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Section 1: The Nature of Mathematics
I. Mathematics in our World
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
1. Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the
world (K);
2. Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s
life (V);
3. Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is,
how it is expressed, represented and used (K);
4. Express appreciation for mathematics as a human
endeavor (V).
The Lessons of the Blind Men
and the Elephant

In ancient times a king ordered all his

blind subjects to be assembled and
divided into groups. The groups were
taken to an elephant and each group
was introduced to a different part of
the animal.
“My seems
friendsto and
me that this object
I cannot seem is figure
to made
upoutof two swords. What “This
I am “Iisthink
no wall,
holding I
is and
what thisisthing
“This no in front
wall and
this ofno
is us
is is.
snake. You
“You Perhaps
are allno
long and right.
you could
snake. This
and elephant
This is usat have
no rope seems
out I like
are both wrong. I
am not
“This different
the answer
a what
to What to have
a question
we each
could be,
know here one
into a
for sureofthat
maybe our sixth
wall. This a friendus.”
ispuzzling could help us .”
is four tree trunks. That’s this is it.
a rope.”
And the only way Casetoclosed..”
know what this thing
really is, is to do exactly what you have done.

Only by sharing what each of you knows

can you possibly reach a true
The Lessons of the Blind Men
and the Elephant
• Those who made contact with the head described the
elephant as a water pot, those who felt the ears
defined it as a fan, those who touched a leg said it was
a tree, and those who felt a tusk thought it was a peg.

• The groups then fell into arguing amongst themselves,

each insisting their version was correct and all others
were wrong. It was only when they listened to each
other and built on each other’s perspectives that they
were able to construct the whole picture and “see” the
Nature by Numbers
A short movie by Cristὁbal Vila
What is mathematics?
Formal system of thought for recognizing, classifying, and
exploiting patterns

The origins of counting

Geometric patterns

Wave patterns in water and on land

Patterns of movement

Where is mathematics?
We see hints or clues of it …

In nature

In our daily routine

In our world

In people and communities

In events
What is mathematics for?
To help us unravel the puzzles of nature, a useful way to
think about nature

Organize patterns and regularities as well as irregularities

To be able to predict

To help us control weather, epidemics

Provides tools for calculations

Provides new questions to think about

What is mathematics about?
Numbers, symbols, notations

Operations, equations, and functions

Processes and “thingification” of processes (that are

abstractions, e.g., 3)

Proof – a story rather than a sequence of statements

How is mathematics done?
With curiosity

With a penchant for seeking patterns and generalities

With a desire to know the truth

With trial and error

Without fear of facing more questions and problems to


With tenacity (willingness to keep working)

Who uses mathematics?
Mathematicians: pure and applied

Scientists: natural and social

Practically everyone

But different people use different math at different times,

for different purposes, using different tools with different
Why is mathematics important to know?
It puts order in disorder

It helps us become better persons

It helps the world a better place to live in

Seatwork # 1: short-response essay writing
(Choose one only)

1. What new ideas about mathematics did you learn?

2. What is it about mathematics that might have

changed your thoughts about it?

3. What is most useful about mathematics for


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