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Project Context
Project Title GIFT for SARDOs (Getting Involved and Finding Time for
Students at Risk of Dropping Out)
Position TEACHER I
Rationale The priority improvement areas in our SIP are the dropout rate,
(What issues or students’ attendance and students’ behavior. These problems
concerns do you want can be addressed at once through the project GIFT. The
to address in your proponent strongly believes that one of the most effective way
school through this to decrease the dropout rate, correct students’ behavior and
proposed project? increase students’ attendance is to target the underlying reasons
What key changes do for such behavior of students, make an agreement between the
you want to see in school and student that the latter will follow and serve as a
your school as a guide for their entire school year. This statements and basis is
result of your well supported by the data from the performance indicator from
proposed project? school years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 that show evidences
What are your where there is an increase in the percentage of dropout from
specific verifiable 2.89% to 3.62%. Some of the known reasons for the students
indicators of these numerous absences and dropout is due to lack of interest and
changes?) the are commonly seen outside the school insise computer
shops. So in order for such project to be successful, cooperation
and collaboration among the school, parents and community is a
must. Since the Child Protection Committee is already composed
of the school head, guidance counselor, PTA and SSG President
plus the representative of the barangay who is most likely be the
barangay captain, this committee is already suitable to perform
the duties of this project.
Upon implementation of such program, it is expected that the
percentage of dropout and records of misbehaviors will
decrease. This records will be evident on the guidance office
records, SF2 (monthly attendance submitted by the advisers),
SF4 (consolidated SF2).

Objectives At the beginning of the school year, the child protection

(Specific, Measurable, committee will conduct an interview to students who are, at the
Attainable, Realistic, previous school year, been dropped (either voluntarily dropped
Time-bound - themselves or they consume far greater than the 40 allowable
SMART) absences), consume a lot of absences (not reaching 40 but is 35-
38) and have 3 records of misbehavior in the guidance office.
The child protection committee will be in charge of this due to
the fact that it is composed of the school head, the guidance
counselor, the PTA President (as representative of the parents)
and the SSG President (as the representative of the students),
and the barangay Captain as the representative for the
After the interview, the committee will identify the possible
solutions to the struggle of the students towards school, like,
financial , academic/ intellectual and students’ perception about

B. Action Steps
(Identify significant Milestone targets that could be achieved during and after the
project implementation. Milestones are (a) significant changes achieved; and/ or (b)
major steps taken towards achieving the desired improvement in your school.)
Target Actions Responsible Support Target Date
Milestones Person Needed (When will this
(Who will do this From: step be
steps?) accomplished?)
Getting Action Step 1 School Head Advisers Week before
Started Crafting of and the enrolment
the Guidance period
interview Counselor

Action Step 2. 1. Guidance Week before

List of and Counselor the enrolment
identification of 2. Advisers
SARDO’s of the
previous school
year (those who
dropped and will
re-enrol, have
number of
absences and
students with 3
and more
misbehaviors in
the guidance
office )

On the Run Action Step 1 Child Protection Advisers During

Conduct of the Committee enrolment
interview with
the selected 1. School Head
students 2. PTA
(SARDOs) and President
identification of 3. SSG
the underlying President
possible causes of 4. Guidance
their weak Counselor
performance in 5. Faculty
school. As it could President
be due to 6. Barangay
Financial Captain
attitude towards
Bullying Incidents
Slow Learner

Cooling Action Step 1 CPC

Down Organized to
which categories
would the
difficulty would
fall and to which
solution it will
If Financial
The CPC will find
a sponsor for the
student or he/she
will be included
in the school’s
scholarship grant
if not member of
the 4Ps.
If weak
The SSG together
with their officers
and class
presidents will do
a peer tutoring at
least twice a week
with students
who cannot cope
with their
academic process.
If students/
parents attitude
towards school
The school head
will have a
dialogue with the
parents and the
students with
regards to the
effects of the
behavior to the
performance of
the school and to
the future of their
The Barangay
Captain and the
subordinates will
be working hand
in hand with the
school to deal
with students
who frequently
leaves the school
to play computer
games and go
somewhere else.
If harassment/
The guidance
counselor and the
school head plus
the PTA president
will do corrective
measure to
prevent future
incidences to
happen, and
conduct a
seminar (per year
level) about the
consequences to
educate the
students about it.
Action Step 2 School Head
Signing of the Parents
Memorandum of Students
between the
that will
encourage the
students to take
their schooling

C. Required Resources
(Provide specific details of the physical and human resources required to
successfully implement your project.)
Milestones Resources Budget Approval Needed
Identification of students Guidance Record N/A
Interview questions Guidance N/A School Head and
Counselor and SDS
School Head, PTA
Crafting of the School Head and N/A SDS
Memorandum Guidance

D. Risk Management Plan

(All projects are exposed to risk. Risks are unpredictable events that might or might
not happen, and endanger the achievement of your project objectives. You should
therefore know what risks to prioritize and what to do when the risk happens.)
Milestone Likely Risk Impact on Specific If Risk
Project if Action to Happens,
Risk Prevent Risk Specific
Happens Action to
Impact of
Conduct of the Students may Intervention Inform the Hold the
interview not come to the said parents/ enrolment of
during the students may relatives of the student,
interview not happen the student delay the
regarding the enrolment of
upcoming student to the
interview as system of the
part of their LIS.
None appearance of Barangay Dissemination At least Written and
the PTA President or Captain and to the PTA encourage the signed
Barangay Captain PTA President body and the barangay agreement for
may not come barangay captain or the the members
personnels PTA president and part of
may not to send a this solution
happen reliever in to perform
order for the their duties
process to with full
move. cooperation to
the school.
None compliance of Student may There will still Implement Close
the students to the not follow be a record of the actions monitoring of
MOA. what is drop out/ stated in the the subjects of
agreed on on numerous MOA in case this project
the MOA. absences of the students until the end
the students. failed to of the school
comply with year which
it. will then be a
basis for the
interview for
the next

E. Approvals
Printed Name of the Signature Date


G.I.F.T for SARDOs

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