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Background of the Study

The Earth's condition is already in a damage state and under threat from dangers

including those arising from global warming. These threats include greenhouse gases,

droughts and floods, hunger and famine and devastating diseases such as malaria and

aids. The Earth's climate has been changing so fast these days and one of the major

factor promoting to this intense pace are the human behavior. Many lines of evidence

show that human actions, particularly emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases

from fossil fuel burning, deforestation, and land-use change, are the primary causes of

climate change.

The Philippines is the country that is most vulnerable to climate change. Between

1958 and 2014, the Philippines experienced a 0.62°C increase in yearly average mean

temperature, with the rate of change increasing over time (Institute for Economics and

Peace, 2019). Climate change is often to happen due to the high exposure to natural

hazards, reliance on climate-sensitive natural resources, and huge coastlines, which are

home to all of the country's major cities and the majority of its population.The most

recent scientific assessments have confirmed that this warming of the climate system

since the mid-20th century is most likely to be due to human activities; and thus, is due

to the observed increase in greenhouse gas concentrations from human activities.If one

were to calculate all the food waste emissions in the world, they would be the third-

largest emitter in the world.

According to the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of

Science and Technology, the food waste in the Philippines are about 1,717 metric tons
of food is wasted every day. The International Rice Research Institute said that about

Php23 million worth of rice are wasted daily, and this is enough to feed 4.3 million

individuals. Every household produce environmental pollution has become increasingly

prominent that is why, this make it to something that can be used. In a recent report by

the Inquirer, Oxfam Pilipinas, a group advocating solutions to poverty, said while

countless Filipinos go hungry because of lack of food, many others are wasting these in

volumes that would be enough to ease the hunger of those who have limited or no

access to food.

As the Earth's condition is falling, human being's life is slowly falling apart too. In

this case, the researchers come up with the idea to produce a homemade machine that

can help the environment through the way of converting the food waste as an organic


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