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Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if it is false.

T 1. A quantitative study is less prone to researcher’s personal bias to compared

with a qualitative study.
F2. A quantitative study cannot be conducted in different setting or contexts.
T 3. The use of the words in relationship and effects in a research title most likely
signify that a study is quantitative.
F 4. A quantitative study should be used if the researcher’s aim is to establish the
cause of a certain phenomenon.
T5. A quantitative study primarily involves narratives and images.
T 6. Quantitative research uses inductive approach in analyzing
T7. An experimental study is always quantitative.
T 8. All types of quantitative research make use of independent variables.
T 9. Both quantitative and qualitative variables may be present in quantitative
_T 10. All extraneous variables are confounding variables.

LET’S WARM UP: Tick the column that best describes your understanding of the
nature of quantitative inquiry and research.
Usually Someti Seldom Never
3 mes 2 1 0

I effectively use quantitative data when ✅

investigating relationshiops between the
two variables.

I know when to use quantitative ✅


When conducting quantitative research, ✅

I address the weakness attendant to it.

The variables that I use in my research ✅

are clear to me.

I recognize the importance of ✅

quantitative research in our daily lives.


Task 1: Write S on the blank if a quantitative approach is suitable for the

given questions and N if it is not.
____S____1. Does the environmental literacy of an individual increases with
____N____ 2. What are the challenges experienced by student-athletes?
____S____ 3. Does exposure to CNN programs improve student’s speaking
skills? ____S____4. What are the factors affect the decision-making of
parents regarding the education of their children?
____S____ 5. How reliable admission tests in predicting the future
performance of students in school?
____S____ 6. What are the features of narcissistic posts on Facebook?
____S____ 7. Do online materials enhance the computer skills of students?
S 8. Is there a relationship between milk consumption and incidence of
____N____ 9. What are the study habits of public schools?
____N____10. What are the experiences police officers in arresting criminals?

TASK 2: Discuss the ways to correct or make up for the weaknesses or

inadequacies of quantitative research. Write two to three sentences for
each of the weaknesses.

1. Improper representation of the target population, as mentioned in

the article, improper representation of the target population might
hinder the researcher for achieving its desired aims and objectives.
Despite of applying appropriate sampling plan representation of the
subjects is dependent on the probability distribution of observed

• Surveys would be meaningless and incomplete without accounting

for the respondents that they’re aimed at. The best survey design
practices keep the target population at the core of their thought process.

2. Inability to control the environment. Sometimes researchers face

problems to control the environment where the respondents provide
answers to the questions in the survey (Baxter 2008). Responses
often depend on particular time which again is dependent on the
conditions occurring during that particular time frame.

• Environmental factors such as the weather are not usually a factor. On the
other hand, if the experiment consists of long-term weathering tests on a product
intended for outdoor use, one typically includes as many replicate samples as can
be handled as well as running the tests for extended periods of time and even in
different sets of environments.

3. Limited outcomes in quantitative research. Quantitative research

method involves structured questionnaire with close ended
questions. It leads to limited outcomes outlined in the research
proposal. So, the results cannot always represent the actual
occurring, in a generalised form.
 Answer to a question “Does your manager motivates you to
take up challenges”; can be yes/no/can’t say or Strongly Agree
to strongly disagree. But to know what are the strategies
applied by the manager to motivate the employee or on what
parameters the employee does not feel motivated when
hew/she responded no, the researcher has to ask broader
questions which somewhat has limited scope in close-ended

4. Expensive and time consuming. Quantitative research is difficult,

expensive and requires a lot of time to be perform the analysis. This
type of research is planned carefully in order to ensure complete
randomization and correct designation of control groups
 To understand the influence of advertising on the propensity of
purchase decision of baby foods parents of 5-year old and
below of Bangalore, the researcher needs collect data from
200 respondents. This is time consuming and expensive, given
the approach needed to each of these parents to explain the
study purpose.

5. Difficulty in data analysis. Quantitative study requires extensive

statistical analysis, which can be difficult to perform for researchers
from non- statistical backgrounds. Statistical analysis is based on
scientific discipline and hence difficult for non-mathematicians to
 To understand the level of motivation perceived by Grade 5
students from the teaching approach taken by their class
teachers, mere yes and no might lead to ambiguity in data
collection and hence improper results. Instead a detailed
interview or focus group technique might develop in-depth views
and perspectives of both the teachers and children.
6. Lack of resources for data collection Quantitative research
methodology usually requires a large sample size. However due to the
lack of resources this large-scale research becomes impossible.
 Keep the language and format of surveys simple. When
possible, word questions so that the response options are the
same and try to eliminate or reduce reverse worded questions.
Always validate your surveys before using them.
7. In writing a research propposal,we are bound to have strengths and
weaknesses.Recognizing our strengths and weaknesses are able to
help us improve the areas we are lacking off.
 Recognizing our strengths and weaknesses are able to help us
improve the areas we are lacking off.It can help us improve
ourselves for us to learn what could be better in making a
research proposal.It can build ourselves to be more,more
educated as it is for the research to generate effectiveness.

Task 1: Explain how quantitative research can be useful in each of the

following fields of study. Substantiate your explanation with examples.
Area Practical Importance and Example

Arts and Design Art, craft and design introduces participants to a range of
intellectual and practical skills. It provides children, young people
and lifelong learners with regular opportunities to think
imaginatively and creatively and develop.
Humanities and The Humanities and Social Sciences are the study of human
Social Sciences behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental,
economic and political contexts. The Humanities and Social Sciences
have a historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global
contexts, and consider challenges for the future.

Business and Accounting plays a vital role in running a business because it helps
Accounting you track income and expenditures, ensure statutory compliance,
and provide investors, management, and government with
quantitative financial information which can be used in making
business decisions.

Information and ICT permeates all aspects of life, providing newer, better, and
Communicatio quicker ways for people to interact, network, seek help, gain access
ns Technology to information, and learn. Besides its presence everywhere,
Information and Communication Technology has an immense
economic significance.

Natural and Science, technology, engineering and mathematics workers play a

Physical Sciences, key role in the sustained growth and stability of the U.S. economy,
Technology, and are a critical component to helping the U.S. win the future.

Task 3: Explain how quantitative research has resulted in inventions, innovations,

and other scientific breakthroughs. Identify a product, process, technology, or
concept and describe how quantitative research has led to its creation. Research
on your chosen subject.

 In its purest sense, “invention” can be defined as the creation of a product

or introduction of a process for the first time. “Innovation,” on the other
hand, occurs if someone improves on or makes a significant contribution to
an existing product, process or service. Innovation flows from invention.

 An invention occurs when you're creating a completely new idea, while an

innovation is improving upon an existing idea. Take transportation for
example, Compare that to Uber, an innovation in transportation; disruptive
as it may have been, the taxi and car service industry already existed
before Uber's arrival.

Task 4: Reflect on the learnings that you have gained from this lesson by
answering the following questions.

1. How has this lesson affected your attitude toward quantitative


 The purpose of quantitative research is to generate knowledge and

create understanding about the social world. Quantitative research
is used by social scientists, including communication researchers

2. What skills have you learned from this lesson?

 Quantitative research is a way to learn about a particular group of

people, known as a sample population. Using scientific inquiry,
quantitative research relies on data that are observed or measured


Answer the following questions comprehensively.
1. What is the significance of knowring the different strengths and
weaknesses of research work?
 Knowing your weaknesses gives you a clearer understanding
of things that may be holding you back, and you can then work
around finding ways to not let your weaknesses pull you

2. What is the value of knowing all different research variables?

 The importance of dependent and independent variables is that

they guide the researchers to per sue their studies with
maximum curiosity.

Task 1: Identify the different variables in the following situations. In case one
type of variables is not used, write NA. Write your answer on the blank.

You are given the following data regarding the effects of a public relations
campaign on the satisfaction rating of top government officials of country XYZ.
Net Satisfaction Rating

Before After Rating

President +46% +62%

Vice President +32% +41%

Senate President -12% -2%

Supreme Court Justice +24% +34%

Quantitative variable (s) : VARIABLE THAT BEING USED

Ordinal variable (s) : NA
Dependent variable (s) : NA
Independent variable (s) : NA
Extraneous variable (s) : NA

Task 2: Name the independent variable (IV) and the dependent variable (DV) for
each one. Then check your results with answers. A good tip for doing this
exercise is to first name the main variables in the study, then figure out which
one in the study, then figure out which one influences the other. The one doing
the influencing is the IV: the one being influenced is the DV.

1. Examine if one’s perspective improves with age.

DV: perspective taking
2. Examine if television violence increases aggression in children.
IV: tv violence
DV:children's aggression

3. Does alcohol drinking will decrease people’s reaction time while driving?

IV: alcohol drinking

DV: people's reaction time while driving

Task 3: Answer the question comprehensively.

Which among the used kinds of Quantitative Research is mostly useful and
what its relevance to daily life?

 Survey Research. Survey Research is the most elementary tool for

all sorts of quantitative research techniques. The very most
important purpose of the research is to widely explain the
characteristics of a particular group or a bunch of population.


Directions: Identify each question whether if it falls under Correlational,

Descriptive, or Comparative research design. Write the answers on the spaces

Correlational 1. How many calories do Filipino men and women consume per

Descriptive 2. What is the difference in the weekly photo uploads on Facebook

between Korean male and female university students?
Correlational research design 3. What is the relationship between study time
and examination scores of students?
Comparative research design 4. Is there a relationship between gender and
attitudes towards music piracy among adolescents?
Descriptive research design 5. What are the most important factors that
influence the career choice of senior high school students?

Directions: Choose different events in your life that you thin is memorable to
you. List down the different emotions that you felt during those said events.
Choose at least two emotions that are common in your list and describe them or
state why you think those emotions appear more than once in your list.

Task 1. Write True if the statement is true and False if the statement is false.
Write your answers on the space provided.

______F_______1. Variables are manipulated in Descriptive Quantitative Research.

______T_______2. Descriptive Quantitative Research is regarded as “unreliable”
and “unscientific”.
_______T______3. The main purpose of Descriptive Quantitative Research is to
observe, describe and document the aspect of a situation as it naturally occurs.
______T_______4. Results of observational studies are repeatable.
_____F________5. It seeks to describe the current status of unidentified variable.

Correlational Research


1. Think about the people in your community.

 Community members are at the heart of healthy communities. They

include all who live, learn, work, play, and pray in communities.
Community members may have a formal leadership role in a
community organization, or friends and neighbors may recognize them
as the person who gets things done.
2. Write down 5 people in your community.

3. Write down the relationship of those people in your

 A community relations policy puts the commitment in
writing and spells out guidelines under which the
company will participate in community affairs. We will
work toward building a positive, open relationship and
interdependence among all that care about this
community's well-being.

Task 1: Write E if it is an example of Correlational Research question/hypothesis

and N if it not. Write your answer on the space provided.

______E_______ 1. The relationship between smoking and lung diseases.

_______E______ 2. A description of kinds of physical activities that occur in pre-

schools and how frequently each occurs.

_______E______ 3. The most important factors that influence the career choices of
Filipino university students.

_______E______ 4. The relationship between an aptitude test and success in an

algebra course.

________E_____ 5. What is the relationship between gender and attitudes toward

music piracy among adolescents?

Causal-Comparative/Quasi-Experimental Research


1.Think of different event in our society

 Birthdays
 Personal Milestones
 Bridal & Baby Showers, and Gender Reveals
 Family Reunions
 Holiday Parties
 Seasonal Events

2. Determine at least 3 possible causes of those events

 Events are important because they allow for a more intimate and
engaging experience with your audience which ultimately leaves a lasting
impression and one that is more memorable than a passive viewing of a
more traditional form of advertising.

1. Write down at least 3 possible effects of those event in our society.

 First of all, impacts are the lasting effects of an event, those that continue
to exist after the event has taken place. Impacts can take many forms,
including, but not limited to, economic impacts, environmental impacts,
political impacts and social impacts. Impacts can also be positive or

Task 1: Matching type. Match the variables in COLUMN A to their research

questions in COLUMN B.

Multimedia 1. Perception of male and female adolescent about divorce.


Leadership Style 2. What are the differences in perception towards leadership

style between adolescent and senior citizen?
Vegetable meals 3. What are the differences in perceptions towards
multimedia discussions between male and female?

Fast food 4. What are the effects of vegetable meals on male and
consumption female university student?

Divorce 5. What are the effects of weekly fast food consumption on

male and female university?

Task 1. Choose two types of Quantitative Research Design. In Column A, write 3

samples questions or topic each design that you have chosen. In Column B, write
the independent and/or dependent variables (s) and target group.
Column A Column B

 Descriptive Research Design

 Comparing Student
 Scientific Classification

 Human Behavior

 Casual-Comparative Research

 Educational Outcomes of
Synchronous and
Asynchronous High School

 Teacher Perception of
Principals' Leadership Traits
and Middle School Math and
Science Teachers' Job

 Relationship between
Interactive Whiteboard
Instruction and Student
Science Proficiency

Task 2: Write 2 advantages and 2 advantages of each type or Quantitative

Research Design

1. Descriptive Research Design:

a. Advantages:
Effective to analyse non-quantified topics and issues.
The possibility to observe the phenomenon in a completely natural

b. Disadvantages:

Descriptive studies cannot test or verify the research problem statistically.

2. Correlational Research Design
a. Advantages:

Correlational research allows researchers to collect much more data than


b. Disadvantages:

Correlation research only uncovers a relationship; it cannot provide a

conclusive reason for why there's a relationship.

3. Causal-Comparative/Quasi-experimental Research Design

a. Advantages:
Causal-comparative research method is that it allows us to study cause-and-
effect relationships under conditions where experimental manipulation is
difficult or impossible. Unlike experimental research, the variable in causal
comparative research is not manipulated because it has already occurred.

b. Disadvantages:

Lack of researcher control. An apparent cause and effect relationship may not
be what it seems.

4. Experimental Research Design a. Advantages:

a. Advantages:

It gives researchers a high level of control. When people conduct

experimental research, they can manipulate the variables so they can
create a setting that lets them observe the phenomena they want.

b. Disadvantages:

Subject to human error. Results may only apply to one situation and may
be difficult to replicate.
Task 3: Write on the blank the kind of quantitative research (under column B)
that is well suited to the given title (under column A.)

Column A Column B

Descriptive 1. Effects of Aspirin on Correlational

Reducing the Cholesterol Level of
Obese People

Quasi-experimental 2. Effects of Descriptive

Instagram on the Visual Literacy of

Experimental 3. Effects of Utilizing Ex post facto

an Interdisciplinary Curriculum on
the Health Literacy of Four Science

Correlational 4. The Relationship Experimental

Between a Teacher’s Personality
and Performance Evaluation

Ex post facto 5. Effects of Aspirin Quasi-experimental

on Reducing the Cholesterol Level
of Obese People

Task 4: Identify each question whether if it falls under Correlational, Descriptive,

or Comparative research design. Write the answers on the spaces provided.

Correlational 1. How often do British university students use Twitter each week?

Comparative 2. Is there difference in the daily calorific intake of men and women
in Philippines?
3. What are the differences in attitudes towards music piracy when pirated music
is freely distributed or purchased?
Descriptive 4. Are there differences in perceptions towards in online banking
security between SHS students and SHS faculty members?
Descriptive 5. What are the most important factors that influence the career
choice of Indian university students?
Directions: Analyze the following research titles and determine their common
characteristics. From your analysis, determine the common elements of a good
research title and the steps in formulating it.

Research Titles:

1. Level of Difficulty and the Practical Research Outputs Among Senior

High Schools in Selected Private Schools
2. Correlates of the Financial Literacy Profile and Work Performance
Among Elementary Teachers (David, 2014)
3. Attributes of Test Papers and Level of Performance of Students: Basis for
the Formulation of the Guidelines on Test Papers Construction (Cristobal,
4. The Level of Performance of Instructors: Basis for the
Formulation of Academic Intervention Program (Cristobal, 2014)
5. Clinical Supervision and the Level of Performance of Elementary Teachers
(Lisud, 2014)

 A research problem is the main organizing principle guiding the analysis of your
paper. The problem under investigation offers us an occasion for writing and a focus
that governs what we want to say. It represents the core subject matter of scholarly
communication, and the means by which we arrive at other topics of conversations
and the discovery of new knowledge and understanding.

Task 1: Enumerate the possible problems (think of those that can be measured
by quantitatively) you may encounter in these various settings.

1. Personal (family and social) Life.

a. Teaches effective conflict resolution. Being part of a family is fun, but it
can be difficult, too. When conflicts arise, you can’t just walk away for good.
b. Reduces stress, those with healthy relationships tend to seek out healthier
coping mechanisms for stress such as confiding in friends and family instead
of other unhealthy outlets.
c. Enhances physical health with the right kind of activities, time with family
can positively impact physical well-being. For instance, families who eat
home cooked meals together tend to have a better diet than those who

2. School
a. Difficulty with schoolwork or homework.
b. Possessing a weapon at school
C. Tardiness, skipping class,and truancy.

a. Anti-social behavior
b. Sexual abuse
c. Bullying

Task 2: Among the listed titles, choose those that are appropriate for
quantitative research by putting a check mark on the line before the number. If
you think the title is inappropriately written, revise it tome it acceptable. Write
your revision below the title.

1. Anxiety level of teenagers

 Effects of Anxiety levels on Teenagers

/ 2. Relationship between exposure to sunlight and hemoglobin.
3. The power of physical activity
 The Impact of Power in Physical Activity
/4. Stress levels among working professionals
/5. Effects of online communication on the writing skills of Filipino students
Task 3. Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if it is false.

F1. A quantitative research focuses human experiences.

T2. A quantitative research involves as many participants as possible to obtain
conclusive results.
T3. A quantitative research uses an inductive approach in analyzing data.
T4. Experimental quantitative research is often performed in a controlled setting.
F5. A descriptive study aims to determine if one variable cause change in
another variable.

Directions: Think of a study and what you may write for research design and
write your construction of the explanation on how you will employ a certain study
through research design. You may write up by up to 10-15 sentences only. This is
worth 20 points.



This quantitative study used a non-experimental, causal-comparative research design in

which the researcher sought to identify if there is a difference between school climate in a
proficiency-based high school and a non-proficiency-based high school. The independent
variable is defined as the type of school, proficiency-based or non-proficiency-based.
“Proficiency-based education refers to any system of academic instruction, assessment, grading
and reporting that is based on students demonstrating mastery of the knowledge and skills they
are expected to learn before they progress to the next lesson, get promoted to the next grade level
or receive a diploma” The dependent variable is defined as school climate. “School climate refers to the
quality and character of school life.School climate is based on patterns of students’, parents’ and school
personnel’s experience ofschool life and reflects norms, goals, values, interpersonal relationships,
teaching and learningpractices, and organizational structures” (National School Climate Center: School
Task 1. Read the following paragraph and identify the four components in
establishing the research gap.

Task 1. Read the following paragraph and identify the four components in
establishing the research gap

Many forms of instruction, both traditional and alternative, have been

introduced to develop students' mathematical - logical skills. One
approach that continues to be widely used in Asia is Singapore Math.
Though many studies have attempted to substantiate its effectiveness
(see Jaciw, Hegseth & Toby, 2015; Powell, 2014), there remains a
dearth of empirical studies that have investigated the effectiveness of
Singapore Math in the Philippines. As Corpuz (2015) argued, there is a need
to conduct more studies on approaches that will help Filipino students
become equipped with the necessary mathematical skills which are on a
par with the ASEAN counterparts. Math on developing the mathematical -
logical skills of Filipino students in selected public high schools in the
 The current state of the field: points out that it continues to interest
many researchers and practitioners
 The current and conventional practices in the field: discuss
the practices being used by the researchers
 The research gap: it is an issue that has not been fully
addressed by previous also talks about the
uniqueness of your study among other publish
 The present study's contribution to addressing the research gap: how will
your study help filling the research gap that you have identified

Directions: Write a statement of the problem which focuses on the area of local
government. Provide your own title, explain and write the problem statement
below the title. After writing, present what you have written. This is worth 15

‘Stealing Money’ OR ‘Embezzling Public Funds’: Construing sleaze in the Ugandan press
via legalese

This purpose of this study employs a discourse analysis to explore how corruption is constructed
and construed in the print media.

a. What happens if they steal money from the government?

b. Why employee’s stealing money?
c. What is the punishment for stealing money from work?
Task 1: Write one general research questions and three specific research
questions for each of the given research topics.

Research Topics: Effects of the wife’s employment on the power

structure of the family

General Research Question: Why does wife’s employment have a

big impact on the power structure of the family?

Specific Research Questions:

1. How does wife’s employment affect the power structure of the family?

2. What will be the effect in this to its children?

3. Who will be the most affected in this situation?

Research Topic: The effects of online campaigning on the preferred election

candidates of your voters

General Research Question:

How can online campaign affects the election candidates of young voters?

Specific Research Questions:

1. What could be the good effect of online campaign?

2. In what way can the online campaign help in the election?

3. How can online campaign influence the election?

Research Topic: The relationship between Internet exposure and the digital

literacy of students

General Research Question:

What is the relationship between Internet exposure and digital literacy of

Specific Research Questions:

1. Is there a relationship between Internet Exposure and digital literacy of


2. How can this relationship affects the students?

3. What can be the possible effect in this relationship?

Task 2: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. What is the relevance of having a specific problem?
 If you are studying a scientific discipline, the scientific relevance of your
dissertation is also very important. This means that your research should
fill a gap in the existing scientific knowledge. You can ensure that it does
by reading extensively on your topic and identifying what hasn't been
investigated yet.
2. How would you like to present your statement of the problem? In what
 Describe how things should work.
 Explain the problem and state why it matters.
 Explain your problem's financial costs.
 Back up your claims.
 Propose a solution.
 Explain the benefits of your proposed solution(s).
 Conclude by summarizing the problem and solution.

Task 1: Complete the following table by writing the null and the alternative
hypotheses appropriate for each of the given research titles.

Research Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis

Directional Non- Directional Non-
directional directional

The effects of Wife’s Wife’s Wife’s Wife’s

the wife’s employment employment employment employment
employment will not improve will not affect will more will can affect
on the power the power the the power improve the the power
of power structure structure of the power structure structure of the
structure of of the family family of the family family
the family

The effects There is no

on online positive effect
campaigning of online
on the campaign on
the preferred
of young candidates of
voters young voters

and the
literacy of

Directions: Imagine that your area of study is about Social Networking
Technologies. Try to may a title and sample scope and delimitation for your study.
This is worth 15 points.
A Study on Social Media Networks

This study was geographically delimited in MANUEL S. ENVERAGA

UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION . We have selected our respondents from this area.
Most of the respondents of our survey were students of 10 MANUEL S. ENVERAGA
UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION . For this reason we ignore those people who are not
of the people use more than one social media networks. For this reason their
motivational factors varies social media to social media. But in our questionnaire
we kept only one option to select social media network and based on this option
respondents gives the answer of other questions. So ignoring other option is one
of the delimitation of this study.

Task 1: Using the available reference materials, come up with your tentative
general research problem and general research question.

General research problem: Stress levels among senior citizens of Barangay


General research question: Why does the senior citizen in Barangay Anos

experienced Stress?

Task 2: Based on your general research problem and research question, list three
to four specific research questions. When formulating these questions, consider
the kind of quantitative research you plan to conduct:

The kind of quantitative research that I plan to conduct was Survey

1. What age of Senior that they experience high stress levels?

2. What age of Senior Citizen that less experience stress?

3. What habits of Senior Citizen that cause their stress level to


Task 3: Determine the background of the study. Search for relevant print and
online resources. Write down the information you have gathered regarding the

1. The current stat of the field

Various meanings of stress have been measured in different ways, for example,
major life events including both negative life events and positive life events
(Holmes and Rahe 1967) and daily hassles (Kanner et al. 1981; Lazarus and
Folkman 1984). Although life events inventories measure stressful situations
objectively by asking respondents to indicate whether a specific event occurred
during a certain period of time, the life events scale has been criticized for not
taking into account the individual’s appraisal in determining whether or not the
situation is stressful (Aldwin 1994; Lazarus and Folkman 1984). Measures of hassles
are more likely to emphasize individual variations in perceiving stress (Lazarus and
Folkman 1984). Hassles are defined as the irritating or frustrating demands that
frequently happen in an individual’s everyday transactions with their environment
(Kanner et al. 1981).

Researchers who focused on negative life events to predict depression (Glass et al.
1997) found that these events (e.g., as loss of friends due to a move, death of a
close relative/friends, illness of a close relative, loss of a hobby, victimization in a
crime, admission to a nursing home, and hospitalization) are significantly related to
increased depressive symptoms among noninstitutionalized elders aged 65 and
older. De Beurs and colleagues (2001) also found that negative life events (e.g.,
death of a partner or other relatives, illness of one’s partner, a major conflict with
others, income loss, being a victim of crime and relocation) were closely related to
the onset of depressive symptoms among community-dwelling elders aged 55 and
older. Although these two studies included longitudinal data, they only assessed
between-person differences in the associations between stress and depression,
which limited understanding of the long-term patterns within individuals.

Examining another type of stress, daily hassles, Catanzaro, Horaney, and Creasey
(1995) found that these were associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms
among community-living older adults aged 55 and older. Even though the authors
examined the impact of minor stress on depression, the findings were limited by
using predominantly young-old participants in a cross-sectional analysis. Kraaji,
Arensman, and Spinhoven (2002) examined daily hassles as well as negative life
events, finding a strong association with depressive symptoms among the older
populations for both types of stressors. One recent study found that hassles were
significantly related to depression among the oldest-old using longitudinal data
(Jeon, Dunkle, and Roberts 2006). This study, however, failed to examine
longitudinal associations on the individual level. Thus, it is not known about the
long-term change in the associations between daily hassles and depression among
the oldest-old. By contrast, another type of stress, positive life events, has received
limited attention by gerontologists. One study by Krause (1988) found that positive
life events were significantly associated with depressive symptoms among older
adults. Many researchers found that both life events and daily hassles are
associated with negative mental health outcomes, especially depression, for older
people (Catanzaro et al. 1995; De Beurs et al. 2001; Glass et al. 1997; Jeon et al.

2. The present study’s contribution to addressing the research gap.

A number of government-commissioned studies have addressed the need

for seniors and their caregivers to have better educational healthcare
information. In a report titled A Focus on Seniors and Aging, the CIHI (2011)
identified that the vast majority of seniors (93%) live in private households and
that some of these seniors require formal and/or informal support to do so. In
terms of informal care, about 80% comes from 15 unpaid family members,
friends and neighbors. As the time caregivers spend providing care increases, so
too does the distress they experience, primarily because of a lack of information
on how to access available healthcare resources (HealthCare in Canada, 2011).
Recent data shows that 32% of caregivers who provide more than 21 hours of
care per week report distress in their role due to insufficient access to healthcare
information (CIHI, 2011). Another provincial commissioned report, titled Caring
for Our Aging Population and Addressing Alternative Level of Care, authored by
the CIHI (2011), suggested that healthcare information is lacking among
caregivers. This situation has created a large cohort of caregivers who are
inadequately and inappropriately trained in how to care for seniors, which in turn
induces their increased stress. Inadequately and inappropriately trained
caregivers are also at increased risk for “compassion fatigue,” an adverse
consequence of caring for individuals who are in need (Day & Anderson 2011). Its
symptoms include stress, anxiety, anger, depression, and apathy (Day &
Anderson, 2011). People who provide care for senior family members may be at
risk for developing compassion fatigue after prolonged exposure to the stresses
brought about by caregiving. Stress may result because family members need
care due to dementia and other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, renal
failure, congestive heart failure, and other forms of functional decline. In addition
to stress, caregivers may also experience depression, anxiety, feelings of
resentment, helplessness, and hopelessness (Day & Anderson, 2011). Caregivers
may realize that their activities leave them with little free time for themselves to
attend to their personal needs, which likewise can lead to compassion fatigue.
Finally, people who provide care for senior family 16 members may choose to
terminate their caregiving relationship or relinquish their caregiving role to
another family member as a result of compassion fatigue (Schumacher, Beck, &
Marren, 2006)

Task 4: Enumerate at least three agencies or organizations and groups of people

that will benefit from the results of your research.
1.Senior Citizens
- They will benefit on this study because in the end they will now why they’re
2. People that are getting old
- They will benefit from this study , they will know what to do in the future.
3. Future Researchers
- This research will be useful reference for the researchers who would plan to
make any related study. They will gain useful references and information that
can be essential for their own study.

Task 5: Indicate the scope and delimitation of your study.

This study will only be focusing on the perception of the Senior Citizens that have
experiencing stress. The researchers will conduct the data collection to the
participants that have experiencing stress and they will answer the questions that
will be given to them. The approach that the researchers will use to gather
information is survey. This research will only limit in Brgy, Anos for collecting data
and information that will be given by the participants of the study. This study will be
conducted on quanitative approach.
Step 1: Encode the following terms in the Google search tab: effects of caffeine o
psychiatric patients. What results does it show? List them below.

 Caffeine, mental health, and psychiatric disorders - Pub Med

 Chronic psychiatric patients' use of caffeine: pharmacological ...
 Chronic Psychiatric Patients' Use of Caffeine - SAGE Journals
 Caffeine: Neurobiological and Psychiatric Implications
 Caffeine and its effect on persons with mental disorders
 Effects of caffeine in chronic psychiatric patients. - APA PsycNET
Step 2. Encode the following terms in the Google search tab: caffein and
psychiatric patients. What results does it show?

 Neuropsychiatric effects of caffeine | Advances in Psychiatric

 Caffeine, mental health, and psychiatric disorders - Pub Med
 Common Psychiatric Disorders and Caffeine Use, Tolerance ...
 Caffeine-induced psychiatric manifestations: a review .
 Chronic Psychiatric Patients' Use of Caffeine - SAGE Journals

Step 3. Encode the following terms in the Google search tab: pdf AND caffeine
AND psychiatric patients. What results does it show?

 (PDF) Caffeine, Mental Health, and Psychiatric Disorders

 (PDF) Coffee and Caffeine Consumption in Psychiatric Patients
 Common Psychiatric Disorders and Caffeine Use, Tolerance
 Chronic Psychiatric Patients' Use of Caffeine - SAGE Journals
 Caffeine consumption in hospitalized psychiatric patients ...
Step 4. Proceed to Google Scholar and encode the following terms in its search
tab: effects of caffeine on chronic psychiatric patients. What results does it show?

 Effects of caffeine in chronic psychiatric patient

 Caffeine, mental health, and psychiatric disorders
 Effects of caffeine on behavior of schizophrenic inpatients
 Chronic psychiatric patients' use of caffeine:
pharmacological effects and mechanisms

 Caffeine and the central nervous system: mechanisms of

action, biochemical, metabolic and
psychostimulant effects
Task 1: Read the following texts and use them in writing a three-sentence
paragraph about the causes of the increase of dropout rates at the high school

1. Holand (2010): One factor that may have caused an increase in number of
dropouts aon high school students is financial difficulties. If the students do not
have sufficient money, they will be unable to pay their tuition and will have
difficulties in managing their daily schooling expenses. Another factor that may
impact the continuity of the students’ education is the example set by their

2. Garcia (2006): According to several studies, the most common causes of

dropping out among high school students are as follows: (a) financial condition of
students, (b) migration and transfer of residence, (c) lack of parental support,
and (d) peer pressure.

3. Trent (2013): The three main reasons for dropping out of schools are parental
engagement, the students’s academic performance, and the family’s economic
needs. Their effects are not immediately seen but are the result of a process.

4. Rosas (2000): The reasons behind the increase in dropout rates can be
classified into school-related and family-related factors.

The causes of the increase of dropout rates at the high school level are; financial
difficulties, If the students do not have sufficient money, they will be unable to pay their
tuition and will have difficulties in managing their daily schooling expenses. Migration and
transfer of residence. Parental engagement, the students’s academic performance, and
the family’s economic needs.

Task 2: Read the following text and summarize it in one to two sentences. Apply
the strategies in summarizing.

To produce a multi-literate learner, it is necessary that core subjects and themes

in the education are in accordance with 21-century learning. These core subjects
and themes should place importance on civic literacy, global awareness, financial
literacy, health literacy and environment literacy. Civic literacy refers to the
learners’ ability to be aware of the aspects of governance and pressing issues in
society. Global awareness refers to the learner’s ability to engage in diverse
learning practices throughout the world. Financial literacy refers to the learners’
ability to make sound economic decisions. Health literacy refers to learners’
ability to utilize information for health-related purposes. Lastly environmental
literacy environmental literacy refers to the learners’ ability to comprehend and
iscuss the environmental issues and propose appropriate solutions for them.
When combined, all these themes and forms of literacy will enable learners of
this century to acquire and utilize various skills they need to fine success and
fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.

Source: Pacific Policy Research Center (2010). 21st century skills for students
and teachers. Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools,
Research & Evaluation Division.

To produce a multi-literate learner, it is necessary that core subjects and

themes in the education are in accordance with 21-century learning.
These core subjects and themes should place importance on civic literacy,
global awareness, financial literacy, health literacy and environment
literacy. These themes and forms of literacy will enable learners of this
century to acquire and utilize various skills they need to fine success and
fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.

Task 1: Bring out your assigned output from the previous lesson. For your
research, write a short summary of related studies, the theory that underlies
such studies and the name of the theorists. Then, answer the following guide


Hans Selye, MD PhD

Theory: Stress Theory

Dr. Hans Selye is acknowledged as the "Father" of the field of stress
research, having gained world-wide recognition for introducing the
concept of stress in a medical context. A distinguished physician and
endocrinologist, his theories on the role of organic responses to
emotion, illness and injury have revolutionized our understanding of
the causes and mechanisms of disease and of the mind-body

Task 2: Directions: Construct your won Conceptual Framework that will deal on
the study of Mass Communication/Multimedia Arts. Follow the step-by-step

Thesis statement:
Conceptual Framework of Mass Media Manipulative Models

Task 1: Go back to your research title, general and variables in the specific
problems then identify the key or important terms. Have these terms
alphabetically arranged and define operationally and conceptually.












Task 2: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. What is the relevance of a Conceptual Framework?

 It shows the reader how different elements come together to facilitate
research and a clear understanding of results. A tool (linked concepts) to help
facilitate the understanding of the relationship among concepts or variables
in relation to the real-world.
2. How would you present a certain hypothesis from a given study?
 First, State the problem that you are trying to solve then make sure that the
hypothesis clearly defines the topic and the focus of the experiment.
Try to write the hypothesis as an if-then statement and lastly,define the
3. Is defining terms connotatively still important?
 Yes, It is important. Writers often use connotation to create emotional
associations that can be either positive, negative, or neutral. Positive
connotation. Words that conjure a favorable emotional response. For
example, describing someone ambitious as a “go-getter” or someone who is
lively and curious as “youthful.”

4. What is the sense of the principles of ethical standards?

 Three basic principles, among those generally accepted in our cultural

tradition, are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human
subjects: the principles of respect of persons, beneficence and justice.

Post Test
Write T on the blank if the statement is true and F if it is false.

T1. A quantitative study is less prone to researcher’s personal bias to compared

with a qualitative study.
T2. A quantitative study cannot be conducted in different setting or contexts.
T3. The use of the words in relationship and effects in a research title most likely
signify that a study is quantitative.
T4. A quantitative study should be used if the researcher’s aim is to establish the
cause of a certain phenomenon.
F5. A quantitative study primarily involves narratives and images.
T6. Quantitative research uses inductive approach in analyzing
T7. An experimental study is always quantitative.
T8. All types of quantitative research make use of independent variables.;
T9. Both quantitative and qualitative variables may be present in quantitative
T10. All extraneous variables are confounding variables.

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