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SESSION 2020/2021 (A202)









NG LAY CHIN 270494






1.0 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................1

2.0 PROBLEM DEFINED.......................................................................................................2

3.0 PROBLEM SOLUTION...................................................................................................3

4.0 NOVELTY OF INNOVATION........................................................................................4

5.0 SUSTAINABILITY............................................................................................................5

6.0 POTENTIAL SOCIAL, ECONOMICS AND OTHER IMPACTS..............................6

7.0 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................8


In this assignment, we are required to find an online community from any social

media platform, and we would observe, identify, and analyse the problem or issues the

community facing.

The online community we have chosen is a Facebook public group called

“Kindergarten Worksheets and Activities”. This community is established on 12 December

2020 and now it has more than 59,000 members, and all of whom are interested in the

activities and worksheets for children who are studying in kindergarten. There are 6

administrators who manage this group and anyone who has the same interest can join the

group by clicking the “join” button on its Facebook page and wait for the administrator to

approve. In the “Kindergarten Worksheets and Activities” page, we have found that many of

the members have shared many activities for kindergarten such as numbers, alphabets, and

phonics exercise sheets, flashcards, and other activities. However, most of the activities

shared among the community are only suitable for offline use and we did not find any

educational games that have been shared in the group.

Educational games are games specifically designed and created for educational

purposes, or games with incidental or secondary educational value (Cojocariu & Boghian,

2014). Comparing educational games with the traditional activities that have been shared in

the group, educational games involve greater interaction and are relatively more attractive to

children. In addition, educational games are suitable for both online and offline use.

Therefore, we would like to create a Google Drive that consists of interesting, attractive, and

fun educational games for children for the subjects of Malay, English, Chinese, Science, and

Mathematics. We will use Microsoft PowerPoint to create these games and upload them to

Google Drive to share with the members of the community we choose.


Students have recently been found to be less engaged in their studies because of

traditional learning method are usually less attractive. Many educational institutions have

implemented online learning due to the spreading of COVID-19 they have posed educational

with transitioning classes to the online. Online learning has the potential using a computer

linked to a network, which allows students to learn from anywhere, and by any method.

(Dhawan,2020). However, there are problems why the students get disengaged from learning.

First of all, students are less motivated on study because especially for kindergarten

would be nothing latest however, what teachers today may require are activities like games

that will keep their classes interactive. They may be less involved, or their passions may be

unrelated to the topic they are exploring, which leads them to be less motivated to learn. This

is why students need games teacher support. Students who are unmotivated to learn should

find something that motivates and get interested in it, such as hosting activities after classes

like educational games. Besides that, students realized that they are less attractive in

traditional learning way. Students need exciting activity to keep their interest in classes.

Traditional methods learning, such as spelling, or remembering could be time-consuming and

boring this will lead them to be less interest. Besides from reading and writing which is a

really one traditional learning way they need other learning technique such as give them a

game after the lesson to capture their interest and attention. Furthermore, children's social

isolation and anxiety are linked to increased mental health problems especially during this

pandemic where they are simply learning and just sit in front of a screen. When students are

alone, they cannot reach out to teachers at all times, it would make them less attempt to

participate in general academic topics. They need to adopt new approaches to enhance social

and emotional well-being during or after classes by provide them a game.


Playing games is a leisure activity. The educational game is a teaching method that

allows students to learn more about a particular subject. Our group created educational games

for children because we discovered that such games are more appealing to children during the

learning process.

Most of them are studying online in this pandemic era. The lesson may be boring to

the children and appear unappealing to them. As a result, we created educational games. It is

a tool used to encourage children to study. By doing that, the children are inspired to learn.

The learning outcomes are including understanding, memorization, and creativity. The

games can enrich the learning experience for the children.

Educational games are used to keep students' attention while they are learning. It may

include a variety of elements such as graphics, music, and colourful background. It was used

as a tool to encourage children to be more creative. Apart from that, the games encourage

them to think outside the box in order to solve problems.

The children meet their teachers and friends online when they participate in online

learning. It is difficult for them to catch up with the syllabus when studying alone. Therefore,

through educational games, the children can reinforce their memory of what they learned in

class. Concurrently, they can refresh the knowledge they have gained from playing games.

In conclusion, an educational game is a simple concept. Children will be more

engaged in the learning process if they participate in game-based learning, especially if the

content includes animated graphics. It would make their learning process more effective and

keep them from becoming bored. We must ensure that the games provide meaningful

learning experiences not just a fun activity.


1) Motivation Toward Study

The use of educational games as the tools of teaching can help motivated children to study

due to the lively and interesting characters, easy-to-understand graphics, colourful pictures

and background, as well as beautiful background music. Educational games help keep

children’s attention and interest to study as well as make children feel engaged and fun in

their learning. Moreover, using educational games as part of teaching and learning in the

curriculum also helps to create enthusiasm around the curriculum, whereby help motivate

children to participate and study as well as help them to develop a positive learning attitude.

2) Enhancing in Interaction

The form of teaching, where teachers teaching while students just listen without any

questioning will make the children feel isolated since there is no sense of interaction and

participation in the lesson. The use of educational games can reduce the sense of isolation due

to it capable of participation by both students and teacher. Educational games allow students

to have a small-scale competition and teamwork between others, which children can compete

or help and support others during the games. Furthermore, teachers also can provide quick

feedback to students after the games, therefore, they will know what they did right or wrong.

3) Everyone Can Access

The use of Google Drive to share the educational games with the community allowed the

community’s members to access and download these educational games for free anytime,

anywhere, as long as they have a device and the Internet. We have uploaded all 5 different

subjects of educational games to the same Google Drive file, therefore, they can access

educational games in 5 different subjects with just one link.


Aim of our project is to create the educational game through Google Drive to increase

the motivation of the children to study. So, the project can be continuing with parents and

teachers can share their idea of the game to Google Drive in anytime. Google Drive also

enable them to edit the power point while obtain permission. So, they can share their power

point in the google drive to create the games together. This can decrease the stress of parents

and teachers to create the games and reduce influence to them in their job because just

occupy a little bit time.

Next, google drive has a large capacity to store the documents. So, after a few months

continuously to update the files in Google Drive, there are a lot of games for every subject.

The variety of games that can be chosen by children to play and learn. They can play the

games without repeat and they will no easily feel boring with the same games. So, this can

improve their interesting in studying with playing games.

Besides, the pages of google drive is simply and the documents in Google Drive can

be category to different files with different name. This function enables parents and children

to easy find the subject that they want. Based on our users is children that lack of knowledge

of technology, this simply design can make them convenient to search the games with variety

type of subjects without waste the time.

Lastly, educational games with the google drive has no limit of time, this is flexible to

arrange the time of using google drive. The children can be viewing the google drive to do

revision by playing games in any times and they do not need to worry about missing the time

to do the activities because this is a flexible for them to arrange times of study through

Google Drive.


Ministry of Education (MOE) announces school closure since 2020 and it continues to

2021. School closure gives a huge impact to students as school is a place where they can

directly gain skills and knowledge. Students are forced to switch to online classes. Online

classes have social, economic, and other impacts.

The online community chosen consists of tutors, teachers, and parents. Educational

game possesses a positive social impact to the online community. For tutors and teachers,

educational game is a way for them to attract students’ concentration. The traditional teaching

method is not suitable when it comes to online classes, this is because student will easily feel

bored after sitting in front of the computer for long hours. As the target group of the

educational games are pre-school children, it is more difficult to have their concentration.

Thus, an interactive and interesting game is essential. The educational game enhances

student’s memory of the lesson that they have learn during classes. However, this method of

teaching requires tutors and teachers to have a higher level of creativity to create different

games to ensure the class is fun. The educational games give impact to parents as well

because the user of the educational game is not only teachers and tutors, but parents can also

use it to help their children in study. During this pandemic, students stay at home most of the

time, parents can play educational games with their children to give them companion at the

same time, their children learn while playing game.

Beside social impact, educational game also possesses economic impacts. In general,

educational game is a low-cost teaching method as there are many tools that can be used to

create games such as Microsoft Office PowerPoint. There are tools that are at low cost or

zero-cost. It does not give negative impact to the online community that we chose. For

instance, when a buyer is buying the educational game, the buyer is paying for the manpower

and software used by the creator to create the game. Therefore, it is obvious that the

educational game does not cost much to the user.

Other than social and economic impact, the educational game also has impact on

students. Students will be benefited from educational game as interactive teaching method

will help them to remember better of what they have learnt in the class. Indirectly, students

will also develop thinking skill and communication skill from the educational game.

In short, the educational game gives positive impact to the social, economic, and

students. During this pandemic, education must still be the utmost important. Students must

be given the best in education as they are the future of a country.


BrightHub Education. (16 June, 2016). Benefits of Educational Games in the Classroom.

Retrieved from BrightHub Education:


Dhawan, S. (June, 2020). Online Learning: A Panacea in the Time of COVID-19 Crisis.

Journal of Educational Technology Systems. Retrieved from


Figure 1: The Online Community We Have Chosen

Facebook Link:

Figure 2: Google Drive of Educational Games for Kindergarten

Google Drive Link:


Figure 3: The Facebook Post We Posted and The Comment Received from The Community

Facebook Link:

Figure 4: Mandarin Game

Figure 5: English Games

Figure 6: Bahasa Malayu Game

Figure 7: Science Education Games

Figure 8: Mathematics Educational Game


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