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Stakeholder Analysis

Look through your research and take note of all of the stakeholders (individuals or groups of Canadians
affected by your issue); list them in the Stakeholder column. Research each group’s view of the issue
and outline their major concerns, arguments etc. connected to the issue in the Perspectives on the
Issue column.

Stakeholder Perspective on the Issues

Ex: Homeowners in the They are concerned about the additional traffic and noise this will cause in
four blocks surrounding their neighbourhood and also about the lights that will be placed around
the proposed athletic the field. They want guarantees that the lights will be turned off by 11pm
park. every night and a say in what the athletic park can be used for.

Student Nutrition The importance of food to students is critical, but as these prices sky
programs rocket, it is hard to be able to sustain the needs of children. Catherine
Parsonage, CEO of Toronto Foundation for Student Success and the
co-chair of Student Nutrition Ontario says that pushing up the price of
daily meals does not help at-risk students gain access to nutritious food.
Parsonage said it not only affects their physical and mental well-being but
it also drastically affects their behaviour at school. So they want the
government to lower food prices.

Political Parties As food prices are drastically rising the government is starting to do
something about it. The NDP, Liberals and Greens are all offering targeted
plans for tackling rising food prices, while the Progressive Conservatives
say they will keep costs down and help residents save money through
different measures like lowering gas taxes.

Ontario Citizens The rising food prices have given Ontario citizens a hard time buying
enough food. Families are finding it hard to budget and support
themselves. They want the food prices to lower so they can be able to get
enough food with lower prices so that their income is not all used up on

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