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Third-Party Logistics: A Meta-Analytic Review and Investigation of its Impact

on Performance

Article  in  Journal of Supply Chain Management · December 2013

DOI: 10.1111/jscm.12046


122 2,430

4 authors:

Rudolf Leuschner Craig Carter

Rutgers Business School Arizona State University - W.P. Carey School of Business


Thomas J. Goldsby Zachary Rogers

The Ohio State University Colorado State University


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Arizona State University

The Ohio State University

Arizona State University

Interest in third-party logistics has been steadily increasing over the last
two decades. Recently, increased focus by researchers has produced a solid
literature base of academic research. In this article, a meta-analytic
approach is employed to provide a quantitative review of the empirical lit-
erature and examine relevant constructs. Fifty-four samples across 69 peer-
reviewed journal articles, yielding a total of 9,386 observations, were
obtained and analyzed. We used transaction cost economics and the
resource-based view as lenses to hypothesize a structural model of the
relationships between relational governance structure, logistics customer
service, and firm performance. Additional relationships were also found
and analyzed, helping to clarify the mixed existing findings in the litera-
ture. The study concludes by mapping out future directions for 3PL
research, based on the study’s findings.

Keywords: third-party logistics; transaction cost economics; resource-based view;

meta-analysis; customer service; firm performance

INTRODUCTION warehouse operations spend were outsourced

Since its inception in the 1980s, the concept of (Langley, 2012).
third-party logistics (3PL)—defined as the outsourc- As noted by Maloni and Carter (2006), the three pri-
ing of multiple logistics activities (Sink, Langley & mary reasons for outsourcing logistics services are (1)
Gibson, 1996)—has become a dominant reality for service improvements, (2) cost reduction, and (3) a
the movement and storage of goods and informa- desire by the organizations that purchase these logistics
tion in today’s supply chains. An earlier synthesis of services to focus on their own, nonlogistics core compe-
the vast, descriptive data from the “Lieb and Langley” tencies. Thus, an important research question to be able
annual studies, conducted by Ashenbaum, Maltz to answer is whether 3PLs can improve customer ser-
and Rabinovich (2005), suggests annual growth vice and firm performance. In addition, an understand-
rates of between five and ten percent for the 3PL ing of the type of customer–3PL relationship that is
industry. And the most recent of these annual needed to improve customer service and, ultimately,
studies, comprised of survey responses from more firm performance is also desirable to provide a more
than 2,000 industry executives, found that over 54% granular answer to this research question. Maloni and
of shippers’ transportation spend and 39% of their Carter (2006) identified 45 survey-based papers in the

January 2014 21
Journal of Supply Chain Management

3PL domain as of 2004,1 and their results suggest a LITERATURE REVIEW

trend of increasing research interest surrounding 3PLs.
Given the 10 years that have passed since Maloni and Logistics Outsourcing and the 3PL Literature
Carter’s data collection efforts, it is likely that a “critical A review of the literature reveals that third-party
mass” of empirical research exists, which would allow a logistics and logistics outsourcing have meant
more formal, meta-analytic examination of key con- different things to different people since the subjects
structs surrounding 3PLs, including the buyer–3PL rela- first appeared in the academic literature in the late
tional orientation, customer service, and firm 1980s. Definitions are critical in the conduct of
performance relationships. meta-analyses for they help to ensure consistency in
Our meta-analytic research method allowed us to conceptual domain and enhance our understanding
aggregate and summarize the existing research in the of focal constructs (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004). Early
domain of 3PLs. The major benefit of this approach is conceptualizations of third-party logistics characterize
that we were able to obtain results that are valid logistics outsourcing quite broadly, as employing an
beyond the limited scope of primary studies and outside company to perform all or part of another
move toward making empirical generalizations. Indi- company’s materials management and product
vidual studies, because of their relatively small sample distribution functions (Simchi-Levi, Simchi-Levi &
sizes, usually lack the statistical power needed to Kaminsky, 1999). As an example, Ellram and Cooper
explain the magnitude of a statistical relationship in (1990, p. 1) define third-party logistics providers as
the population (Hunter, 2001; Lipsey & Wilson, “outside parties who provide [shippers with] functions
2001). Another methodological advantage of a meta- not performed by the firm. These can include trans-
analytic study is that sampling or measurement errors portation carriers, warehousers, bankers, brokers, and
can be corrected (Hunter & Schmidt, 1990). suppliers to these functions, such as stevedores.”
This paper has two major research objectives. The Over time, however, the concept of third-party
first research objective is to delve more deeply into the logistics evolved toward service offerings of greater
extant 3PL literature, by investigating the impact of complexity, usually encompassing a combination of
3PL customer service on firm performance, with an services (Ojala, Andersson & Naula, 2006). Further,
examination of the 3PL–customer relational gover- the arrangements between customers and providers
nance structure as a potential antecedent to customer of outsourced logistics service reflect the growing
service. We apply both transaction cost economics complexity in relationship with emphasis placed on
and the resource-based view to develop hypotheses high levels of formality and longer-term commit-
that propose this set of relationships. The second ments, as opposed to arm’s-length transactional
research objective is to identify other key constructs arrangements. This orientation is captured in the
surrounding the 3PL–customer relationship that have definition of “modern third-party logistics” offered
been studied in the extant literature and to investigate by Leahy, Murphy and Poist (1995, p. 5) as: “a
the patterns of potential relationships between these relationship between a shipper and third-party
constructs. The value of doing so will be a better which, compared with basic services, has more cus-
understanding among the research community tomized offerings, encompasses a broader number
concerning relationships that have not yet been of service functions, and is characterized by a longer
examined, as well as relationships that have been term, more mutually beneficial relationship.” Several
sufficiently studied that might not warrant future successive works (e.g., Knemeyer, Corsi & Murphy,
investigation, at least in a linear, direct fashion. 2003; Mello, Stank & Esper, 2008; Murphy & Poist,
The remainder of our article is organized as follows. 1998) embrace this more comprehensive form of
In the next section, we provide a review of the 3PL logistics outsourcing to a point where, today, many
literature, and we describe the evolution of the 3PL regard third-party logistics providers as asset- or
industry across three eras since its appearance in the non-asset-based external parties that may be con-
scholarly literature in the late 1980s. We then sulted for any and all matters related to logistics ser-
introduce the study’s hypotheses. Afterward, we vice (Yeung, Selen, Sum & Huo, 2006) and that are
describe the study’s methodology and present the often engaged in the strategic coordination of their
results of our analyses. Finally, we discuss our results customers’ supply chain activities (Zacharia, Sanders
and provide suggested avenues for future, meaningful & Nix, 2011).
3PL research. “Third-party logistics” began to appear in the titles
of conference papers and journal articles in the late
1980s. A comprehensive review of the 3PL literature
However, a large percentage of these papers reported only conducted by Marasco (2008) chronicles the
descriptive statistics, rank orderings, and/or means tests using
development of the topic, finding that 11 academic
single-scale items and could not be included in a meta-analysis
of common constructs surrounding third-party logistics. articles focused on 3PLs during the 6-year period

22 Volume 50, Number 1

3PL Meta-Analysis

from 1989 to 1994. In the successive 6 years arrangements in Western Europe, select Asian
(1995–2000), the topic was studied in 55 articles, locations, and Australia demonstrating advanced
and in the next 6 years (2001–2006), it was studied applications. Author affiliations seem to underscore
in 86 articles. Literature reviews by Maloni and this trend, with research commonly examining
Carter (2006) and Selviaridis and Spring (2007) outsourcing in the largest markets in Europe (e.g.,
point to similar growth in the works dedicated to Germany and the United Kingdom), Asia (e.g.,
logistics outsourcing. China, Japan, and Korea), and Australia. More
Succinctly, 3PL research can be characterized as recently, 3PL research from smaller or less developed
consisting of three broad eras. The first era consists markets from around the world is making
of descriptive works that capture the burgeoning appearances.
phenomenon of logistics outsourcing. Prevalent Research in this third era often offers contributions
among these works are those by Lieb and colleagues through replication of studies conducted in North
dating back to 1992 featuring both shipper (e.g., America, studying similar phenomena and employing
Lieb, 1992; Lieb & Bentz, 2005a) and provider (e.g., consistent definitions and operationalizations of con-
Lieb & Bentz, 2005b; Lieb & Randall, 1996) per- structs. In other instances, cross-national studies are
spectives. Langley and colleagues have conducted employed to improve understanding of different set-
annual surveys of 3PL customers since 1996 (Sink tings to refine the boundary conditions of theoretical
et al., 1996). These works primarily examine the explanations. Examples of this approach include
motives for outsourcing, the functions outsourced, Bookbinder and Tan (2003), Wang, Chu, Zhou and
and challenges and opportunities for improved logis- Lai (2008), Wang, Lai and Zhao (2008), and
tics outsourcing. Also prominent among these foun- Wallenburg, Cahill, Goldsby and Knemeyer (2010).
dational works is the Who’s Who in Logistics Replications and cross-national comparisons are
directory generated by Armstrong and Associates. instrumental toward the conduct of meta-analysis. For
Dating back to 1995, this annual report estimates one, it underscores the growing interest in a phenom-
the size of the 3PL industry in the United States enon. For another, successive studies of a phenome-
each year and serves as an industry directory and non support the compilation of samples for greater
evaluative reference for shippers. Annual surveys precision in meta-analysis. Finally, compiling a collec-
conducted by these authors reinforced the credibility tion of interconnected constructs across multiple stud-
and growth in the 3PL market in the United States. ies allows for testing hypotheses that are not testable
The second era of research ushers the refinement of within the individual studies (Eden, 2002; Goldsby &
key concepts, the establishment of hypothesis testing, Autry, 2011). The three eras of 3PL research provide
and a stronger orientation toward explanation and sufficient basis upon which to conduct meta-analytic
normative prescription. This work begins to appear in investigation of critical relationships.
the latter half of the 1990s and continues to focus lar-
gely on logistics outsourcing arrangements in the Uni- Hypothesis Development
ted States. Beyond describing market developments, Transaction cost economics (TCE) is a particularly
research in this era begins to explore the characteris- relevant lens by which to study the outsourcing of
tics of successful outsourcing arrangements (e.g., logistics services to 3PLs, as it considers, in part, the
Boyson, Corsi, Dresner & Rabinovich, 1999; Daugher- type of governance structure that firms can use when
ty, Stank & Rogers, 1996; Knemeyer & Murphy, 2004; they make the decision to outsource (Williamson,
Murphy & Poist, 1998; Sink & Langley, 1997) and the 1985). Given that 3PLs involve relationships where
outcomes associated with logistics outsourcing (e.g., the market has already been chosen over vertical inte-
Sinkovics & Roath, 2004; Stank, Daugherty & Ellinger, gration, this facet of TCE is particularly relevant to
1996; Stank, Goldsby, Vickery & Savitskie, 2003). In studies of existing 3PL operations and relationships.
testing hypotheses, these works begin to refine key From a TCE perspective, firms can employ three dis-
constructs and introduce theories to explain proposed tinct types of structures to govern the hybrid, interor-
antecedent and consequent relationships to outsourc- ganizational relationships that fall between simple
ing. Maloni and Carter (2006) find that more markets and hierarchy—muscular, benign, and credi-
advanced analytical approaches (e.g., regression, factor ble (Williamson, 2008). Firms that employ a muscular
analysis, and structural modeling) had become com- approach often provide suppliers with rigid specifica-
monplace in examining complex structures of 3PL tions and chose the supplier that offers the lowest
relationships. price based on these specifications. There is little if
The third era of 3PL research is characterized by any collaboration under a muscular approach, and
greater internationalization in the study of logistics “Muscular buyers not only use their suppliers, but
outsourcing phenomena. It is believed that logistics they often ‘use up’ their suppliers and discard them”
outsourcing as an industry practice is spreading, with (Williamson, 2008, p. 10).

January 2014 23
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Firms that employ a benign governance structure Transaction cost economics can also help inform
implicitly rely on cooperation as a means of mitigat- the potential relationship between a relational gover-
ing unforeseen contingencies in the relationship. nance structure and a key construct examined in
These relationships are characterized by a long time many extant 3PL studies: customer service. Procured
horizon and the seeking of mutual gain, with “trust services are less tangible than products (Sampson &
supplant(ing) power as the key concept” (Williamson, Spring, 2012), and service supply chains can be
2008, p. 10). Williamson also considers a governance more challenging to manage (Barney, 2012; Maull,
structure in which a long time horizon and mutual Geraldi & Johnston, 2012). It can thus be more dif-
gain exist, but where trust is tempered by a recogni- ficult to consider contingencies and contracting haz-
tion that either party might be tempted to act oppor- ards (Williamson, 1975) surrounding specifying
tunistically, particularly if “there is a lot at stake.” This service outcomes. Suppliers of 3PL services that are
credible contracting approach is thus one where both in more adversarial, muscular relationships with
parties consider potential hazards and develop credi- their customers may perceive their customers as hav-
ble commitments to mitigate those potential hazards. ing taken advantage of them through the use of the
Such credible commitments can include, for example, customers’ power to force providers to offer extre-
shared technology. mely low prices. These suppliers may then be more
In reality, most relational governance structures between likely to act opportunistically and extract their
industrial buyers and suppliers incorporate facets of “pound of flesh” by defecting from the spirit of the
both benign and credible structures: a long time hori- contract through offering lower levels of customer
zon, the sharing of mutual benefits and burdens, loy- service facets that are not prescribed in the contract.
alty, commitment, and trust—although that trust is These actions can include, for example, withholding
tempered by a lack of naivete and a realization that information and dedicating resources to other cus-
defection is always possible (Ellram, 1991; Ellram & tomers with which the supplier has a more rela-
Cooper, 1990; Kaufmann & Carter, 2006). In line with tional governance structure. Together, this suggests
the benign and credible contracting approaches of TCE, the following:
relationship marketing (e.g., Morgan & Hunt, 1994),
H2: There is a positive relationship between a rela-
and the buyer–supplier partnership literature (e.g.,
tional governance structure and logistics cus-
Anderson & Narus, 1990), we conceptualize a rela-
tomer service.
tional governance structure between 3PLs and their cus-
tomers as being characterized by “norms of sharing Finally, there is an interest among researchers con-
[burdens and benefits] and commitment based on cerning the possible performance outcomes—such as
trust” (Morgan & Hunt, 1994, p. 20), although trust shipper and receiver operational performance and
might be mitigated by credible commitments or other ultimately improved marketing and financial perfor-
forms of safeguarding. Commitment and trust, in par- mance—that might result from enhanced logistics
ticular, are key variables in interorganizational relation- customer service (Green, Whitten & Inman, 2008;
ships, because they encourage cooperation between Wallenburg, 2009). The resource-based view, with its
organizations and a focus on long-term and mutual focus on the potential for resources to allow a firm
benefits and discourage opportunistic behavior (Mor- to achieve a sustained competitive advantage
gan & Hunt, 1994, p. 22). Given the pivotal role that and thus improve performance, is a particularly rele-
commitment and trust have been shown to play in the vant lens by which to consider the potential rela-
relationship marketing literature, and their prominence tionship between logistics customer service and
within TCE, we posit that, within 3PL relationships: performance.
Barney (1991) defines resources as the attributes of
H1: Relational governance structures are character-
physical, human, and organizational capital that can
ized by a) trust and b) commitment.
allow a firm to employ strategies that improve
For the purposes of our study, we define trust as efficiency and effectiveness to yield a competitive
one member of a buyer–supplier dyad having advantage. A sustained competitive advantage can be
confidence in the abilities of the other member and achieved when a firm strategy uses resources in a man-
thus being willing to rely on the other member of the ner that is not “simultaneously being implemented by
dyad; this definition thus encompasses both credibil- any current or potential competitors and when these
ity and benevolence (Anderson & Narus, 1990; other firms are unable to duplicate the benefits of the
Moorman, Deshpande & Zaltman, 1993). We define strategy” (Barney, 1991, p. 102). Further, these
commitment as “an enduring desire to maintain a resources should be (1) valuable, (2) rare to both a
valued (interorganizational) relationship” (Moorman, firm’s current and potential competitors, (3) imper-
Zaltman & Deshpande, 1992, p. 316). fectly imitable, and (4) nonsubstitutable.

24 Volume 50, Number 1

3PL Meta-Analysis

Such resources may, paradoxically, be easier for METHODOLOGY

firms to achieve externally (e.g., at the supply chain In this section, we describe the sample selection,
level) than internally (Barney, 2012; Hunt & Davis, explain the coding scheme for the final 69 articles that
2012). Barney (2012, p. 4) notes that “resource- were meta-analyzed, and then detail the meta-analytic
based theory… points to the importance of hetero- procedures that were used to generate the data for
geneous purchasing and supply chain management testing the hypotheses and conducting additional,
capabilities in creating the imperfectly competitive post-hoc analyses.
strategic factor markets that makes competitive
advantage in product markets possible” and that the Sample Selection
RBV predicts that supply chain management capabil- The focus of our data collection was to obtain
ities and processes have the potential to be valuable, correlations between constructs of interest from arti-
rare, imperfectly imitable, and nonsubstitutable cles that describe research in the 3PL industry. The
resources, although “Of course, this is ultimately an random coefficient meta-analysis approach suggested
empirical question.” Priem and Swink (2012, p. 9) by Hunter and Schmidt (2004) was employed in this
also assert that “Particularly with regard to relation- study. The sample of primary sources was gathered in
ship resources, many firms excel in value creation two steps. First, we conducted a manual review of
and capture by virtue of unique relationships with… four well-known logistics/supply chain management
(supply chain) partners.” journals that focus on empirical research (Interna-
Achieving high levels of logistics customer service tional Journal of Logistics Management, International
should require a close and collaborative relationship Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Manage-
between a buyer and service supplier—or in other ment, Journal of Business Logistics, and Journal of
words a relational governance structure, as defined Supply Chain Management). Empirical studies of the
earlier—and these high levels of logistics customer 3PL industry were gathered and inspected for
service are likely not achievable in all 3PL–customer appropriate keywords to be used for the comprehen-
relationships. Thus, customer service can be thought sive keyword search. Five keywords were selected:
of as a heterogeneous resource that, under the “3PL,” “third-party logistics,” “logistics outsourcing,”
resource-based view, is: “logistics service,” and “logistics service provider.” We
• at least somewhat rare—mastery of logistics excel- verified that the keywords returned all relevant studies
lence remains elusive; despite more than three dec- identified via our manual search. Then, we conducted
ades of outsourcing practice, service arrangements full-scale searches in the EBSCO and ABI-Inform data-
do not always achieve their goals; the frequency of bases, using the previously identified keywords.
rebids perhaps alludes to this proposition, as does Our database of articles contained 864 papers, and of
the number of lawsuits filed for performance fail- these, 241 articles were selected for further close exami-
ures or contract violations; nation as they were articles that used an empirical 3PL
• difficult to imitate—3PL–client relationships are sample and reported quantitative results. The research-
rooted in interpersonal relationships between the ers thoroughly evaluated the individual items used to
two organizations; high-performing interpersonal operationalize the constructs to ensure that the original
relations are regarded as difficult for competitors to authors used measures of the constructs to properly
dislodge; classify them. It was also ensured that zero-order corre-
• certainly nonsubstitutable, because all firms track lations between constructs were obtainable. We initially
and attempt to manage logistics customer service, found 81 articles that were suitable; however, the
although to varying degrees of success; and required information was not available, and thus, our
• likely valuable, because a minimum level of logis- sample of usable articles had to be reduced. Overall, 69
tics customer service is generally considered to be articles using 54 independent samples (k) and repre-
an order qualifier, while higher levels of logistics senting 9,386 observations (N) were successfully identi-
customer service beyond the order-qualifying fied, coded, and used for further analysis. These articles
threshold can allow a firm to differentiate itself are shown in Appendix A.
vis-a-vis its competitors.
Placing logistics customer service within the
Coding and Correlation Retrieval
A coding system was set up to classify the constructs
resource-based view in this manner, we put forth the
in the original studies per Lipsey and Wilson (2001).
study’s final hypothesis:
First, a coding protocol was prepared for each coder.
H3: There is a positive relationship between cus- An a priori construct categorization was combined
tomer service and firm performance. with an exploratory approach to identify other

January 2014 25
Journal of Supply Chain Management

constructs employed in the primary studies. The defi- results would have to be found to obtain an overall
nitions for each construct category, including repre- nonsignificant result (Rosenberg, 2005). For statisti-
sentative examples of studies using that construct, are cally significant correlations (p < 0.05), the fail safe
shown in Appendix B. This categorization offers good numbers ranged from 99.02 to 5,107.60. An over-
coverage of the most common constructs in the litera- view of the results is shown in Table 1, which con-
ture. Then, the constructs were individually recorded tains the number of independent samples (k) and
in a spreadsheet and classified into broader categories the overall sample size (N).
of similar constructs. We ensured that the items of
each construct reflect the respective subgroup and Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling
75% of the items had to closely match the other con- To test the study’s hypotheses, a path analysis was
structs (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004). To maintain inde- performed. First, we constructed the meta-analytic cor-
pendence among samples, multiple publications relation matrix shown in Table 2. Then, we performed
based on the same sample were treated as a single a structural equation modeling analysis in SPSS’s
sample (Hunter & Schmidt, 2004). All articles were AMOS 21, using the meta-analytic correlation matrix
coded by the authors and then verified to maintain data. In line with other research, we used the har-
objectivity and consistency across the different coders. monic mean sample size to compute standard errors
The intercoder agreement rate was 93.12% (19 dis- (Viswesvaran & Ones, 1995). We estimated two mod-
agreements over four codings and 69 articles), and els. Model 1 conceptualizes firm performance as a
disagreements were resolved via discussion. In addi- second-order construct, made up of operational per-
tion to the specific information on the variables, such formance, financial performance, and market perfor-
as correlation coefficients and reliability estimates, we mance. Model 2 estimates the direct links to the three
collected information on the study itself, such as sam- types of performance measures. In both cases, the
ple size, industry, and focal firm. analysis was performed using the maximum likeli-
In cases where interconstruct correlations or reliabil- hood algorithm, and a non-positive-definite correla-
ities were not reported in the article, we made multi- tion matrix was allowed as an input (Cheung, 2008;
ple attempts to solicit the required information from Cheung & Chan, 2005).
the authors. If this was not successful, other methods,
such as the tracing rule and other conversions, were
used to reproduce the correlations of interest (Kenny, RESULTS
1979). In the case that only item-level correlations To test our hypotheses, we evaluated the aggregated
were reported, a confirmatory factor analysis was used correlations found in our original studies. The cor-
to derive the interconstruct correlations (e.g., Rabinovich, rected correlations (rc) are shown in Table 2. For
Knemeyer & Mayer, 2007). some pairs of constructs, no primary studies reported
results or the aggregate sample sizes, and the number
Meta-Analytic Procedures of studies was not large enough to calculate a reliable
We followed Hunter and Schmidt (1990, 2004) for estimate of the population correlation. For other
calculating the correlations between constructs of pairs, the number of samples that reported the corre-
interest. For each available pair of constructs, the lation and the aggregate sample size was small
correlation (r) was calculated, which is an estimate (N ≥ 500 but <1,000 and k ≥ 3 but <5). Nevertheless,
of the population correlation. We also corrected for we calculated those correlations, and they are shown
artifacts such as measurement error (Hunter & in italics; however, we stress that the correlations dis-
Schmidt, 2004; Rosenthal, 1991). In the few cases played in italics are initial estimates that should
that no measures of scale reliability were reported in receive additional attention in future research, due to
the original articles or if a single-item scale was their comparatively small sample sizes and low num-
used, we substituted the mean reliability (Chen, ber of studies. In the correlation matrix, the values in
Damanpour & Reilly, 2010; Leuschner, Charvet & bold are different from zero at the 0.05 level of signif-
Rogers, 2013; Leuschner, Rogers & Charvet, 2013). icance.
In addition, when averaging the correlations, each To test our first two hypotheses, we assess the corre-
sample was weighted by its compound attenuation lations between Relational Governance Structure and
factor (scale reliability and sample size). If a study Trust (H1a) and Commitment (H1b). Both correla-
had more than one correlation of interest, we com- tions are not significantly different from zero, and
bined them and treated them as a single correlation. therefore, we reject the hypotheses. For H1a, the
It has been shown that studies with nonsignificant uncorrected correlations range from 0.02 to 0.65, and
results have a lower chance of being published (Ro- the 95% credibility interval ranges from 0.02 to
senthal, 1979). Therefore, we assessed the “fail safe 0.59. There is a significant heterogeneity factor
number,” which indicates how many additional (Q = 30.36**), which leads us to believe that

26 Volume 50, Number 1

Number of Samples (k) and Aggregate Sample Size (N)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 Asset specificity 339 – 258 – 430 – – 143 – – 388 – 884 157 545 699 311
2 Uncertainty 2 429 143 – 1182 699 128 1806 562 1014 757 821 1186 110 2162 315 –
3 Opportunism – 3 – – 918 – – 248 248 – 1066 – 851 – 721 831 128
4 Information sharing 2 1 – 213 1712 155 30 761 – 549 727 475 526 963 115 206 115
5 Operational cooperation – – – 2 337 – – 421 – 607 266 – 355 607 155 – 226
6 Relational governance 2 7 5 6 3 793 635 3629 623 1024 1876 1686 3455 1034 1565 1246 516
7 Information technology – 2 – 2 – 3 557 – – 726 260 726 1131 263 327 91 105
8 Operational technology – 2 – 1 – 4 1 557 – 417 1393 1121 1602 236 715 607 545
9 Logistics customer service 1 8 1 6 3 21 – 1 962 1492 1326 1208 2834 962 796 235 –

January 2014
10 Cost reduction – 3 1 – – 4 – – 6 457 231 305 1054 111 657 – –
3PL Meta-Analysis

11 Innovation – 3 – 1 2 3 3 2 4 2 474 1092 1238 847 453 – –

12 Operational performance 1 3 3 4 2 11 3 7 9 2 3 1293 2044 768 523 818 105
13 Financial performance – 3 – 2 – 8 3 5 6 3 4 8 851 64 – – 321
14 Market performance 5 6 4 2 3 18 5 7 17 6 5 11 4 336 1235 699 215
15 Satisfaction 2 1 – 4 2 8 2 2 6 1 4 3 1 3 1114 503 115
16 Loyalty 3 11 2 1 1 8 2 3 5 3 2 2 – 7 7 454 115
17 Trust 3 2 5 2 – 7 1 4 1 – – 3 – 3 2 2 243
18 Commitment 2 – 2 1 1 3 1 4 – – – 1 1 2 1 1 3
The cells above the diagonal contain the aggregate sample sizes (N) of the relationship, and the cells below the diagonal contain the number of samples (k) for the relationship.

Corrected Meta-Analytic Correlations (rc) Between Study Variables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 Asset specificity
2 Uncertainty –
3 Opportunism – –
4 Information sharing – – –
5 Operational – – – –
6 Relational governance – 0.11 0.08 0.60 –
7 Information technology – – – – – 0.32
8 Operational technology – – – – – 0.71 –
9 Logistics customer – 0.15 – 0.54 – 0.54 – –
10 Cost reduction – 0.34 – – – 0.55 – – 0.61

Volume 50, Number 1

11 Innovation – 0.59 – – – 0.75 0.59 – 0.69 –
12 Operational – 0.12 0.16 0.35 – 0.45 – 0.31 0.41 – –
Journal of Supply Chain Management

13 Financial performance – 0.09 – – – 0.37 0.26 0.31 0.48 – 0.53 0.42

14 Market performance 0.15 –0.06 0.18 – 0.60 0.35 0.38 0.36 0.52 0.25 0.53 0.42 0.40
15 Satisfaction – – – 0.60 – 0.49 – – 0.61 – 0.55 0.38 – –
16 Loyalty 0.19 0.42 – – – 0.57 – 0.31 0.71 0.60 – – – 0.39 0.51
17 Trust 0.09 – –0.07 – – 0.28 – 0.25 – – – 0.40 – 0.08 – –
18 Commitment – – – – – 0.31 – 0.48 – – – – – – – – –
All cells in italics are based on a small number of samples (k ≥ 3 and <5) and small sample sizes (N ≥ 500 and <1,000) and should therefore only be regarded as rough estimates.
All correlation coefficients in bold are statistically different from zero at p < 0.05.
3PL Meta-Analysis

additional moderators might be present in the sam- In addition to Model 1, we also estimated a second
ple. The estimate for H1b is based on a rather small model, individually assessing each of the three perfor-
sample (k = 3 and N = 516), and we believe that mance dimensions. The path diagram of Model 2 is
additional research will bring clarity to the magnitude shown in Figure 2 and includes the fully and partially
of this relationship. mediated models. The overall fit was adequate for the
The correlation data shown in Table 2 were then sequential (GFI = 0.938; RMR = 0.080) as well as the
used to estimate a meta-analytic structural equation mediated model (GFI = 0.964; RMR = 0.051). We con-
model. The path diagram for Model 1 is shown in clude that the impact of logistics customer service on
Figure 1. The path loadings displayed in boxes repre- operational and market performance is stronger than
sent the fully mediated model, and the path loadings on financial performance, which is not significant.
not inside of boxes represent the partially mediated
model. The overall fit of the fully mediated model
was adequate (GFI = 0.957; RMR = 0.067). There is
support for H2 and H3 in this model as evidenced by FIGURE 2
the positive and significant path coefficients; these The Impact of Relational Governance Structure and
standardized path coefficients are 0.54 (p < 0.001) Logistics Customer Service on Operational, Financial,
and 0.74 (p < 0.001), respectively. These specific rela- and Market Performance
tionships are consistently positive and significant
throughout the other models we estimated. It is nota- Relational 0.54** Logistics
ble that a significant amount of the variance of the Governance Customer
Structure 0.54** Service
logistics customer service construct and the second-
order performance constructs was explained in the
model (29.2% and 54.4%, respectively). Also included
in Figure 1 are the results of a partially mediated 0.41** 0.48** 0.52**
0.32** 0.16** 0.24*
model. The overall fit of the partially mediated model 0.24** 0.40** 0.47**

was better (GFI = 0.982; RMR = 0.029). A formal test

for mediation (Baron & Kenny, 1986) revealed partial
mediation and a significant indirect effect (z = 5.76,
p < 0.001) using the Sobel (1982) test. In addition, Operational Financial Market
Performance Performance Performance
the proportion of mediation is 44.13% (Iacobucci,
Saldanha & Deng, 2007). This suggests partial media-
Note: Path loadings in boxes represent the fully mediated,
tion, with relational governance structure improving hypothesized relationships between relational governance
firm performance through its positive effect on logis- structure and firm performance; path loadings not shown in
tics customer service, as well as its direct, albeit boxes represent the partially mediated relationship.
weaker positive impact on firm performance. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.001.

The Impact of Relational Governance Structure and Logistics Customer Service on Aggregate Firm Performance

0.54** 0.74**
0.54** 0.58**

Relational -
0.29** Performance

0.67** 0.71** 0.76**

Operational Financial Market

Performance Performance Performance

Note: Path loadings in boxes represent the fully mediated, hypothesized relationships between relational governance structure
and firm performance; path loadings not shown in boxes represent the partially mediated relationship. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.001

January 2014 29
Journal of Supply Chain Management

DISCUSSION operational performance, which reduces its mediated

While we were not entirely surprised to find that the effect through logistics customer service. Thus, while a
correlation between trust and a relational governance relational governance structure enhances logistics cus-
structure was nonsignificant (H1a), we were surprised tomer service and ultimately better operational perfor-
to discover that the correlation between commitment mance, a relational governance structure also directly
and a relational governance structure was nonsignifi- improves operational performance through mecha-
cant (H1b). One explanation for the lack of support nisms other than enhanced logistics customer service.
for H1a is that firms that utilize a relational, rather One possibility is that relational governance structures
than an arm’s-length (i.e., muscular) governance include high levels of information and operational
structure might employ credible as opposed to benign technology, as noted above, which may help to
governance structures. With such credible structures, improve operational performance.
trust might be moderated by credible commitments/ One concern regarding the path analyses displayed
safeguarding. A post hoc examination of Table 2 finds in Figures 1 and 2 is that the results are based on
that relational governance structure is positively and aggregated samples of both shippers and 3PL suppliers.
significantly correlated with information technology There has been controversy in the industry as to
(rc = 0.32) and operational technology (rc = 0.71), whether benefits in 3PL–shipper relationships accrue
although as a caveat these correlations are based on a to the 3PL supplier or the buyer (Richards, 2006).
relatively small number of studies (k = 3 and k = 4, This same question is often raised in the trade
respectively). The aggregate correlation between com- literature concerning broader buyer–supplier relation-
mitment and relational governance (H1b) shown in ships across spend categories (Yuva, 2005). To investi-
Table 2 is positive and certainly not small (0.31). gate the potential differences across shippers and
Given the relatively few studies and small aggregate 3PLs, we modeled the relationships posited by H2
sample size, there may simply not be enough data to and H3 as two separate path analyses. The results of
show the significance of this relationship. Future these analyses are displayed in Figure 3.
research might explore in more depth the roles that The results displayed in Figure 3 provide overall
commitment and trust play in the governance struc- support for the study’s hypotheses for both the ship-
tures between 3PLs and their customers. Finally, some per and 3PL samples. The paths between relational
of the other characteristics of relational governance governance structure and logistics customer service are
structures, such as information sharing (rc = 0.60) significant for both the shipper (rc = 0.61,
and loyalty (rc = 0.57), are also positively and signifi- p < 0.0001) and 3PL (rc = 0.46, p < 0.0001) samples.
cantly related to the relational governance structure There are also positive and significant relationships
construct. between logistics customer service and the three per-
Our findings show strong support for Hypotheses 2 formance dimensions for the shipper sample and
and 3. A relational governance structure can allow
3PLs and their customers to work closely together to
improve logistics customer service, which can in turn
enhance overall firm performance. In addition, there FIGURE 3
is a significant, positive, and direct relationship Shipper vs 3PL Findings
between a relational governance structure and overall
firm performance (Figure 1), suggesting that more Relational 0.61** Logistics
collaborative 3PL–shipper relationships can enhance Governance Customer
Structure 0.46** Service
firm performance in other ways, perhaps via innova-
tion, which is significantly and positively correlated
with relational governance and all three types of
performance (Table 2). 0.28** 0.28** 0.02 0.31** 0.02 0.46**
The analyses displayed in Figure 2 provide a more 0.28** 0.25** 0.22** 0.23** 0.47** 0.48**
granular investigation of the relationships between
relational governance structure, logistics customer
service, and the three performance dimensions. Here,
we found that relational governance structure has a Operational Financial Market
Performance Performance Performance
very significant and positive mediating effect on
operational, financial, and market performance
Note: The path loadings obtained from the shipper sample
through its impact on logistics customer service.
are displayed above in boxes, and the path loadings
Interestingly, there is also a significant and strong obtained from the 3PL sample are shown directly below the
direct effect of relational governance structure on shipper sample path loadings. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.001.

30 Volume 50, Number 1

3PL Meta-Analysis

between logistics customer service and two of the the world. In particular, those arrangements character-
three performance dimensions—operational perfor- ized by relational governance structures that encom-
mance and market performance—for the 3PL sample. pass mutuality and the sharing of information yield
In addition, there are significant and direct relation- heightened logistics customer service that, in turn,
ships between relational governance structure and contributes to the operational and market perfor-
operational and financial performance for the shipper mance of firms. The 3PL providers that create such
sample and between relational governance structure relational governance structures with their customers
and all three performance dimensions for the 3PL can improve their operational, financial, and market
sample. performance, both directly and via improved customer
It is not surprising that there is not a direct relation- service outcomes. Individual studies conducted in a
ship between the governance structure that a shipper variety of settings point to these relationships, finding
has with a 3PL and the shipper’s market performance, support in most analyses. The meta-analysis provides
because we would expect that an improvement in a level of confirmation unattainable in single studies.
market performance, particularly on the outbound, It suggests that outsourcing arrangements selectively
distribution side, would accrue due to the enhanced entered into by shippers and providers can justify the
logistics customer service experienced by the shipper’s three primary motives for outsourcing: 1) service
customers, rather than being directly impacted by the improvements, 2) cost reduction, and 3) focus on
shipper’s governance structure with the 3PL supplier. nonlogistics core competencies (Maloni & Carter,
Further, while there is not a relationship between 2006). In turn, where customers of these services find
logistics customer service and financial performance value, opportunities are present for providers.
for shippers, the enhanced operational and market Although our analysis proved inconclusive concern-
performance experienced by shippers might ultimately ing the influence of trust and commitment on rela-
lead to better financial performance. For 3PLs, engag- tional governance structure, providers and customers
ing in relational governance structures with their cus- are encouraged to pursue relational governance
tomers can improve operational, financial, and market approaches in order to achieve the desired outcomes
performance, both directly and through improved of the involved parties. Trust should be augmented
logistics customer service. with safeguarding mechanisms to avoid opportunistic
Overall, our results suggest that shippers and their behavior of the other party in the relationship. Where
3PL suppliers can improve logistics customer service trust is instilled, however, it seems that loyalty and
and multiple dimensions of performance by establish- the benefits of retention and business growth can take
ing more collaborative, relational governance struc- root. Aside from learning the business and capabilities
tures. Importantly, our meta-analytic findings suggest of the counterpart, trust-based relationships are also
that this is not a win–lose proposition. Instead, both likely to produce innovation in service arrangements.
sides can improve firm performance by creating rela- Proactively innovating how products are delivered to
tionships that, if not benign from a TCE perspective, their customers seems to have a stronger effect on
are at least credible. The aggregate correlations firm performance, compared with, for example, logis-
reported in Table 2 suggest that these relationships tics customer service and cost reduction. In light of
are characterized by loyalty and the sharing of infor- the highly competitive third-party logistics market, it
mation. Information technology and operational tech- becomes critical for providers to differentiate them-
nology also appear to be a part of these relationships selves. While such differentiation could potentially
and may further enhance performance. In addition, take place by offering the best service at a commensu-
the tenets of TCE and a credible form of relational rate price, our analysis points to an ability to find
governance structure suggest that technology might solutions that are either unattainable for the individ-
act as a safeguard that augments trust in these ual customer or, perhaps, not even conceived by the
relationships. customer. This will continue to be the evolution in
the third-party logistics market, as providers are
Managerial Implications sought for their brains as well as the brawn they dem-
Our meta-analysis, which is based on 9,386 onstrate through conventional operational activities.
observations across 54 samples, allows us to present
key takeaways that should be generalizable across a Limitations of the Research
wide variety of 3PLs and their customers. The analysis As with all meta-analyses, this methodology relies
reports a preponderance of support for beneficial on available studies, and as such, the quality of the
performance outcomes associated with logistics out- results depends on the results obtained from the pri-
sourcing arrangements—for both suppliers and cus- mary research. An additional challenge is to obtain an
tomers of the services. This is promising in itself, as it accurate estimate of the population effect. As these
reinforces the growth in third-party provisions around two goals must be balanced, we decided to restrict

January 2014 31
Journal of Supply Chain Management

our search to published academic articles. We believe ascertain the influence of these key variables on cus-
that this limitation does not diminish the validity of tomer service and firm performance. Further, the stud-
our results as we performed a rigorous literature ies examining the constructs of satisfaction and trust,
search and found very high fail safe numbers. There- to date, have done so from the perspective of custom-
fore, we are confident that the presence of additional ers. We recommend that future research also examines
studies that might not have been included in the the prospects for these constructs from the perspec-
meta-analysis would not significantly change our tives of 3PL providers. That is, what is the influence
results. As previously explained, we followed rigorous of supplier satisfaction and supplier trust in customers
procedures to obtain all the information for each pri- toward relational outcomes and performance? As the
mary study we retained. Nevertheless, we were not services of 3PLs become increasingly differentiated
able to obtain all correlations and reliabilities. and the providers become more distinct in the mar-
A common limitation of meta-analysis research is ket, they will employ greater selectivity in their cus-
the “apples to oranges” aggregation of articles. We tomer relationships (Lieb, 2008). It will, therefore, be
must point out that we cannot control for specific essential for customers to market themselves effec-
sample effects and the only way to account for this is tively to “choice” providers. Instilling trust and mini-
to have a large enough number of articles. While we mizing fears of opportunism could prove instrumental
were able to obtain a reasonably large number of arti- in gaining the confidence and commitment of these
cles overall, certain relationships can only be assessed preferred 3PLs.
based on a small number of studies (e.g., the itali- While affective constructs such as interorganizational
cized correlations reported in Table 2); therefore, the trust and opportunism may help to explain the perfor-
reader should interpret those correlations with cau- mance outcomes of outsourcing arrangements, recog-
tion. Another, albeit minor, limitation is the inability nizing that provider and customer organizations are
to evaluate constructs of interest over time. While this composed of individuals reminds us that interper-
is not a limitation of the research method per se, we sonal relationships factor into outsourcing success and
can only evaluate what is available in primary failure as well (Gligor & Autry, 2012). Investigation of
research. However, it is possible that the lack of sup- the roles of key individuals on both sides of the out-
port for Hypothesis 1 might be explained by analyz- sourcing arrangement could prove valuable. The find-
ing trust and commitment over time. ings of Grawe, Daugherty and McElroy (2012) yield
worthwhile insights concerning the interorganization-
Suggestions for Future Research al commitment demonstrated by provider implants at
The conduct of a meta-analysis implies an abun- client locations, yielding relational capital and recipro-
dance of research on a topic of contemporary interest cal forms of commitment. In other words, positioning
and importance. The current analysis explored rela- one or more key relationship managers at client sites
tionships in the broad phenomenon of logistics out- impacts the quality of the relationship. Are there key
sourcing. Despite a growing body of empirical individuals in a relationship that exhibit a greater
hypothesis testing on the subject, opportunities for influence on the outcomes of outsourcing arrange-
additional investigation remain abundant. The limita- ments? What happens should these key individuals
tion of small aggregate samples and studies for certain leave the arrangement or be assigned elsewhere? Are
aggregate correlations, for instance, provides opportu- there ways to effectively manage the loss of such indi-
nities for future research. Information sharing is cer- viduals? Further, what are the optimal team dynamics
tainly one construct that is in need of further on each side of the relationship to foster improved
investigation. As suggested earlier, technology might performance? These questions underscore that interor-
act as a safeguard that moderates the relationship ganizational phenomena call for sociological examina-
between trust and a relational governance structure. tion on multiple levels that, to date, remain
Researchers could also investigate the potential mod- underexplored in logistics outsourcing arrangements.
erating role of other safeguards, such as qualification A construct that demonstrates great promise, yet
procedures and pledges (Rindfleisch & Heide, 1997). remains understudied, is innovation (Arlbjørn & Paul-
We found relatively few articles that explored the raj, 2013). Innovation registered correlation values
relationships between key interorganizational relation- with seven other constructs ranging from 0.53 to 0.75
ship constructs, such as satisfaction and trust. In fact, (Table 2). However, it was only examined in five or
for satisfaction, only two interconstruct correlations, more samples with one construct—market perfor-
relational governance satisfaction and satisfaction mance (rc = 0.53). Wallenburg et al. (2010) define
loyalty, were examined with sufficient frequency to the related concept of proactive improvement as, “ex-
meet our sample threshold. For trust, we were only post adaptations, as they would be termed in TCE –
able to examine the relational governance–trust rela- made by an LSP within an outsourcing relationship
tionship, per H1a. Additional research is necessary to (that) are an act of innovation as they are ‘an idea,

32 Volume 50, Number 1

3PL Meta-Analysis

practice, or object that is perceived as new by an indi- Particularly valuable would be the collection and
vidual or other unit of adoption’” (Rogers, 1995, p. analysis of these situational factors in logistics out-
7). Further, proactive improvement is found to yield sourcing relationships occurring outside North Amer-
higher levels of perceived performance in logistics out- ica. Deeper analysis of these factors in international
sourcing arrangements, per Deepen, Goldsby, Kne- settings would enrich our understanding of how out-
meyer and Wallenburg (2008), who illustrate that sourcing relationships that are increasingly conducted
proactive improvement contributes not only to goal across national boundaries should adapt to cultural
achievement, but also to goal exceedance in a differences among contracting parties.
demonstrable fashion. Busse and Wallenburg (2011) Lastly, while a priori relationships were not posited
echo the call for further examination of innovation for the three specific dimensions of performance, it is
processes and systems among logistics service worth noting that we found significant, positive aggre-
providers. gate correlations between operational performance and
On a related note, research is necessary to explore financial performance (rc = 0.42) as well as financial
effective mechanisms for risk and reward sharing in performance and market performance (rc = 0.40)
outsourcing relationships. Much has been said anec- (Table 2). Although the correlation between opera-
dotally about gain-sharing arrangements, but norms tional performance and market performance is high in
for sharing burdens and risks can vary considerably. absolute terms (rc = 0.42), it lacks statistical signifi-
Are gain-sharing provisions, like those espoused in cance attributed to a wide range of findings among the
performance-based logistics (Randall, Pohlen & samples. Such an outcome might be explained by
Hanna, 2010) effective as a means of inciting innova- missing artifacts in the analysis. That is, one or more
tion, finding service improvements and uncovering moderators are likely influencing the relationship
incremental cost reductions? If so, what forms of gain between operational performance and market perfor-
sharing prove most effective under different relational mance. The competitiveness of the market, for instance,
arrangements? might mute such a relationship such that excellence in
Abundant research opportunities remain, as well, for operational performance is not always rewarded by
deeper analysis of situational variables and their influ- gains in market performance. Further examination of
ence on the governance structure–performance link- the interrelationships between the dimensions of firm
age. The current analysis examined a wide collection performance is merited, with due consideration affor-
of outsourced services. However, arrangements can ded to prospective moderating factors. And, additional
vary considerably in terms of the specific services pro- analyses should be conducted to examine possible
cured, the duration of contracts, relationship history moderators to the other hypothesized relationships that
among the parties and the degree of control exerted were investigated in this paper.
by the provider in performing the contracted service
(s) (i.e., an asset-based provider performing the ser-
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performance and loyalty behavior: Comparisons empirical study of third-party logistics providers.
between Germany and the United States. Interna- International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logis-
tional Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics tics Management, 36, 210–230.
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China and Hong Kong. Transportation Journal, 47 tional sources of economic structure, 1840–1920.
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Wang, Q., Lai, F., & Zhao, X. (2008). The impact of Rudolf Leuschner (Ph.D., The Ohio State Univer-
information technology on the financial perfor-
sity) is an assistant professor in the Department of
mance of third-party logistics firms in China. Sup-
Supply Chain Management and Marketing Sciences at
ply Chain Management, 13 (2), 138–150.
Wanke, P., Arkader, R., & Hijiar, M. F. (2007). Logis- Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. His
tics sophistication, manufacturing segments and research interests include logistics customer service,
the choice of logistics providers. International Jour- supply chain management, and supply chain finance.
nal of Operations & Production Management, 27, In addition to these topics, Dr. Leuschner also is inter-
542–559. ested in the generalizability of research and its replica-
Ward, P. T., McCreery, J. K., Ritzman, L. P., & Sharma, tion, with a particular emphasis on meta-analysis.
D. (1998). Competitive priorities in Among the outlets that have published his earlier arti-
operations management. Decision Sciences, 29 (4), cles are the Journal of Business Logistics and the Journal
1035–1046. of Supply Chain Management.
Wathne, K. H., & Heide, J. B. (2000). Opportunism in
interfirm relationships: Forms, outcomes and
solutions. The Journal of Marketing, 64 (4), 36–51. Craig R. Carter (Ph.D., Arizona State University) is
Wilding, R., & Juriado, R. (2004). Customer perceptions a professor in the Supply Chain Management Depart-
on logistics outsourcing in the European consumer ment of the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona

38 Volume 50, Number 1

3PL Meta-Analysis

State University in Tempe, Arizona. His primary Business and the Associate Director of the Center for
research activities focus on sustainable supply chain Operational Excellence at The Ohio State University
management and encompass ethical issues in buyer– in Columbus, Ohio. His research interests include the
supplier relationships, environmental supply manage- strategic implications of logistics and supply chain
ment, diversity sourcing, perceptions of opportunism management; he currently is a research associate of
surrounding electronic reverse auctions, and the the Global Supply Chain Forum and a Research Fel-
broader, integrative concepts of social responsibility low of the National Center for the Middle Market,
and sustainability. Prior to his academic career, Dr. both of which are based at The Ohio State University.
Carter spent five years working in the areas of trans- Dr. Goldsby is the co-author of Lean Six Sigma Logis-
portation and logistics with Ryder Systems, Hechinger tics: Strategic Development to Operations Success and of
Company, and the U.S. Department of Transporta- Global Macrotrends and Their Impact on Supply Chain
tion. He also has conducted field-based supply man- Management.
agement research with over 100 Fortune 1000-size
firms in the United States and Germany, which Zachary S. Rogers (MBA, University of Nevada) is a
includes work with CAPS Research and McKinsey & doctoral candidate in the supply chain management
Company. Dr. Carter’s research has been published in program in the W.P. Carey School of Business at Ari-
the Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of zona State University in Tempe, Arizona. His primary
Operations Management, Journal of Business Logistics, research interests are in sustainable supply chain
Decision Sciences, Journal of Business Ethics, Transporta- development and behavioral judgment and decision-
tion Research Part E, Transportation Journal, and Interna- making. He also is interested in closed-loop supply
tional Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics chains and cradle-to-grave product stewardship. Cur-
Management. rently, Mr. Rogers is studying the interaction between
sustainability and human behavior.
Thomas J. Goldsby (Ph.D., Michigan State Univer-
sity) is a professor of logistics in the Fisher College of

List of Samples and Articles

Article Sample Sample

No. No. Article (Year) Journal Size Country
1 1 Anderson, Coleman, Devinney and Keating (2011) JSCM 309 Asia Pacific
2 2 Briggs, Landry JBR 110 North America
and Daugherty (2007)
3 2 Briggs, Landry IMM 110 North America
and Daugherty (2010)
4 3 Cahill, Goldsby, Knemeyer JBL 248 USA
and Wallenburg (2010)
5 4 Chen, Tian, Ellinger and JBL 124 China
Daugherty (2010)
6 5 Cho, Ozment and Sink (2008) IJPDLM 117 USA
7 6 Davis, Golicic and IMM 142 USA
Marquardt (2008)
8 7 Deepen et al. (2008) JBL 549 Germany
9 8 Ellinger, Ketchen, Hult, IMM 123 USA
Elmada g and Richey (2008)
10 9 Ellinger, Keller and Bas (2010) JBL 161 USA
11 10 Grawe et al. (2012) TRE 312 USA
12 11 Hartmann and De Grahl (2011) JSCM 155 Germany
13 12 Hartmann and De Grahl (2012) IJPDLM 172 Germany
14 13 Hofenk, Schipper, Semejin and JSPM 77 Netherlands
Gelderman (2011)
15 14 Huo, Selen, Yeung, Hoi IJOPM 159 Hong Kong
and Zhao (2008)

January 2014 39
Journal of Supply Chain Management

APPENDIX A (continued)
Article Sample Sample
No. No. Article (Year) Journal Size Country
16 15 Jayaram and Tan (2010) IJPE 411 USA
17 16 Jeffers (2010) IJOPM 64 USA
18 16 Jeffers, Muhanna DS 64 USA
and Nault (2008)
19 17 Kersten and Koch (2010) IJQRM 229 Germany
20 18 Klein (2007) JOM 91 USA
21 19 Knemeyer et al. (2003) JBL 388 USA
22 19 Knemeyer and Murphy (2004) JSCM 388 USA
23 19 Knemeyer and Murphy (2005) TJ 388 USA
24 20 Krizman (2009) EBR 58 Slovenia
25 21 Lai, Li, Wang and Zhao (2008) JSCM 105 China
26 22 Lai, Ngai and Cheng (2002) TRE 134 Hong Kong
27 23 Lai, Tian and Hou (2012) IJPR 119 China
28 21 Lai, Zhao and Wang (2006) IMDS 105 China
29 24 Lao, Choy, Ho, Chung MBE 184 Hong Kong
and Chung (2011)
30 25 Large, Kramer IJPDLM 42 Germany
and Hartmann (2011)
31 26 Li (2011) IJPE 176 USA
32 27 Lin (2006) JAAB 114 Taiwan
33 28 Lin (2007) JTMC 557 China
34 28 Lin (2008a) IJTMSD 557 China
35 29 Lin (2008b) IJM 142 Taiwan
36 28 Lin and Ho (2009) SCMIJ 557 China
37 30 Liu, Grant, McKinnon IJPDLM 114 China
and Feng (2010)
38 31 Liu and Lyons (2011) TRE 204 Taiwan
39 32 Menon, McGinnis JBL 41 USA
and Ackerman (1998)
40 33 Moore (1998) IJPMM 339 USA
41 33 Moore and Cunningham (1999) IJPDLM 339 USA
42 34 Murphy and Poist (2000) JBL 37 USA
43 35 Panayides (2006) EJIM 251 Hong Kong
44 35 Panayides (2007) IMM 251 Hong Kong
45 35 Panayides and So (2005a) TRE 251 Hong Kong
46 35 Panayides and So (2005b) MEL 251 Hong Kong
47 36 Potocan (2008) TBRC 287 Slovenia
48 37 Rabinovich et al. (2007) JOM 196 USA
49 38 Rafiq and Jaafar (2007) JBL 183 UK
50 39 Rajesh, Pugazhendhi TRE 30 Singapore
and Ganesh (2011)
51 40 Reeves, Caliskan and Ozcan (2010) TRE 55 USA
52 41 Rollins, Pekkarinen IJPDLM 235 Finland
and Mehtala (2011)
53 42 Sahay and Mohan (2006) IJPDLM 130 India
54 43 Schmoltzi and Wallenburg (2012) JSCM 226 Germany
55 44 Shah and Sharma (2012) APJML 100 India
56 45 Sinkovics and Roath (2004) JBL 142 UK
57 46 Stank and Daugherty (1997) TRE 143 USA
58 47 Stank et al. (2003) JBL 111 USA
59 4 Tian, Ellinger and Chen (2010) IJPDLM 124 China
60 48 Tian, Lai and Daniel (2008) IJPDLM 115 China
61 49 Wallenburg (2009) JSCM 298 Germany

40 Volume 50, Number 1

3PL Meta-Analysis

APPENDIX A (continued)
Article Sample Sample
No. No. Article (Year) Journal Size Country
62 49 Wallenburg and Lukassen (2011) EJM 298 Germany
63 50 Wallenburg and Raue (2011) IJPDLM 212 Germany
64 21 Wang, Huo, Lai and Chu (2010) IMDS 105 China
65 21 Wang, Chu, et al. (2008), Wang, SCM 105 China
Lai and Zhao (2008)
66 51 Wanke, Arkader and Hijiar (2007) IJOPM 93 Brazil
67 52 Wilding and Juriado (2004) IJPDLM 50 Europe
68 53 Yeung (2006) MEL 72 Hong Kong
69 54 Yeung, Zhou, Yeung IJPE 150 China
and Cheng (2012)

Construct Definitions

Category Definition Examples
Asset Refers to (idiosyncratic) assets that are “specialized Rabinovich et al. (2007),
specificity to a specific transaction” and are not easily Stank and Daugherty
transferable to other purposes or uses (1997)
(Williamson, 1991, p. 555).
Uncertainty It generally consists of environmental uncertainty Reeves et al. (2010),
(the “circumstances surrounding an exchange Wallenburg and
cannot be specified ex ante”) and behavioral Lukassen (2011)
uncertainty (“performance cannot be easily
verified ex post”). Uncertainty has also been
conceptualized as consisting of both complexity
and dynamism—thus, an environment that is
complex and/or changing rapidly is more
uncertain than an environment that is simple and
more static (Duncan 1972).
Opportunism Williamson (1975, p. 6) as, “self-interest seeking Knemeyer and Murphy
with guile” and “guile” is defined as “lying, (2005), Lai et al. (2012)
stealing, cheating, and calculated efforts to
mislead, distort, disguise, obfuscate, or otherwise
confuse” (Williamson, 1985, p. 47). In addition,
violations of relationship norms can also be
constituted as opportunistic behavior (Wathne and
Heide 2000).
Information We define it as collaborative communication and Klein (2007), Jeffers et al.
sharing coordinating the information transfer between (2008)
firms. There are four classes of information that
can be shared: (1) order, (2) operational, (3)
strategic, and (4) strategic/competitive (Seidmann
and Sundararajan, 1997).

January 2014 41
Journal of Supply Chain Management

APPENDIX B (continued)
Category Definition Examples
Operational It is defined as coordinated actions to achieve Chen, Tian, et al. (2010),
cooperation mutually beneficent outcomes with expected Chen, Damanpou and
reciprocation over time (Anderson & Narus, 1990). Reilly (2010), Sinkovics
Specifically, we refer to “collaborative joint activity and Roath (2004)
development, work processes, and coordinated
decision-making (Leuschner et al., 2013b)”
between customers and the 3PL.
Relational Firms can employ three distinct types of structures Jayaram and Tan (2010),
governance to govern the hybrid, interorganizational Knemeyer et al. (2003),
structure relationships that fall between simple markets and Moore and Cunningham
hierarchy—muscular, benign, and credible (1999)
(Williamson, 2008). In the 3PL–customer
relationship, both benign and credible dimensions
are included and are characterized by a long time
horizon, the sharing of mutual benefits and
burdens, commitment, and trust (Ellram, 1991;
Ellram & Cooper, 1990; Kaufmann & Carter, 2006).
Information We define it as the adoption and use of information Jeffers et al. (2008), Lai
technology technology (IT) by the 3PL to facilitate better et al. (2008)
visibility and increase efficiency. The constructs in
this category focus on the types and use of IT at
the 3PL.
Operational We define it as the adoption and use of operational Lin (2008a,b); Lin and Ho
technology technology in transportation and warehousing to (2009)
improve efficiency. A good example is the use of
radio frequency identification (RFID) for efficiently
tracking and tracing cargo.
Logistics It is the output of a firm’s logistics system. It is Huo et al. (2008), Rafiq
customer measured by the “Seven Rs” (Bienstock, Mentzer, and Jaafar (2007); Stank
service and Bird 1996; Mentzer, Flint, and Hult 2001). The et al. (2003)
“Seven Rs” describe a company’s ability to deliver
the right product in the right amount at the right
place at the right time for the right customer in
the right condition at the right price (Coyle, Bardi
and Langley 2002; Stock and Lambert 2001).
Cost It is the ability of the 3PL to continuously reduce Wallenburg (2009), Wang
reduction costs and as such to offer the shipper the best et al. (2010)
Innovation It is “an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as Anderson et al. (2011),
new by an individual or other unit of adoption” Panayides (2006, 2007)
(Rogers 2003, p. 12).
Operational It “refers to perceived performance improvements Liu and Lyons (2011), Tian
performance that the logistic outsourcing relationship has et al. (2010)
provided the user” (Knemeyer & Murphy, 2004, p.
39). More specifically, it consists of improvements
in competitive capabilities such as service and
delivery quality, and flexibility (Hill 1994; Ward
et al. 1998).

42 Volume 50, Number 1

3PL Meta-Analysis

APPENDIX B (continued)
Category Definition Examples
Financial We included measures of financial strength and Grawe et al. (2012),
performance performance that affect the income statement and Kersten and Koch (2010)
balance sheet of a company, such as profitability,
sales growth, and asset reduction measures.
Market We include intangible performance outcomes that Sinkovics and Roath
performance enhance the image of the company in the (2004), Stank et al.
marketplace, such as brand awareness and (2003)
reputation. In addition, it is improved performance
with specific customers as a result of the ongoing
business relationship.
Satisfaction It is “a positive affective state resulting from the Briggs et al. (2010), Li
appraisal of all aspects of a firm’s working (2011)
relationship with another firm” (Anderson &
Narus, 1984).
Loyalty It is a long-term commitment to repurchase that Large et al. (2011), Stank
includes a favorable cognitive attitude toward the et al. (2003)
selling firm (Morgan & Hunt, 1994). In addition, it
includes “the intention of a buyer of logistics
services to purchase the same services and
additional service from the current provider in the
future, as well as the buyer’s activities in
recommending this provider to others” (Cahill
et al., 2010; p. 255).
Trust It is the ability of the customer to rely on the 3PL to Hofenk et al. (2011), Klein
meet promises and expectations and vice versa (2007)
(Zucker 1986; Anderson & Narus, 1990; Moorman
et al., 1993; Ganesan 1994; Morgan & Hunt,
Commitment It is the belief “that an ongoing relationship with Knemeyer et al. (2003),
another is so important as to warrant maximum Schmoltzi and
efforts at maintaining it; that is, the committed Wallenburg (2012)
party believes the relationship is worth working on
to ensure that it endures indefinitely” (Morgan &
Hunt, 1994, p. 23).

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