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Company Name: PT. Arpeni Pratama Ocean Document Date: October 1, 2013
Line Tbk
Scope : All Employees Document Revision Date:
Version : 1.0 Stairs] Effectively Applicable:

List of KebuiInformation Technology (IT Policies) prosecutions:

Wisdom Number Name of Policy (IT Policies)
IT 01 Email and Instant Messaging
IT 02 Internet Usage
IT 03 Password Security {Password Security)
IT 04 Standard PC desktop and Laptop and other related things
IT 05 Desktop/laptop PC software standardization
IT06 PC and Laptop device specifications
IT 07 Network Access (Network Access)
IT08 USB Access

The above policy comes into effect for all employees of PT Arpeni Pratama
Ocean Line Tbk since the signing of this policy.

Jakarta, October 1, 2013

Prepared byApprovedB y Approved By Date: Inh
\5Date : \)It ta..

wan M djm,ao !riawan r figt

irotr Ibrahim PresidentDm·. t r
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No: IT 01
Name Policy: E-mail and InstantM e s s a g i n g

Provide guidelines for using Email and Instant Messaging in the workplace for
company purposes/interests

Applies to:
All employees

Ultimate Guide:
The Company implements this policy to regulate the use of electronic messaging
systems, namely E-mail and Instant Messaging.

E-mail and Instant Messaging are important and sensitive means of corporate business.
This policy regulates and provides guidance/standardization of all sending and receiving
electronic messages by utilizing the facilities provided by the company

General requirements:
The company provides electronic messaging facilities to support employee
work effectiveness and of course it will increase company productivity

All electronic messages created and sent must comply with company policies
such as, but not limited to, the rules and examples in this policy

The Company prohibits discrimination against age, race, gender, sexual

orientation, religion or politics in the use of electronic messaging tools

The company prohibits the use of electronic messages for political activities,
illegal/criminal activities, containing pornographic content, illegal
messages/attachments, indecent hats, slanderous or insulting

Company e-messaging tools may not be used for the promotion or publication of
any person, political or religious views, business operations or any activities for
personal gain

Not allowed to use company email to be included in mailing lists or social

networking activities
Every eligible employee will get an Email address that will be used for sending
and receiving Emails only for the benefit of the company. Granting Email
access rights must be approved by the head of the relevant Department

The use of Email and Instant Messaging tools will be determined by the IT

Any employee who finds a violation of this policy must immediately notify the
manager or HR Department

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
including termination of employment (with reference to the applicable Law/PP).

If there is a termination of the employment relationship between the employee

and the company, the company will close the employee's email and close
access to all electronic messaging facilities. Including access rights, rights to
download, print, retrieve messages stored in the system starting from the date the
employment relationship termination is established

Email and Instant Messaging are wholly owned by the company. All Email and
Instant Messaging facilities used, including all messages that are stored, created,
sent or received by employees or non-employees are the property of the
company and NOT the employee's personal property.

The Company reserves the right to block, monitor, review and disclose any/all
messages sent or received. If necessary and according to the approval of the
superior or the authorized party (director, audit manager) an electronic message
audit can be carried out

Employees are prohibited from sending unauthorized electronic messages, disclosing
company secrets or confidential company information

Copying and distribution of copyrighted material is prohibited

It is forbidden to download or copy data files from external systems and the
internet except after obtaining permission from the relevant Manager and IT
The company provides antivirus software as a means of checking electronic
messaging (email) facilities. Employees are prohibited from
disabling/deactivating the antivirus software

Even though the company has provided antivirus software, employees are
still required to be careful of the spread of viruses, worms or the like,
especially if they receive messages that are unknown to the sender, unclear
contents of email messages and suspicious attachments. If an employee
receives a suspicious electronic message then take the following steps:

o Make sure you know/know the sender

o If you are unsure of the contents of a received email attachment, do
not open the attachment. Clarification in advance to the sender of
the message whether it is correct to send an email with the
o Disable the automatic preview messages before opening them'
feature on the electronic messaging tool (Email Client or Instant
Messaging Tools) you are using
o Report the email message to the IT helpdesk for follow up

Unauthorized use:
Circulate company data to outside parties without permission

Replying, forwarding chain letters and e-mails categorized as hoaxes are not

Electronic messages used to send messages that contain pornographic, sexual,

racist, ethnic, religious, personal business promotion, harassment or offensive

Email mailbox conditions:

Employees will receive one email address according to the approval of the
manager (manager) and HRD

The email username will follow the active directory server account and the
naming will follow the specified policy
Not all e-mails can send e-mails out of APOL. Applications to be able to send
out e-mails must be approved by the supervisor (manager) and HRD

Email quota is 1 GB per mailbox.

To avoid over-quota, archiving needs to be done regularly. Maintenance needs

to be carried out by every employee to ensure that there is no over quota
which results in not being able to receive emails

Email access in the office is to use the 'Exchange' service and "webmail' or
'Outlook Anywhere' if outside the office or if using a mobile device. No.
Can use IMAP or POP3 service

Maximum sending and receiving of email attachments is 10 MB

There is a Shared Email (shared mailbox) per department and it must be

maintained to avoid over-quota.

Shared Email (shared mailbox) quota is 5 GB

Loss of email data due to employee negligence is the responsibility of the

employee concerned

Instant messaging terms:

Given if it is really needed for work reasons and usemame will follow the
specified policy

Employees will receive one usemame according to the approval of the

supervisor (manager) and HRD

Not available

Please contact the IT Extension Department 3021

Last revision date:

October 1, 2013
No: IT 02
Policy Name : Internet Usage

Provide guidelines for internet access and utilization through the company network.

Applies to :
All employees who are allowed/entitled to access the company's internet services

Main guide:
Internet services are provided to employees with the approval of the employee's manager to
improve the quality of the employee's work. The internet is a useful tool in supporting the
company's business activities but at the same time it has implications for company security.
For that reason, employees who have been granted internet access rights are obliged to
guarantee that the use of the internet is only for the benefit of the company.

General requirements :
The granting of access rights to the use of the internet within the company
environment to employees must be approved by the manager's direct supervisor

Each employee is responsible for the access rights that have been granted and their

The use of the internet is only used for the benefit of the company

The company controls access to some resources (resources)and internet

sites(website).The content accessed by the employee is the responsibility of the
employee in accordance with company rules and applicable laws in Indonesia.

Any downloaded software or files(download)through the internet to the company

network becomes company property. Such files or software can only be used in ways
that comply with the terms of the license and copyright company

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
including termination of employment (with reference to the applicable Law/PP).
Unauthorized use
Access, upload, download, or distribute pornography, sexually charged material,
illegal, propaganda, political, slanderous, sexual harassment, insults, defamation,
gender/racial discrimination, ethnicity, religion, gambling

Violate regulations or laws that apply in Indonesia

Vandalism or damage to the property of other individuals or other organizations

Attacking or abusing the privacy of others

Violating copyright or using material without intellectual permission

Using the network for personal financial or commercial gain Interfere

with network performance (internet bandwidth abuse) Downloading or

distributing pirated software

It is not allowed to intentionally spread viruses, worms, trojans, horses or

prohibited tools (trap-door tools code). If it is intentional, it will be sanctioned
according to company regulations

Some websites or resources that the company believes have the potential to harm the
company, have a negative effect on employee performance, and interfere with
company productivity, which will be blocked by blocking access to the website or
resource. Examples: online games, social networking sites, video streaming.

Not available

Question :
Please contact the IT Extension Department 3021

Last revision date:

1October 2013
No: IT 03
Policy Name : Password Security

Provide password management guidelines to maintain the security and integrity of all
company business systems

Applies to :
All employees

Ultimate Guide:
Maintaining the security of the company's business systems which include software,
hardware, e-mail systems, network facilities and business applications is very important to
ensure data integrity and stability of company information systems.

The company provides password data to employees who have the right to access the
company's information system in the form of operating systems, application networks,
email to support the company's business activities.

Every employee who obtains a password is required to maintain the confidentiality

and security of the password.

Every application for making usemame for information systems must obtain approval
from the direct supervisor at least at the manager level. The IT department will
provide a default password that MUST be changed immediately by the employee who
received it the first time using the default password, by following the provisions

The IT Department will immediately delete/deactivate all passwords from employees

with resigned status (not registered as employees anymore) upon request and
notification from the HRD Department.

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action including
termination of employment (with reference to the applicable Law/PP).

Password Guidelines:
Passwords must not be easily guessed by employees, each employee must follow the
provisions for giving/changing passwords as follows:
Do not use any part of the account identifier (user name, login ID, date of birth, etc.)

Minimum 8 characters or more

Use a mix of numbers, uppercase, lowercase letters and special characters like "*&

Use two or three short words that have nothing to do with username, name,
address/house number, ID card number, telephone number, birthday.

Keeping Password Safe

Change the password received from the IT Department

immediately. Do not share your password with anyone.

Do not let others see you when you enter your password.

Do not display or write your password in the work area or other visible place.

Change your password periodically (recommended every 6 months) and do not use
the password you want to change (old password). Change the password with a
completely new one

If you leave your terminal (PC or Laptop), then make sure you log off, or lock screen
or shutdown to make sure your terminal (PC or Laptop) is not open.

Example Passwords:
@rp3nl wl 11yH3rm@w4n

Question :
Please contact the IT Extension Department 3021

Last revision date:

October 1, 2013
No: IT 04
Policy Name : User Desktop and Laptop PC Standard and other
related matters
Provide guidelines for user PC standardization according to company needs

Applies to :
All employees

Ultimate Guide:
The company enforces standardization of PC and Laptop configurations according to
company needs

General requirements :

The IT department will enforce standardization of hardware and software

configurations for PCs and laptops in the office and on ships

Needs that do not follow the standardization imposed by the IT Department can be
given to employees on condition that they submit changes, additions or exceptions to
standardization that have been approved by the manager and directors concerned.

Employees are not allowed to add or reduce hardware/software that has been provided
by the company unless it has been approved by the IT Manager

The use of hardware/software other than company standards will be the full
responsibility of the employee.

Every employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
including termination of employment (with reference to the applicable Law/PP).

PC Support

The IT department will maintain all of the company's desktop PCs and laptops both in
the office and on board. Every employee is required
maintain and maintain properly every hardware and software that has been entrusted
that has been entrusted by the company to employees to support their work activities
in the company

•?•If they experience problems with their PC/Laptop, users are required to contact the
company's helpdesk team and then the helpdesk team will direct them to the
company's PC support section. Users are not allowed to determine their own
PC/laptop repair/service provider without going through the approval of the IT

Personal devices used for company purposes will not get support from the IT

Employee training

Training for new employees on the use of PCs, access to the network and other
software/applications will be provided by the IT helpdesk

Backup Procedure

Every employee who has access rights to the working folder server can store data on
the file sharing server. Every certain period the data on the server will be backed up.
Data and applications on the PC/Laptop are not backed up. If you want to backup
data or applications on each PC/laptop that you use, then follow the following
o Save the file or data which is company data to the server working folder that
has been provided by the company (IT Department). Periodically the folder
will be backed up by the IT Department
o Not allowed to save files that have nothing to do with the company's business

If the file or data is on your PC/laptop and the file is lost/damaged, contact the IT
Department to restore the file. The IT department does not guarantee that the file can
be returned in its entirety
Anti-Virus Software

The company uses antivirus software that will automatically scan all
PCs/Laptops connected to the company network

IT request form attachment

Question :
Please contact the IT Extension Department 3021

Last revision date:

I October 2013

IT Standard Form

1) Computer Access Form

I. Form Name: Form ACU (Access Computer User)
II. Use:
a. Employees who have just joined Arpeni and need access to the
office network including internet access and email accounts
b. Old employees but do not have access to the office network
including internet access and email accounts
III. Signed:
a. Requester user
b. Relevant department manager
c. Approval by the board of directors (optional)
d. IT Department

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2) Application & Implementation Request Form

I Font Name: Form RAI (Request Application and Implementation)
II Use:
a. Dept/user requests a new program in an existing application
b. Dept/useraskfor the implementation of existing applications
III Signed:
a. Userapplicant
b. Relevant department manager
c. Approvalbydirectors (optional)
d. IT Department
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3) Exit Clearance Form
I Form Name: Form UC (User Clearance)
II Use:
a. Closing network access office included loginapplication
b. Data backup including handover
c. Handover of computer
equipment III Signed:
a. Relevant department manager
b. HR Manager
c. IT Department


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No: IT 05
Policy Name : Desktop PC Software Standardization /
Provides guidelines for the process of purchasing, using and installing software on
company PCs

Applies to :
All employees

Ultimate Guide:
The company enforces standardization of PC and laptop software according to company


1. This policy applies to all company employees who have permission to use the
software installed (installed) on the company's desktop/laptop PC

2. The objectives of software standardization are as follows:

a) To help ensure the compatibility of the application/software to be used
b) Carry out more effective administrative arrangements
c) Assist in planning the use and purchase of software with long-term goals
d) Ensure more cost effective purchasing
e) Controlling the use and purchase of licensed software
f) Provide better technical support

3. Applications for purchasing software for purposes on board must be notified to the IT
Department before further processing by the Engineering or Nautical Department

Technical Support :
1. Software support is only provided for the type of software that has become company
standard. Examples of support for Windows Operating Systems, Microsoft Office and

2. Support (support) will not be provided for software that is not a company standard,
software purchased personally, software with a trial license and other software that is
not included in the company's standard software list. The use of software outside the
standard is prohibited for all employees.

3. The application or software is determined by the IT Department. Software that causes

problems / problems on the computer or company network will be removed

The Role of the IT Department in the Purchase & Use of Hardware and Software:

1. Assist companies in terms of evaluation and solutions to software

2. Act as a liaison and determiner of software and hardware specifications between

vendors and companies

3. Recommend and evaluate tasks, jobs and functions to be achieved in terms of

using/purchasing new software

4. Help provide hardware and software requirements and specifications

5. Perform installation, troubleshooting and maintenance of standard software used

by the company

6. Ensuring compliance with the company's hardware and software usage policies by all
company hardware/software users.

7. If there is a need for program improvement because the program does not
accommodate the company's business processes, the head of the department
concerned must discuss it with the IT Department and fill out the user form.
request and signed by head Department before
programdeveloped. Steps to be taken by the IT Department:

a. ldentification of problems
1.Through meetings with key users

11.Collect examples of required input data

111. Collecting sample reports

1v. Studying business processes manually

b. Perform analysis and design in the form ofuser request form
1.Create a business process flow design

ii. Impact analysis on the existing system

iii. Make a settlement schedule agreement
c. Development
1.Creating a prototype program

11.Perform Quality Control (testing and error programs)

m. Presenting the program

1v.Program improvement according to presentation results
v. Perform Quality Assurance v1.
Create User Manual
d. Implementation
1.Pilot program

11.Waiting period for implementation

111.Project completed

List of standardized software:

1. Operating systems include Windows 8 Enterprise or Windows 7
2. Microsoft Office 2013
3. Sophos Antivirus
4. Acrobat Reader (viewer free edition)
5. 7 zip or built in Windows Archiver/Extractor
6. Internal software (APOL inhouse application)
7. Other Software that has passed the test from the IT Department
(compatibility test and license type usage test)

Users are not allowed to install/install hardware/software other than those that have been
set/approved in writing by the company (IT Department). User
It is forbidden to install/store illegal software including audio files (Mp3, wma, etc.), video
(mp4 and others).

Request forPC hardware or Non-Standard Software

1. Make a request on the PR form and specify PC hardware or software that is not on
the standard list. The form must obtain approval from the direct supervisor and
state the purpose of using PC hardware or software that is not included in the
company's standard list(non-standard software)

2. For certain cases and the use of the software is absolutely necessary, granting
permission to use non-standard software can be granted under certain conditions.
Installation pending compatibility test, proposed software purchase and license
type test from IT Department

Not available

Question :
Please contact the IT Extension Department 3021

Last revision date:

October 1, 2013
No: IT 06
Policy name : PC and Laptop Device Specification
Provide guidelines for use and purchase with standardized specifications for PCs and
Laptops according to company needs

Applies to :
All employees who are entitled to use PC/Laptop work facilities

General requirements :
The IT department will enforce the standardization of PC and Laptop hardware

The use of hardware/software other than standard company specifications will be

the full responsibility of the employee

The IT department is responsible for all hardware installations and employees are
prohibited from modifying, disconnecting, connecting or moving hardware without
the knowledge of the IT department

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
including termination of employment (with reference to the applicable Law/PP).

Hardware Specifications

PC hardware specifications

4 GB (2GBx2) DDR3 1066 MHz $ORAM (dual-channel support
SstemMellilo.. ontwomMMs,su to8GB
Harddrive 500GBSerial ATA hard disk
Otlcal DriveDVD None
Intel® integrated graphics solution, featuring: • Intel® HD Graphics • Intel® Dynam

Gra hic.s
Embedded high-definition audio with 5.1-channel surround sound
Audio SU• ort:
Networiking • Gioab1tEinternet
Modem None
Front: • Four USB 2.0 ports • High-definition headphone and
microphone jacks • Back: • Six USB 2.0 ports • PS/2 keyboard and
mouse ports • Ethernet {RJ-45) port • Three audio ports • VGA port
1/0 Ports • DVI-D port Serial port Parallel port
Low-profile riser slots: PCI Express® 2.0 x16 PCI slot Express®2.0
1/0Expansion x1 slot
Dimensions 101.5 (W) x 396.84 (D) x 266.5 (H) mm (with bezel)
Power Supply 220W
System Compliance 2001 PC
Certification FCC, CE, MET, Nemko (CB&GS)
Special Keys&Controls Acer USB Keyboard and mouse
Warranty 3 (three} years spare parts and labour

Laptop hardware specifications

Intel® Core™ i3-3110M Processor (3M Cache, 2.40 GHz) Mobile Intel®
Pla.tform HM77:Ex ress Chi et
4GB (4GBx1)of DDR3 system memory, upgradable to 8 GB using two soDIMM
modules for 64-bitO S ,
13.3"HD 1366x768resolutionLED-backlitInte'®
HD Gra hics
rtve None
Dimensesiounce& Dimensions 325 (W) x 235 (D) x 18.9/24.8 (H)mm(12.79 x 9.25x0.74/0.97
Wei·:hI inches Wei.ht 1 .72k 3.79 lbs. with 4-cellbayyyye ·a.tsk
ACPI 3.0 CPU power management standard: supports Standby and
Hibernation power-saving modes Power adapter 3-pin 65 WAC adapter: •95
(W)x50 (D) x 25.4 (H) mm (3.74 x 1.96x1inches) •216 g (0.47 lbs.)with180
cm DC cable Battery •43.8 Wh 2960 mAh 4-cell Li-ion battery pack Battery life:
PowerSubsstem 6 hours ENERGY STAR®
Keyboard 88-/89-/93-key Acer FineTouch™ keyboard with international
language support, dedicated US dollar and Euro symbol keys Touchpad Multi
gesture touchpad, supporting two-finger scroll, pinch, rotate, flip Media keys
Media control keys {printed on keyboard): play/pause, stop, previous. next,
volume up, volume down Control keys Acer programmable key Acer Backup
key Acer Bio-Protection fingerprint reader1 Email key Mic mute
In_utDev ces keyCommunication ke·
High-definition audio support Two built-in stereo speakers MS-Sound
compatible Acer PureZone technology with two built-in stereo microphones,
featuring beam forming, echo cancellation, and noise suppression
Audio tectmol ice
WLAN: •Acer lnvilink™ Nplify™ 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™
Supporting Acer SignalUp™ wireless technology WPAN: Bluetooth® 4.0+HS
LAN: Gigabit Ethernet Acer Video Conference, featuring: Acer Crystal Eye HD
Commun caitlon webcam
144-pin Acer ProDock connector ExpressCard®/34 slot Multi-in-1 card reader
(SDTM, MMC, MS, MS PRO, xD) Three USB 3.0 ports (one port featuring
power-off USS charging) eSATA / USB 2.0 port15 HDMI ® port with HDCP
support External display (VGA) port Headphone/speaker jack Microphone-in
1/0 ·ack Ethernet RJ-45 ortDC-in ·ack for ACthere is,ter
Wamr •

Hardware Ownership

All hardware from the company belongs to the company and is only given to
employees who are entitled to receive it according to their positions, responsibilities
and needs to support the work of the employee concerned.

Employees are required to maintain and maintain the hardware provided by the
company and only used for the benefit of the company. Loss or damage caused is the
responsibility of the employee

Hardware receiving employee category

Laptops are only given to managers and above or employees who do a lot of out of
town official activities. For positions under manager, if you want to give a laptop, you
must get approval from the company (assess that it is necessary to give a laptop) to
the employee concerned. Apart from that using PC hardware

PC/Laptop hardware is only used for employees who are assessed by the company as
requiring hardware as a work tool and in accordance with company policies and in
accordance with company responsibilities and needs. Office Boy example, drivers are
the part that doesn't need to get hardware

PreconditionHardware Purchase

Hardware using the above specifications

Purchase of PC is not automatic along with LCD Monitor. Purchase of a pair of PC +

LCD monitor is only given if:
o Represents the procurement of new hardware purchases, previously not
available (new request)
o The old monitor has been damaged and can be physically or
administratively proven that the monitor device is really damaged
(replacement status)

Prerequisites if it is a new purchase (new request):

o Make a procurement request
o Explain the status and reason for the new purchase for the position and the
name of the employee in question

Prerequisites if the purchase is for asset replacement (replacement):

o Fill out and applyForm
o Because it is an asset replacement, physical assets that have been
damaged must be sent to the IT Head Office accompanied by a document
of asset damage minutes that has been signed by the employee who
received the asset, direct supervisor and IT (as asset examiner).

Not available

Question :
Please contact Exte IT IT Departmentnsion 3021

Last revision date:

October 1, 2013
No: IT 07
Policy Name: Network Access
Provide guidelines for data and voice communication (telephone) at the head office
and branch offices for company purposes/interests

Applies to:
All employees

General requirements:
The company prepares a Wide Area Network facility so that the head office and
branch offices can be joined in one network to access software or communicate
via voice (telephone).

The company prepares local area network facilities so that computers in one
branch can be connected to each other and facilitate software implementation

All PCs/laptops can access the company network (network) according to the user's
profit which has been regulated by the company's information system access

Employees are not allowed to bring and connect equipment from outside the office
that is not owned by the company into the company network

Every employee is required to maintain secure access to the network according

to company regulations (see password security policy)

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
including termination of employment (with reference to the applicable

Allowed use:
Every PC/laptop that has been given access to the company network is required
to be responsible that the data will be used effectively to support the work

Unauthorized use:
Transferring company data to other parties that have the potential to harm the
Respecting the rules of the IT Department, among others:
o Online game
o Not following the instructions of the IT Department
o Intentionally or unintentionally changing the configurationnetwork
o Accidentally or accidentally disconnected the

cablenetworkSoftware access does not match the created form Trying

to access the server from the network and change it

All information in the network is good atservernorclientbelongs to the company

Companygiverightto access everythingfill in data andinformationin the

network and the company, trust it with decisions, that part of the business to


Question :
Please contactDepartmentIT Extension 3021

Last revision date:

1October 2013
No: IT 08
Policy Name: USB Access
Provides guidelines for using USB flash

Applies to:
All employees

General requirements:
USB flash is a place to store data temporarily to transfer source data from
company computers. And with consideration of the ease of carrying data for the
company's business needs, USB flash can be used

The USB policy provisions are as follows:

o AlcsesUSBport is only given for supervisor level and above
o USB flash shared by supervisor and team
o The responsibility for data security is in the respective departments
o Misuse of USB flash will be penalized according to company

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
including termination of employment (with reference to the applicable

Not available

Question :
Please contact the IT Extension Department 3021

Last revision date:

I October 2013

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