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)‫الـشـارقـة (فرع البنين‬، ‫مدرسـتنـا الثـانـويـة اإلنـجليـزية‬


ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE Grade 10 – Worksheet 2 (April, 2017)

Date of Submission: 30/04/2017


1. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences –

a) the Everest/ Dicky Dolma/ set a/ to climb/ the world/ world record/ when she/ woman
in/ the youngest/ became
b) Manali Institute/ life/ has played/ a/ in Dolma’s/ role/ major
c) courses/ in 1991/ she/ the skiing/ completing/ did a/ basic/ mountaineering after/ in/
2. Read the conversation given below and complete the sentences given after it –
Father: How was the interview?
Son: I have performed well.
Father: Are you confident that you will get the job?
Son: They will let me know the result in two days’ time.
Father asked the son (a) _______________. The son replied that (b) _______________
well. The father then asked him (c) _______________ the job. The son replied that (d)
_______________ two days’ time.

3. Edit the following passage:

Incorrect Correct

Dear Sir, I wish to invite our kind attention to the (a) ------------- ---------------

fact that there are no children’s park in our locality. (b) -------------- ---------------

This locality is, in fact, overcrowded. There was no (c) -------------- ---------------

open spaces for children to play. So a children’s park (d) --------------- ---------------

is developed, it could solve a problem greatly. (e)--------------- ---------------

4. Choose the most appropriate option to complete the sentence –

There (a) _______________ 1000 million galaxies, and (b) _______________ is a very
long way from its nearest neighbor.

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(a) i) are over ii) are more iii) is over iv) is more
(b) i) every ii) each iii) all iv) one


5. You are Sameer, a regular visitor to the Prasad Nagar Lake. Of late, there has been
a constant flow of foul smelling water into the lake and cleanliness standards are
generally failing. Write a letter regarding this issue to the Editor of a local daily in
100 – 120 words.

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