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Ciril Terogas

Player: Osaka
NG Male elf acrobat ranger 12
Elf, Good, Humanoid, Neutral
Deity: Calistria; Age: 127; Height: 5' 11"; Weight: 160 lb. Skills
Speed: 30 ft., Languages: Common, Elven
+23 * Acrobatics
M Dex
Hit Points Hero Points
+16 * Arcana
T* Int

150 3 +22 *Athletics

M* Str

1 +16 * Circus Lore

T* Int

+2 * Crafting
U* Int

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 18 Str

20 Dex +14 * Deception
T* Cha

+4 +5 +2 +2 +3 +0 14 Con
14 Int +14 * Diplomacy
T* Cha
16 Wis
10 Cha +14 * Intimidation
T* Cha

+17 * Medicine
T* Wis
PERCEPTION +21 * = +18
M Base +3 Wis +0 Misc
+17 * Nature
T* Wis

FORTITUDE +20 * = +18

M Base +2 Con +0 Misc +16 * Occultism
T* Int

REFLEX +23 * = +18

M Base +5 Dex +0 Misc +0 * Performance
U* Cha

WILL +19 * = +16

E* Base +3 Wis +0 Misc +17 * Religion
T* Wis

AC 31 * = +26
E* Base +5 Dex +0 Misc +16 * Society
T* Int

+21 * Stealth
E* Dex
Perception (Hunt Prey): +2 circumstance bonus to Seek hunted prey
+17 * Survival
T Wis

Perception (Whisper Elf): +2 circumstance bonus to Seek a unseen +19 * Thievery

T* Dex

creature that you hear within 30 ft.

Fortitude Save (Juggernaut): Successes are crit successes instead. Skill Modifiers
Reflex Save (Evasion): Successes are crit successes instead. Acrobatics (Steady Balance): Successes to Balance are critical successes
Unarmored defense (Expert) Survival (Hunt Prey): +2 circumstance bonus to Track hunted prey

AC: +0, Max Dex: –, Armor Check: –, Speed: – Feats

Special Abilities Ancestral Longevity [Ancestry Feats Selection]
During your daily preparations you become trained in one skill.
Evasion Elven Weapon Elegance [Ancestry Feats Selection]
Successes on Reflex saves are crit successes instead.
Apply critical specialization effect for bows and swords.
Hunt Prey Elven Weapon Familiarity [Ancestry Feats Selection]
Gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you Seek your prey and
a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your prey. Access to all uncommon elf weapons.

Juggernaut Deadly Aim (-2, +6) [Class Feats Selection]

Successes on Fort saves are crit successes instead. Ranged Strike @ -2 to hit vs. hunted prey: +6 circ to damage.

Low-Light Vision Evasiveness [Class Feats Selection]

See in dim light as if it were normal light. Proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master.

Nature's Edge Hunter's Aim [Class Feats Selection]

Enemies in natural difficult terrain (or difficult terrain resulting from a snare) are Ranged strike vs. your prey at +2 circ and ignore concealed.
flat-footed to you. Quick Draw [Class Feats Selection]
Precision (+2d8) Interact to draw a weapon, then Strike with the weapon you just drew.
Deal an extra 1d8 precision damage the first time you hit your hunted target in a Rogue Dedication [Class Feats Selection]
round. Gain surprise attack class feature, trained in light armor.
Surprise Attack Twin Parry [Class Feats Selection]
Used Deception or Stealth for initiative: Creatures that haven't acted are flat- While wielding two weapons, gain +1 circ to AC, or +2 if either has the parry
footed to you. trait.
Trackless Step Twin Takedown (1/round) [Class Feats Selection]
Gain the benefits of Cover Tracks in natural terrains while moving at full speed. While wielding two weapons, make a strike with each, and combine their
Treat Wounds (2d8, DC 15) damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses.
Use Medicine to restore HP to adjacent living creature based on check result. Cat Fall [General Feats Selection]
Weapon Expertise Treat falls as 50' shorter.
Proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks
increase to expert.
Weapon Proficiencies
Whisper Elf Trained: Composite longbow, Composite shortbow, Longbow, Longsword,
Use hearing to Seek in a 60 ft cone. Rapier, Shortbow
Wild Stride Expert: All Simple Weapons, All Martial Weapons, All Unarmed Attacks
Ignore non-magical difficult terrain, and treat natural greater difficult terrain as Armor Proficiencies
difficult terrain.
Expert: All Light Armor, All Medium Armor, Unarmored defense
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Feats Experience & Wealth
Quick Jump [General Feats Selection] Career Experience Points: 11,000 (0/1,000 to 13th)
A single action to use High Jump or Long Jump and do not need an initial Stride. Current Cash: 4,500 gp
Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Ranged [Non-Standard])
[General Feats
Gain the trained Selection]
proficiency rank in the next type of weapons (Simple, Martial,
Courtly Graces [Skill Feats Selection]
Use Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to
pretend to be a noble if you aren’t one.
Experienced Smuggler [Skill Feats Selection]
When the GM rolls your Stealth check she uses the number rolled or 10,
whichever is higher.
Rapid Mantel [Skill Feats Selection]
When you succesfully Grab an Edge pull yourself to standing in the same action.
You can use Athletics instead of Ref to Grab an Edge. In addition pull yourself up
as part of a successful Grab Edge reaction. In addition pull yourself up as part of a
Skill Training [Skill Feats Selection]
Become trained in the skill of your choice.
Skill Training [Skill Feats Selection]
Become trained in the skill of your choice.
Trick Magic Item [Skill Feats Selection]
Trick an item you normally can't use into activating for you.
Wall Jump [Skill Feats Selection]
If you're adjacent to a wall at the end of a jump you can use another action to
jump again but only once.
Steady Balance
Not flat-footed while attempting to Balance and can attempt an Acrobatics check
instead of a Reflex save to Grab an Edge.

Tracked Resources
Twin Takedown (1/round) ☐

Gear (Encum: 9 bulk, Over: 14 bulk)

Total Bulk Carried: 4.5, Unencumbered
Money 4.5

70 kgs

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Ciril Terogas – Abilities & Gear
(Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat,
Cat Fall (Feat, General Feats Selection) Quick Draw Ranger)
Traits: General, Skill Traits: Ranger
Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics [1 action]

Your catlike aerial acrobatics allow you to cushion your falls. Treat You draw your weapon and attack with the same motion. You
falls as 10 feet shorter. If you’re an expert in Acrobatics, treat falls Interact to draw a weapon, then Strike with that weapon.
as 25 feet shorter. If you’re a master in Acrobatics, treat them as
50 feet shorter. If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land Quick Jump (Feat, General Feats Selection)
on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of Traits: General, Skill
the fall. Prerequisites trained in Athletics

Courtly Graces (Feat, Skill Feats Selection) You can use High Jump and Long Jump as a single action instead
Traits: General, Skill of 2 actions. If you do, you don’t perform the initial Stride (nor do
Prerequisites trained in Society you fail if you don’t Stride 10 feet).

You were raised among the nobility or have learned proper etiquette Rapid Mantel (Feat, Skill Feats Selection)
and bearing, allowing you to present yourself as a noble and play Traits: General, Skill
games of influence and politics. You can use Society to Make an Prerequisites expert in Athletics
Impression on a noble, as well as with Impersonate to pretend to
be a noble if you aren’t one. If you want to impersonate a specific You easily pull yourself onto ledges. When you Grab an Edge, you
noble, you still need to use Deception to Impersonate normally, and can pull yourself onto that surface and stand. You can use Athletics
to Lie when necessary. instead of a Reflex save to Grab an Edge.
(Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat,
Deadly Aim (-2, +6) Ranger) Steady Balance (Background Selection, Feat)
Traits: Open, Ranger Traits: General, Skill
[1 action] Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics
Prerequisites weapon specialization
You can keep your balance easily, even in adverse conditions.
You aim for your prey’s weak spots, making your shot more Whenever you roll a success using the Balance action, you get a
challenging but dealing more damage if you hit. Make a ranged critical success instead. You’re not flat-footed while attempting to
Strike against your hunted prey at a –2 penalty. You gain a +4 Balance on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. Thanks to your
circumstance bonus to damage on that Strike. This bonus increases incredible balance, you can attempt an Acrobatics check instead of
to +6 at 11th level and +8 at 15th level. a Reflex save to Grab an Edge.

Elven Weapon Elegance (Ancestry Feats Selection, Feat)

Traits: Elf
Prerequisites Elven Weapon Familiarity

You are attuned to the weapons of your elf ancestors and are
particularly deadly when using them. Whenever you critically hit
using a weapon of the bow or sword group, you apply the
weapon's critical specialization effect.

Experienced Smuggler (Feat, Skill Feats Selection)

Traits: General, Skill
Prerequisites trained in Stealth

You often smuggle things past the authorities. When the GM rolls
your Stealth check to see if a passive observer notices a small item
you have concealed, the GM uses the number rolled or
10—whichever is higher—as the result of your die roll, adding it to
your Stealth modifier to determine your Stealth check result. If you’re
a master in Stealth, the GM uses the number rolled or 15, and if
you’re legendary in Stealth, you automatically succeed at hiding a
small concealed item from passive observers. This provides no
benefits when a creature attempts a Perception check while actively
searching you for hidden items. Due to your smuggling skill, you’re
more likely to find more lucrative smuggling jobs when using
Underworld Lore to Earn Income.
(Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat,
Hunter's Aim Ranger)
Traits: Concentrate, Ranger
[2 actions]

When you focus on aiming, your attack becomes particularly

accurate. Make a ranged weapon Strike against your hunted prey.
On this Strike, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll
and ignore your prey’s concealed condition.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Ciril Terogas – Abilities & Gear

Trick Magic Item (Feat, Skill Feats Selection) Wall Jump (Feat, Skill Feats Selection)
Traits: General, Manipulate, Skill Traits: General, Skill
[1 action] Prerequisites master in Athletics
Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion
You can use your momentum from a jump to propel yourself off a
You examine a magic item you normally couldn’t use in an effort to wall. If you’re adjacent to a wall at the end of a jump (whether
fool it and activate it temporarily. For example, this might allow a performing a High Jump, Long Jump, or Leap), you don’t fall as
fighter to cast a spell from a wand or allow a wizard to cast a spell long as your next action is another jump. Furthermore, since your
that’s not on the arcane list using a scroll. You must know what previous jump gives you momentum, you can use High Jump or
activating the item does, or you can’t attempt to trick it. Long Jump as a single action, but you don’t get to Stride as part of
the activity.
Attempt a check using the skill matching the item’s magic tradition,
or matching a tradition that has the spell on its list, if you’re trying You can use Wall Jump only once in a turn, unless you’re
to cast a spell from the item. The relevant skills are Arcana for legendary in Athletics, in which case you can use Wall Jump as
arcane, Nature for primal, Occultism for occult, Religion for divine, many times as you can use consecutive jump actions in that turn.
or any of the four for an item that has the magical trait and not a
tradition trait. The GM determines the DC based on the item’s level
(possibly adjusted depending on the item or situation). Evasion (Class, Ranger)
You’ve learned to move quickly to avoid explosions, a dragon’s
If you activate a magic item that requires a spell attack roll or spell
breath, and worse. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases
DC and you don’t have the ability to cast spells of the relevant
to master. When you roll a success on a Reflex save, you get a
tradition, use your level as your proficiency bonus and the highest
critical success instead.
of your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers. If you’re a
master in the appropriate skill for the item’s tradition, you instead
use the trained proficiency bonus, and if you’re legendary, you Hunt Prey (Class, Ranger)
instead use the expert proficiency bonus. Traits: Concentrate, Ranger
[1 action]
Success For the rest of the current turn, you can spend actions to
activate the item as if you could normally use it. You designate a single creature as your prey and focus your
Failure You can’t use the item or try to trick it again this turn, but attacks against that creature. You must be able to see or hear the
you can try again on subsequent turns. prey, or you must be tracking the prey during exploration.
Critical Failure You can’t use the item, and you can’t try to trick it
again until your next daily preparations. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when you
Seek your prey and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks
Success For the rest of the current turn, you can spend actions to when you Track your prey. You also ignore the penalty for making
activate the item as if you could normally use it. ranged attacks within your second range increment against the prey
Failure You can’t use the item or try to trick it again this turn, but you’re hunting.
you can try again on subsequent turns.
Critical Failure You can’t use the item, and you can’t try to trick it You can have only one creature designated as your prey at a time.
again until your next daily preparations. If you use Hunt Prey against a creature when you already have a
creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and
Twin Parry (Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat, the new prey gains the designation. Your designation lasts until
Ranger) your next daily preparations.
Traits: Ranger
[1 action]
Requirements You are wielding two melee weapons, one in each Juggernaut (Class, Ranger)
hand. Your body is accustomed to physical hardship and resistant to
ailments. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to
You can use two weapons to deflect attacks. You gain a +1 master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a
circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn, or a +2 critical success instead.
circumstance bonus if either weapon has the parry trait. You lose
this circumstance bonus if you no longer meet this feat’s Low-Light Vision (Elf, Race)
requirement. The creature can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it
ignores the concealed condition due to dim light.
(Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat,
Twin Takedown (1/round) Ranger)
Traits: Flourish, Ranger Nature's Edge (Class, Ranger)
[1 action] You always find the weak points in your foes’ defenses when
Frequency once per round they’re on unfavorable terrain. Enemies are flat-footed to you if
Requirements You are wielding two melee weapons, each in a they’re in natural difficult terrain or in difficult terrain resulting from a
different hand. snare.

You swiftly attack your hunted prey with both weapons. Make two Precision (+2d8) (Hunter's Edge)
Strikes against your hunted prey, one with each of the required You have trained to aim for your prey’s weak points. The first time
weapons. If both hit the same hunted prey, combine their damage you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional
for the purpose of its resistances and weaknesses. Apply your precision damage. (Precision damage increases the damage you
multiple attack penalty to each Strike normally. already deal, using the same type, but is ineffective against
creatures that lack vital organs or weak points.) At 11th level, the
extra damage increases to 2d8 precision damage, and at 19th level,
the extra damage increases to 3d8 precision damage.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Ciril Terogas – Abilities & Gear

Surprise Attack (Class, Class Feats Selection, Ranger) Weapon Traits

You spring into combat faster than foes can react. On the first
round of combat, if you roll Deception or Stealth for initiative, Agile
creatures that haven’t acted are flat-footed to you. The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the
second attack on your turn is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of
Trackless Step (Class, Ranger) –10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn.
When you move through natural terrains, you are difficult to track.
You always gain the benefits of the Cover Tracks action in such Finesse
terrains, without moving at half your Speed. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength
modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. You still use your
Treat Wounds (2d8, DC 15) Strength modifier when calculating damage.
Traits: Exploration, Healing, Manipulate
Requirements You’re wearing or holding healer’s tools Nonlethal
Attacks with this weapon are nonlethal, and are used to knock
You spend 10 minutes treating one injured living creature (targeting creatures unconscious instead of kill them. You can use a nonlethal
yourself, if you so choose). The target is then temporarily immune to weapon to make a lethal attack with a –2 circumstance penalty.
Treat Wounds actions for 1 hour, but this interval overlaps with the
time you spent treating (so a patient can be treated once per hour, Unarmed
not once per 70 minutes). An unarmed attack uses your body rather than a manufactured
weapon. An unarmed attack isn’t a weapon, though it’s categorized
The Medicine check DC is usually 15, though the GM might adjust with weapons for weapon groups, and it might have weapon traits.
it based on the circumstances, such as treating a patient outside in Since it’s part of your body, an unarmed attack can’t be Disarmed. It
a storm, or treating magically cursed wounds. If you’re an expert in also doesn’t take up a hand, though a fist or other grasping
Medicine, you can instead attempt a DC 20 check to increase the appendage follows the same rules as a free-hand weapon.
Hit Points regained by 10; if you’re a master of Medicine, you can
instead attempt a DC 30 check to increase the Hit Points regained
by 30; and if you’re legendary, you can instead attempt a DC 40
check to increase the Hit Points regained by 50. The damage dealt
on a critical failure remains the same.

If you succeed at your check, you can continue treating the target
to grant additional healing. If you treat them for a total of 1 hour,
double the Hit Points they regain from Treat Wounds.

The result of your Medicine check determines how many Hit Points
the target regains.

Critical Success The target regains 4d8 Hit Points, and its wounded
condition is removed.
Success The target regains 2d8 Hit Points, and its wounded
condition is removed.
Critical Failure The target takes 1d8 damage.

Weapon Expertise (Class, Ranger)

You’ve dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your
weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple and martial weapons
increases to expert. You gain access to the critical specialization
effects of all simple and martial weapons when attacking your
hunted prey.

Whisper Elf (Ancestry Heritage Selection)

Traits: Elf

Your ears are finely tuned, able to detect even the slightest
whispers of sound. As long as you can hear normally, you can use
the Seek action to sense undetected creatures in a 60-foot cone
instead of a 30-foot cone. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus
to locate undetected creatures that you could hear within 30 feet
with a Seek action.

Wild Stride (Class, Ranger)

You move quickly through obstacles, whether they’re tumbled stone,
tangled undergrowth, or sucking mud. You can ignore the effects of
non-magical difficult terrain. As normal for ignoring difficult terrain,
this also lets you treat the hindrances of greater difficult terrain as
those of difficult terrain.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.

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