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- Unnamed Hero -

Male human (Calishite) fighter (phalanx soldier) 3 - CR

Lawful Neutral Humanoid (Human); Deity: Red Knight; Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Age: 18; Height: 5' 10" ; Weight: 170 lb. Acrobatics +2 DEX (3) -
Ability Score Modifier Temporary Appraise +0 INT (0) -
STR 14 +2 Bluff +0 CHA (0) -
Climb +5 STR (2) 1
DEX 16 +3 Diplomacy +0 CHA (0) -
Disguise +0 CHA (0) -
CON 14 +2
CONSTITUTION Escape Artist +2 DEX (3) -
INT Fly +2 DEX (3) -
10 0
Heal +1 WIS (1) -
WIS 12 +1 Intimidate +4 CHA (0) 1
Perception +2 WIS (1) 1
CHA 10 0 3
CHARISMA Profession (soldier) +7 WIS (1)
Ride +6 DEX (3) 1
Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes
Sense Motive +1 WIS (1) -
FORTITUDE +5 = +3 +2
Stand Firm : +1 vs. trample
Stealth +2 DEX (3) -
Survival +5 WIS (1) 1
REFLEX +4 = +1 +3
Stand Firm : +1 vs. trample
Swim +5 STR (2) 1
WILL +2 = +1 +1 Activated Abilities & Adjustments
Stand Firm : +1 vs. trample Armor Class Bonus: +2
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc Coordinated Defense: Ally has Coordinated Defense
AC 19 = +2 +2 +3 +2 Initiative: +1
10 Weapon Proficiency (All Martial)
Touch AC 15 Flat-Footed AC 16
BAB Strength Size Misc Feats
CM Bonus +5 = +3 +2 - - Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
BAB Strength Dexterity Size Armor Proficiency (Medium)
CM Defense 22 = 10 +3 +2 +3 - Coordinated Defense
23 vs. Bull Rush; 23 vs. Drag; 23 vs. Overrun; 23 vs. Trip Improved Shield Bash
Base Attack +3 HP 36 Martial Weapon Proficiency - All
Shield Proficiency
Damage / Current HP
Shield Wall
Initiative +6 Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Tower Shield Proficiency
Speed 30 ft Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (Spear)
Heavy shield bash
Main hand: +5, 1d4+2 Crit: ×2
1-hand, B actician (+1 initiative, +2 Att opp 1/d)
Both hands: +5, 1d4+3 Reactionary
Main w/ offhand: +1, 1d4+2
Special Abilities
Main w/ light off: +3, 1d4+2
Phalanx Fighting (Ex)
Offhand: +1, 1d4+1 Stand Firm +1 (Ex)
Masterwork scimitar
Main hand: +6, 1d6+2 Crit: 18-20/×2
1-hand, S
Both hands: +6, 1d6+3
Main w/ offhand: +2, 1d6+2
Main w/ light off: +4, 1d6+2
Offhand: +2, 1d6+1
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Masterwork spear Experience & Wealth
Main hand: +7, 1d8+2 Crit: ×3 Experience Points: 5000/9,000
Rng: 20' Current Cash: You have no money!
Both hands: +7, 1d8+3 1-hand, P, Brace
Main w/ offhand: +3, 1d8+2
Main w/ light off: +5, 1d8+2
Offhand: +3, 1d8+1
Ranged: +8, 1d8+2
Ranged, both hands: +8, 1d8+2
Ranged w/ offhand: +4, 1d8+2
Ranged w/ light off: +6, 1d8+2
Ranged offhand: +4, 1d8+1
Masterwork heavy steel shield
Max Dex: -, Armor Check: -1
+2 Spell Fail: 15%, Shield

Masterwork leather armor

Max Dex: +6, Armor Check: -
+2 Spell Fail: 10%, Light

Total Weight Carried: 40/175 lbs, Light Load
(Light: 58 lbs, Medium: 116 lbs, Heavy: 175 lbs)
Artisan's outfit (Free) -
Heavy shield bash -
Masterwork heavy steel shield 15 lbs
Masterwork leather armor 15 lbs
Masterwork scimitar 4 lbs
Masterwork spear 6 lbs
Money -
Tracked Resources
Masterwork spear

Alzhedo Common

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

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