Script MC Game

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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good morning, plusers!

Thank you, Hasbie and Neysa for letting us to the stage.

So before the games started, let us introduce our self first. My name is ......, and my name is ……….,
and we are the game MC for today!

Okay. Let’s move to the most fun part of the event; Game session.
We will play a games today. For the game, it’s called “word guessing”.

We will choose 2 boys and 2 girls which respresent each grade. So there are 6 boys and 6 girl play
the game In half 6

And how will the game work?

Each person that have been chosen will stand uup face to face and one of the participant will try to
express the word that hold by one of our members and the other participant guessing the word that
expressed by the other participant. If one of the fastest parcitipant guessed out 3 word correctly,
they will get a prize from us. Do you understand? Seems easy right?

Well, maybe it’s still a lil bit unclear, so let’s see the example of the game performed by XI MS 1
members. Please pay attention so you will know how the game works.

Alright, now I guess all of you are ready to play. And let the games begin.

To the ones who want to play in the game, please come forward

Thank you, everyone for parcitipating in this game, and we’re sorry if there any mistake that we’ve
made. Thank you
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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