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(Dr. Santiago D. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga


Name: Kurt Sid Marione P. Estrebillo Date: August 31, 2022
Course and Yr: ABPsy-1 Professor: Mr. Gerald A. Espares

Divorce in the Philippines

A person resorts to or seeks divorce when they are abused by their partner or
when they no longer feel as healthy and happy as before. It is a long process that
requires one or both parties to be firm with their decision whether to continue it for
good or not. However, the case in our country isn’t the same as most countries in the
world, particularly the United States. Since our country is heavily influenced by the
Christian Catholic church and its doctrine. Most people perceive divorce as a sin,
because it is an act of dissolution of marriage that was first place bound in the name
of their God. I see it as very impractical, unfair, and inconvenient. Given the fact that
many are experiencing domestic abuse, I firmly believe that divorce should be
legalized as it is no harm and will benefit the plaintiff or both parties and also for the
sake of their future and their families.

Death Penalty in the Philippines

Death penalty has been one of the oldest and infamous punishment given to
an offender. It was used a long time ago here in the Philippines and was abolished in
the time of rule of former President Arroyo. From my perspective, I think death
penalty is applicable for some extreme cases. For example, if a person had
committed multiple murders, and shows no remorse at all, and is likely to commit a
crime again. I would agree on their persecution. Though I am aware that many would
be against my idea, I would not care much at all if they are only going to tell me that
the criminal’s life matters. I would frankly ask them, did the criminal care for the lives
they took? But personally, I generally don’t like the idea of death penalty. Since I
believe it is anti-poor and does not really lessen the crime rates. And if I were to be
asked if I think death penalty should be re-imposed here again in our country. I would
(Dr. Santiago D. Ortega Memorial)
City of Iriga


Name: Kurt Sid Marione P. Estrebillo Date: August 31, 2022
Course and Yr: ABPsy-1 Professor: Mr. Gerald A. Espares

highly disagree, knowing the fact that the justice system here is unjust and rotten.
Many criminals would be put to death penalty without a just conviction. Simply think
of the idea of rich people not being jailed, yet the poor ones are easily punished.

Same-Sex Marriage in the Philippines

Just like the two aforementioned subjects, same-sex marriage is also a

controversial topic. Firstly because it is timely, and many of the members of the
LGBT+ are now openly and more vocal about their sexuality and their rights. And
secondly, because it is also yet again deemed as a monstrous act by most people.
Even though it delights me that many are now being more open to and are accepting
the idea of same-sex marriage, It is also ridiculous to think that many are still against
it. But I really can’t blame them for being against it because I am sure that something
must’ve influenced them. I also think that some of the reasons why many are against
it is because of homophobia, religious beliefs, sexual ignorance, socials norms, and
many more. Nevertheless, I believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized,
acknowledged, and be respected. In fact, most same-sex couples who wish to get
wed under church or civil, really wanted the benefits of being bound together through
legality or spirituality as same as oppisite-sex marriage.

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