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Annotated Bibliography

Select three (3) of your sources for analysis in the boxes below. For each, you must first cite the source
(using APA or Chicago style). Follow this with a brief summary of the contents. Finish your annotation
by answering the critical thinking questions about whose voices are evident in the piece and whether
or not the source is biased. Please take some time to look at the following exemplar if you are unsure
about what to do.

Example Source:
Powell, Betsy. “Toronto Won’t Bid for 2024 Olympics.” The Toronto Star, February 18, 2014.
Accessed February 20, 2014.
wont_bid_for_2024_olympics .html


In her article Powell explains that Toronto has decided not to bid for the 2024 Olympics largely because
the idea was not well supported and the chances of winning were slim. She goes on to explain that the
city is still debating whether or not to bid for the 2025 world’s fair, an idea which seems to have more
supporters. Various arguments for and against hosting the world’s fair are outlined including the
Harper Government’s perspective and the opinions of various city officials.

Critical Analysis:

Whose voices are heard in this source?

Mayor Rob Ford is quoted as are several MP’s and city councillors.

Whose voices are absent from this source?

This source only cites the official opinions of city officials so the voices of average Torontonians are
missing. Specifically this article is lacking the opinions of people like business owners and those who
live around the venues that would be used (people who would be directly impacted).

Is this source biased? Why or why not?

This source seems to be biased against the bid. I feel this way because Powell repeatedly mentions the
various costs associated with these bids but never mentions potential income. She also gives lots of
attention to the opinions of those who disagree with the bid (giving detailed quotes about why it is a
bad idea), while those who do agree are never quoted, except to say that they would support it. The
one time positives are mentioned the group bringing them forward are referred to only as expo
boosters, a vague statement that makes it unclear who exactly is supporting it.
Source #1:

Ontario party leaders share plans to address rising cost of food - canoe. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 7, 2022, from


Three of Ontario’s four major political parties are promising to take steps to lower the price of food.
Statistics Canada reported earlier this month that overall food costs rose 8.8% compared with a year
ago, while Canadians paid 9.7% more for food at stores in April, the largest increase since September
1981. Cost-saving measures proposed by the Progressive Conservatives, who are seeking re-election,
include lowering the gas tax by 5.7 cents per litre, expanding the CARE tax credit for low-income
Ontarians and delivering $10 per day child-care by 2025.

Critical Analysis:

Whose voices are heard in this source?

Political Parties such as Progressive Conservatives, Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca, NDP Leader Andrea
Horwath, Greens, and Mike von Massow, an associate professor in the Department of Food,
Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Guelph.

Whose voices are absent from this source?

I would say the citizens of Ontario's personal thoughts on this are missing. We only hear mostly from
officials but I also want to know what the whole community’s thoughts are about the government
lowering the prices of food. I would also hear how this issue has affected them.

Is this source biased? Why or why not?

This source is not very biased, although it is lacking in opinions from citizens, I think the government is
acting to help them by decreasing the prices of food. It is stated that food prices are skyrocketing and
the government has to do something about it. They are funding healthy food markets, community
gardens and nutritious school programs.

Source #2:

CBC/Radio Canada. (2022, September 5). 'out of Control' food prices eating away at Toronto
Student Nutrition Programs | CBC news. CBCnews. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from

As schools are starting the education workers are facing problems as breakfast and lunch programs face
a funding shortfall due to the rising cost of food. That in turn is pushing up the price of daily meals that
help at-risk students gain access to nutritious food. Parsonage said it not only affects their physical and
mental well-being but it also drastically affects their behaviour at school. Nutritional programs are very
important and it is being underfunded.

Critical Analysis:

Whose voices are heard in this source?

Catherine Parsonage, CEO of Toronto Foundation for Student Success and the co-chair of Student
Nutrition Ontario, Khudaija Sheikh, director of operations at the Albion Neighbourhood Services Boys &
Girls Club

Whose voices are absent from this source?

Since this article talks about schools lacking the access to nutritious food, I think I would also like to
hear about the parents’ thoughts on this issue as their children are affected.

Is this source biased? Why or why not?

I don’t think this source is biased. We hear the problems of nutritious school programs being directly
affected by the rising prices of food. The source talks about the children directly being affected as they
won’t have enough nutrition and this can cause children to not focus in classes. They state that they
recognize the important role that nutrition plays in learning and development.

Source #3:

Taylor, P. (2022, March 30). Op-ed: Ontario assistance needs to rise up to meet soaring food
prices. NOW Magazine. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from


Food pricing rises will affect many people. For the average family in 2022, this means that an extra
$966 must be found just to meet their basic food needs. A single person with a severe disability in
Ontario receives just $1,169 a month to cover shelter and all costs of living from the Ontario Disability
Support Program.

Critical Analysis:
Whose voices are heard in this source?
Paul Taylor, FoodShare Toronto

Whose voices are absent from this source?

This source is more of a personal written article, there aren’t many voices besides the author’s so I
think maybe some citizen’s opinions and officials voices should be heard.

Is this source biased? Why or why not?

This source is biased because it talks about the personal thoughts and perspective of the writer, Paul
Taylor. He talks about when he was a teenager and the then premier, Mike Harris, dropped social
assistance rates by 21.6 percent, and he had to go to school hungry most days. He says that the same is
happening now if the government doesn’t do anything.

Additional Sources:

Cite any other sources you used here using either Chicago or APA style (a citation guide is included in
this folder).

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