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1. Discuss the meaning of Administrative Relationship.

***Administrative relationship generally means a relationship where an employee has substantial

authority to initiate discretionary action and/or in which the appointing authority must rely on the
employee's personal judgment and leadership abilities. The average employee would not possess such
qualities or be delegated such discretionary authority. Whether one position occupies an administrative
relationship to another is a question of fact to be determined by the board.

2. Distinguish Supervision and Control

***As verbs the difference between supervise and control is that supervise is to direct, manage, or
oversee; to be in charge while control is to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of.


1. Discuss the meaning of Administrative Supervision.

***Administrative supervision means supervision to an extent that the responsible licensee need not be
present, but must give proper instruction on procedures and assumes responsibility for the actions of
ancillary personnel. The licensee shall not be required to be available for immediate contact.

2. Discuss the three (3) exceptions of Admin istrative Supervision.

***Administrative Supervision.—(a) Administrative supervision which shall govern the administrative

relationship between a department or its equivalent and regulatory agencies or other agencies as may
be provided by law, shall be limited to the authority of the department or its equivalent to generally
oversee the operations of such agencies and to insure that they are managed effectively, efficiently and
economically but without interference with day-to-day activities; or require the submission of reports
and cause the conduct of management audit, performance evaluation and inspection to determine
compliance with policies, standards and guidelines of the department; to take such action as may be
necessary for the proper performance of official functions, including rectification of violations, abuses
and other forms of maladministration; and to review and pass upon budget proposals of such agencies
but may not increase or add to them;

(b) Such authority shall not, however, extend to: (1) appointments and other personnel actions in
accordance with the decentralization of personnel functions under the Code, except when appeal is
made from an action of the appointing authority, in which case the appeal shall be initially sent to the
department or its equivalent, subject to appeal in accordance with law; (2) contracts entered into by the
agency in the pursuit of its objectives, the review of which and other procedures related thereto shall be
governed by appropriate laws, rules and regulations; and (3) the power to review, reverse, revise, or
modify the decisions of regulatory agencies in the exercise of their regulatory or quasi-judicial functions;

(c) Unless a different meaning is explicitly provided in the specific law governing the relationship of
particular agencies, the word “supervision” shall encompass administrative supervision as defined in this


1. Discuss the meaning of Delegation of Authority.

***The delegation of authority refers to the division of labor and decision-making responsibility to an
individual that reports to a leader or the organizational process of a manager dividing their
own work among all their people. It involves giving them the responsibility to accomplish the tasks that
are delegated to them in the way they see fit.

Along with responsibility, they also share the corresponding amount of authority. This ensures that tasks
can be completed efficiently and that the individual feels actually responsible for their completion. one
level, delegation is just dividing work into tasks that others can do.

At its best, delegation is empowering people to do the work they are best suited to. It allows them to
invest themselves more in the work and develop their own skills and abilities. It also allows the manager
to do other important work that might be more strategic or higher-level.

In other words, delegated authority is more than just parsing out work. It is truly sharing responsibility,
ownership, and decision-making. Delegated authority is shared authority.

Delegating authority can also improve efficiency by making more employees accountable for their own
work and activities. Less time and energy is spent on monitoring and micro-managing employees who
are capable and competent. Your team becomes more capable and able to achieve higher performance
as a result.

Delegation is about entrusting another individual to do parts of your job and to accomplish them
2. Discuss the process of appointment of the Department Secretaries.

***Appointment of Secretaries.—The Secretaries of Departments shall be appointed by the President

with the consent of the Commission on Appointments, at the beginning of his term of office, and shall
hold office, unless sooner removed, until the expiration of his term of office, or until their successors
shall have been appointed and qualified.

3. What are Administrative Issuances.

***Administrative Issuances - official documents issued by the Department that. either (a) prescribe
policies, rules and regulations, and procedures. promulgated pursuant to law, applicable to individuals
and organizations.

4. Discuss the process in the settlement of Controversies Among Government Offices and Corporations.

***How Settled.—All disputes, claims and controversies, solely between or among the departments,
bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the National Government, including government-
owned or controlled corporations, such as those arising from the interpretation and application of
statutes, contracts or agreements, shall be administratively settled or adjudicated in the manner
provided in this Chapter. This Chapter shall, however, not apply to disputes involving the Congress, the
Supreme Court, the Constitutional Commissions, and local governments.

5. Explain the power of General Supervision of the President over Local Government Units.

***The President of the Philippines shall exercise general supervision over local governments. Provinces
with respect to component cities and municipalities, and cities and municipalities with respect to
component barangays, shall ensure that the acts of their component units are within the scope of their
prescribed powers and functions.





1. What is meant by independent foreign policy?

***He clarified that an independent foreign policy essentially means being friends to all and enemies to
none. Under this policy the main consideration will be the interests and welfare of the Filipino people.

2. Reason out why the Philippines should maintain and develop representations with foreign

***With the President as its principal architect, Philippine Foreign Policy is anchored on three pillars: (1)
preservation and enhancement of national security; (2) protection of the rights and promotion of the
welfare of overseas Filipinos; and (3) promotion and attainment of economic security


1. Discuss the mandate of the Department of Foreign Affairs.

***The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) advises and assists the President in planning, organizing,
directing, coordinating, integrating, and evaluating the total national effort in the field of foreign
relations in pursuit of its Constitutional mandate.

***The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is the prime agency responsible for the pursuit of the
State’s foreign policy. The DFA advises and assists the President in planning, coordinating, and
evaluating the total national effort in the field of foreign relations.

2. The Department of Justice is the principal law agency of the Government which shall be

both its legal counsel and prosecution arm. Explain

***Under Executive Order (EO) 292, the DOJ is the government's principal law agency. As such, the DOJ
serves as the government's prosecution arm and administers the government's criminal justice system
by investigating crimes, prosecuting offenders and overseeing the correctional system.


1. Discuss the declaration of policy of the Department of Agriculture.



WHEREAS, there is indispensable need to provide the essential impetus for agricultural development
and incentives;

WHEREAS, the primacy of agricultural development and incentives necessitates urgent and immediate
concern by way of implementation;

2. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education and shall take
appropriate steps accessible to all. Explain

***This means that every citizen whether at Level 1, 2 or 3 shall be entitled to quality education and
that the government should take actions to ensure that this right from the constitution that is granted to
the citizen will not be infringed and that quality education will be provided and accessible to all.

To ensure that quality education is given to the citizens of the Philippines, the government had vested
its powers to different administrative agency to make sure that this right granted to the citizens will not
be infringed. The Department of Education for Culture and Sports (DECS) is an example of an
administrative agency that was created to ensure that quality education is given to the citizens at all
levels. In 1994, the commission on Higher Education (CHED) was created to govern mainly the higher
education or otherwise known as the tertiary education.

3. Explain the declaration of policy of the Department of Labor and Employment.

***The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is the national government agency mandated to
formulate policies, implement programs, and serve as the policy-coordinating arm of the Executive
Branch in the field of labor and employment. The DOLE promotes gainful employment opportunities and
optimizes the development and utilization of the country’s manpower resources.





1. Discuss why civilian authority is at all times supreme over the military.

***Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is
the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to secure the sovereignty of the State and the
integrity of the national territory. ... The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the

2. Discuss the powers and functions of the National Security Council.

*** National Security Council (NSC) is the President's principal forum for considering national security
and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. Since its
inception under President Truman, the Council's function has been to advise and assist the President on
national security and foreign policies. The Council also serves as the President's principal arm for
coordinating these policies among various government agencies.


1. Explain how the Government should protect and promote the right to health of the

people and instill health consciousness among them.

***Declaration of Policy.—The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and
instill health consciousness among them; adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to health
development, with priority for the underprivileged sick, elderly, disabled, women, and children;
endeavor to make essential goods, health and other social services available to all the people at
affordable cost; establish and maintain an effective food and drug regulatory system; and undertake
appropriate health manpower development and research, responsive to the country’s health needs and

2. What is meant by self-reliant and independent national economy?

***Building an independent national economy means building an economy which is free from
dependence on others and which stands on its own feet, an economy which serves one’s own people
and develops on the strength of the resources of one’s own country and by the efforts of one’s own
people. The WPK’s line of building an independent national economy is the one of consolidating the
foundations of a certain nation’s own economy in economic building and relying on the foundations to
hasten the overall economic construction

1. Define the following:

a. Autonomy of Local Government

***Local autonomy is defined here as the ability of local governments to have an independent impact
on the well-being of their citizens”. The authors also consider that local autonomy is a potential for local
government, constrained by a central set of laws and political factors as well as socio-economic

b. Decentralization

***Decentralization refers to a specific form of organizational structure where the top management
delegates decision-making responsibilities and daily operations to middle and lower subordinates. The
top management can thus concentrate on making major decisions with greater time abundance.
Businesses often feel the requirement of decentralization to continue efficiency in their operation.
Decentralization can be understood as the orderly assignment of authority, throughout the levels of
management, in an organisation. It describes the way in which power to take decisions is allocated
among various levels in the organisational hierarchy. In other words, it refers to the dissemination of
powers, functions and responsibility, away from the central location.

c. Just share of LGU’s in National Taxes

***The paper discusses the share of local government units (LGUs) from national taxes as well as other
related issues. The share of local government units (LGUs) from national taxes is mandated under
Section 6, Article X of the Philippine Constitution which provides that LGUs shall have a just share, as
determined by law, in the national taxes which shall be automatically released to them. The earmarking
is intended, among others, to augment local resources to ensure that the minimum level of basic
services is delivered to the LGUs� constituents. Under the Local Government Code (LGC), LGUs are
given shares from national tax revenues in the form of Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) and proceeds
from the utilization and development of national wealth.

2. How can tourism generate income to the government and employment to citizenry?

***As one of the world's largest economic sectors, travel and tourism creates jobs, drives exports, and
generates prosperity across the world. So it continues to make a real difference to the lives of millions of
people by driving growth, reducing poverty and fostering development.

***Tourism is a major contributor to employment creation particularly for women, youth, migrant
workers, rural communities and indigenous peoples and has numerous linkages with other sectors. As a
consequence, tourism can lead to the reduction of poverty and to the promotion of socio-economic
development and decent work.

3. How can transportation and communication systems become instruments for national recovery and
economic progress?

***The State is committed to the maintenance and expansion of viable, efficient, fast, safe and
dependable transportation and communications systems as effective instruments for national recovery
and economic progress. It shall not compete as a matter of policy with private enterprise and shall
operate transportation and communications facilities only in those areas where private initiatives are
inadequate or non-existent.

4. Do you agree that science and technology are vital to national development? Why?

**Yes**Science and Technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation.
Technology plays a Fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement of the quality of life and real
economic growth and transformation in any society. It is on recognition of the above that this paper
examines the concept of technology emphasizing the relationship between Science and technology, the
key role of science and technology in societal Development as well as the role/importance of science
and technology in National Development. The paper went further to critically identify and examine the
roles of science and technology in different Segments of life such as poverty alleviation, Health,
Agriculture, affordable energy, water supply, environmental management, economic growth, rural
development and Education. The paper thus observes that the gap between rich and poor countries can
largely be attributed to the differences in Technology and the difficulty in the Application. It
recommends policy options for reaping benefits from science and technology in Nigeria which include
among others that the educational system shall emphasize science at all levels and re-orient the entire
society towards scientific thinking in order to develop new technologies and adapt existing ones to
improve the societal well being. Finally, considering the roles of science and technology in national
development, it is imperative to stimulate demand for technology from both private and public sectors.

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