Type of Conflict:

3. It's the year 3030 and society is completely dependent on computers and
robots. A young boy named Domino is flying his hover board to school when
all of the machines start acting up and attacking people due to a powerful
computer virus. What will Domino do now that the machines that are
supposed to help him have turned against him?

Type of Conflict:

4. Brian has the best dog in the world. In fact, he has one of the only dogs in the
world. That's because dogs are not allowed in Brian's world, where people
believe that dogs spread diseases. Brian's dog will be executed if he is caught.
Soon Brian learns of a mysterious underground dog owners club and joins the
fight to legalize dogs. Can Brian and his new friends prove to the world that
dogs are safe and friendly?

Type of Conflict:

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 6

5. Janie is on a white-water rafting trip along a choppy river when their guide
suddenly has a heart attack. Now she and the other passengers must learn to
work together to survive the treacherous rapids. As if things weren't bad
enough, some of the passengers spotted a bear following the confused rafters
along the shore. Will Janie make it home safely?

Type of Conflict:

VII. Reflection/Generalization
 Read and answer the following questions.

1. What did you learn about the lesson?


2. What did you like most in this topic?


Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 7

3. How do you make a story/narrative more interesting to the reader?



Teacher II, Engkong ES

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) in English 6 8

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