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Nama Satuan Pendidikan : Nama Peserta : ……………………….……………

Program Studi : PAKET C No. Ujian : …………………………………….
Bidang Studi : BAHASA INGGRIS Alokasi Waktu : 120 Menit

Read the following dialog for question number 1 - 3

Doni is the winner of the National Storytelling Contest.
Gio : Congratulations on your success as the winner of the National Storytelling Contest this
Doni : Thank you. It’s a wonderful achievement for me.
Gio : You are awesome. The way you told the story was very impressive.
Doni : Thank you. I practiced a lot.
Gio : Did you do it yourself?
Doni : No, my teacher and my sister helped me.
Gio : You must be very grateful to them.
Doni : Yes, of course. Their assistants are very meaningful.
Gio : What stories did you choose for this contest?
Doni : I told a folktale from Sumatra, entitled Malin Kundang
Gio : What is it teaching us about?
Doni :It taught us to always respect and obey our parents.

1. “Congratulations on your success as the winner of the National Storytelling Contest this
The underlined sentence in the dialog above expresses ______________ expression.

2. “You are awesome. The way you told the story was very impressive”
The utterance above implies . . . . .
A. Gio congratulates Doni for winning the contest
B. Gio compliments Doni’s performance on the contest
C. Gio asks for information about the theme of the story
D. Gio asks for tips to win the contest
E. Gio expresses his gratitude to Doni

3. Based on the dialog above, state whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE ( V

Gio won a story telling contest.

Doni’s performance was impressive at the contest.

Doni is very grateful to his teacher and sister.

Doni told a story from abroad at the contest.

Gio is probably Dion’s teacher.

Read the text to answer questions number 4 - 6
The Colosseum
The Colosseum is the remains of the Flavian Amphitheater. It is located in the center of
Rome, Italy. The construction process began under the Flavian dynasty under the emperor
Vespasian in AD 72 and was completed in AD 80 under the Emperor Titus. It is the biggest
amphitheater in the world and it is considered to be the greatest work of the Roman architect.
Now, it is the most visited tourist object in Rome with thousands of tourists each year paying a
lot of money to see the interior of the building. However, entrance for citizens of the European
Union (EU) is partially subsidized, while entrance for EU citizens under eighteen or over sixty-
five years of age is free.
The Colosseum was an elliptical construction of a wall surrounding an elliptical arena
where various shows were held as an entertainment for the citizens of Rome. But now what
we can see from the building is the remains of the ruin, most of the wall is no longer intact.
There are 80 entrances that we can use to enter the building, 4 of these entrances, located on
each axis of the ellipse shape of the building, were used for the noble and elite only.
The arena is in the center of the building and it is lower than the seat of the audience.
The Colosseum could hold up to 50.000 spectators which occupy a descending level style of
seats. The first level of the seats, which is the closest to the arena, is used by the Emperor and
high rank officials of Rome. The higher the seat gets the lower the level of the audience
becomes. The arena’s floor that used to be made of wood and covered by sand has broken,
showing the underground structure called hypogeum. It consists of secret passage, rooms, and
animal’s cages where The Gladiator and the beast stayed before the competition.

Adapted from:

4. Who could sit on the first level of the seats in the Colosseum?
A. Emperor
B. Gladiator
C. The Beast
D. Ordinary people
E. the low-level spectators

5. Match the words from the text above on the left column with their similar meaning on the
remains (paragraph 1) 1) a. maintained

considered (paragraph 1) 2) b. damaged

intact (paragraph 2) 3) c. relics

closest (paragraph 3) 4) d. believed

broken (paragraph 3) 5) e. nearest

f. complete

6. After reading the text, state whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE ( V ).

The Colosseum had been built by the Flavian for about eight

If the price of the ticket to enter the Colosseum is €10, Fiona, 25

years old, has to spend €5 to buy the ticket.

The Colosseum is the biggest open-air theater in the entire world.

The Colosseum becomes the most visited tourist object in Rome,

people come to watch various shows there.

Citizens were allowed to enter the Colosseum through all of the

80 entrances.

Read the following text to answer question number 7 - 9

Magic Candle
One day, a young wanderer got lost in the woods. Suddenly, he saw a light from an
old hut. He found an old woman was crying there. She said that a devil had stolen her
magic candle. The candle could grant anything she asked. He promised the woman to take
the candle from the devil’s castle.
The wanderer went to the castle not far from the hut. There, he found the devil, but
he was old and weak. Therefore, when the wanderer took the magic candle from the
castle, he couldn’t chase him. However, the wanderer was not a kind man. He didn’t return
the candle to the old woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish, “I
want to go far away from here.”
Suddenly, a genie appeared and took him to a beautiful palace.The wanderer wanted
to make some money. So, he lit the candle again and wished for some jewelry. Then, a
princess came to buy some jewelry, but there was nothing left. The wanderer fell in love
with her and asked her to marry him. The kind princess said yes, and they got married.
In his happiness, the wanderer told the princess about his adventure and the magic
candle. Hearing that, the princess got very angry. At night, she lit the candle and wished
the wanderer disappeared. In the morning the wanderer awoke and found himself back in
his ugly house in the village.

Adapted from:


7. “He didn’t return the candle to the old woman . . .(2nd paragraph)” The word ‘he’ refers to .
A. the devil
B. the young wanderer
C. the old woman
D. the guest
E. the princess

8. Match the characters in the story above with their characteristics.

The young wanderer 1) a. kind

The old woman 2) b. powerful

The devil 3) c. greedy

The genie 4) d. strong

The princess 5) e. innocent

f. weak

9. After reading the story about “Magic Candle”, The moral value you can learn from the main
character is good or bad! Support your answer in your own words!

Read the following conversation to answer question number 10 - 13

Gea and Fiona are having lunch in the canteen.
Gea : Fiona, I have a problem. I got an invitation for English Summer Camp in London
next holiday.
Fiona : That’s great. So, what is your problem?
Gea : I am not confident with my speaking ability. In London, I have to interact with
them using English.
Do you have any suggestions?
Fiona : You have to practice a lot. What about taking an intensive speaking course?
Gea : That’s a good idea. However, I don’t know a reputable English speaking course
around here.
Can you recommend me?
Fiona : Sure. I suggest you register at Bright English. My sister proved it a year ago.
Now she can communicate with her manager, an English native speaker, fluently.
Gea : Awesome. Where is the location of Bright English? I have to register soon.
Fiona : It is on Jl. Sudirman, beside the Post Office. Shall I accompany you there?
Gea : Thank you, Fiona. However, I think I will go there with my Mom.
I need her permission to join the course. You have helped me a lot.
Fiona : No, problem.

10. Based on the text above, choose 3 correct statements by giving (V) in front of the answers!

A Gea got an invitation to join a summer camp in London.

B Gea doesn’t need recommendation to learn speaking.

C Bright English is an English Course.

D Fiona studied in Bright English a year ago.

E Gea needs her mother’s permission to register for Bright English.

11. Complete the following sentence by choosing 3 correct modals, give (V) in front of the
To participate in the summer camp, Gea has to be fluent in speaking English. Gea . . . . take
an intensive English course as soon as possible.
A might

B should

C used to

D ought to

E need to

12. Match the utterances from the conversation above with the suitable kind of the expression.
Utterances Kind of Expression

Do you have any suggestions? 1) a. Offering help.

What about taking an intensive speaking 2) b. Accepting the

course? suggestion.

That’s a good idea. 3) c. Accepting an offer

Shall I accompany you there? 4) d. Refusing an offer

Thank you, Fiona. However, I think I will go 5) e. Giving suggestion

there with my Mom.

f. Asking for suggestion

13. Based on the text, Gea . . . by Fiona to register in Bright English to have an intensive English
The suitable passive verb to complete the sentence is . . . .
A. recommended
B. has recommended
C. will be recommended
D. recommended
E. was recommended

Text for question number 14 - 17

We are actually already familiar with vaccinations. Since childhood we have done
vaccinations and immunizations for various diseases. During this Covid-19 pandemic,

vaccination of Covid-19 is very important for us.
Covid-19 vaccination can protect us by creating antibodies or the immune system in
the body to fight the virus. With these antibodies, your body will be trained to prevent and
fight Covid-19 infection. Vaccination is not a drug that completely cures Covid-19. However,
according to experts, even if you get Covid-19 after vaccination, the vaccine will prevent
your body from infection and the symptoms of Covid-19, because your body now has a
stronger body defense system.
When you are vaccinated, you protect not only yourself but also your family and the
people around you. This is because not everyone can receive the Covid-19 vaccine. Those
who cannot be vaccinated rely on you who can be vaccinated to reduce the spread of
Covid-19. The more people who are vaccinated, the less likely it is that an infected person
will pass the disease on to other people.
With the advent of vaccines and more people being vaccinated, the infected people
and the transmission rate will certainly decrease. This reduces the burden on health
workers and health facilities. Health workers can dedicate their efforts, funds and
equipment to helping patients with severe symptoms or other diseases and preventing the
buildup of patients in the hospital.
By decreasing the rate of Covid-19 infection and breaking the chain of the Covid-19
pandemic, you can protect future generations from the long suffering of being infected with
this disease. This has been proven from historical records that have taken place. In the past
there were so many diseases caused by deadly viruses, with the presence of vaccines, we
are a generation that lives on from the vaccination struggles of previous generations.
In conclusion, taking Covid-19 vaccination is very important for us. It can protect
ourselves, people around us, and our future generation from the Covid-19 infection.
Adapted from:

14. What is the text talking about?

A. The effect of Covid-19 vaccination in our body
B. The reasons why we should protect ourselves from Covid- 19
C. The role of Covid-19 vaccination to cure the Covid-19
D. The importance of getting Covid-19 vaccination
E. The ways to get Covid-19 vaccination

15. Give tick (V) to 3 right answers.about where we probably can find the text above in the
following sources .
A Newspaper

B Economic journal

C Health magazine

D Medicine receipt

E Hospital bulletin board

16. After reading the text, do you agree or not with the writer’s idea about Covid-19
vaccination? Give me your reason!

17. According to the text above, which passive sentence is correct?

A. Antibodies are created by the vaccine to fight the coronavirus.
B. Covid-19 vaccination is protected by humans from viruses.
C. We are protected by those who cannot take vaccines.
D. The increase of vaccination can be decreased by the burden of health workers.
E. Covid-19 vaccination can be decreased by the rate of Covid-19 infection.

Read the invitation below to answer questions number 18 - 20

To: Laila (XI IPS)
Health is one of God’s blessings that is given to us
We realize how important health is
Given that importance, we invite you to take part at the even of ‘Run Together’ with PKBM
that will be held on Friday February 14th, 2022
This event aims to improve the health of us
This event will be held around PKBM Haruan from 8 a.m. until finish
The route is attached
RSVP to Gala (08995632881) before February 13th, 2022
Sincerely yours,
Committee Leader

18. The text above is talking about an invitation to attend _________________ event.

19. Give tick (V) to 3 right answers.

We probably can find the text above in the following sources . . . . .
A The invitees are the students of PKBM Haruan.

B The committee asked the reader to maintain their health through the event.

C The participants should pay to join the ‘Run Together’ event.

D The event will be held in the afternoon.

E Vani is the sender of the invitation

20. What should Laila do after reading the invitation?

A. She should call Vani before the due date
B. She should contact Gala to confirm her attendance
C. She has to register in PKBM Haruan
D. She needs to maintain her health
E. She should run to PKBM haruan
Read the following dialog to answer questions number 21 - 23

Dena : Hi, Rinto. What are you doing here?
Rinto : I need your help, Dena. Can you do me a favor?
Dena : What can I do for you, Rinto?
Rinto : I have an assignment from Ms. Zara. She asked me to make some sentences using
conjunctions. Can you teach me how to use them? I am still confuse.
She explained the material too fast.
Dena : Oh, I am sorry, Rinto. I haven’t learnt about it. How about asking my sister to teach
She is great in English
Rinto : That would be great, Dena.
Dena : OK, wait a minute. I will tell her. (after a while)
Dena : Rinto, this is Mia, my sister. Mia, this is Rinto.
He needs your help, Mia. He wants to know more about cause-effect conjunctions.
Mia : With pleasure, Rinto

21. What is the dialog discussing about?

A. Rinto’s assignment
B. Rinto and Dena’s problem
C. Dena’s sister ability in English
D. The way Ms. Zara’s taught
E. Dena’s request to her sister

22. After reading the text, What will probably happen if Dena’s sister cannot help Rinto?

State your reason!

23. Give tick (V) to 3 right answers.

Which cause-effect sentences are suitable with the text above?
A Rinto was so confused that he came to Dena’s house to get help.

B Rinto asked for Dena’s assistance because he didn't understand his teacher's

C Dena will help because she understands the material.

D Rinto rejected Dena’s offer to ask for her sister’s help since she

E Dena recommended her sister to help Doni due to her competence in


Read the application letter below to answer question number 24 - 26
September 15, 2021
Sarah Jenkins
Rogers Consulting
New York, NY 10001
Dear Ms. Jenkins,
I am reaching out to you regarding the posting for the human resources consultant
position I found on I have a great interest in this position and would appreciate
your consideration as a candidate for the role.
In my previous experience, I worked in human resources departments to provide
support across several different industries. I have worked in my current role as a human
resources generalist for the past four years. Prior to this job, I worked as a human resources
assistant for two years, which shows my ability to advance in my career.
I have a strong passion for helping others, which is why I have found such fulfillment in
human resources, providing support to my fellow employees and assisting them in ways that
benefit them both personally and professionally. I also enjoy looking for solutions to common
HR problems, which I feel would be a great asset in the position with your company. Since
this consultant position works directly with multiple clients, assisting them in their human
resources needs, I believe my innovative nature and strong skill set will help me succeed.
I have strong communication skills, which are vital to success in the HR field. I also
have a bachelor’s degree in human resources from Arizona State University. Throughout my
education, I worked with skilled human resources professionals who have shared their
insights and experience with me. Some of my strongest skills include my ability to increase
employee retention through the improvement of company culture and to develop training
and education programs to ensure all employees have access to the information they need to
succeed and comply with legal requirements.
I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to
the next steps in the hiring process. If you have any questions or need any additional
information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Lee Jimenez


24. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To provide information about a job vacancy in Rogers Consulting
B. To find job vacancy of human resources in
C. To apply for human resources position at Rogers Consulting
D. To offer a position as human resources in Rogers Consulting
E. To ask for information about human resources position at Rogers Consulting

25. Decide whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE (V).


Sarah Jenkins is the Director of Rogers Consulting.

Lee worked as a human resources assistant for four years.

Lee is still studying in human resources department at Arizona


Lee is able to develop training and education programs to improve

the employees performance.

Lee believes that his strong skills will be a great support at Rogers

26. Match the main idea of each paragraph in column B to the suitable paragraph in
column A

Paragraph 1 1) a. The writer is willing to help his co-workers and to give

solutions to other’s problems.

Paragraph 2 2) b. The writer found the information of human resources

consultant position on

Paragraph 3 3) c. The writer has worked in Rogers Consulting for four


Paragraph 4 4) d. The writer hopes Ms. Jenkins will reply his letter in
regard to the next steps in the hiring process

Paragraph 5 5) e. The writer is experienced to work in human resources


f. The writer has good communication skills.

Read the table below to answer question number 27 - 29

Length of Symptoms Several weeks Less than14 days 7 – 14 days 7 – 25 days

Body aches X √ √ Sometimes

Chills X Less common √ Sometimes

Cough √ √ √ √

Fatigue/weakness Sometimes √ √ √

Fever X Less common √ √

Headaches √ Less common √ Sometimes

Loss of taste or Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes √


Nasal congestion √ √ √ Less common

Runny nose √ √ √ Less common

Sneezing √ √ √ Sometimes

Sore throat Sometimes √ √ Sometimes

Shortness of breath Sometimes Less common √ √

Vomiting/ diarrhea X Sometimes sometimes Sometimes

27. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. to inform kind of symptoms caused by Covid-19
B. to ask the reader to find the differences between Covid-19 and other symptoms
C. to tell the reader the ways to encounter allergies, cold, influenza, and Covid-19
D. to provide detailed information about the symptoms of allergies, cold, influenza, and
E. to persuade the reader to aware of the symptoms of respiratory diseases

28. If Andi has symptoms such as body aches, chills, cough, fever, headaches, sometimes lost
taste and sometimes vomit in these two weeks, he probably got . . . . …..

29. Based on the table above, Choose 3 correct options by giving (v) mark in front of the
A The allergy sufferers sometimes have sore throat and fatigue but they
don’t experience fever and chills in several weeks.

B Allergies, Cold, flu, influenza, and Covid-19 sickness show symptoms of

body aches and cough.

C Only the Covid-19 sufferers who always lost their taste and smell between
seven to twenty five days.

D If in ten days, a person encounters a sore throat, runny nose, sneezing,

nasal congestion, and body aches he might get a cold.

E Both Covid-19 and cold sufferers sometimes encounter fever and diarrhea.

Read the following news to answer question number 30 - 33

Tonga Virus Cases Surge in Wake of Eruption

Thu, February 10, 2022. The Omicron variant coronavirus entered Tonga for the first

time in the wake of last month's volcanic eruption, officials confirmed Thursday, as the
number of COVID-19 cases in the kingdom almost doubled to 64.
Health Minister Saia Piukala said 31 new cases had been detected in the previous 24
hours, a record for the island nation which was virus-free until last month's blast. Piukala
said samples sent to Australia February 8th, confirmed the variant of the virus spreading in
Tonga was the highly transmissible Omicron strain.
The source of the coronavirus infection remains unknown, but suspicion has fallen on
ships delivering aid from countries including Australia, China, France, Japan and New
Zealand despite strict quarantine rules on the handling of goods a week ago. Australian
defense chiefs have denied it came from the COVID-hit warship HMAS Adelaide, saying the
vessel did not unload its humanitarian supplies at the wharf in Nuku'alofa, where the virus
was first detected.
The nation of about 100,000 remains in lockdown, with stay-at-home orders
meaning all businesses and schools are closed and only essential services are allowed to
The restrictions are hampering disaster relief efforts after the Hunga Tonga-Hunga
Ha'apai volcano erupted. The blast generated massive tsunami waves and blanketed the
island nation in toxic ash, claiming . 87 percent of eligible Tongans have received two
vaccine doses, according to UN data. Communications remain a problem in the kingdom
after the eruption cut the undersea cable linking Tonga to the rest of the world. Tonga
Cable Limited said this week that a cable repair ship had found the broken ends of the link
but damage was worse than expected, meaning it was unlikely to be fixed before February
20. In the meantime, backup satellite links are being used but bandwidth is limited and
international communications remain difficult for most Tongans.


30. Arrange the following sentences into a sequence of events based on the text above
1) 31 new cases of COVID-19 in Tonga had been detected in the previous 24 hours.
2) Some countries sent ships delivering aid to help Tongas dealing with the disaster a
week ago.
3) A cable repair ship is trying to fix the broken ends of the link until February 20.
4) Thursday, Officials confirmed that the number of COVID-19 cases in Tonga almost
doubled to 64.
5) The volcanic eruption happened in Tonga last month.

A. 5–2–3–1–4
B. 5–2–4–3–1
C. 5–2–1–4–3
D. 5–3–2–4–1
E. 5–3–1–2–4

31. After reading the text, about the statement “ “Australia, China, France, Japan and New
Zealand ships are suspected to bring the corona virus to Tonga. They should not deliver aid
to Tonga after the volcanic eruption.” Do you agree with the statement? Explain your

32. State True or False ( V ) for the following statements based on the text

Omicron variant was found in Tonga after the volcanic eruption.

The Australian ship confirmed that Corona virus came from the
COVID-hit warship HMAS Adelaide.

Corona virus in Tonga was firstly detected in Nuku'alofa.

The spreading of Corona hindered the disaster relief efforts after

the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano erupted.

The backup satellite link could cover the international

communication for Tongas.

33. If the undersea cable is not repaired, the communication in Tonga . . . a problem.
A. remain
B. will remain
C. remained
D. would remain
E. would have remained

Read the text below to answer question number 34 – 37

Wedang Ronde Recipe

Balls Ginger Sauce
● 150 grams of glutinous rice flour ● 1 liter water
● 2 teaspoons sago flour ● 3 tablespoons ginger, minced
● a pinch of Salt (ginger is claimed could boost our immune
● 25 cc betel lime liquid system)
● 50 cc warm water ● 3 stalks lemongrass, cut into 3 pieces each
● Food coloring :red, green, purple and bruised
Filing ● 2 Pandan leaves, shredded and tied into
● 50 grams grinded peanuts knots
● 25 grams granulated sugar ● 200 grams granulated sugar
● A spoonful of warm water Supplementary material
● 3 pieces of bread, cut it squares
● 100 grams of longan, slice it thick

1. Filling: mix the grinded peanuts, granulated sugar, and warm water. Shape it as big as
2. Ronde Balls:
● Mix glutinous rice flour and salt. Add betel lime liquid and warm water a little at a
time, knead until the dough can be shaped. Divide into 2-3 parts, each of them is dyed
in a different color.
● Make balls as big as quail’s eggs, flatten and place filling in the center. Close up the
dough and reshape into balls.
● Cook balls in the boiling water until they float and are done. Drain.
3. Ginger sauce: boil water and ingredients in a covered saucepan on low heat for 30
minutes until the aroma is quite strong. Sieve.
4. Put the balls and longan into a small ball, pour the ginger sauce, and the square-chopped
bread on the top of it. Serve it hot.

34. Choose 3 correct answers by giving (v) marks in front of the answers.
What benefit will people likely get after reading the text?
A Able to make beverages made from ginger.

B Know the ingredients to make betel lime liquid.

C Become interested in having a healthy lifestyle.

D Understand the components of wedang ronde.

E Notice the way to serve wedang ronde.

35. State whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE (V)

To make ronde ball, we should add grinded peanuts to the mixture of

flour, salt, betel lime and warm water.

We should pour the betel lime liquid into the flour bit by bit so that the
dough could be shaped easily.

Dying the dough of ronde ball will beautify the appearance of wedang

After shaping the ronde balls, we should soak them in boiled water
until it floats.

Adding longan and bread into the ginger water will richer the taste of
wedang ronde.

36. If you want to make the ginger sauce sweeter, you should add the amount of . . . . ….

37. After rounding the dough, we need to flatten it . . . be able to put the filling on it.
The suitable conjunction to complete the sentence above is . . . .
A. because
B. since
C. because of
D. so that
E. in order to

Read the lyric below to answer question number 38 – 40

The Cranberries
.... My mother, my mother
Understand the things I say She hold me, she hold me
Don’t turn away from me When I was out there
‘Cause I’ve spent half my life out there My father, my father
You wouldn’t disagree He liked me, oh, he liked me
Do you see me? Do you see? Does anyone care?
Do you like me standing there? Understand what I’ve become
Do you notice? Do you know? It wasn’t my design
Do you see me, do you see me? And people everywhere think something
Does anyone care? Better than I am
Unhappiness, But I miss you, I miss
where’s when I was young ‘Cause I liked it when I was out there
And we didn’t give a damn Do you know this? Do you know
‘Cause we were raised You did not find me?
To see life as fun Does anyone care?
And take it if we can Adapted from:

38. The song is probably written for the writer’s . . . .

39. How does the writer feel when writing the song?
A. annoyed
B. burdened
C. failed
D. sorry
E. lonely

40. After reading the text above, state whether the statements below are TRUE or FALSE ( V ) !

The writer wanted to be understood by someone

The writer spent his life out of his house

The writer noticed the reader

The writer doesn’t like his parents

The writer misses his family now


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