Myanmar Dental Council Law 2018

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“THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR, [MYANMAR DENTAL COUNCIL BesbEeaqapttcpttieperioontt gece (900 98 Baeortggeboorigoco woe JQ 2g00 gpbrecsbnreaticom 0 och (yp20 gpBrecbontanaco 27 ap8) GSeaoteagstoosiangs ahaveont pohcfobangs ‘The Myanmar Dental Council Law (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.27, 2018) ‘The 8 Waxing Day of Tawthalin,1380 M.E. (a7 September, 2018) The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw hereby enacts this Law. 1 Chapter 1 Title and Definitions 1. This Law shall be called the Myanmar Dental Council Law. 2. The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meanings given below: a ( c) «@ Dental and Oral Medicine means the study of oral and dental care including the medical check-up, medical treatment and surgical treatment of dental, gingival, periodontal and oral diseases, prosthetic dentistry, conservative dentistry, orthodontic treatment, prevention of public dental and oral diseases, upgrading dental care and making dental and oral research: Council means the Myanmar Dental Council formed under this Law; Board of Patrons means the Board of Patrons of the Counc; Executive Committee means the Executive Committee ofthe Council, sok (0) ough inSeaheeh ot ghgosonh GlonkBeapnpttcpttep cenermtt queav asTogicoqaeSn YF ggocicy’ fear exocdoornabypngs «5G ‘w0hk: wByocbaocdespadcoqess- (o) 0) ) () appigbbogEseiSqpecoropansinaSg> 2y>s 37 apalgbofirg’ coigtdegtonpclepich expel chesoxpey Ges caockGémaGix gBoip0 ia gpSicodicoehehGE oprebobopao Gen gpr—9 poss aprmeyGIGEGEs Banal opt Segbrompd Byorterongesés aymeoyieocey Gifor8 Ges aprepbdogEraEgp azecrsveQGiGe: apr _conok —oppegbbcgéisBep oyftorony sankeqpoSgeySchupigs corbohdea> opoogs oR sRooeSs ext efanyo qlgveamg gerSve§ Bfer Preayaeg bod: e8Eqpesoroern’Bo fooghe umn Saplyo conifel pomanj.o} stonele wcpienzesmnian}, BorgSy> ecmbbcinnyiany coonking. ch oneSt te) (a) (hy @ 2 Council member refers to any member of the Myanmar Dental Council, Registration certificate means the dental practitioner certificate issued by the Council under this Law; Dental practitioner refers to a person who has been issued the dental practitioner certificate by the Council under this Law; Dental practitioner licence means the general practitioner licence, special practitioner licence ‘oF limited practitioner licence issued by the Council under this Law; General dental practitioner licence means the dental practitioner licence issued to @ Myanmar dental practitioner who has obtained a degree from any local and international University of Dental Medicine or any Medical Collage recognized by the Council, and who has served house surgeonship prescribed by the Council, (c) sonab Bok sfanaSyo BforkBeageaboogEcheop ssoreannto$ enbBifioh ofaneS (0) gobgor8eoeByeSeh aopSyo comsEbion rfgocama, epoboorsars aynepiSegEisBEmpeoepo} gobjonE coobgcich sans (2) appepbdcgErefEspsospo§ afanaiyo conaébem hgocamg aprphtcginhspepol yoSgoot coobyobopabcuiBéedqegetcBnt (o) esorepangeGaBafonzSy> enro8o> jgveasq ‘cqeScunsarn encogoogesoimnaogcfab: socpican: eporgcBEotgs cnfancdcan:mnangicfiat ooh Sangha Iq) saeagecgescragangicfeet eenné Bor ee carga sGeanod caxwcomrcSSnbq9y ap apcBsBEqp eaniogercpafi§s soSyoSc0=1000§ sacySor8cnaceffiaienss GbonGStoon aang beg’ Rep mepohexeertbn aobyciqobepanbnes Habqcbeorral eximengicteotafehnes @ “ ( (mm) 3 Special dental practitioner licence means the dental practitioner licence issued to a qualified dental practitioner who has obtained the postgraduate degree or post graduate diploma recognized by the Council in accordance with stipulations; Limited dental practitioner licence means the dental practitioner licence issued by the Council In accordance with stipulations to a foreign dental practitioner who has obtained a dental degree recognized by the relevant Foreign Dental Counell recognized by the Cour; University of Dental Medicine means a University which confers the Degrees of the Dental and oral Medicine; Recognition certificate means a certificate issued by the Council in accordance with the stipulations to a person who is dental nurse, an oral hygienist, a prosthetist or a dental assistant; e (eo) mopconopangisided Sarglpo amtBn -a:8 eogcFGjcorear. apyltgishi emarajafeossss Hage soxcospofea: combin avcbyobaoBapigiongs fedff: cgcScv:aa} eapangicfEeds§ sfooase @ aporbetipenng$s desi ast degitiep cagosis $a mpehcsh SoopSt (a) sskoyoonigaS npSy> enmtbonsnyoS aphapbess bail apemctsiice are apaphicgtalicn ogburaseestegoay 7 cerraioatng ones gpomsfisp cceonh eQGAGEDE mw Say5G apheorre} cobb sone a (n} Dental nurse refers to a person who has been issued 2 certificate as a dental nurse by the Council under this Law; (0) Oral hygienist rfers to a person who has been issued 9 certificate as a an oral hygienist by the CCouneil under thie Law; (P) Dental and Oral Medicine College means 2 College which may confer the Degrees of the Dental and Oral Medicine; (G)_Prosthetist refers to 2 person who has been Issued a certificate as a prosthetics by the Council under this Law (9) Dental assistant refers to a person who has been issued a certificate as a dental assistant by the Council under this Lav Chapter ‘Objectives ‘Tho objectives of this Law are as fellows: (2) to‘enable the public to enjoy qualified and effective dental and oral health care services; (o} (~) (o) () ( 5 apnabefSqpayyG orgy eeaaéifon igosreg qinadctieon pes aSays GeochyccpoSeofGteaaeh neh aypigbdagtep afiooars emotospoiay (ral tyeienis\efongSyo eoma88o> qfgvcomq, gieghsBap cafrereqcerfespebayalG® nsbingaSGoorhgcS epeSeu(Giteeyeh ncSt agproncBefEqpesniemae8S anaSiy> ogpighdagé: ie cover 6H orm agsmpoeeratioatan — sfoghyp oxen havea apopoanngsingtayeS sSsoye5 Geoeyob photons es ogptoacBcBéqperccooabemagiap sargSyo comks glgocama apiochcicy sacar iey ab cirogihjcorys oben bnexe dees wk) oases rigocoe! eaSgsSartaprp exbdnc$E: Gb: (co) songSmrcopteh cBespcfeso —_ oyrgfogSs gbures: cosbopchych ep GaSezeh Sengt afeoat: (by ) (a) te) (e) (hy 5 to maintain and upgrade the quality of health care services of dental practitioners: to have opportunity to study the oral and dental science with international standards; to enable the dental practitioners to study the ‘development of the oral and dental science continuously; to maintain the dignity ofthe dental practitioners; to supervise the dental practitioners to observe their ethical standards; to control the rights of a dental practitioner, 2 dental nurse, an oral hygieneist, a prosthetic and a dental assistant, and to protect their benefit; to provide assistance for creating a pleasant surrounding for the dental and oral treatment, ©) o (eo) ©) @) (=o) } 9 apyftegtitiee mpohpsl ogfiner cnfespdy aplocyyl mofmoneh BiSGitah apatcginBice ccoupsoeh coogi $6 oona§8 capcorontlyprfiarg) mgfsocod: epi afcont: ayerghbogEashEep coowarrdiionciyc oyongs SegEs¥iep mopolaps ofincbelfoS soya soaligifScogh apatigisiiee — ompoheeal BhBiGIEEEgH apaghbcgEaiep sompolel ogfookabog>epigt ad Godeetthenmnd BESais Bab apipitgtsliepsoqpoh apncbahdep apoB apiphieginfice ogionees cookespabag aprvaesingag _ aproocbebEpaccincs moxoxepal cobBéatapo Bhompindys wobec corp Seeepebah ecgbonboateghoan aprabtenlisfécpcommng ocdofieyiGicg cooqesocgeh OG-fjSochyeornge qabaseqo 4 Chapter lt Formation of the Myanmar Dental Council (a) (w) The Union Government shall form the Board of Patrons comprising the Union Minister of the Ministry of Health and Sports, and two eminent and retired dental practitioners. The Board of Patrons shall form the Council with 35 Council members as follows {) two rectors and two professors from the University of Dental Medicine and a dental practitioner from the Ministry of Health and Sports, a representative from the Myanmar representative from the Directorate of Medical Services, Ofice of the Commander in Chief (Army) Dental Association, a 7 persons (ii) two dental practitioners who are under 35 years of age and elected by dental Practitioner licence holders 2 persons 9 6 soaks () Gest ésopnybcgtchécpomrorn88 QoaSGE (0) GSeartqmtiqnngd eabwoerpiacimes © clligoy Gcbcootgalihat cobecTontbx ang qaBsoonbifas dagen Bigoesd s dite poms be: spoommargs — emacidkach: combo eenn8Boé 29 SGE BeaSieeS- (0) careroa:gdoonimenolfhigrgy yo1o705 Bspoanng hs Jawregy 980 3p $f8ogEBep dewoey gif ayphbegte BEeproepeh oof GookEe aprpbtege: sospofvantiy cfiSerrpeSonb§ coed entiqiit Ben xno e1iey ebenreySonéfo at ) scnmpargSefEota azaphbegbisep coop ofapre> sopdooiG ogo} 22008 9. gbesoxc5 ayoiabbogEssiEqp soqpo} 588 se © a 7” (ii) two retired rectors, two retired professors from the University of Dental Medicine and seven Council Members who are elected by dental practitioner licence holders 11 persons (iv) dental. practitioners for each Region or State including the Union Territory who are elected by dental practtionerlicence holders from the Union Territory and the relevant Region or State 18 persons ‘The Board of Patrons shall form the Election Commission on the Member of the Myanmar Dental Council comprising five members. The Councils an independent organization which has the right of succession with its own name and logo, the right to sue or to be sued in accordance with the law 9 q (@) escape bak) apipogSscep spate ydoo — egrgeSagh ageebebbep ccrongafeSy —effben aso 988 po tot isep ff louocg g8fa corskSo8 Q93% 008 Gabecotgghj achebepshbnam Sorrd — Gebgsbabch ccwoge cHeot, ayrbecgickEge axpofyp opboolyeyionticeanfGSeorty 48 sano8 ofeom(e houzoh [Snioigtegs qaligistipors ofS 98 pammlnd who A: dobsan Bhuo$Et ayoighécgies8Eep ssoiecnnbbokepe — agieyed nkefjohy erbogch peeve (eo) cora8BanpS oRuSGEmughs ofeSBEAALBSGE e§socboljod sonks condgoS$ gsi oneergaGGS gb compede SEERERB: aveaghaaeS cyodcodge aboreSccraiges apGoSRSeon my.noc: GBarehe cc) 6 ‘The Executive Committee shall be formed with secret votes of 35 elected members comprising 12 ‘members who are a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, 2 Secretary, a Joint-Secretary, @ Treasure, an ‘Auditor and T members of the Executive Committe. ‘The Chairman of the Council isthe Chairman of the Executive Committee, 5. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the Executive Committee shall fulfil the following qualifications: (a) 64a) (0) “i 2 person who can serve the full-time duties of the Councit being @ person who can lead, manage and supervise the activities ofthe Counci ‘being a reputed person in dental science, ‘The term of the Council is five years from the date of formation. The Chairman of the Council shall serve not ‘more than two terms. (c) seySageaning, geSepagt amgotte aeheoaips off megbiong a8 cjocb mmogbronygy on88n aogpzeniyt: 88:48 canted onifs mapScagears Byeopo5 GABEs appltopiitsp mepolepal aparftage: mafenes cesfordy amoogy! wot warkich Bi8iGiort king ocparenhiobGen fabancG candgcSGee magn Boats Bako 8 mogSiqng§ socbageyrecEs caxnb gS ge 0) ic ( (e) (nh) ut prescribing criteria required for maintaining and upgrading the levels of dental care including the government and private hospitals, clinics, prosthetic dentistry, and cooperating with, advising and reporting to the Ministry of Health and Sports; reviewing the advanced teaching system for dental and oral medicine to upgrade the teaching system of dental and oral medicine and to evolve qualified dental practitioner, coordinating with the training or teaching departments of respective University, directing and reporting to the Ministry of Health and Sports; opening necessary training courses in order to issue a certificate and scrutinizing the issue of the certificate in accordance with stipulations; (0) $8e000548 gqcSorcsorfugn ecoroliepias apo: ‘cgbofrgp wskoo8 afgprfeguSaav> apoigh done: enffrcrartcorfespcty mangoanf: oBfS5:GE erbacpsoege8. Roden 4ffdagh: 2005 yo5 Es uadbresnnkgeSGEas — cyfiercegganaiooon: OF g 428 woEE 9S cocBoo: 2 GRE agp hdogEsREqpesoroazaatlajnig coantsoonh: Gfuricoceras soqpSsocoy: Gajoass aggt BogkfEqp soepohap: ocTeclobcocerofzncgos fico cpbicSeqeoo> ayrghbog’: esci0g0> aobfpccioySypich copeonapind mobehqp onggsheS séfRjoronegraerss RE oxpicg BE BBHE>Gin_oyfrorecpsfeccramenro gry sh, ) wmSaayciGeooiyes cqofeurfEqh ofmoSea aabonkup: ghopSGE48 2:BanycGeocbyga5 egobcoras aooSpoSeyrSeegdanpS Boge 2 (inquiry, examination and action for the feiture to observe in conformity with the ethics of dental practitioners and dental practitioner licence holders; (protecting dental practitioners, dental practitioner licence holders, dental nurses, oral hygienists, prosthetists and dental assistants in accordance with existing laws, 8. The powers of the Council are as follows: (2) forming the following committees and assigning functions of each committee: {i)scrutiny committee for the degree from Myanmar and foreign countries; (ii) scrutiny committee for the registration certificate and dental practitioner licence; (ii) ethics and disciplinary committee; (iv) standardization committee; au (a) sgt bogEis¥Sep soepoliyd caorpangicfEodq apepitogEshicpepojel oytooksSogoapiat wS Sodgocerichiigg qoiegodgenrd} gob: GBs oSecniGEags mespugesent goS En (@) appgbbogb:shEep soepo}gé caningogicfEady, sgoigbdegEsfiqp sospofqps aymnobshEqp aypaps agaitegtilep ogfrereqronEegpes agapa appempoaamaunatoyeps apptonabafEep secanneBearaQGiayepcos: ongSadgveaypiagoogs enaegeSoantiogpos én H ccnn8bal cxSBEghapry> exoroS Asoc REGEarsS (on) exncbauigdl oosbockepic® QoSiGEgi 8 embucBaackSiel epSchiorso$qpic§ oS yohGEr 6) y) @ 6) BaSog’s GaSo 23.cootyo5 Bobs; conbuch, geSondeosigaSgh ecouyrnghcfEo8 Bofery orsbooti enffood 4g opStenbicB fe BS:09p centec’s SGbaaat aofgcheqpernbock (b) C) (s) (e) 13 (v)_ scrutiny committee for skill development of dental and oral science; (vi) scrutiny committee for the training on recognition certificate. and skill development; and (vil) other necessary committees. issuing, refusing, cancelling or revoking the registration certificate for a limited period; issuing, refusing, cancelling or revoking the dental practitioner licence for a limited period, reissuing the licence after scrutiny; determining a term, renewal of the term, or refusing to renew the term of the dental practitioner licence; issuing, refusing or revoking the recognition certificate; 9) @) O (0) 0) (wo) () e 2yeigbogEiaBep esoroa2 soggSeng’s BoSoq: emnSuok carBaoyo5GeorigaSsBecpartonkgs maging’: Boboss eorSocks 2GorcGeodears eonfockgpa geigorbcorByes — aycBouién GeouS GE oSqo5GEs eracomarnimaoo AE g5:85,GE eaoirparghcGEo8 pofeorGés GérooS Gen oS y5GEia§ crrcocamrfeoms<5 Gs qS:85-GEx Bob GiooeSoqofeusges eoroganghcBEetarcSon6: avohycSGEs socSonS: SGEoo GE aroborsichiGhcorah GEooSGEs wBaayoiGooodges aceon GEooGes ocd qoies (communicating and cooperating with the Ministry of Health and Sports, international and regional or local and foreign government departments organizations and experts for matters that are beneficial to the State, and the dental and oral science; {2} prescribing and collecting registration fees, dental practitioner licence fees, renewal fees for the dental practioner licence, overdue fees, ‘exam fees and other general service fees; {h) assigning duties and conferring powers of the Council to the Executive Committee ‘exercising the power canferted by the Ministry of Health and Sports from time to time. it~. (0) $Boo54§ apphtegkstlqe cxmarecoxn 0S sowed Besar mabooons® sooimeniof tigen GEdoreaagl comreficp Shovel GaSogEGipSe§ ofingoy mBmvoaieep= wapgienige sonbageSyiodremnaé goss (e) Stent coomparahcfictefip esoingt GEetoosborbchGEeEr och wo) Eis aGxew meqomofenntelchepch anobyobiGEiad amoacBaQges cornt bangs Bishomofgs ccnnt Bob onsfisianS, 11. Any Council member who wishes o reign om the 2 Council member shal submit a resignation tothe Council ete se oS ct chapter =k Mong Meetings noghenent gb ey Bai Gy}mepiincard eorcocgt AGRE ono 12, Theregular meeting ofthe Counc shllbe eld once 94678 in every four months. The special meeting may be held, iF uaSs ofenbchen snogesagSssoncs esToyeo Eres necessary. ” ‘The meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held once in two months. The special meeting may be held, if necessary (b) The approval shal be obtained by submiting the performances ofthe Executive Committee ‘at the nearest regular meeting ofthe Council 14, Inholding the meeting ofthe Council or the Executive Commitee, the meeting shall be valid if more than half of the total numbers who have the right to attend the meeting, are present 415, The Council and the Executive Committee may report their performances to the Myanmar Dental Associaton, the ‘Myanmar Medical Council, the Myanmar Traditional Medical Council, the Myanmar Nurse and Midwife Counel and the Myanmar Medical Assocation which are associated with dental practitioner, fom time to time. Chapter Formation ofthe Staff Office and Assigning Duties 16, In order to carry out the functions and duties of the ‘Council and the Executive Commitee, the Council shall: ~ Dt (2) seqdmyomoimy, sepiemensnh ghcooyé nBlaBS erxgeoquaie cGeoddlon sacy:enesS:coeo: onfeoEanaie 0] wopSeagesmriaaged econ geSay Bere emnibel afirnbak GybsosSiansceg’ 6G sh moraGiarbqnnqeede 8G conBimopSencer Sound maybngaan’ wop!: eon: iropcg’ onbonpghfeiiegeh coobocborss (rcbecpcByar0 wepSsmc0: neodGorBanaht gp comnkBys sacpSagenriaay.chneS Blofelewntgcs prt apaicgitiemmrolipst besdmbmec eo BecB Stars bsogboospofmanéa GE on$Ee ewicorth GhesHetafenpieesarnt Gobet porigrxconnEbs Gfeo$ECsospofmoands$ easlnreayig> wsSour sooktidejaREanaSs wok (9) EL vecSGEyh omoheoGE: Wr corskBangS — crmnBf magmgacnat.nd.ofel IyepSchonolipt enatasikiah (a) appoint a Head of office, a Deputy Head of Office and a Registrar, and assign duties; (0) appoint the necessary staff, and assign duties. Chapter vit Finance 17, The Council shall incur the expenditures of the Council, the Executive Committee and the Staff Office. 28, The Council may incur allowance and remuneration ‘rom its fund for the members ofthe Council who are not il service personnel 19. The Council shal set up a fund withthe flowing receipts to implement the provisions ofthis Law: (2) registration foes, licence fees, renewal fees, exam fees and foos that are collected from the expenditures of other general services; (or) Geobgeentfs qohotmbeectbal yoSto8 meet eg makes oo (e) GaoScaro ofcobapinf ofan: oxoofapt aobgoSconeaSe woh: (0) mapeat be contteg emit qdangenstohyl Genoa pba ees oer con8BaxgS B8ei abgogy FEtofanbwezcSear> methane dit Sieve: stat der omsttig sign Berertgpe} eamntooness eagctHigh exrbeeg@ Gt aHeembnbogsotges- (00) goons Bodie <¥Se8aohonk: AGE ech hEp meet 509 macpagabaanbalbapy amacSingh et {b) donation and financial assistance provided by (0) GeSegiGabo§ whmapdiyrrgs moginqrrady caitfreg as ecmooBgegap lo} abgegy oxepx08 oBiganegqesn pi conttass GxbgiSesh mimedat mont cety aeg oan Emegnahaen Sse alg ocSoiorponn ecSiaherstionc Rohategthocs local and foreign organizations and donors; {)_ the acerued income from the fund 20. The Councl shall acept donation ond other assistance om local ad fogn organizations and donors and has the authority to manage on such account in accordance with the exiting ancl regulations. spt sonftogs Bafa SGaahoeS¥Eahesatged woos SinkieGE gioripnt semy od tabeoeqyiremerolticny iat Geecstent ish sfGaoGE dcooiemgponiiens abled onbGeornEis$iaoaSe 21 The Council shall stand on its own fund. IF it is insufficient, the Council may request to cover the expenditures from the Union Budget through the Ministry of Health and Sports with the approval of the Union Government Ip contre neyreqaien cant yeep nS aperine sieead ebypocmgchg 22, The Council shall regulate financial activities. in ‘accordance with the existing financial regulations and directive, 2B 2% Registration Certificate of a Dental Practitioner ‘Any eitien who has obtained any of the following degrees or the Bachelor of Dental Surgery which is recognized by the Council under sub-section (b) of section 7, and wishes to obtain the registration certificate, may apply to the Council in accordance withthe stipulations after the completion of house surgeorship. On the receipt of the ‘application, the Council shall transfer it to the Executive Committee for scrutiny: Co} 7) ‘The Executive Committee: (a) 0 Chapter the Bachelor of Dental Surgery conferred by any local University of Dental Medicine; the Bachelor of Dental Surgery conferred by any foreign University or Collage of Dental Medicine oF ‘any organization established for dental education, ‘and recognized by the Council may issue or refuse to issue the registration certificate after scrutinizing the application made under section 23 in accordance with the ‘stipulations and causing the registration fees to be paid; p aohie) aypighbdogbisBEep eompodyoijortcochyaS Re gohgonsivaiyoS affefean sxnctdhhonbge (coop) gSv(0) 4809 (ohnq oxmn8o> aSeayehom>> aysbdogicticpeanop}, gfch feemomiins soobycSconiarg§ sonparkmnecfhiaful sod yobqeSep: gd oontlsh orgpctanfiang emotions’ ajoqp’ coated aoa aiegeotons tle EE ears (oo) Gabogis ayxorcBsREepecntenegafeS cabyqe> wbgbiooph agoradegticGeep camropoar3y (2) Gbo apnaocBeGEpecoingyebeS frye 2p socbsfep eaotamne85 oxbdygraGbeet ayoid segbfeep coxogrncyss deo) =}, cnepSs onbgqm(fice @548Q: eonbbonoel: Bob acSayetljeroaos} apaldcgistip cemnginepa Bt mcpbnyemntnoj ngs: (oo) @5e 9 exypcBcontanef exyptagoeh soobgadagtapapians Sei: yoSdonbebaiy? aErmoigchoonanpheliiap: eugéscog) qeerbeoatgeS eqobenGr sfoone Ghos BG RES PF (b) shall register the name and personal data ofthe dental practitioner who has been issued. the registration certificate under sub-section (a) (a) ¢Sog (ookng, goSgontcodtye’ cpofeoriisa, co piygiaiipmmold seatel crite ayimcorieosh apieltegtie scigoennint estes or contin amybiakslip swolotitet oddaoch exncBkngos onbgig’ eadoheGpE: bean: ecaion ocSgenteorbyci oSacGE: och mae probe gS BGnwes (oo) apugftegicicn expahoniah eafocbsSap Hf acsbindaGt aesfeattimoset niGbcogSe socicocBcoSreanatqhuartin oorat boo oobgcboranes GbgotnbebGt ears Bt cobgps BahGeh SafGE" (0) apafegisticpompalettel oxfocisngs eiaeh aatiogistiep — orpslnGs ancbeotBodiesoatag wank ecg GE (0) apughbcgtictéee spoke oyster crotch basta sah: Soege eteoe PEG 25, The Council shall cancel the registration certificate or revoke it for 2 limited period on finding that any of the following matters has occurred relating to any registered dental practitioner: (a) being convicted by 2 court for any offence related the ethics of a dental practitioner and determined by the Council as being unsuitable to continue to serve as a dental practitioner; t being unsuitable to serve as the dental practitioner du to violation of ethics of a dental practitioner, (0 performing duties of @ dental practitioner carelessly or negligent B 27. The Executive Commitee: (2) may issue or refuse to issue the recognition cattfeate after serutniing the application made under section 26 and causing the registration fees ‘and other prescribed fees to be paid; (b) shall register the name and personal data of dental rursos, dont hygienists, prosthetsts and dental assistants who have been issued the recognition ceticate under sub-section (a). 28. The Council shal cancel the recognition certificate iit finds that any of the following facts of dental nurses, dental hygienists, prosthetists and dental assistants has occurred: (a) being convicted by any offences related to the misconduct prescrived by the Councl that they are unsuitable to serve as dental nurses, dental hygienists, prosthetists or dental assistandts; 2 Je weybngeeningangs- (o) ge m9 capone epee} aoSyatigatepigizoss Soll goShonke hae’ oaoctyotoonmafeliupt eungbices) a8 mycSjoooipcbagcbourGEs Jouges GES BE Gistoee Se} com myc eyed gear apenoichiepapy tie apepfbegtsiép crpbuncxpemstegpcbag ag=9900 — earabyoSaogfooGé agormocheapoyy ly ayrattcabisfEep aawonee confespctan apopoemagiinay apmobsht epsovccacSanrylqayafge cacBeocBonsohonbecao8 4h va08up enmrbben aockgabaoateme [GByor8q5 SPE Ggmge: Bef ) (b) being unsuitable to serve as dontal nurses, ental hygienists, prosthetists or dental assistants due to their misconduct; (0 performing duties by dental nurses, dental hygienists, prosthetsts of dental assistants carelessly or negligently. chapter x1 Dental Practitioner Licence 23. (a) If any dental practitioner intends to practice dental and oral medicime, he shall apply to ‘obtain the general practitioner licence to the Council in accordance with stipulations. On the receipt of the application, the Council shall ‘transfer it to the Executive Committee ° (or Et) Ss aguenchchspagy Ky aigbbogtnEep ances cxafogpoboy apeqaarzeBimgtan apeneBcEep ccnachaaeyiryonitea caocdstoge aos cgSchiqptsocScorSenbiesnnkas oxofonySiSte agenda apipbtegtniep abwoeee sanfogpaag apeeoquezzoariongin sgomncBafege mecoocboneglipersfeel opnyshSep oof} eof:esnnfepoge soni: BiegBE* wk (09) ogerghbogbreip esormpangicGEot agoiphbogEreiEqpeospobonBSeneS aig fogEs SBbrpemneen Ge emeprrnal cybcho egies canntigaicGdlon maogeecorgangicGeae afin obycbaphapepbmsor8teh egpcbcomeais carat banS aspoSoogcich efovahind oy ycaninjal igh ajeGoticiquest 2 (8) The Executive Committee shall issue the general o practitioner licence to a dental practitioner if he fulfils the prescribed qualifications after scrutinizing the application made under sub section (3), ané causing the licence fees to be paid, and may refuse to issue the cence if he is disqualified Any dental practitioner who has obtained the general practitioner licence and fulfiled the prescribed qualification shall apply the special practitioner licence to the Council in accordance with the specications. On the receipt of the application, the Council shall transfer it to the Executive Committee for sertiny. The Executive Committee shal issue the special practitioner licence after ecutnting the application made undar subsection (a), and causing the ence fees to be pal, and refuse t issue the licence if he igual 2 (0) socpSsagesoatang.2n98 «8u§ (enkang cxgpaicost meh ecsobogeh Be GEoSLGE = TS Seo engten ao seplog’: ebemnt: Gopi: eine! Gio meaeoemcranitiet acing ees maSemeGSHEE oye eqhenat GivaSfngs gor (on) sacogecgesaregangs cBEetafenaif socbye5 oa) aephnogid Gteom apaabtogistion spoodtnd among Eobatnk aoiycSgobupipingS comBbsh cegpeboosht ampSr ecnakBang8 cegprBconryeta§ afooafind sxcySmagoantaisl Bobeh oGetcaness ancqScayeanrtanj.an9S «fu3 (en)aog exgprBoxt oing) aepingitfzhtdln aapeemree eect cores wees oae GHEE eat qos GuckkEaSe 2% 31, (8) If any foreign dental practitioner wishes to practice dentistry in Myanmar, he shall apply the limited practitioner licence to the Council in accordance with stipulations, On the receipt of the application, the Council shall transfer it to the Executive Committe for seratny {©} The Executive Committee may issue or refuse to issue the limited practitioner ence by limiting branches of ental science, the locality and period after scrutinizing the application made under sub-section {a}, and causing the lcence fees tobe paid 32. If the general practitioner licence holder oF special practitioner licence holder intends to extend the term of the practitioner licence, he shall apply i 0 the Council 60 days prior to the date of expiry. On the receipt ofthe application, the Council shall transfer it to the Executive Committee for scrutiny £ gor (00) app begEicRsp eBefooniems $8eEGxorn sompoborbgigione Bhookseeg’ sygitegE Sip een smmnag} bck cybcBEcaoatigaicGolen enfaoohoooimangicEod shah mobyoSqebapip ne eomé¥eoxyrtons aepSe cora8BangS ocypcboonryeBohggooasnd) swoybeogeorsin§ Bedoh eGtcoreehe mogSeagasnoéani.angS ySeg (onizeq eagacBcoxt nfecypctgns) Beir cialis = socSgoScostemaehiypr cungtsoog} 070096, cams ayxghScgisep smwany? amare aafhnens gion sqepeamgs mjooe epic onfpoatagos mfnoScannparghcfEok eqoSooGs forges GES BE tones co) ay sacgoagesoimangEcfEctagnn — sfeonah set eoorenangicGEoaiiayas BBs aamenpang choc anciark:ohigécGileo awcSsféep esotegonghcfEos socbonbronp aiid aogpSih: qeBadl: Bo fayon8g§ orn088.3 cqpctconpain coking exprtooaeeh afeeind scyiegosi. Bode Geo: A 33, The Executive Committee shall scrutinize the application applied for the extension of the practitioner licence under section 32, and may extend or rofuse to extend the licence, 34, The Couneil may cancel or revoke the practitioner licence for a limited peri if it fs found any ofthe following. facts of a dental practitioner: x Betcocboniihifeoieh segorbeonang) obycharbepnkes — boble sochinineo: Sooph sxboniehGioh GEE GEM! et writes corres zesty cokie! oes cSgGE fags comambmnciGe 9SS5EE Gitmes fo) pnenad sepoh yoKdonEeontiy (a) gosameg socbycSecnseans esocng.el oBccaryed Sq coomag cechooodsh aEacbase cane tigi (2) dorogistration; (b) incapacity for practicing dentistry according to the examination of Medical Board prescribed undor the aw; @ sae er ay eoxpofentteel_opooyetEep (2 performing duties by a dental practioner emabogepapi) confi found odes? carelessly or negligently (@)_ misconduct by a dental practitioner; (©) disqualification of a dental practitioner; to Seatiatatinn oxpefotah maboew ” es nd ght (4) have the right to give advice to the Counc for the achievement ofits duties and functions; have the right to present his grievances to the Council, and to take advice from the Council 36, The dental practitioner licence holder shall have the Fight to practise the dentistry in accordance with the specifications according to the types of the dental In electing 13 members of the Council to be elected with majority votes, or each member of the Council represented for the Union Terttory, the Region or State concerned, or in electing members represented for their region concemed, the dental practitioner licence holder: has the right to be elected as a member of the Council or a member Committee if he fulfils the prescribed & le} erat qSchomafepe chenchemntioe xenon eral § aes (©) Bich giiparhepr} eomlBeh oBGetoek iat tckgecoes oe SS! gu ccomnattiotg, apatiegistiip ampobwal Bajar emigag? ofetadmmexng -pafsogh score obycbar tarp caged cet cwompseteiots apabicnitteparpodinas oy SHG ceioigeied omtisl = fears = . oe , epoptengernts yf aafEspemmegat Soak) emo efcbepegt (ol pects = GF emsSontnt ahah ‘Chapter x wok i) Appeal mig 26. a} Any person who is dissatisfied with an order | gor (oo) meySayeantngd shstens onbepeich made by the Executive Commitee shall appeal wenger extn Sovped iGeHaeb eyeh to the Council within 60 days fam the date of eee cee Cee eet ie otf in) crabbing 95eg (ming esgcan may fei, myinyemingel bj fond AGiiqcieh memaEGE GEnigE food the order o decision {b} The Council may approve or amend or cancel the order of the Executive Committee after ‘examining the appeal filed under sub-section). SiS GRE cS (0) The decision of the Council made under sub- (0) qBe§ (oleg, yyodeans ccrntbel pGoSqhoneS ‘section (b) shall be final aeoGosiora ok (9) oaks aor soiagg smapmaiclietehs apupltagtalter esol come ise ‘Chapter Prohibitions 38, No one shal practise dental and oral medicine without _2 dental practitioner licence a 40. No dental practitioner licence holder shal assign duty to-any other person except the person who has obtained the licence, registration certiicate, recognition certificate, permit training completion certificate or evidence sued by the relevant department, organization or Council in practicing the dentistry. Proviso: In case of assigning duty to any other person ‘except the person who has obtained the gree, diploma or training completion cettificate contained in sub-sections (a) and {b) of section 26, this provision shall not be applicable if the Council provides necessary training within three years from the date of enactment of this Law, and i shall not be tunable to issue the recognition certificate to this person. 41 No dental practitioners shall use his name against terms and expressions which are inappropriate to the degree, rank or know-how which he has obtained. » gor eagommgngiftots pbc ecokg scoxronel bchemtgshpagt mcbehip omens qgichanh® imate ably mimes Saino emntton ccheorngh cits gbipnkcrbych sesSsayo8lg condgoh g8ljqoh a8 onfuenkroonSyo} Bound} seconbacoaafeaene Gye mfeeent ges BeBe Gah ye fagheg engl (ode Bacher sheuned ninfootosigs qfeyyeo oGor cBbgih onofecrn5 comtgriocie Bidder comite aigreoahmatoy Sepbnagi: Gonbean mosh aos Fal: Sg conkgohnchonkEGE shea! afBirbabet mrad Sake GEvgsoq! gor econ aynphtcEtiepsnpoly BBafear a Sots agboubytiey cachet eanebstons wedinod sore Bam 83 oS oon 2 42. No dental practitioner shall mention any additional dental qualification suchas the diploma, degree ete. against his name without the approval ofthe Council that he has been registered in the list of dental practitioners. Chapter XV Penalties 43. Whoever violates the prohibition contained in section 39 shall on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term from a minimum of one year to a maximum of three years, and shall also be liable toa fine 44. ‘Any dental practitioner licence holder who violates the prohibition contained in section 40 shall, on conviction, ‘be punished with a fine from a minimum of five hundred thousand kyats to a maximum of one milion kyats. 45. Any dental practitioner who vielates the prohibition Contained in section 41 shall, on conviction, be punished With fine of five hundred thousand kyats a gp. Snehoyrabiegtsten oe exh coded ap SopSssBEep eanrogarmeapSsaphicl ayrxpdcpEcBEopsoepoy godgorEenatiog® (GebgrikieEint eora8Bal moneSy® ois Blane gb pogeoF BE: oFiot ah: (09) GiastGEoabee= * 18 oho AD comfbqedch corciqed Bane Giyeicx xB cox conta mints bsp maps ahgbod ayctgnrhnGe eqocdeog: qgehfingSe cco ating sbeoeision soph BET egy comet BemsyrteeGtcors? ax mga aby eapsieS 20 Sh 8 apcht edSaaysstiogistiapsoxpafed oho 52 J naib 2, ctarhemmyhse: Oly EoGErat Boy acd Bh ohne 3 46. Any dental practitioner who violates the prohibition contained in section 42 shall, on conviction, be punished With a fine of thes hundred thousend kyats. Chapter xvi Miscellaneous 47. The medical certificate which i= not signed by any ental practitioner licence holder shal not be counted as an oficial medical certificate, 48. The registration certificate and the dental practitioner licence issued under the Myanmar Dental Council Law (The State Peace and Development Council Law No, 15/2013) shall be valid until the expiry. Aftor the expiry, if dental Practitioners intend to practise the medial treatment with dental science, they shall perform their duties in ‘accordance with this Law. 49, The rules, orders and directives issued by the Myanmar Dental Council Law (The State Peace and Development Councit Law No. 15/2011) shall continue to be ‘applicable as ong as they are not contrary to this law. 2 : sftatetapabed oo 53 a Sag cebieahcine Gansta: WBE ops agacd opiajSis qpoFavese oof (8) ome : eciogngtctdot apriegialfep erpobcs ogden obese cometyeins emotions = sn Ghort SopEssBSepaanicarsEBgoea (§EsoorS oS ere penn coq opfecrsaen ycpokeobyehys emerge ete wbele acbonienhaparelognd aor Geen yadagavatnsrbonburfanghnd agbinat BepemnGe aoynGEogSoh emtgrbsbdo igoeaghing’ socioorbea geet i agoigSapEEeposnreor8B goes (FEteorS Evecare ‘eens gonampsd ogy pasion, eqetlgaere epSigosseps Sg apHlebnayiepeoes igoaa4§ oxrfingineg socbcocBoytop Emad Po 50. The funds owned by the Myanmar Dental Council established under the Myanmar Dental Council Law (The: State Peace and Development Council Law No, 15/2031) or ‘movable property and immovable property or ongoing ‘ectvtes or finishing activities or assets and liabilities shall, {evolve on the Council respectively, 51 The Myanmar Dental Council formed under the Myanmar Dental Council Law (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 15/2011) shall cary out duties, and exercise powers belore establishing the Council under this Law. 52. Toimplement the provisions of this Law: (a) the Ministry of Health and Sports may issue ‘ules, regulations and byelaws with the approval ofthe Union Government; the Council may issue notifications, orders, directives and procedures. comibaneS Bheokitape - gianna iam, GopSteonsenrs ommrk BRE gfgegapsch EE eniat eeaectntion : Ss apesctsono8B goen (PEtoorS 2 ee phenol perm clpoon agughcpeBEepssscrnstoS wake onal aber BEabepio§ exnenigiarereno¥ iene Gpbeorte aneonnc gp whnahigd epSicnbrqpec8 oS HIRE DES: ecxoStiags B§HIGon 8h) ahGQS HF pSoppSaaSepnh AGES: 5 ‘5% The Myanmar Dental Council Law (The State Peace ‘and Development Council Law No. 15/2011) is hereby repeated | hereby sign in accordance with the Constitution Of the Republic of the Unian Myanmar. (Se) Win Myint President Republic ofthe Union of Myanmar 0 eiSeapptgciespamrernt goco (fideo Carta plana poe cain ehgoosGt sitions eecnnigangerGienfitens’ gepijandkjs goosmq, eapfBcorbycSeqycheanghe

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