Leadership Manual

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Jesus though He was God recognized the need for support in spreading of the gospel and Fulfilling the

’purpose of the father. He chose 12 men to he Him accomplish His aims. Paul the apostle had Titus,
Timothy, Barnabas and many others. The biblical example of leaders selecting men and women to assist
them in the purposes of the kingdom is clear and cannot be denied. What is critical to ministerial success
in accomplishing the mandate of God is the selection of the right people to act as lay leaders or
supporters, ministry helpers in the work of the Lord.

The persons selected must possess basic biblical gifting that would enable him/her to fulfill the assigned
role or function.

Leadership in the ecclesia is different from secular LEADERSHIP. While secular Leadership focuses on the
personal gifting and ability of the individual to fit them for the position. Oftentimes in the ecclesia it is an
matter of choice, Gods Choice. The people of this world rule over each other but will not be so With you.
Whoever of you wants to be great must be the servant of all.

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