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History of Biotechnology, Genetics and

Selective Breeding in Aquaculture and Fisheries

Aquaculture is an ancient form of farming importance. Genetic variation is one key

dating back 2000 years or more in China variable in the survival of various species.
and to the Roman Empire (Balon, 1995; Also, natural populations are perhaps the
Dunham et al., 2001). However, only in the best gene banks, a critical resource for
last few decades has aquaculture grown into genetic variation for current and future
a global practice resulting in tremendous application in genetic improvement for
worldwide production. Aquaculture pro- farmed species and specialized sport-fish
duction has enlarged dramatically since the applications.
early 1980s, and will become increasingly Recreational fishing is also of great
important as demand for fish products importance in many countries. When the
increases, world harvest by capture fisher- revenue from the fish, licences, fishing
ies reaches a plateau or declines and human equipment, boats, travel, food and lodging
population numbers expand. Aquaculture is considered, recreational fishing is proba-
now accounts for 50% of global fish con- bly more than tenfold more important eco-
sumption (FAO, 2009). The biomass of fish nomically than aquaculture in the USA.
that can be produced per surface area is Biotechnology is permanently linked not
much greater than that for terrestrial ani- only to aquaculture, but also to commercial
mals, indicating that aquaculture could be and recreational fisheries because of its
the key for providing global food security. potential positive and negative impacts on
Humans were hunter–gatherers prior to these resources.
being farmers and fishermen before they Currently, the quantity of animal protein
were aquaculturalists. Although aquacul- harvested from global aquatic sources via the
ture is growing in importance and must capture of natural fish populations is at maxi-
expand to meet future demand for fish prod- mum sustainable yield. Many major fish
ucts, commercial harvest of natural popula- stocks are showing precipitous declines in
tions has traditionally been of higher productivity due to overfishing and further
economic value than aquaculture and will increases are not anticipated under the cur-
continue to be of great importance. Even as rent global conditions and environment.
aquaculture closes the gap or surpasses the Wild fish stocks have been heavily fished or
value of commercial fisheries, the genetic overfished, which has resulted in a noticeable
management and conservation of natural levelling of fish landings at around 60 million
fish stocks and gene pools will be of great t, with harvest from oceans unlikely to
© R.A. Dunham 2011. Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology: Genetic Approaches,
2nd Edition (R.A. Dunham) 1
2 Chapter 1

expand (Hardy, 1999). Almost two-thirds of to the point that it is now having an impact
marine stocks in the Pacific and Atlantic on aquaculture worldwide, but potential
Oceans are being fully exploited or have maximum improvement in overall perfor-
already been overfished (Pauly et al., 1998). mance is not close to being achieved. As
The Food and Agriculture Organization of space for aquaculture becomes more
the United Nations (FAO) predicts a 36% limiting, the necessity for more efficient
increase in the world population, with only a production or increased production within
30% increase in production from aquacul- the same amount of space will further
ture and fisheries. Hardy (1999) predicts a increase the importance of genetic improve-
55 million t shortage in demanded seafood ment of aquaculture species. Genetic
products by 2025 resulting from levelled research and its application have had a sig-
wild catch and increasing demand. By 2025, nificant role in the development of aquacul-
aquaculture will have to increase by 350% to ture, and this role and impact will become
cover the impending shortage (Hardy, 1999). increasingly important as aquaculture
In 1993, approximately 16 million t of aqua- develops further.
cultured animal protein were produced, rep- Aquaculture genetics actually had its
resenting some 13% of the total aquatic origin with the beginning of aquaculture in
animal protein harvested or produced China and the Roman Empire more than
(Tacon, 1996). This grew to 59.4 million t by 2000 years ago. Without realizing it, the first
2004 (FAO, 2006) and was approaching fish culturists changed gene frequencies
90 million t for 2009 (FAO, 2009). The growth and altered performance of the wild-caught
of aquacultured animal protein increased at a fish, actually genetically enhancing the fish
rate of over 11.8% annually from 1985 to for fish-farming application by closing the
1994, but slowed to 7.1% from 1995 to 2004, life cycles and domesticating species such
compared with the more modest growth of as the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. When
terrestrial meat production, which ranges the Chinese, Europeans and others observed
from 0.7% (beef) to 5.2% (poultry). mutations and phenotypic variation for
With increased demand for aqua- colour, body conformation and finnage, and
cultured foods has come a need for then selected for these phenotypes as well
more efficient production systems. Major as for body size, genetics and selective
improvements have been achieved through breeding of fish and shellfish was born.
enhanced husbandry procedures, improved Additionally, fish culturists and scientists
nutrition, enhanced disease diagnosis and who compared and evaluated closely
therapies and the application of genetics to related species for their suitability for aqua-
production traits. Although several aqua- culture application over the past two mil-
culture species have been greatly improved lennia were also unknowingly conducting
through the application of genetics, much some of the first fish genetics research.
greater improvements can be accomplished Closely related species are reproductively
(Dunham et al., 2001; Dunham, 2004). isolated and have species status because of
Genetics can greatly contribute to produc- their genetic distance from one another;
tion efficiency, enhancing production and therefore, the comparison of different spe-
increasing sustainability. Resource utiliza- cies is a genetic comparison (Dunham et al.,
tion can be greatly improved and impedi- 2001). However, directed breeding and
ments to sustainability, such as slow growth genetics programmes were probably not
of fish, inefficient feed conversion, heavy intense and strongly focused until the Japa-
mortality from disease and the associated nese bred koi in the 1800s and the Chinese
use of chemicals, loss of fish from low oxy- developed fancy goldfish.
gen levels, inefficient harvest, poor repro- Of course, fish biotechnology and
duction, inefficient use of land space and molecular genetics research and develop-
processing loss, can all be diminished by ment share the same beginnings as biotech-
utilizing genetically improved fish. Genetic nology and molecular genetics applied to
enhancement of farmed fish has advanced other organisms when in 1665 Robert Hooke
History of Biotechnology, Genetics and Selective Breeding in Aquaculture and Fisheries 3

described cellular entities and developed Eduard and Benden (1880s) found that the
the cell theory. Shortly thereafter, in 1667, nematode zygote received half its chromo-
Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered that somes from each parent, and in 1882 Flem-
semen contained spermatozoa and theo- ming described the process and named it
rized that they could fertilize eggs, although ‘mitosis’.
this was not substantiated for another 200 In 1889, F. Galton laid the mathemati-
years. A series of discoveries during the 338 cal foundations for the study of quantitative
years that followed have led to the current variation and quantitative genetics. Galton
state of biotechnology, molecular genetics was a cousin of Darwin, so that may have
and selective breeding. influenced him to examine genetics from a
The foundation for electrophoretic quantitative angle rather than the Mende-
analysis was laid in 1816 when R. Pornet lian qualitative approach. Ernst von
reported the effect of electric fields on Tschermak in Austria, Hugo DeVries in
charged particles, including proteins (Rich- Holland and Carl Correns in Germany inde-
ardson et al., 1986). Brown recognized the pendently cited Mendel’s research in 1900,
nucleus as a regular, constant cellular ele- and Mendel’s work was then recognized
ment within cells in 1831, and in the 1840s and appreciated. About this time, Johanssen
Carl Nageli had observed that the nucleus introduced the term ‘gene’. Then, in the
divided first in dividing cells but did not early 1900s, W. Johannsen, H. Nilsson-Ehle,
understand the significance of this observa- E.M. East and R.A. Fisher tied the specific
tion. Although Charles Darwin (1859) was relationships of Mendelian genetics to bio-
not the first to develop the theory of evolu- metrical approaches to develop the basis of
tion based on selection of the fittest, this quantitative genetics.
key concept was made believable in the Sex chromosomes were discovered by
1860s by Charles Darwin and Alfred R. C.E. McClung, E.B. Wilson and Nettie
Wallace. Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Stevens between 1901 and 1905 (Avers,
Darwin, was a proponent of evolution, and 1980). In 1902–1903, Walter S. Sutton and
by the late 18th century Buffon and Theodor Boveri linked Mendel’s results
Lamarck had theorized that acquired char- with meiosis to explain Mendel’s results,
acteristics were heritable. Buffon and thereby connecting two independent disci-
Lamarck believed that the external environ- plines, genetics and cytology, to develop
ment brought about change, but Geoffroy the chromosomal theory of inheritance
Saint-Hilaire felt change was embryonic or (Hartwell et al., 2000). Correns, William
germinal. Although their knowledge is not Bateson and R.C. Punnett first discovered
recorded in writing, obviously early fish gene linkage – aberrations of Mendelian
breeders understood and utilized these ratios – in 1905, but were unable to explain
basic concepts. their results (Avers, 1980).
Of course, one of the most important The relationship between genes and
keys for the emergence of the field of genet- proteins was first suggested by Archibold E.
ics occurred in 1866 when Gregor Mendel Garrod in 1908. Also that year, G. Hardy
discovered the existence of genes and their and W. Weinberg independently developed
transmission from generation to genera- some of the basic laws governing popula-
tion. Shortly thereafter, in 1869, Friedrich tion genetics (Goodenough and Levine,
Miescher discovered deoxyribonucleic 1974). Thomas Hunt Morgan and Calvin
acid (DNA), although the full implications Bridges provided experimental proof of the
of this discovery were obviously not com- chromosome theory in 1910. Thomas Hunt
pletely understood. In the 1870s, the Morgan was one of the first to demonstrate
German scientist Abbe developed the con- the concept of linkage in Drosophila. Cross-
denser and the oil-immersion lens, which ing over was first described by F.A. Janssens
enabled the description of chromosomes, about 1909 and then verified in 1931 by
and by 1879 Walter Flemming first Barbara McClintock and Harriet Creighton.
observed the doubling of chromosomes. Early in the 20th century, Thomas Hunt
4 Chapter 1

Morgan and his student Alfred Sturtevant ‘Biotechnology’ can be a confusing

described single and multifactorial inheri- term. A Hungarian engineer defined bio-
tance, chromosome mapping, gene linkage technology as all lines of work by which
and recombination, sex linkage, mutagene- products are produced from raw materials
sis and chromosome aberrations. Sturtevant with the aid of living things, in reference to
described linear linkage in 1913. an integrated process of using sugarbeets to
During the 1920s and 1930s much prog- produce pigs (Glick and Pasternak, 1998).
ress was made in the field of population However, the term was associated with
genetics. These efforts were led primarily industrial fermentation or ergonomics in
by R.A. Fisher and Sewell Wright. Much of 1961, when Carl Goran Heden’s scientific
the research was related to selection, journal led to biotechnology being defined
inbreeding and relatedness of individuals as the industrial production of goods and
and populations, and also application and services by processes using biological
relevance to quantitative genetics and selec- organisms, systems and processes. In the
tive breeding. Also, Embody and Hayford last two decades, biotechnology has often
(1925) conducted some of the first fish been associated with recombinant DNA
genetics research, a strain comparison of technology, but in actuality recombinant
rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, dur- DNA technology is a subdiscipline of bio-
ing this time period. technology.
George Beadle and Edward Tatum Fish genetics programmes first emerged
advanced the hypothesis of one gene–one in the 1900s after the basic principles of
enzyme in 1941 and Avery, McCarty and genetics and quantitative genetics had been
MacLeod indicated that DNA was the established. However, there was not a sub-
physical material for heredity, bringing stantial effort in fish genetics research and
together Mendelian genetics, biochemistry the application of genetic enhancement pro-
and cytogenetics for the beginning of grammes until the 1960s because of the
molecular genetics. By 1951 Barbara infancy and small scale of aquaculture, a
McClintock had identified movable control lack of knowledge of fish genetics and a lack
elements, but the understanding and of appreciation of genetic principles by
appreciation of this concept would wait for natural-resource managers regarding genetic
many years. A major milestone was accom- enhancement, population genetics and con-
plished in 1953 when James Watson, Fran- servation genetics. Slightly earlier, Ellis
cis Crick and Maurice Wilkins discovered Prather conducted some of the first selection
the molecular model for the chemical experiments with fish at Auburn University
structure of DNA, the double-helical nature during the early 1940s, and appeared to
of DNA. Between 1961 and 1964, Marshall have made significant improvement in the
Nirenberg, Henry Matthaei, Severo Ochoa, feed-conversion efficiency of largemouth
H.G. Khorana and others deciphered the bass, Micropterus salmoides, when fed min-
genetic code, and then Charles Yanofsky nows. Lauren Donaldson selected rainbow
and Alan Garen followed with genetic evi- trout for increased growth in the 1950s,
dence for the code (Goodenough and developing the Donaldson rainbow trout
Levine, 1974; Avers, 1980). which appeared to have significantly altered
Isozyme analysis was also developed in the growth, body shape and fecundity of the
the 1950s. Oliver Smithies developed starch rainbow trout. Unfortunately, many early
gel electrophoresis (Smithies, 1955), and fish culturists did not keep adequate genetic
Clement Markert and R.L. Hunter devel- controls, and neither Prather nor Donaldson
oped histochemical staining (Hunter and utilized genetic controls, making any genetic
Markert, 1957) for the visualization of progress unverifiable.
enzymes and isozymes (Richardson et al., Since the 1960s, fish genetics research
1986; Whitmore, 1990). By the 1960s most and application of genetically improved
of the key components for modern biotech- fish and genetics principles have been gain-
nology were in place. ing momentum with each passing decade.
History of Biotechnology, Genetics and Selective Breeding in Aquaculture and Fisheries 5

In 1959, H. Swarup was one of the first to produced the first transgenic animals, mice,
induce triploidy in fish – the three-spined and Palmiter and Brinster demonstrated
stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Giora that the transgenesis could lead to greatly
Wohlfarth and Rom Moav initiated a accelerated growth in the mice. Palmiter,
considerable amount of research on tradi- Brinster and Wagner demonstrated the dra-
tional selective breeding of common carp in matic phenotypic alterations that could be
the 1960s in Israel. This led to the develop- realized through gene transfer. This pro-
ment of the channel catfish traditional vided the motivation and impetus for the
selective breeding efforts of Rex Dunham development of technology for the genera-
and R. Oneal Smitherman in the 1970s and tion of the first transgenic fish. In a
1980s in the USA after initial collaboration year-and-a-half span from 1985 to 1987,
between the Israelis and Smitherman. Also Zhou first transferred genes into goldfish in
in the 1970s, Trgve Gjedrem, Harold Kin- China, followed by Ozato in Japan with
caid and, later, William Hershberger initi- medaka, Daniel Chourrout in France with
ated long-term selection programmes for rainbow trout and Rex Dunham in the USA
various salmonids. The Auburn University with channel catfish.
catfish genetic enhancement programme In 1985, Jeffreys developed DNA finger-
and the Norwegian salmon breeding pro- printing technology (Jeffreys et al., 1985),
gramme are now the longest ongoing fish revolutionizing not only population genetic
genetic enhancement programmes, each 40 analysis and gene-mapping technology, but
years old. This early work on selective also forensic and criminal science. The cur-
breeding was the predecessor to later rent state of modern molecular genetics and
research on molecular genetics of aquacul- genomics research would not have been
ture species. Also in the 1970s, Rafael Guer- possible without the revolutionary inven-
rero III and William Shelton developed tion of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
sex-reversal technology for tilapia, which by Kary Mullis in 1985.
would later lead to the development and The new biotechnologies, such as sex
worldwide application of genetically male reversal and breeding and polyploidy,
tilapia. began to have a major impact on aquacul-
The next major technological break- ture production in the late 1980s and early
through was the first isolation of restriction 1990s by not only improving growth rates
endonucleases by Werner Arber, Hamilton but also allowing major improvement of
O. Smith and Daniel Nathans around 1970, flesh quality in species that exhibit sexual
which was the key discovery allowing the dimorphic and sexual maturation effects.
development of gene cloning (1978), genetic Chourrout (1982) induced the first viable
engineering (1978) and various restriction- tetraploid from a normal diploid fish, rain-
fragment technologies (Glick and Pasternak, bow trout; Standish Allen developed trip-
1998). The discovery of reverse transcrip- loid technology for shellfish during the late
tase by Howard Temin and David Baltimore 1980s; and Gary Thorgaard developed
was, of course, also key for the development clonal lines of rainbow trout via androgen-
of modern recombinant DNA technology. esis. The pioneering research on sex rever-
Then in 1973, Stanley Cohen and Herbert sal and breeding technology by Shelton and
Boyer devised recombinant DNA technol- Guerrero led to worldwide production of
ogy (Cohen et al., 1973). This type of monosex Nile tilapia in the 1980s and
research was further enhanced in 1975 with 1990s, and Graham Mair took this technol-
the development of procedures to rapidly ogy one step further in the 1990s, leading to
obtain DNA sequences (Sanger et al., 1977) the development of YY populations of Nile
and to visualize specific DNA fragments tilapia and the production of genetically
(Southern, 1975). male tilapia (GMT) populations in many
The 1980s saw more quantum leaps in countries. Traditional breeding has already
molecular genetics biotechnology. Around been utilized in concert with these new bio-
1980, Palmiter, Brinster and Wagner technologies.
6 Chapter 1

The 1990s brought continued rapid Atlantic cod, Atlantic salmon, channel cat-
progress in molecular genetics and biotech- fish, Nile tilapia and Pacific oyster.
nology. DNA marker and gene-mapping tech- In recent years, genomics technology
nology began to explode in the 1990s, and has made remarkable advances. Entire
those advancements have accelerated in a genomes, 20,000–50,000 genes simultane-
remarkable manner during the past decade. ously, can now be observed for their expres-
Microsatellites were developed in 1989, radi- sion in response to environmental variables
ation hybridization in 1990. random ampli- with advanced microarrays. Next-
fied polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and expressed generation sequencing will allow sequenc-
sequence tag (EST) technologies in 1991, the ing of entire genomes in weeks compared
amplified fragment length polymorphism with the years previously required.
(AFLP) technique in 1995 and single nucleo- Commercial application of fish genetics
tide polymorphism (SNP) procedures in and biotechnology are making advances as
1998. Another major advance was the first well. Another significant figure for fish
nuclear cloning of a mammal, sheep, in 1997. genetics biotechnology has been Elliot
Environmental concerns about the Entis, CEO of AF Protein/AquaBounty
application of biotechnology and genetic Farms. His company is the first to attempt
engineering emerged in the 1980s. Applica- commercialization of transgenic fish, again
tion of gene-transfer technology will not salmon, in the developed world, beginning
happen until genetic engineering is proved the process in the latter 1990s and on into
to be a safe technology. In the mid-1990s, the new millennium. Sam Lawrence of
Dunham conducted the first environmental- Eagle Aquaculture has led efforts to com-
risk research with transgenic fish, channel mercialize interspecific hybrid catfish in the
catfish, demonstrating that in natural condi- USA, making this technology a reality. Sev-
tions the transgenics were slightly less fit eral options for genetically enhanced tilapia
than non-transgenic cohorts. Also in the are available in the Philippines with
mid-1990s, Du, Choy Hew, Garth Fletcher improved fish developed by selection,
and Robert Devlin produced the first trans- introgressive backcrossing as well as sex
genic fish, salmon, exhibiting hyperlevels of reversal and breeding.
growth – two- to sixfold and, in the case of In the early 1970s, research on the
Devlin’s research, ten- to 30-fold increases selective breeding of aquatic organisms
in growth rate. Shortly thereafter, Norman gained momentum and long-term breeding
Maclean produced transgenic tilapia with a programmes for salmon in Norway and cat-
two- to fourfold increase in growth rate. fish at Auburn University in the USA were
Technological advances in DNA marker established, which are now 40 years in
technologies and DNA microarray, gene duration. Selective breeding of tilapia in the
chip and sequencing technologies have fur- Philippines began in the 1990s and now has
ther accelerated the pace of aquaculture and been continuous for 21 generations. Since
aquaculture genomics. Genomic research the early 1980s, research in aquaculture and
has produced vast amounts of information fisheries genetic biotechnology has grown
towards an understanding of the genomic steadily, complementing the work in genet-
structures, organization, evolution and ics and selective breeding, and the progress
genes involved in the determination of made in genomics and biotechnology since
important economic traits of aquatic organ- that time is almost unimaginable. Goro
isms. Positional cloning of genes from Yoshisaki has accomplished xenogenesis in
aquatic species is no longer a dream. Zhan- fish, which could lead to a variety of inter-
jiang Liu has led efforts to isolate and esting and novel genetic manipulations.
sequence more than 25,000 genes in catfish. Currently, efforts are well established
Genomic sequences for fugu, tetraodon, in the areas of traditional selective breed-
medaka, zebrafish and stickleback are com- ing, biotechnology and molecular genetics
pleted. Additionally, genomic sequences of aquatic organisms. Cultured fish are
are near completion or well underway for being improved for a multitude of traits,
History of Biotechnology, Genetics and Selective Breeding in Aquaculture and Fisheries 7

including growth rate, feed-conversion effi- including domestication, selection, intra-

ciency, disease resistance, tolerance of low specific crossbreeding, interspecific hybrid-
water quality, cold tolerance, body shape, ization, sex reversal and breeding and
dress-out percentage, carcass quality, fish polyploidy, to improve aquacultured fish
quality, fertility and reproduction and har- and shellfish. Genetically improved fish
vestability. For many years there has been a and shellfish from several different phylo-
cry in the wilderness that aquaculture is genetic families are utilized. Genetic prin-
impeded by the lack of genetically improved ciples and biotechnology are also being
fish and the utilization of essentially wild utilized by fisheries managers and by
fish. This is still true for some species and researchers to enhance natural fisheries, to
for new aquaculture species; however, for a protect native populations and to geneti-
few well-established aquatic species, large cally conserve natural resources. Geneti-
genetic gain has been realized, and there is cally modified aquatic organisms are
evidence of up to tenfold improvement in already having an impact on global food
some traits compared with poor-performing, security in both developed and developing
unimproved wild strains by use of various countries. However, in general, much more
combinations of traditional selective breed- progress can and needs to be made. The
ing and biotechnology. The development combination of a variety of genetic improve-
and utilization of genetically improved fish ment programmes – traditional, biotechno-
are widespread across the world in the 21st logical and genetic engineering – is likely to
century. A variety of genetic techniques result in the best genotypes for aquaculture
are being implemented commercially, and fisheries management.
Phenotypic Variation and Environmental Effects

One of the most ignored areas in aquatic genetic and biotechnological approaches in
genetics and biotechnological research is the aquatic organisms, it is critical not to forget
effect of the environment and experimental the most important and basic equation for
procedure on genetic expression, the pheno- genetic improvement, which defines the
type and phenotypic variation. Genetic components of the phenotype:
potential cannot be realized without the
P = G + E + GE (2.1)
proper environment. To conduct high-quality
genetics and molecular genetics research the where P is the performance or phenotype
nuances of environmental effects must be (appearance or characteristics) of an indi-
understood and superior fish culture must be vidual, G is the genotype or genetic make-
employed; otherwise the measurement of the up of an individual, E is the environment of
genetic effects may not be accurate and may the individual and GE is the interaction
even be incorrect. Most scientific literature on between the genotype and the environment.
molecular genetics and biotechnology des- A farmer may be excellent at growing
cribes detailed experimental procedures fish and may provide the best environ-
concerning the molecular aspects of the mental conditions possible, but if the fish
research, but often ignores the details con- is genetically limited with poor genes, per-
cerning the fish culture, making it nearly formance and production will be poor
impossible to properly evaluate the validity despite the superb fish culture. On the
and value of the research. If experiments or other hand, one may have the very best
genetic improvement programmes are not genotype of fish, but if poor environment
conducted properly, the environmental and fish culture is provided, the fish’s
effects can mask the true genetic effects. This genetic potential will not be attained and
is a problem not only for molecular and bio- performance and production will be poor.
technological programmes, but for traditional Genetics is not a silver bullet and both
selective breeding programmes as well. genetics and environment are important
Expertise on culture and the control of envi- and critical.
ronmental variation is as important as, if not The breeder or geneticist accomplishes
more important than, the genetic aspects of genetic gain by utilizing the variation of
genetics research and breeding programmes. phenotypes of individuals in a population or
When evaluating genetic modification via by introducing new genotypes to genetically
traditional genetic approaches or molecular improve the performance of individuals
© R.A. Dunham 2011. Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology: Genetic Approaches,
8 2nd Edition (R.A. Dunham)
Phenotypic Variation and Environmental Effects 9

and populations. Phenotypic variation, VP, phenotype and need to be controlled or cor-
is a function of the following: rected. These include age, mortality, stock-
ing density, temperature, water quality,
VP = VG + VE + VGE (2.2)
maternal effects, compensatory gain, com-
where VG is genetic variation, VE is environ- petition, magnification effects, skewness, size
mental variation and VGE is variation from effects and procedures such as communal
genotype–environment interactions. Varia- stocking.
tion in the phenotypes of aquatic organisms
must exist or be introduced if genetic
improvement is to be made. Stocking Density and Mortality
Obviously, the goal of genetic modifica-
tion is to utilize the component of genetic
Obviously, stocking density affects growth
variation or to artificially introduce genetic
rate and other performance factors. Differ-
variation to improve performance or the
ential mortality has the same consequence
phenotype. To effectively utilize the compo-
as having different stocking densities. The
nents of genetic variation, make valid genetic
most severe error or problem with data
comparisons, study gene expression, con-
analysis, of course, occurs when differences
duct quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis,
in stocking or survival would alter the true
utilize marker-assisted selection (MAS) or
rank of the genotypes. In some cases, rank is
develop transgenic fish, among other activi-
not altered, but the true difference between
ties, environmental variation must be con-
genotypes may be underestimated. For
trolled to allow accurate determination of the
instance, in the case of inbreeding, the
genetic value of an individual. Environment
inbreeding depresses both growth rate and
must be carefully considered in the design of
survival. The inbreeding depression of sur-
tests to evaluate rate of growth and other traits
vival lowers the density of the inbred repli-
in populations of aquatic organisms.
cates, which promotes their rate of growth.
Environmental variation can be affected
The depression in survival causes underes-
by culture techniques. Aquatic environ-
timation of the depression of growth.
ments naturally have a large amount of envi-
ronmental variation, which can be much
more difficult to control than in terrestrial
environments. For example, waste products Age, Temperature and Water Quality
in the aquatic environment are difficult to
remove and oxygen levels can fluctuate dra- Differences in spawning time and ultimately
matically, whereas in the terrestrial envi- age of the experimental fish or shellfish result
ronment waste can be readily removed and in additional environmental variation, poten-
oxygen levels are constant. Good or superior tially masking genetic effects. In some cases,
fish culture must be practised to control minor age differences can result in major
environmental variation so that accurate and environmental effects.
meaningful genetic data or genetic enhance- One dramatic example is the effect of a
ment is obtained. For these reasons, aquacul- 1-day difference in age on growth and sur-
ture genetics research is actually technically vival of different genotypes of common carp
more difficult than general aquaculture (Wohlfarth and Moav, 1970; Fig. 2.1). The
research. Publications dealing with aquatic environment was a communal earthen pond
biotechnology often omit details concerning and the common carp fry relied on zoo-
the fish husbandry, which in actuality is plankton generated from fertilization for
quite important for the critical evaluation of food; thus environmental conditions were
the data since the environmental conditions somewhat severe. The two genetic groups
and environmental variability can have such were gold and blue-grey, two colour
a large effect on phenotypic expression. mutants. When both groups were spawned
There are numerous environmental on the same day, survival was equal, and
effects and variations that can affect the the gold common carp grew 30% faster than
10 Chapter 2

(a) (b)

56 56
52 52

48 48
44 44
Body weight (g)

Body weight (g)

40 40
36 36
32 32


28 28


24 Blu 24

20 20

16 16
12 12
8 8
4 4
0 0
0 1 2 0 1 2
Months Months

Fig. 2.1. The environmental effect of a 1-day age advantage on the growth of different genotypes of
common carp, Cyprinus carpio. (a) Pond no. 1: blue-grey spawned on first day and gold on second.
When spawned 1 day before the gold genotype, blue-grey, the inferior genotype, is larger for 1 month.
Then the faster-growing genotype, gold, catches up and surpasses the size of blue-grey. (b) Pond no. 2:
gold spawned on first day and blue-grey on second. When spawned 1 day before blue-grey, the gold
genotype has the largest body weight throughout the entire experiment. (Adapted from Wohlfarth and
Moav, 1970.)

the blue-grey individuals. When the blue- to varying temperature regimes, which, of
grey genotype was spawned earlier and had course, alter metabolism and performance.
a 1-day advantage, it grew faster than the Correction by evaluating the experimental
gold genotype for the first 30 days and blue- genotypes for a standard number of tempera-
grey common carp had a 20 times greater ture days also has its shortcomings, as a single
survival than the gold individuals. However, temperature day at optimum temperature
after 60 days, the gold common carp were may have a much greater effect on the pheno-
able to overcome the environmental disad- type than several days at a suboptimal tem-
vantage for growth, surpassed the blue-grey perature. In some cases, one alternative would
common carp in body weight and were 50% be to carefully monitor environmental condi-
larger. With regard to survival, when the tions and measure the aquatic organism at a
gold genotype was given a 1-day advantage, common temperature for a standard number
it was also able to translate this into the of days, even though the date of that time
same 20 times greater survival that the blue- period may not be the same.
grey common carp were able to generate Obviously, water-quality differences can
when they had the advantage. With this introduce additional environmental variance.
1-day advantage, the gold common carp had Again, effects of pollution are greater for
a growth advantage of 50% higher body cold-blooded aquatic organisms, as they are
weight than the blue-grey individuals. more intricately linked to and living in their
In the case of warm-blooded organisms, waste products compared with warm-
the age effects are much more easily cor- blooded terrestrial animals.
rected, simply by growing the test animals for Temperature and water quality affect not
a standard length of time. However, this is only production traits, such as growth and
usually not a good solution for cold-blooded disease resistance, but also developmental
organisms, such as fish and shellfish, as large traits. Temperature affects the mean for mer-
age differences can potentially subject them istic traits. Temperature and water-quality
Phenotypic Variation and Environmental Effects 11

Fig. 2.2. Tailless and semi-tailless trait of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Dunham et al., 1991). This is an
example of an environmentally induced deformity without a genetic basis. (Photograph by R.O. Smitherman.)

degradation can induce congenital deformi- as the fish grows and nears sexual maturity,
ties that have no measurable genetic basis the relationship changes and the head begins
(Dunham et al., 1991; Fig. 2.2). Temperature to grow faster than the body. Again, the rela-
can affect sex ratio in a variety of fish, includ- tionship between body size and morphomet-
ing channel catfish and Nile tilapia. ric measurements needs to be established
and used to correct data in genetic evalua-
tions for valid genetic comparisons. The
dress-out percentage varies with size in a
Biology and Physiology similar manner to morphometric measure-
ments and needs correction in a similar
Natural biological and physiological pro- manner.
cesses can also be responsible for environ- Size can also be related to disease resis-
mental effects. As a fish grows, its gill surface tance. Some pathogens attack smaller fish or
to body volume ratio becomes smaller. Usu- sometimes preferentially attack larger fish
ally, larger fish have less tolerance of low because they are immunologically or physi-
dissolved oxygen than smaller fish. In a ologically more vulnerable.
genetic evaluation, a smaller fish has an Exposure to disease and stress can have
inherent advantage compared with a larger long-lasting effects on the performance of
fish in a challenge test to evaluate low-oxygen fish. Permanent cell damage or alteration of
tolerance. Therefore, the relationship between metabolism may mask genetic potential.
size and low-oxygen tolerance needs to be Another issue regarding genetic evaluation of
determined and used to standardize the disease resistance is prior exposure to patho-
genetic data to a common size for the experi- gens before evaluation. Do prior exposure and
mental fish. the generation of antibodies give those fish
Usually a heavier, longer fish has a an environmental advantage? Are results
larger, longer head. Morphological measure- obtained with totally naïve fish realistic?
ments need to be standardized. One tech- Meristic and morphological measure-
nique would be to standardize morphology ments are highly influenced by environmen-
by determining ratios. However, relative body tal conditions. Meristic traits are especially
shape changes as a fish grows. The body affected by temperature. Making genetic
grows faster than the head in a young catfish. comparisons of fish for meristic and mor-
Therefore, the head size to total length ratio phological traits when the fish are hatched
is naturally lower in a large fish. However, at different geographic locations is dubious

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