Memorandum Moment of Reflection

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Reference No.: GHSE/HS/ME/2021/1108-126

To : All Managing Directors / Chief Executive Officers / Plant Managers /

Business HSE Heads / HSE Managers

From : Yong Sai Chung Date: 8 November 2021

Head Group HSE


Past 5 years incident shows downward trends, however analysis highlighted that recent
incidents are contributed mainly by operational error. These observations are very glaring
especially for our recent Tier 1 Process Safety Event incidents (Major & Minor LOPCs) and
Electrical related fires. As of YTD October 2021, PETRONAS recorded 60% of Major LOPC (6
incidents) and 58% of Minor LOPC (15 incidents) due to operational error. While for Electrical
related fire incidents1, 62% incidents are due to human (10 incidents).

In the continuum of Human Behavior Categorization, we know that contributing factors to

non-compliance include people’s awareness, judgment, understanding, work conditions,
organizational expectations, personal reasons and attitudes (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Continuum of Human Behavioral Factors

In addressing two key factors here i.e., people’s awareness and judgment, Petronas is urging
to introduce a Moment of Reflection that includes prayer (doa) and mindfulness at the
beginning of each workday.

Spiritual prayer is a well-known practice for many religions and requires little introduction.
Studies have shown that Spirituality at Work has the potential to provide employees with a

feeling of purpose while reducing negative effects of stress, thus boosting morale and
improving commitment to the organization (Karakas, 2010).

Mindfulness is a wakeup call in living more consciously and attentively. It sharpens the power
of concentration to our present experiences (Dhiman, 2021). Generative Mindfulness is about
acknowledging our thoughts and feelings in the present moment without judgment, centering
ourselves to the here and now in our workplace, bringing to awareness our inner and external
resources for transformation, and appreciating insights of the right actions moving forward
(Gomez, 2021). Neuroscientists have shown that practicing mindfulness affects brain areas
related to perception, body awareness, pain tolerance, emotion regulation, introspection,
complex thinking, and sense of self (Congleton et al., 2015).

Both mindfulness and spirituality are significant cognitive-behavioral factors in our decisions
and actions that are inherent within people and both can be learnt (McGhee & Grant, 2021).
Both can play an important role in addressing key factors in workplace safety, particularly in
improving awareness and judgment as they help people better manage stress, work
pressure, multi-tasking, sensory overload and multiple distractions.

GHSE acknowledges the different religious and cultural backgrounds of our Assets and
Operations. Thus, no prescriptive prayer/Doa is provided. OPUs/Assets have the freedom to
craft their own prayer/Doa/Moment of Reflection relevant to the existing practices on which
best fit to OPUs/Assets environment. Attachment 1 provides a sample of Doa that can be
considered. The practice stipulated in the above shall be implemented by December 2021.

For further clarification or assistance, please contact:

• M Nazri B Jaafar, Manager Leadership & Culture, PSM, GHSE
( or +603 - 23925592)
• Dr Brendan Jeremy Aloysius Gomez, Manager Behavioral Psychologist, Change &
Communication, GHSE ( or +603 - 23926715)
• M Bashir B Ngah, Head Process Safety Management, GHSE
( or +603 – 23312869)

Thank you.

Yong Sai Chung

Head (Group Health, Safety & Environment)

1. Based on Presentation to Process Safety Asset Integrity review committee on 5th Oct 2021


Distribution List:

All Head of Plants / Head of Regions

Datuk Joseph Podtung

Head of HSE, Upstream

W M Syuhaidi B W Chik
Head of HSE, Downstream

Madam Sulo Belawan

Head of HSE, Gas & New Energy (GNE)

Encik Suhaimi B Ahmad

Head of HSE, Project Delivery & Technology

Capt Sachi Atmalingam

Head of Corporate HSE, MISC

Puan Zalina Ibrahim


All BU PSM Manager

All HSE Managers


Attachment 1

Sample Doa

Lets us start with Surah Al-Fatihah for muslim and Moment of Reflection for non muslim.

‫و الصالة و السالم على أشرف االنبياء و المرسلين و على أله و صحبه اجمعين‬. ‫الحمد هلل رب العالمين‬

Wahai Tuhan kami, permudahkanlah semua urusan kerja-kerja kami khususnya kelancaran
operasi loji dan projek-projek kami di OPU X

Wahai Tuhan kami, kurniakanlah keselamatan kepada kami dan semua warga kerja di loji,
pejabat dan projek kami dan juga kepada semua loji-loji PETRONAS, projek-projeknya,
asset-asetnya dan warga kerjanya di seluruh pelusuk dunia.

Wahai Tuhan kami, kurniakanlah kepada kami fokus yang baik agar kami dapat menunaikan
AMANAH kerja kami dengan jayanya, dengan dapat melihat semua bahaya yang ada dan
bahaya yang mendatang bagi kami mengelakkannya demi keselamatan diri kami, loji, projek
kami dan asset-asset PETRONAS amnya.

Wahai Tuhan kami, kurniakanlah kejayaan dan keberkatan bagi semua operasi dan usaha
kami agar dapat kami mencapai matlamat dan kejayaan seperti yang diharapkan
berlandaskan nilai-nilai PETRONAS Culture Beliefs (PCB)

‫و سالم على المرسلين‬. ‫سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون‬. ‫و صلى هللا على سيدنا محمد و على أله و صحبه وسلم‬
‫و الحمد هلل رب العالمين‬


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