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Form 4 Chemistry


Problem Statement:
Joyann is a forensic scientist that has a sample of black ink from a crime scene. She wants to
find out whether the ink came from Joe’s pen or Sam’s pen. You are required to assist Joyann by
using a scientific technique to help solve the crime by Planning and Designing an experiment to
assist her.

Hypothesis- Clearly Stated 1

-Testable, one variable 1

Aim- related to hypothesis and problem statement, method used to be specified. 2

Apparatus and materials- All essential ones stated 2
Method –Present Tense 4
- Suitable, Logical and Scientific
Variables mentioned -Controlled 3
- Responding

Data to be collected – Observations, measurements or qualitative data which 2

will prove or disprove hypothesis
Treatment or Interpretation of Data
Precautions/Limitations/Assumptions 3
Total Student’s mark/20 = X/10

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