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are) kd» Me ec After stealing a valuable jewel in Shumballa, the capital of Kush, the heroes want to return to the coast to leave the country by ship. On their woy back a village appears, where a group of warriors performs an arcane ritual. One of them is changed by the sorcerer’s magic and in its place an orange smoke appears, which takes on a monstrous form ... Were these warriors waiting for you? Is ito trap? Behind your backs, still far away, you hear Kushite war songs. There seem to be numerous warriors on the path that has led you to the village. To escape from this confinement, the heroes decide that it is better to cross the town than to engage the approaching Kushite warriors. Winning the Game J Ia least | heroe leaves the board with the jewel, which must be from the area marked 2, they win the game. ey Ifoll heroes are deod, or ifat the end of turn 12 the heroes’ goal is not fulfilled, the Overlord wins the gore. Zogar Sag: Starts the game with 1 spell: The game starts with the Heroes! turn. The heroes stort in area I, Zogar Sag starts in the area indicated by the setup diagram. Suggestions for Heroes (4): + Conan - Battle Axe, Leather Armor + Shevatas - Kriss, Throwing Knives + Hadratus - Dagger and 2 spells: Mitra's Halo, Lightning Strike. Mitra's halo is already activated at setup + Bélit - Ornamental Spear, Tribal Shield ®@ After Setup, each Hero moves 0 gems from their Reserve zone to their Fatigue zone. ® @ _ The Dverlord storts with 10 gems in is Reserve zone and 0 in hist Fatigue zone, and recovers § gems per turn. He places the recovery token showing a recovery value of 5 in the Book of Skelos. F sgi=Gusos eeomae. fy et’s Bite and 1 lifepoint + 1 extra per hero. Example: if there are 4 heroes, Sogar Sag starts with 1+4 = 5 life points. EVENTS Reinforcements: 7 reinforcement points (5 points with 2 heroes, 6 with 3 and 8 with 5 heroes). As long as there are reinforcement tokens on the board (flame tokens), they can be used as normal. The O: Smoke takes Shape: Each turn the Overlord can (at no cost) withdraw one of the flame tokens and replace it with o Dark Demon, a Giant Serpent or 3 hyenas. Only one of these can be summo- ned per event. The corresponding tile is placed at the end of the Overlords’ River. Dark Demon: Equipped with a Tribal Mace. The Dark Demon has 2 life points +1 per par- ticipating hero. & Giant Snake: The Giant Snake has 4 life points +1 per participating hero. ®@ Hyenas: Three Hyenas will appear, each with 1 life point. $i # Seif Vee OB) ‘The stolen [ewel: The heroes decide among themselves which of them will wear the jewel. f that heroe is Killed, the jewel drops in the area where the hero died. Heroes in that area can pick it up. If the Overlord units pick it up, this will be known by the heroes. The Overlord may decide if the heroes RMR Naar Mee Umar LS the ground. The jewel can be picked up with a simple manipulation. Sogar Sag, the Kushites and the Dark Demon can pickup the Jewel - atthe some cost Animals like the Giant Snake and the Hyeno's will never take it, but they can protect it if the Overlords move them into the same area. Kushites on the attack: Belit’s guards act as enemies. At the start of the game, place one guard nore on any of the spaces with Overlord troops if 3 heroes are in play, place 2 more guards if 4 or 5 eet Chests: Make a draw deck of chest items, which contain: 1 javelin, 1 shield, 1 life potion, 1 chainmail and 1 empty chest. Place the 5 chests on the map as indicated in the setup diagram. All chests are Deen Re Re a ee -», Impassable Walls: Palissades on the map and the added rubble tokens are ee ee acme cid NUS aun Rac et ears Fy ee Coe RU RCE OR ele ee eee PCC cura Ceara tces n meR erD Dace eee ROR ae) ‘Mighty river: The river area is considered impassable. Even if you have the Swim Skill, ‘Huts: all huts have hut flaps and they cost 1 extra movement point for the heroes to pass through. The Overlord Pe A een Ro Cun Cae ce eco

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