Organization Management (m-4) Final

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Describe the management succession / replacement chart and give its importance.
Replacement charts are a forecasting technique used in succession planning to help companies
visualize key job roles, current employees and existing and future vacancies. Positions are
mapped alongside information such as potential replacements, gender and promotion potential.
Updates to replacement charts should be made regularly, at least annually, and especially in
response to fluctuations in economic conditions or business activity.

Give the following:

1.External recruitment advantages


Bringing in outside hires can add a new perspective to your organization. A new
viewpoint can help identify areas of improvement and make recommendations.
New employees approach the company differently than those who already work
there, and this can lead to positive changes in their department and in the

External recruitment can help increase diversity in your organization. Incorporating

a variety of perspectives can lead to innovation and more effective practices.
Creating a diverse workforce in your organization and giving a platform to a range
of voices helps promote inclusion and empowerment.
It may be challenging for current employees to view one of their peers as an
authority figure after working at the same level. Hiring a manager from outside the
company can make it easier for them to establish their leadership role than it would
be for an internal candidate.
When hiring for management or other supervisory roles, it may be preferable to
hire an outside candidate to reduce tension among current employees who might
be competing for the position.
New employees can bring in ideas and strategies from their previous experience
that can help improve your organization's practices. They can provide insights from
other companies or industries that can apply to your company. Keeping up with
current trends can keep your company competitive.

2.External recruitment Disadvantages

External recruitment typically costs more than internal recruitment. Organizations
may pay for a recruiting service, memberships for job search sites and travel for
long-distance candidates. Additionally, your company's HR team spends more time
on recruitment efforts, interviews and paperwork for bringing on new employees
Outside hires require more training than internal employees on general company
policies and procedures. This can cost the company additional time and money.
Training for external employees can also result in reduced productivity during the
training period and as new employees get familiar with their responsibility


When companies recruit externally, it may affect employee morale, especially if

employees expect to progress at the company. The outside hire can feel like a missed
opportunity. It's important to discuss the organization's reasons for external
recruitment to help ease employees' concerns. You can also review employees' career
goals with them to ensure them there is still a path for them to move forward.


When new employees start at a company, there is usually a transition period for the
people they're working with. It can take a few weeks for employees to adjust to a new
member of the department, especially if the new hire is in a leadership position. A new
employee needs time to learn common company practices, get to know their colleagues
and develop strategies. This may lead to a dip in productivity during this period.

During this transition, you can encourage unity by organizing team activities, lunches
and collaborative projects. You can also consider assigning a "buddy" to new hires that
can help introduce them to other employees and answer their questions.
3.Internal recruitment advantages
Promoting from within your own business sends a really strong message to the rest of your team.
It tells them there are clear opportunities to advance within the company - that their time at work
can be a career, rather than just a job.


Someone with a history of employment at your business will already have a solid grasp of your
company’s working practices and processes. This should mean that the required learning time is
significantly reduced compared to someone new joining the business.

An internal hire might even be able to turn their experiences from their previous role to your
advantage,  giving them crucial insights about how all the many components of your company fit


External hiring is notoriously time-consuming, and it can be expensive too.


Internal recruitment can result in a more streamlined onboarding process,

saving time for both the employee and the company. An existing staff
member may be able to start a new role quickly, without having to give a
long notice period. They may also undergo a shorter interview process
than an external candidate, particularly if they are known to the hiring
manager. Recruiters can save time that would be spent posting the job
advertisement and promoting it externally, easing administrative burden
and improving efficiency.
By choosing internal recruitment, a company highlights its commitment
and investment in their existing employees. It enables them to retain top
talent within the organization, while also showing a clear path of
progression to staff members. This investment in the workforce can
improve morale, engagement and performance, therefore providing
positive benefits for the business.
4.Internal recruitment disadvantages

If a company chooses internal recruitment, the pool of possible candidates

is greatly reduced. In some cases, an existing employee may be the best fit,
but in others an external perspective might be preferable. A new employee
may bring with them innovative skills and refreshing ideas that could
benefit the role and team. An overreliance on internal hiring could also
lead to stagnant company culture and employee complacency.

Internal recruitment can cause bias concerns within an
organization. This is because it’s harder for hiring managers to be
fair and objective when choosing candidates that are already
known to them. These biases – whether implicit or not – may
cause prejudice for or against a particular candidate and lead to
the most suitable employee missing out on the role.
While it’s great to fill a role within an organization, internal
recruitment may result in another gap elsewhere. This could
mean turning to external hiring to take on the role of previous
employee, incurring the cost and time issues previously discussed.
Small and fast-growing companies may not have the option to
hire internally at all if their pool of talent isn’t large enough.

If you were a job applicant, which would you prefer, the one-on-one or the
panel interview? Explain your choice.
*** If I get to select the panel, then I strongly prefer the panel. One will be asking a question,
the others observing not just the verbal answer, but also the physical reaction to the question.
One will ask a question, and that question and answer will spur a different question from
another. It’s unlikely that a panel will forget some important aspect of the interview. And, after
it’s all over, the panel members can compare notes from the same interview.
If I don’t get to select the panel, I would probably prefer the one-on-one. A misplaced panelist
could screw up the entire process by asking too many unrelated questions, or by simply
talking too much.

Which, in your own opinion, should be analyzed first in training needs
assessment? Should it be the organization, the tasks or the persons. Explain
your answer.
*** Training needs analysis  is the first and probably the most important step toward making sure
your organizational training resources are used most effectively. Experts strongly recommend
conducting a systematic and thorough training needs analysis.


1. Will the compensation package offered by a company determine the kind of
applicants attracted by their advertisement for a certain job opening in their
organization? Explain your answer.
*** No. As a matter of fact, some employers might give a range when
posting a job opportunity. A compensation a package is discussed only
after candidates have submitted a resume, are interviewed, screened and
selected. That’s quite some time after applying for the job so you get all
kinds of applicants.

2. Do you agree with the statement that the evaluator’s bias may cause
evaluation program to fail? Explain your answer.
*** Yes ,,Because if the evaluator has a bias it may lead to misunderstanding
and the other side may not given a chance to explain their part.


1. How important is effective employee relations to the achievement of
company goals? Explain your answer.
***When employees have a strong, healthy relationship with their
employers, the entire company benefits. Studies show that employees who
have mutually respectful relationships with their employers are more likely
to be happy, loyal and productive in the long-run. Unfortunately, building a
relationship of this nature is easier said than done, and if you are
considering taking a second look at your relationship with your employees,
here are some reasons to continue doing so.
2. What is the effect of too much dependence on electronic gadgets to good
employee relations? Explain your answer.
*** Too much reliance on electronic methods of communication not only can
increase unnecessary traffic, but can decrease vital personal interaction.
*** Technology that helps automate processes will  help reduce the workload
for employees, freeing them up to work on other projects and assignments. ...
New technology can also be used to help improve work processes and in turn
increase productivity for both the employee and the business.

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