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Reasons to Freeze Dry at Home

Utah Company develops amazing home appliance for food preservation.

Now it is possible to Freeze Dry food at home; a process that is better than
canning, freezing and dehydrating. With this appliance from Harvest Right
families can easily preserve food that will last 25 years.

We live in an age of canned and processed foods that have little nutritional
value and are full of additives that can be harmful to our health. Now, because
of Harvest Right, a family can own a Home Freeze Dryer they can use to
preserve healthy meals, fruits, vegetables, and meats that they will love to eat.

Preserves Taste, Color and Nutritional Value. Freeze drying is a remarkable method of food
preservation. It causes no damage to the nutrition
of the food being preserved. Other methods of
preservation, such as canning and dehydrating, use
higher temperatures that can destroy more than
half (50%) the food value.

Freeze drying does not shrink or toughen the food;

and, it retains its aroma, flavor, and nutritional

This picture was taken of food that has already

been preserved in a Harvest Right freeze dryer. It doesn’t have a drop of water in it. As you can see, the
apples, cheese, avocados and the rest (steak, turkey breast, raspberries, corn, peas, ice cream, yogurt,
banana slices) still look fresh. And, in reality they are. The food retains its natural taste, color, shape, and
nutritional value. Simply add water—it is delicious.

Preserve tasteful, large pieces of high quality fruits, vegetables and

meats such as apricot halves, strawberry halves, thick peach slices, large
slices of cooked steak, whole shrimp, ice cream sandwiches, etc. …not
small dices or shavings of fruit or meat that you find in store bought, freeze
dried products.
Cut down on waste. Leftover meals, including overly ripe fruits and
vegetables, that are typically wasted and thrown away can be freeze
dried and packaged until you are ready to eat them. Recently, a
Business Week article indicated that an average American family throws
away 40% of the food they purchase each year, a value equal to $2,250
or more.

With an in-home freeze dryer, families can avoid most of this waste and,
every year, preserve large quantities of high quality food they would
normally put in the garbage.

Freeze Drying Accommodates a Wide Variety of Diets. The freeze drying process is compatible
with virtually any special diet or nutritional need. What you put in the dryer is what you get out. Below
are some common dietary concerns. Each of these can be addressed with a home freeze dryer.

 No processed foods and preservatives

 GMO free ingredients
 Food Allergies
 Gluten free diet
 Vegetarian and Vegan

If you want to preserve high quality, great tasting food for daily use, for camping and for emergencies,
the Harvest Right Freeze Dryer is hands down the best solution in the world.

Eat Healthier—Avoid Food Additives. Prepackaged, processed meals typically include the following
added ingredients that you don’t want in your meals:

Sodium Nitrate, Maltodextrin, Monosodium Glutamate, High-Fructose Corn Syrup,

Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten, Trans fats, Methylcyclopropene, Astaxanthin, Corn Starch,
Food colorings, Olestra…the list goes on and on.

By choosing to freeze dry at home, your food won’t contain a speck of any of these unhealthy additives.

Herbs Preserve Best When Freeze Dried. Herbs used in Cooking, as well as
Medicinal and Aromatic herbs, are best preserved when freeze dried. They retain
nearly 100% of their flavor and potency. No other preservation method makes
this possible…

Contact us at or call 801-386-8960.

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