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Detailed Lesson Plan

4 A’s Method
In English 2

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the Grade 2 students with at least 80% accuracy should
be able to:
A. Recognize the difference between common noun and proper noun;
B. Complete the sentence by writing the correct common noun and proper noun;
C. Discuss the importance of common and proper noun in our daily life.

II. Subject Matter

A. Title: Common Noun and Proper Noun
B. Reference: Book entitiled “English Basics and Beyond Language” pages 15-18
C. Teaching Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids, Flashcards
D. Values: Appreciation and Understanding

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Classroom Routine

1. Prayer
Okay Class, Let us all stand for
the opening prayer. - Pupils stand and pray.

2. Greetings
Good morning class! -Good morning Teacher!
Okay, you may now take your seats. -Thank you teacher!

3. Attendance
(Checking of attendance)
Very good class, there is no absent

4. Review

Class, what did we study last time -Miss, we study noun yesterday.
What is noun? -Noun is a name of human, animals, thing,
Can you give an example of Noun? place, and events.
-Miss, Mother....Teacher....Mark
Very good! (Pupils will give several answer)

Alright, it only means that you really

learned from our lesson yesterday.

B. Motivation
I have here a table with 5 columns
(persons, places, things, animals and
ideas or events). Beside the table are
list of words. If you believe that this
word is a name of person, then place
this to its column (person) and so the
same with others.

Did you get it class?

Who wants to volunteer? - Yes, teacher!
- The Pupils.

 boy
 mother
 Mario
 teacher
 Ms. Tina
 Philippines
 town
 Pasay City
 city
 Park
 book
 table
 Cellphone
 Samsung
 bag
 Philippine eagle
 cat
 dog
 Milkfish
 bird
 holiday
 Mother’s Day
 party
 Christmas party
 season

C. Activity
Okay class very good! today we are

going to read a passage and let’s

find out what is it all about! -Pupils will read the story.

Read the following short story.

Shade the Common Noun YELLOW
and the Proper Noun GREEN.

One day, Joy went to the mall with

her mother, Nancy. They wanted to
buy toys and shoes. The store was
having a big sale every Monday in
June. Everything was fine until they
got lost. She calls Randy's father
and asked for directions. Mr. Tom
helped them. It was a fun day.

D. Analysis

There are many kinds of nouns, but

today, let’s focus on the first two kind
of nouns - Proper Nouns and Common

What do you think our lesson for

today? -Proper nouns and common nouns, teacher!
Very good! Now let us define what is a
common noun? Everybody read! -A common noun names any person, place,
thing, animal, or event. It begins with a small
Examples. teacher, flower, zoo letter

How about the proper noun?

-A proper noun names a particular person,
Example: Miss Lin, Manila Zoo, place, thing, animal, or event. It begins with a
Adidas capital letter.

E. Abstraction

Now that you already know the

difference between common nouns
and proper nouns, I will ask you a

What is a proper noun?

- proper noun names a particular person,
place, thing, animal, or event. It begins with a
What is the difference between capital letter.

common noun and proper noun? - the common noun begins with small letter
What is a common noun? while the proper nouns begins with a capital
Can you give 1 example of common letter.
noun? -common noun names any person, place,
Can you give 1 example of proper thing, animal, or event. It begins with a small
noun? letter.
-Me, teacher! flower.
Why is it important to know the proper -Me, teacher! Earth.
noun and common noun? - they will help us identify some objects
teacher that we see around us.
Very good, children!

F. Application
I want you to complete the sentence
with the correct common and proper -Pupils will answer
noun. A clue is provided.

1. (name of a boy) is driving his toy

2. Mother bought (something for
dessert) for my birthday.
3. Please close the (part of a house). It
is too windy.
4. My family comes from (name of a
5. The baby drinks milk from (a
6. Mathew bought a (brand of a pencil)
pencil from the store.
7. Look at my beautiful pink (something
worn by girls).
8. Today we will visit the monkeys at
the (place for animals).
9. The (an animal) is barking noisily.
10. (name of a girl) sings sweetly.

IV. Evaluation
To determine if you really learned from our lesson, I will give you a quiz. You have to
determine whether each noun is common noun or a proper noun. (pupil will answer)

1. New York
2. television
3. Philippines
4. Converse
5. Kathryn Bernardo
6. Tuesday
7. Independence Day
8. Bear Brand
9. pants
10. store

V. Assignment
For your assignment, write at least 3 proper nouns for each common nouns in the circle.
(Pupils will copy)
1. Hospital-
2. Boys-
3. Flowers-
4. Shoes-
5. Cellphones-

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