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Agador de Sharess

Player: NPC
Male human (chondathan) oracle 10 - CR 9
Chaotic Good Humanoid (Human); Deity: Sharess; Age:
27; Height: 5' 9"; Weight: 150lb.; Eyes: Grey; Hair:
Brown; Skin: Fair
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 10 0

DEX 14 +2

CON 10 0

INT 12 +1

WIS 12 +1

CHA 16 +3

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes


REFLEX +5 = +3 +2

WILL +8 = +7 +1 Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp


Damage Reduction (5/magic)

Acrobatics +2 DEX (2) -
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
Appraise +1 INT (1) -
AC 16 = +4 +2 Bluff +4 CHA (3) 1
10 Climb +0 STR (0) -
Touch AC 12 Flat-Footed AC 14
BAB Strength Size Misc Craft (alchemy) +7 INT (1) 3
CM Bonus +7 = +7 +0 - - Diplomacy +9 CHA (3) 3
Disguise +5 CHA (3) 2
BAB Strength Dexterity Size
Escape Artist +2 DEX (2) -
CM Defense 19 = 10 +7 +0 +2 -
Fly +2 DEX (2) -
Base Attack +7 HP 62 Handle Animal +8 CHA (3) 2
Damage / Current HP Heal +9 WIS (1) 5
Initiative +2 Intimidate +3 CHA (3) -
Knowledge (arcana) +3 INT (1) 2
Speed 30 ft Knowledge (geography) +8 INT (1) 3
Knowledge (history) +6 INT (1) 2
+1 keen falcata
Knowledge (nature) +9 INT (1) 5
Main hand: +8/+3, 1d8+1 Crit: 17-20/×3
1-hand, S Knowledge (planes) +5 INT (1) 1
Both hands: +8/+3, 1d8+1 Knowledge (religion) +7 INT (1) 3
+1 glamered invulnerability leaf armor Perception +4 WIS (1) 3
Max Dex: +5, Armor Check: - Perform (dance) +11 CHA (3) 5
+4 Spell Fail: 15%, Light Perform (sing) +12 CHA (3) 6
Profession (sailor) +14 WIS (1) 10
Ride +3 DEX (2) 1
Sense Motive +7 WIS (1) 3
Sleight of Hand +7 DEX (2) 1
Spellcraft +5 INT (1) 1
Stealth +2 DEX (2) -
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Skills Experience & Wealth
Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Experience Points: 80000/105000
Survival +9 WIS (1) 5 Current Cash: 150 gp
Swim +8 STR (0) 3
Alzhedo Common
Alignment Channel (Evil)
Armor Proficiency (Light) Chessentian Mulhorandi
Armor Proficiency (Medium) Chondathan
Brew Potion
Channel Smite Spells & Powers
Cosmopolitan (Perform [sing], Perform [dance]) Oracle spells known (CL 10th; concentration +13)
Craft Wand Melee Touch +7 Ranged Touch +9
Leadership (Base Score 13) 5th (3/day)—breath of life (DC 18), mass cure light
Martial Weapon Proficiency - All wounds, flame strike (DC 18)
Shield Proficiency 4th (5/day)—cure critical wounds , divination, lesser
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All planar ally, restoration
3rd (7/day) —create food and water , cure serious
Traits wounds, dispel magic , neutralize poison , water
Child of the Streets breathing
Scholar of Ruins (Knowledge [geography]) 2nd (7/day) —augury, cure moderate wounds , enthrall
(DC 15), resist energy, lesser restoration , silence (DC
Gear 15)
Total Weight Carried: 17/100 lbs, Light Load 1st (7/day) —comprehend languages , cure light wounds ,
(Light: 33 lbs, Medium: 66 lbs, Heavy: 100 lbs) detect undead , endure elements , protection from evil,
+1 glamered invulnerability leaf armor 10 lbs sanctuary (DC 14), shield of faith
+1 keen falcata 4 lbs 0th (at will) —create water, detect magic , detect poison ,
Artisan's outfit (Free) - light, mending, purify food and drink (DC 13), read
Money 3 lbs magic, spark APG (DC 13), stabilize
Potion of neutralize poison x3 -
Potion of resist acid 10 - Background
Potion of resist cold 10 - Propriétaire des Tétons de Sharess, luxueux bateau de
Potion of resist electricity 10 - croisière, Agador vient de prendre sa retraite
Potion of resist fire 10 - d'aventurier. Gare aux pirates! Son équipage comprend
Ring of swimming - bardes, magiciens et sorciers prêts à le défendre!
Wand of cure light wounds (CL 7th, 39 charges) -
Special Abilities
Combat Healer (1/day) (Ex)
Curse of Addiction
Energy Body (1d6+10, 10 rounds/day) (Su)
Oracle Channel Positive Energy 5d6 (4/day, DC 18) (Su)
Tracked Resources
Combat Healer (1/day) (Ex)
Energy Body (1d6+10, 10 rounds/day) (Su)

Oracle Channel Positive Energy 5d6 (4/day, DC 18) (Su)

Potion of neutralize poison

Potion of resist acid 10
Potion of resist cold 10
Potion of resist electricity 10
Potion of resist fire 10
Wand of cure light wounds (CL 7th, 39 charges)

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

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