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ee Sea Ce ees ee ee) able and adapta ee ee ne eee ee ets ee Ry Cees marke Furthermore, ONYX Big Dee eee eet) ene ey cnn eee Cees ] | ONYX Te Data A aan Nosat. Database OLAP In the Internet era, a large amount of unstructured data is generated, which poses high requirements on distributed data storage and parallel technologies. Therefore, big data technologies emerge. In the mobile Internet era, mobile applications are far richer and more popular than traditional internet applications. The data structure has changed greatly. The requirements for data _ processing performance and high concurrency are greatly increased, further promoting the development of big data interactive query and full-text retrival In the upcoming IoT era, any information is connected to the Internet. We need to associate the information to unravel the patterns behind it and create greater value for human life and production. Big data processing in the Al era requires real-time processing capability with low latency, promoting the development of big data technologies. , i \| SS SSS Technology is evolving quickly, 0 your team may not have time to design, deploy and manage solution stacks optimized for Hadoop. While advanced analytice and artificial intelligence (Al) might seem like the latest IT trend. With Apache® Hadoop® as the foundation of ‘analytics solution stack, you can quickly process large sots of disparate data for a more comprehensive view of your customers, operations, opportunities, risks ‘and more. However, expertise and infrastructure matter when building a Hadoop environment. ONYX Big Data Platform remove the uncertainty and barriers that may dissuade you from deploying Hadoop. Validated Designs for Hadoop provide a faster way to hhamess the power of analytics to drive ‘competitive advantage. The development trend of big data shows that big data requires higher and higher computing power and computing hardware that better adapts to big data technologies. By using commodity grade x86 servers, as well as bringing together technology from apache hadoop as a uni- fied comprehensive solution both in terms of performance and coupled with support services from engineers who have years of experience in the big data field, we adopt the latest technology of big data platforms, which call it “ONYX Big Data Platform” ONYX Big Data Platform supports multiple big data platforms and muttiple application scenarios such as offine analysis, real-time search, and real-time stream processing PTAs! Th NDONESI ce ee ee Centers Ce Eee Ty) eee features developed by our RB Ta ee POC ear Pee eer) to ee oat Cer ee rae eT) Data Soliton without seling per Ce eee sales support is handled di ee product Principal, the cost See tees ea | 1 | Toth ALT | Data a evaretan use cases Data warehouse augmentation |Log aggregation and analytes | Dual storage and ‘Archive-intensve and sctive archive tiered Hodoop Reduces tte cost of ownership Secures the enterprise, Reduces TCO and Provides enterprise storege (TCO) and ineroasas return on eases compliance. features for storagecentie Invectment (ROD. Hadoop werkoads with large | capactyrequrements + Offload extract transform, |» Prevent secuty Breaches |» Lower data storage Lower costs for sete toad (ETL workoads. snd threats, costs whe maintaining chive, Reducelicensing coats. |» Detect operational anomalies. | accessbty Use for long-term red + Enhance data sccessbity, | Increase infrastructure | » Ease compliance storage for regulatory Enable beter deta exploration | effiioncy and automation. | and reporting compliance. and ants. ‘Streamine Inquiry processes. | - Get mult-protocl support + Manage performance Enjoy business operations | fr storage coneoidation, mot ffectiay. improvement. Marketing Finance Heathes Pharmaceutical Manufacturing ‘Anticipate customer | Reduce rick and Improve pation are | Enaureregustory | Achieve contruous reeds. tec rau, nd reduce cost, complance and vldaton. process inpovernent. + Castor 360insight_| + Credit scoring ~ Quality of exe ~ Biomedical analytes | Product quality + Oustomer retention | Customer analytes « Patent safety + Stablty and + Gustome night + Customer + Fraud detection «Risk mitigation shot + Demand forecarting segmentation + Riskmaragoment + Fraud detection + Primary research Improved operations + Customer loyaty + Clams management + New product/service fauneh System Requirements = Master Node 2 units) 2 x 00-04 Processor 24GHz mim, 16 core minimum, Storage 850: 2x 4807B SSO Med Use (OS & APS), 48.8478 ied Used 1268p (et) network : xual por 106B FC (wth SFP) & ‘Quad por 168 Bas07, Redundant Power Supply, O'S: Ceri0s = Worker Node (8 units: 2 x x8664 Processor 24GHe minimum, 18 coe minum, Storage 850: 2 4807B SSD Mined Use (1S & Apps) 68 473 es Used 126555 (sta), network: Del pot 1068 FC (th SFPe) & ‘nud por 168E Bese, Reundant Power Supp, OS: Centos ports icing SFP, 22 uns Patch Gord FC OMALCAL (ength wil vary based on unt placement in ton pots 2 unis Patch Cod UTP Cate Base meth &2 unis Pach Crd UTP Cae Base (enh wl vary base on nt pacemertin locaton PT. Optima Dat indonesia Email :info@optimasidata com orm! oun MOONE Further Information ‘ONYX Big Data Platform (ODBP) Powered by Apache Software Foundation PT. Optimasi Data Indonesia ~ ©Copyright 2022

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