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)‫الـشـارقـة (فرع البنين‬، ‫مدرسـتنـا الثـانـويـة اإلنـجليـزية‬


(Comprehension Passage and Litt. - Two Gentlemen of Verona & Mirror)

Date of Submission: 28/05/2017

Read the following passage carefully:

1. On day, a traveller was walking along a road on his journey from one village to another. As
he walked, he noticed a monk tending the ground in the fields beside the road. The monk said,
‘Good day’ to the traveller, and the traveller nodded to the monk. The traveller then turned to
the monk and said, “Excuse me, do you mind If I ask you a question?” “Not at all,” replied the
monk. ‘I am traveling from the village in the mountains to the village I the valley and I was
wondering if you knew what it is like in the village in the valley?’

2. “Tell me,” said the monk, what was your experience of the village in the mountains?”

3. “Dreadful,” replied the traveller, “to be honest, I am glad to be away from there. I found the
people most unwelcoming. When I first arrived I was greeted coldly, I was never made to feel
part of the village no matter how hard I tried. The villagers keep very much to themselves; they
don’t talk kindly to strangers. So tell me, what can I expect in the village in the valley?”

4. “I am sorry to tell you,” said the monk, but I your experience will be much the same here.”

5. The traveller hung his head despondently and walked on. A while later, another traveller was
journeying down the same road and he also came upon the monk, ‘I am going to the village to
the valley.” said the second traveller, “Do you know what it is like,” “I do,” replied the monk.
“But first tell me- where have come from?” “I’ve come from the village up in the mountains.”
“And how was that?” Oh! My experience was great. The people there are very friendly, helpful
and welcoming. They made me feel at home. Rather when I was ready to leave many of them
wanted me to stay for some more days. On the whole, I had a wonderful time there.”

6. The monk replied, “You will find this village also to be the same as the previous one.” “Thank
you,” said the traveller.

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1. Read the given questions and write the answers in about 30- 40 words.

a) What did the traveller ask the monk and why?

b) How did the people of the village treat the traveller?
c) Why did the monk tell him that the other village would be similar?
d) How was the second traveller different from the first one?
e) Choose the word, which is closest in meaning of the phrase ‘to take care ‘from the


2. Read the given extract and write the answers for the questions that follow:

a)“When the war was over, and we had peace at last, they came back to their beloved sister.
And they found her…”

i) Identify ‘they’.
ii) Who is the beloved sister?
iii) In what condition did they find their beloved sister?

3. Answer the following questions in 30- 40 words:

a) What were the hardships faced by Nicola and Jacopo?

b) What are the differences between the lake and the mirror and why is it important in the
c) How did the poet in the poem ‘Mirror’ react to the bitter- sweet reality?

4. Answer the following questions in 80 – 100 words.

a) ‘The two boys’ devotion had touched me deeply. War had not broken their spirit. Their
selfless action brought a new nobility to human life, gave promise of a great aspect for
human society.”
b) Comment upon this statement by the narrator of the lesson ‘Two gentlemen of Verona’
bringing out the reasons.


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