Autobiographical Essay

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Becoming a Teacher 1

Autobiographical Essay

Orozco-Arevalo, Stephanie

Instructor: Dr.Egbert

EDUC 201: Foundations Of Teacher Education

Becoming a Teacher 2

Stephanie Orozco-Arevalo


EDUC 290


Autobiographical Essay

Becoming a Teacher

In this paper I will be talking about educational background, work history, service and or/

extracurricular activities, reasons for choosing Education as a career, and professional goals. I’ve

always dreamed about being a teacher. After writing this paper it’s made me realize how much I

want to pursue this dream of mine. It did take me a while to decide if I wanted to continue it but

after some thinking and observing the grade I want to teach. I came to the conclusion that I want

to continue my major in Education.

I’ve lived in Hansen my whole life so when I had to move schools I cried. It was a hard

transition for me since I didn’t have friends or family members in Murtaugh. I attended

elementary school in Hansen from 1st grade all the way to 3rd grade. I then went to Murtaugh

Elementary from 4th grade to 5th grade. I attended middle and high school in the Murtaugh

School District. My current level of education is a High School diploma and soon to be an AA in

Education. I participated in a Sewing class in elementary school. I have to admit, it was a great

experience. I did many extracurricular programs in elementary school, middle, and high school.

Being able to experience different schools and how the teachers teach was something

good for me. Experiencing different cultures and ethnicities will help me in the future. This will

help me because I have experienced different teaching styles from different teachers. It helps me
Becoming a Teacher 3

have an open mind on how I should teach my class. What I should bring to the classroom. Being

able to experience different teachers, cultures, and ethnicities will help me understand what to

include in lesson plans, how to create an environment where they don’t feel left out.

I worked at Target and I am now working at Immanuel Lutheran Child Development

Center in Twin Falls. I worked seasonal at Target during the summer. At Target my role as an

employer was customer service. My responsibilities were to make sure the customers were able

to find what they were looking for, make sure the store was tidy, and greet the customers with a

smile. My role is to take care of the kids while their parents are working. My responsibilities are

to create a consistent daily routine for the children, which include nap time, playtime, and

educational activities. I also need to create a safe environment for the children.

I learned how to be patient with others and with children. I know that with teaching we as

teachers need to be patient with children and more with younger ones. I learned how to create a

consistent routine with the children. Learning this will make it easier on me when I have my own

classroom. Working at Target I got to learn how to be friendly with customers which helped me

be friendly with parents and coworkers. It also taught me how to keep my room organized. The

information I gained working in both places will help be more prepared for what will come.

Being patient, friendly, and tidy will make me a great teacher. Having all those skills are

important because without them I wouldn’t know how to deal with children.

In High school I was in Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field, FFA, and Magic Valley

Leadership. My freshmen and sophomore year in high school I went to State Track. My 4x100

relay team won first place both those years. It was a huge achievement for me especially since I

was a freshman in high school. Track taught many important things that we as teachers should

know. It taught me how to work with other people, it taught me trust, and it taught me time
Becoming a Teacher 4

management. Teamwork was a huge thing, if you couldn’t bond as a team then it wasn’t going to

work. If we didn’t trust each other with our handoffs then we would drop the baton and not go to

state. We would have to stay longer after practice to get better at our hands off, so that would

mean we would have to work around our plans. It all played at the end.

Playing sports in high school taught me leadership, time management, handling pressure,

and responsibility. Time management is a huge part of being a teacher, we need to create time

for students who will need help with homework.We also need to create time for our families.

Having responsibilities in teaching is a huge thing too. This will help me in the future by being a

great leader to the students but also to my coworkers, by creating time for students, by handling

pressure, and by being responsible. These attributes will help me as a teacher by allowing me to

create time even when I have other things I need to do.

I first considered education as a career when I was about 7 years old. When I was

younger I enjoyed playing school by myself or with my cousins. I would decorate my

“classroom” and would make “copies” of the assignments. I decided to become a teacher my

junior year in High school. I was a teacher's aid, my Sophomore and Junior year. I enjoyed being

around the kids and all the joy and excitement they would bring into the classroom. I considered

becoming a lawyer, actress, banker, cosmetologist, and a flight attendant. I noticed how I would

hear teachers talk about having summers off and holidays too. So, I expected to have summers,

holidays, and weekends off. Having the summers, holidays, and weekends off would be great

when you have a family. I would use those as an advantage to spend it with my children.

My long term goals are to graduate with my Bachelors Degree in Education and start

working the same year. I want to get married and then have children of my own. I want to buy

my own house. Lastly, I want to make my parents proud. I attend to achieve these goals by first
Becoming a Teacher 5

graduating with my associates degree in Education at CSI. After I graduate from ISU, I plan to

try and look for a job. I then want to get married and have children. By doing this, I know my

parents are going to be proud of me. My first step is to complete my 2 years at CSI. After I am

done, I plan to go to ISU or BSU. Once I get accepted to one of these schools I plan to get my

Bachelors Degree. After graduating, I want to find a job and start working right away. Once I

have enough money saved up I want to get married. Before I have children and get married I

want to buy a house first, then I want to have children. Once this is all complete I know my

parents will be proud of me.

My short term goals are to complete this semester, learn to love myself, finish my classes

with A’s and B’s, and to start enjoying the job I have at the moment. I intend to achieve these

goals by trying my best on every assignment, test, and project. My first step is to take each day

one at a time. Then I plan to try and turn in my assignments on time so that I can get full credit.

My third step is to study on each test so that I can pass my tests. Finally, don't compare myself to

others. I will take each day at a time and think positively about my current job.

Teaching has always been a passion that I want to pursue. It took me a while to finally

settle down and chose Education as my major and something I want to do for the rest of my life.

Educational background, work history, service and or/ extracurricular activities, reasons for

choosing Education as a career, and professional goals have been explained in this paper.

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