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UNPACKING DIAGRAM The students will be given three options for their final product.
The Philippines, because of its geographical location, is vulnerable to many types of natural disasters. It is located at the
western part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a most active part of the earth characterized by an ocean encircling belt of active volcanoes
The learners independently use their learning to and earthquake generators.
Your product will be evaluated based on:

make an advertisement, symposium and live TRANSFER Content

interview on how to be well-equipped as a Impact

responsible citizen with the information about the  conduct an information drive about the effects of You are working for a broadcasting network and the evening news program will air in 15 minutes. One of the segments of the
show is a trivia on different topics that are relevant to the times. It so happens that the current news is about the rise of several high
electromagnetic wave exposure to help people make profile individuals suffering from cancer. Hence, you were asked to come-up with a presentation on the different effects if
effects of electromagnetic radiation on living informed decisions electromagnetic exposure as this has been cited by a lot of individuals as the key carcinogenic factor, as a journalist you can:
Create an advertisement that will be aired in the broadcast that will show the effects of electromagnetic exposure.
 should be able to make informed choices on selecting
things and the environment.
the right type of mirrors or lenses for specific purposes The Philippine Skin Cancer Foundation has been alarmed with rapid growth of skin cancer due to too much exposure to
 shall be able to assemble a simple model of the sunlight. Data of Philippine Skin Cancer have shown that people living in the remote barangay are more vulnerable of the disease due
to lack of knowledge. As a dermatologist, you are invited by PSCF to reach out and give information drive in the form of multimedia
relationship between electricity and magnetism in presentation to a remote nearby barangay. (prepare materials or information kit)
electric motor and generators.
Conduct a symposium about skin cancer prevention.

A rumour is spreading fast across the country that microwave oven use is linked to the development of intestinal cancer. As a
renowned Physicist of the country, you are invited by media men to clarify the matter. The public expects your point to be presented
in any medium they are commonly exposed to. You may appear in a live interview in a morning TV show telling the people the facts
of the matter.


Force, Motion and Energy


1. explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the environment;
2. explain the qualitative characteristics (orientation, type, and magnification) of images Students will develop an innovative information drive on how to be knowledgeable with the possible effects of different
regions of electromagnetic waves radiation on living things and in the environment.
formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses;
3. identify ways in which the properties of mirrors and lenses determine their use in optical ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS
instruments (e.g., cameras and binoculars);
4. demonstrate the generation of electricity by movement of a magnet through a coil; and How should we prepare and well equipped in the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves exposure on living and non-living
5. explain the operation of a simple electric motor and generator. things?


The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

 the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum
 the images formed by the different types of mirrors and lenses
 the relationship between electricity and magnetism in electric motors and generators.

CRITERIA Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning RATING

4 3 2 1
Content Presents Presents a good Presents insufficient No scientific
comprehensive number of scientific and inconsistent reasoning was
scientific reasoning reasons with scientific evidences presented.
with detailed sufficient elaboration in some parts with
elaboration of the of pros and cons. little elaboration of
pros and cons. pros and cons.
Organization Order of the ideas is Order of ideas is Order of the ideas is Order of the ideas is
apparent and has an apparent. Sufficient confusing in some not present. No
interesting details are geared to parts. Some details supporting details
progression. the central idea. are not specific to were given.
one central idea.
Justification Evidences gathered Evidences gathered Few evidences are Almost no evidences
from the data and from the data and presented and with are presented and
relevant and updated relevant information very few references made no references
information are are presented clearly to the data; some to the data; much
presented clearly and and concisely information is not important
concisely making the making the work presented clearly information is
work reasonable and reasonable. making the work presented in a
compelling. Highly unconvincing in confusing way. It is
convincing. certain parts. not presented clearly
making the work
Impact Establishes and Establishes and The importance and Does not relate the
communicates in an communicates the relevance to the selected issue at all
engaging and importance and personal and to the youth or their
practical way the relevance of the community level are community.
importance and issue on personal and not clearly
relevance of the community levels. established and
issue on personal and The importance and communicated.
community levels. relevance are clear.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Science Teacher Academic Coordinator

Approved by:
School Principal

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