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QM Aligned Course Design Template

EE 4433: Power System Protection Laboratory

Module Overview / Introduction (ST. 1-8)

Module 01: General Overview - Simulation With LABVOLT Software


This module is designed to provide all the information required to install the virtual Lab-Volt to install the
Lab-Volt virtual lab and equipment on a computer. It is geared primarily for instructors, technicians and
students who are involved in the practice of lab equipment.

Modules Learning Objectives (ST. 2 & 8) What students will be able to do upon completion of the course

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

 To understand the operation of the Virtual LabVolt Simulation Software and its
 To learn how to install LabVolt on the equipment used for simulations.
 Virtual LabVolt and its operation and protection of power systems.

Instructional Materials (ST. 4 & 8)

Lesson 1: Laboratory And Equipment Overview Lab-Volt Virtuals

Subtheme 1: General description of the LabVolt Simulator used in Electronics

Lab-Volt's Virtual Laboratory Equipment in Electrical Engineering, Model 8970, is a Windows-based

simulation software that covers the same study material as the 0.2 kW Computer Aided Electromechanics
Teaching System, Model 8006.

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All standard EMS laboratory equipment is replaced by images of EMS modules that students can
manipulate on the computer screen. With the mouse, it is possible to select and assemble the equipment
for a given exercise, make the necessary connections between the simulated (virtual) EMS modules and
verify the wiring done, without ever coming into contact with a real EMS module.

A complete and sophisticated mathematical model simulates the electrical and mechanical characteristics
of all real EMS modules: power supply, motors, generators, transformers, as well as electrical and
mechanical loads.

All modules included in the LVSIM®-EMS LabVolt software have the same information on their front panel
that is found on the actual equipment. A short-circuit in the connections during the assembly of the
simulated equipment causes the virtual circuit breaker to trip, as in the real equipment.

The tripped breaker condition is clearly indicated on the virtual EMS modules. Used as a complement to
the real EMS laboratory equipment or as a stand-alone training medium, LVSIM®-EMS is a cost-effective
tool that allows students to safely and accurately perform the exercises included in the 8006 system's
teaching material.

When used with the actual EMS equipment, LVSIM®-EMS provides a safe environment in which students
can perform their exercises using 208V, 380V or 415V three-phase power systems without risk of
electrical shock or equipment damage.

Because students using LVSIM®-EMS are familiar with the configuration and assembly of the equipment
beforehand, the time required to repeat the practical tasks in the real laboratory is reduced by 50%, thus
reducing the amount of hardware per student.

Thanks to this significant cost reduction, institutions with tight budgets can acquire a high-quality electrical
engineering training program with a limited investment.

Can be configured in the virtual laboratory and allow the study of various areas such as hydraulics,
pneumatics and digital telecommunications. The sets of the virtual team form the complete didactic
systems, which are a faithful Three-dimensional reproduction of real Lab-Volt teaching systems.

These have the same physical appearance and behave in the same way as the systems real. Figure 1
shows an example of a virtual laboratory in which The virtual equipment for the study of hydraulics is

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Figure 1. Virtual Didactic Laboratory With Equipment to Study Hydraulics; (Lab-Volt_tda, 2004)

Several commands in the LVVL menus allow you to install the equipment in the virtual lab to form a
didactic system, virtual laboratory to form a didactic system. They also allow you to move within the virtual
lab to zoom in on a particular system. Within the virtual laboratory to zoom in on a particular system.
configuration of the system and to carry out lab exercises. Essentially. You can do the same activities in
the virtual lab as you would do in a classroom lab. in a real classroom lab.

Figure 2 shows the detail of a virtual equipment configuration ready to be used to study the operation of a
hydraulic system. As can be seen, the virtual components shown have the same appearance as the real
hydraulic components. hydraulic components. In fact, these are three-dimensional replicas of the
worktable, power unit and hydraulic components included in the actual hydraulic training systems. in Lab-
Volt's actual hydraulic training systems.

These replicas operate in the same way as the real equipment does. The same is true for all components
and components and modules in the other assemblies of the virtual Lab-Volt equipment. Lab-Volt virtual
equipment. These features allow students to use a personal computer to perform the same computer to
perform the same demonstrations and exercises that can be carried out using a carried out using a real
Lab-Volt training computer.

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Figure 2. Detail of the virtual equipment organized to study the operation of a hydraulic circuit.; (Lab-Volt_tda, 2004)

As a standalone package of programs, the software LVSIM®-EMS allows students to become familiar
with practical activities related to potency and electrical machines, including: active powers, reactive and
apparent, phasor, motors and dc generators and ac, as well as three-phase circuits and transformers.

For Therefore, students using LVSIM®-EMS as a a stand-alone package of programs may cover the most
of the teaching material of the 8006 system, without the need to carry out practical experiences with real
equipment. LVSIM®-EMS is delivered with Acquisition software and Data Management for
Electromechanical Systems by Lab-Volt (LVDAM-EMS).

Direct access to said software allows students, who are using LVSIM®-EMS, perform voltage, current,
speed and torque. To do this, they just need to click a button on the LVSIM®-EMS toolbar. For information
on LVDAM-EMS software, refer to the appropriate section of this datasheet.

LVSIM®-EMS is a copy protected by means of a hardlock type security device. When LVSIM®-EMS
detects said device, students have full access to all measurement functions LVDAM-EMS software and
other features protected from LVSIM®-EMS. In this way, students can carry out the laboratory exercises
that are found in the two manuals that accompany LVSIM®-EMS.

It is noteworthy that Lab-Volt allows students copy the software to their own computers personal data in
order to prepare your practical experiences.

LVSIM®-EMS has two safety devices different: one of the hardlock type for one user, which is installed in
the parallel port of your computer, or the hardlock type for multiple users, whose installation it is carried
out on the server of a computer network.
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The hardlock device for multiple users is a small printed circuit that has a connector edge, which can be
inserted into one of the ISA expansion slots of the computer used as a server. This device can be installed
in servers running one of the following four Microsoft operating systems-: Windows NT® Server, Windows
NT® Workstation, Windows® 95 and Windows® 98.

As the name implies, this device allows multiple users on the same network to run the LVSIM®-EMS
software at the same time. The maximum number of users depends on the version ordered of said
software. For additional information, see the Ordering Numbers section of this data sheet.

The system includes user manuals for LVSIM®-EMS and LVDAM-EMS programs. Sayings manuals
clearly explain how to install and they use both programs. Also, the manual of the user for LVSIM®-EMS
provides detailed procedure for the installation of both types of devices that can be used with this

Subtheme 2: General Characteristics of the Software

Allows students to do the following tasks on a desk:

 Assembling, moving and disassembling the EMS modules of the job.

 Select the colored leads to connect EMS modules to each other.
 Modify or remove connections at all times.
 Change the color of the conductors.
 Install a toothed belt between two machines EMS.
 Check the wiring using a tool that highlights nodes.
 Start and run the LVDAM-EMS application from by LVSIM®-EMS.
 Zoom in or out of the image.
 Feed the equipment with "virtual power".
 Measure voltage, current, power, speed, torque, impedance, resistance, reactance and frequency,
with instruments that have visualization digital or analog.
 Record measurements in a data table.
 Plot graphs using the recorded data.
 Observe waveforms on an oscilloscope multichannel.
 Observe ac signals as phasors.
 Observe the harmonic contents of the signals.
 Observe the frequency spectrum of the signals.
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 Print the content of the screens.
 Save and restore the environment (equipment configuration).

LVSIM®-EMS Equipment Box: The Software simulates the following modules of the real system;

 Power supply
 Interface for data acquisition
 Drive motor / Dynamometer
 DC motor / generator
 Squirrel cage induction motor
 Synchronous Motor / Alternator
 Capacitor start motor
 Universal motor
 Single phase transformer
 Three phase transformer
 Resistive load
 Inductive load
 Capacitive load
 Synchronization module

For the Software to be installed on a personal computer, it is necessary that this equipment meets certain
requirements in its system, the minimum requirements that it must meet are:

To run this application you need a personal computer with a minimum processor, type Pentium II, that has
one of the following Microsoft® operating systems, Windows XP (any of its versions) or Windows Vista or
Windows 7, 8, 10 or any higher version can also be used at present for a version of the Free Software
Operating System.

In addition, to execute the multimedia presentation EMS Guided Tour, a minimum Ram Memory of 2 Gb
and sufficient memory free capacity are required to execute the required simulations, it also requires
having a good Motherboard or a Card that allows graphics and 3D simulations.

El Simulador LabVolt está integrado en su sistema a la Plataforma virtual LVDAM-EMS que proporciona
todas las pantallas y la capacidad de muestreo de imágenes y herramientas de imágenes.

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El software LVDAM-EMS consiste en un conjunto de instrumentos convencionales y especiales que se
pueden ejecutar en una computadora personal compatible IBM®, en un sistema de explotación
Microsoft® Windows. Cada instrumento aparece como una ventana en la pantalla de la computadora. Los
instrumentos convencionales incluyen: voltímetros y amperímetros cc y ca, medidores de potencias y un
osciloscopio de ocho canales.

Por su parte los instrumentos especiales son: un analizador de fasores de seis canales, un analizador de
armónicos y medidores para la medición de velocidad, par y potencia mecánica, así como seis medidores
que el usuario puede programar. El software LVDAM-EMS cuenta además con las funciones que
permiten el registro de datos y el trazado de gráficos.

Los instrumentos modernos y multifuncionales de LVDAM-EMS ofrecen a los profesores la posibilidad de

demostrar claramente los conceptos que normalmente deberían presentarse mediante manuales
didácticos y figuras clásicas.

El software LVDAM-EMS mejora enormemente la presentación global del material de enseñanza ya que
permite la observación de las formas de ondas y el análisis fasorial, el almacenamiento de datos y el
trazado de gráficos, así como el uso de las diferentes funciones de los medidores programables.

Los diferentes instrumentos de LVDAM-EMS se describen más abajo.

Figure 3. Detail Measuring Devices window LabVolt; (Lab-Volt_tda, 2004)

In the Measuring Devices window it is possible to include up to eighteen instruments, which can be
configured to measure ac / dc voltage and current, electrical power, torque, speed, mechanical power, etc.

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A maximum of fifteen instruments can be viewed simultaneously, although all eighteen meters can be
active at the same time.

Six of the eighteen user-programmable instruments provide access to a wide variety of functions, allowing
you to measure power factor, performance, impedance, frequency, energy, and more. The user can
modify the arrangement (arrangement) of the instruments in the Measuring Devices window according to
his needs.

Figure 4. Data Table and Graph Windows; (Lab-Volt_tda, 2004)

With a simple click of the mouse it is possible to register the reading indicated by each instrument of the
application Measuring devices in the Data Table window. The recorded values can be saved to a file
(ASCII format). Those values can also be used to plot different curves by selecting the corresponding
parameter (s) in the Graph window.

This allows quick and easy plotting of laboratory results. More sophisticated graphics can be obtained by
exporting the contents of the Data Table window to any of the most popular spreadsheets, such as
Microsoft® Excel or Lotus 1-2-3-, directly via the Windows clipboard.

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Figure 5. Oscilloscope Output Signal; (Lab-Volt_tda, 2004)

Up to eight waveforms can be viewed simultaneously on the Oscilloscope. To facilitate identification,

these waves appear in different colors. Each channel has independent vertical controls, similar to those
found on conventional oscilloscopes. The sensitivity of each channel can be adjusted automatically by the
automatic scaling function, according to the magnitude of the observed parameter. To make adjustments
easier, the time base and trigger controls are like those seen on most oscilloscopes.

The effective and average values, as well as the frequency of each of the observed parameters, can be
displayed in a table in the Oscilloscope window. Two vertical cursors can be activated in order to make
precise measurements at particular points in the signals displayed on the screen. The oscilloscope has
two memories to store the displayed waveforms.

Figure 6. Phasor Analyzer; (Lab-Volt_tda, 2004)

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The Phasor Analyzer, an innovative instrument, allows have students analyze power circuits ac using the
phasors corresponding to the voltages and currents instead of the values and forms of waves of those

The amplitudes and phase shifts Relative voltages and currents in the circuit can be easily monitor by
simply looking at the corresponding phasors on the screen of this module. This allows for a dynamic and
unique display of all the voltages and currents of the circuit, especially if deals with three-phase circuits,
which cannot be obtained with conventional instruments.

RMS value and frequency of the voltage or current corresponding to each phasor they appear in a table in
the Phasor Analyzer window.

Figure 7. Harmonic Analyzer; (Lab-Volt_tda, 2004)

The Harmonic Analyzer allows observation and analysis of the harmonic components of the voltages and
currents. The fundamental frequency can be adjusted with the frequency of the AC network, manually by
the user or automatically with the frequency of the component fundamental of the selected voltage or

The number of harmonic components that is display can be varied between 5 and 40. The components
harmonics of the selected voltage or current can be viewed using a vertical scale graduated in absolute or
relative values. It has various vertical scale settings. In the Analyzer harmonics, a group of data appears
indicating the values of the cc component, the fundamental component and the harmonic components of
the voltage or current selected, as well as the total harmonic distortion (DAT).

An alternative mode of operation of the Analyzer of harmonics allows to visualize the frequency spectrum
corresponding to the selected voltage or current. Various ranges are available in this mode of operation
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and vertical scale adjustments. In both modes of operation, vertical cursors can be activated and
horizontals for accurate measurements on particular points on the screen.


This module was carried out with the explicit intention of providing information to the participants, whether
they are students or other instructors, and laboratory operators to collect information about the software
with which they will work in all modules from now on with reference to the practices of laboratory.

Learning Activities and Learner Interactions

Activity 1 (ST. 3, 5, 6  8)


Upon completion of this module, you will be able to understand the general concepts related to the
LabVolt Simulation Software.

Students Instructions:

1. Read every argument cautiously.

2. Understands every argument and compares with the awarenesses got in the module.
3. Naturalize if the argument is true or false and chose the reply according to its standard.
4. For this activity you will only get one attempt.
5. The deadline for the activity is indicated on Tools-Calendar in the blackboard platform.

a) A complete and sophisticated mathematical model simulates the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of all real EMS modules.
1. True
2. False

b) The tripped breaker condition is clearly indicated on the virtual EMS modules.
1. True
2. False

c) All modules includes in the LVSIM®-EMS LabVolt software had the same information on their front
panel that is found on the actual equipment.
1. True
2. False

d) These replicas operate in the same way as the real equipment does. The same is true for all
components and components and modules in the other assemblies of the virtual Lab-Volt equipment.
1. True

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2. False

e) These replicas do not work in the same way that the real computer does.
1. True
2. False

f) These replicas are not valid for all components and modules in the other assemblies of the Lab-Volt
virtual machine.
1. True
2. False

References (ST. 4  8)
Required Resources:


Canada: Copyright © 2003 Lab-Volt Ltda.

Additional Resources:

Step-By-Step Guide Book Co. Step by Step Guide Book on Home Wirinig; P.O. Box 70865; Salt Lake
City, Utah 84170; Ray McReynolds (1994)

IEC voltage standards and recommendations, Electrical Installation Guide, (Schneider, 2016)
Electric Wiring-Domestic, Scaddan (2008).

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