60 Music Quizzes - Jay Althouse - 14-May-2022, 07 - 03

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7) Te Quizzes FOR THEORY & READING ON La UNL REPRODUCIBLE TESTS TO. EVALUATE STUDENT MUSICAL SKILLS i) ye Contents ‘The Basics - Staff, Notes, and Rests 1, The Musical Staff « 2. Notes and Rests 3. Know Your Notes and Rests. . 4, Note Values 5, Rest Values. 6. Note and Rest Values . 7. Identifying Notes 12 8. Identifying Rests ca 13 9. Identifying Notes and Rests 14 10. Notes and Rests Math . . au) 15 11. Do You Know Your Notes and Rests? . . 16 Rhythm 12. How Many Quarter Note Beats in a Measure? 2. 2.000 eee eee ee ee 20 13. How Many Half and Eighth Note Beats in a Measure? -21 14. Barlines and Measures - Quarter Note Beat . a 15. Barlines and Measures - Half and Eighth Note Beat 3 16. Dotted Notes... 2... es 17. Counting Beats in a Measure I. . . 18. Counting Beats in a Measure II 19 Add the Missing Note 20. Add the Missing Rest 21. Tied Notes 22. Musical Equations . Note Names 23. Note Names - Treble Clef 24, Note Names - Bass Clef. 25. Ledger Lines dies 26, Sharps and Flats - Treble Clef . 27. Sharps and Flats - Bass Clef . . 28. Sharps and Flats - Two Clefs 29. Identifying Notes in the Treble Clef . 30. Identifying Notes in the Bass Clef . 31. Match the Notes - Treble Clef... « « 32. Match the Notes - Bass Clef...» 33. Note Names - Treble and Bass Clef . 34. Know Your Notes in Two Clefs . . 8 Contents (cont) Key Signatures 35. Major Key Signatures in the Treble Clef... eee penn Ag 36. Major Key Signatures in the Bass Clef... 2. oe 49 37. Major Key Signatures in Tieble and Bass Clefs. . OS By A SD: 38. Know Your Key Signatures. 51 39. Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals- Treble Clef oD 40. Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals - Bass Clef... 0200-0 see 53 41. Accidentals in Treble and Bass Clefs 54 Musical Symbols and Terms 42, Know Your Musical Symbols. . 58 43. Match the Musical Symbols and Terms = 59 44, Which Is 12 Musical Symbols - 60 45. How Loud? How Soft? Dynamics -61 46. Know Your Musical Dynamics. 2 47, How Fast? How Slow? Tempo 6 48, Staccato, Accent, Fermata . = 64 49. Dynamics, Accent, Tenuto, Marcato 65 ‘Time Signatures 50. Time Signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 a eS 51. More Time Signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4. Boab Heae Se aes 52. Advanced Time Signatures. 70 Keyboard Identification 53. Keyboard Identification - White Notes 74 54. Keyboard Identification - White and Black Notes . .B ‘Musical Puzzles 55. Unscramble the Musical Terms . 56. Word Search - Musial Terms in English. 57. Word Search - Musical Terms in Italian 60. 0s vv es 58. Word Search - Musical Tempo Terms 59. Crossword - The Basics of Music 60. Crossword - Musical Terms 60. seve eve eee THE BASICS Statt, Notes, 4 Rests (THE BASICOm e717 The Musical Staff DIRECTIONS: Draw a whole note on the line or in the space shown below. One example has been given. Onthe3rdline Inthe tstspace Onthe4thline Inthe 3rdspace On the 1st line DIRECTIONS: Draw a half note on the line or in the space shown below. One example has been given. =; Onthe2ndline On the 4thline Inthe 4th space OntheSthline In the 2nd space DIRECTIONS: Draw a quarter note on the line or in the space shown below. One example has been given Inthe tstspace Onthe tstline Inthe 3rdspace On the 4th line __In the ath space: DIRECTIONS: Draw an eighth note on the line or in the space shown below. One example has been given, 4s 4. Inthe 2nd space On the 3rdline Inthe 4th space Onthe Istline__In the tst space q vam pun i 287 Me Putin oe purchase of his book cares th thro Btacny th ‘Limited to one schoo! only. NOT FOR RESALE. ee _ i i ili Name: class fF) bvnecrions vat ind feet? Ciclo aoe a Ft. 2 # Z ve Halinoe ara ee al note Viale note ees Mile note Eiht ote eee en DIRECTIONS: What kind of rest is it? Circle the correct answer. 5. = C—— 8. Eiht st ih et al rest Halfest j Quarter rest Half rest ‘Whole rest. ‘Whole rest rnc vrs «atta Fea Ge crea ae = # j 9. — 1. =? 12. 2nd ine 2rdine tine as DIRECTIONS: Which clef is it? Circle the correct answer. 13. 4S ible et Treble cet j Alto Clef Alto Clef et 007 ia ai j [Note the purchase of this Book carries with it the right to photocopy this page. riley fe Name: Class: ee Know Your Notes and Rests DIRECTIONS: Name each note or rest: Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. A Re A. Eighth Note 2a B. Eighth Rest aoe €. Quarter Note Asami D. Quarter Rest Se E. Half Note 6. F. Half Rest 7. __ G. Whole Note 8. __ H. Whole Rest DIRECTIONS: The arrow points to a part of a note, Name that part of the note, Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. Yee 5 fees 1. Stem Te J. Beam 11. Notehead AZ, Sees pier L. Flag Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, ne. Noe: the purehas of his book caries wt the right a polacopy this page 8 {Limited to one schoo! ony. NOT FOR RESALE. Name: bes menor ame Note Values DIRECTIONS: True or false? Circle the correct answer for each example. 1. d + gd = 0 True False 2 i oe a 4 True False 3. d et + | True False 4. + 4 + 2 = d True False 5. Ba a True False Se i rag Jers) — ca: Tue False shel ume + eens True False sig) cca ede: Tose a rae Bere + Nae ) + Ne 4 True False Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, Ine. Note: the purchase of his book cares wth tthe right to photocopy this page. Limited to one school only NOT FOR RESALE | | J 10. i J qeen-17 ees ~Rest Values DIRECTIONS: True or false? Circle the correct answer for each example. 10. Name: 13 AN ea Class: Copyright © 2007 by Aired Publishing Co, Ine. Noe: the purchase of his book cates with I tha right to photocopy this page ‘Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE, True True True True True True True True True True False False False False False False False False False False THE BASICS Name: Class: ioe Note and Rest Values DIRECTIONS: True or false? Are the number of beats in the first example equal to the number of beats in the second | ‘example? Circle the correct answer. 1. True | 2 True | Pas True 4. True 5. True True 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. True Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, Ine ‘oe ha purchase of this book aries with the ight © petocopy ts pape Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE. False False False False False False False False False False " Name; acs: nT BASICS ae eens \dentifying Notes 12 Circle all the whole 1, notes in the example to the right. Gicle al the whole 2. notes in the example to the right Circle all the half 3. notes inthe example tothe right, Circle all the half 4, notes in the example tothe right Circe all the quarter 5. notes in the example tothe right. Circe al the quarter 6. notes inthe example tothe right Circle all the eighth 7. notes in the example to the right. Circle all the eighth 8B, notes in the example tothe right, ‘Copyright © 2007 by Ares Publghing Ca, ne. Note the purchase of his ook crs with tthe right to photocopy this page, ite o one schoo ony. NOT FOR RESALE THE BASICS Name: Glass: weer See Identifying Rests Circle all the whole rests in the example to the right. Gicleal the whole 2. tests inthe example to the ight Circle all the half 3. rests in the example to the right. Circle all the half 4, rests in the example to the right. Circle all the quarter = rests inthe example to the right. Circle al the quarter 6. rest in the example tothe ight Circle all the eighth 7. rests in the example to the right. Circe al the eighth 8. rests in the example to the right. Copyright © 2007 by Are Publishing Co, ne Note: the purchase of his book cris wth he vg Yo photocopy this page. {mie to one schoo! ony, NOT FOR RESALE 13 Name: THE BASICS: Class: eee Identifying Notes and Rests Circle all the whole 1. notes in the example to the right. Citcl all the half 2. notes in the example to the right. Circle all the quarter 3B. notes in the example to the right. Gircle all the eighth 4, notes in the example to the right Circle athe whole 5. restsin the example tothe ight Circe all the halt 6. rests in the example to the right Cirle all the quarter 7. rests in the example to the right. Circle all the eighth 8B. rests in the example to the right. ‘Copyright © 2007 by Area Publishing Co, ne: Note: the purchase ofthis book caries thi the right to potocpy this page 14 Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE, Name: THE BASICS Class: geex-171-axbmm Notes and Rests Math DIRECTIONS: In each of the pairs of examples below, one example is correct and one is incorrect. Circle the letter of each example that is correct. eet 6 or spores oe Be ha Jee or pesos | bee ow ef or Bee 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. A. Th A. 12. > Name: Class: MmnTHE BASICS cen Cut | a Do You Know Your Notes and Rests? DIRECTIONS: The left example has one note in the staff. In the blank staff to the right, draw two notes which equal the note inthe lft example. a = 3. & Ml DIRECTIONS: The left example has one rest in the staff. In the blank staff to the right, draw two rests which equal the rest in the left example, | DIRECTIONS: The left example has one note in the staff, In the blank staff to the right, draw four notes which equal the note in the left example. 7. Sea DIRECTIONS: The left example has one rest in the staff. In the blank staff to the right, draw four rests which equal the rest in the left example. 9. 10. Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, inc lot: the purchase ofthis book cares with the eght 0 photocopy this page, 16 {Limited to one school ony, NOT FOR RESALE RHYTHM Name: RHYTHM, Class: genre How Many Quarter Note Beats in a Measure? DIRECTIONS: If a quarter note gets one beat, how many beats are there in the meaure? Write the correct answer in the space {peses 25k 3s { 4. ' Sees, . { I 6.2 e \ - . 7: . x Copyright © 2007 by Arad Publishing Co, ne. ~ "Note the purchase of his book arias with the right to photocopy this page 20 United to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE Name’ ==anyTHM a Class: — How Many Half and Eighth Note | Beats in a Measure? DIRECTIONS: If a half note gets one beat, how many beats are there in the meaure? Write the correct answer in the space. oe Ce | ee ge A S 6. o DIRECTIONS: If an eighth note gets one beat, how many beats are ‘there in the meaure? Write the correct answer oe Pe Me {Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, ne | ‘Noa: te purchase of this book caries wit tthe ght to photocopy tis page Lime to one school only, NOT FOR RESALE. 21 ‘Name: Class: mee Barlines and Measures— Quarter Note Beat DIRECTIONS: In the examples below, a quarter note gets one beat, In examples 1, 2, and 3, draw barlines after every four beats, 1. In examples 4, 5, and 6, draw barlines after every three beats, 4. In examples 7 and 8, draw barlines after every two beats. Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, Inc Note: the purehase a this book carne witht he right o photocopy ths page 22 Limited to one school ony, NOT FOR RESALE. Name: Class: RHYTHM meee Barlines and Measures— Half and Eighth Note Beat DIRECTIONS: in examples 1-4 below, a half note gets one beat In examples 1 and 2, draw barlines after every three beats. In examples 3 and 4, draw barlines after every two beats, 3. eo DIRECTIONS: In examples 5-8 below, an eighth note gets one beat. In examples 5 and 6, draw barlines after every six beats. ay 6. In example 7, draw barlines after every four beats. 7. In example 8, draw barlines after every three beats. 8. Copyright © 2007 by red Publishing Co, ne. Note: the purchase of his book cries wit ithe gt to potocopy tis page. Limited o one scheal only: NOT FOR RESALE 23 Name: =RHYTaM mmm Dotted Notes DIRECTIONS: Write the correct note in each space to complete these musical equations. 12760) el meshes ae sae 2 ee Bee) 3 ee paomen ds Class: DIRECTIONS: In the box, draw one dotted note to complete the measure ae eo DIRECTIONS: Place barlines in the correct places in these musical examples, 9. 10. DIRECTIONS: In the example below, one measure has too many beats. Draw an X over that measure. 11. DIRECTIONS: In the example below, one measure does not have enough beats. Draw an X over the measure, 12. Copyright © 2007 by Ared Publishing Go, ne "Noe: the purchase ofthis book carries with the ght to phatocopy this page, 24 Limited to ona school only. NOT FOR RESALE, Name: =v Class: een-11wkees Counting Beats in a Measure | DIRECTIONS: in each of the examples below, one measure does not have enough beats, Draw an X over the measure that does not have enough beats. ne: 10. opr © 207A Pisin Co Na: he purchase hs book cares wi ego ptcon hi Lint oon scoot ony. NOT FON RESALE. =” 8 PO® Name: =ayTaM Chass: Not Oe Counting Beats in a Measure il | ure that has too | DIRECTIONS: In each of the examples below, one measure has too many beats. Draw an X over the meas many beats. 1 Copyright © 2007 by Aled Pubshing Co, ne Nt: he purchase of hs book caries wth the right photocopy ts page ‘Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE. e171 etme Add the Missing Note Name: =v Class: DIRECTIONS: One note is missing in each measure. Write one note in each box to complete the measure. Put the note on any line or in any space, (Remember, the time signature will tell you how many beats are in each measure, and what note gets a beat.) 16. Copyright © 2007 by Aled Pushing Co, nc. Noe: he purchase of his book cartes wit it the right to photocopy this page init to one stool ony. NOT FOR RESALE o7 Name: Class; peer rriee Add the Missing Rest DIRECTIONS: One rest is missing in each measure. Write one rest in each box to complete the measure. (Remember, the time signature will tell you how many beats are in each measure, and what note gets a beat.) 1. 16. Copyright © 2007 by Ared Pubiishing Co, ne Note: ho purchase ofthis book caries wth tthe right to photocopy this page, 28 Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE, RHYTHM meee: Tied Notes Name: ae Class: a DIRECTIONS: To figure out the value of the two tied notes, add the value of both notes. Are the following musical examples correct? Circle True or False. ey d True False 5. ds = d True False 2. J = d True False 6. nae = o True False 3. A = d- Tue False 2. AD = ive ree 4. 4 BI o True False 8 g o = 4 True False DIRECTIONS: In the blank space, draw the note or dotted note that equals the two tied notes. eee ub). | ae 2 6 o = 1 | eh 16. oie yeas 13... Em 14, We Copyright © 2007 by Ard Publishing Co, ne Note: the purchase ofthis book cares with tthe gh to photocopy this page Limited to ne school only, NOT FOR RESALE. 29 Name; =a Class: Musical Equations DIRECTIONS: These questions wil test your knowledge of note values, Write a number inthe blank which completes the musical equation 1 eee Sie Pee CNT ee aie ere ba Pid ele Bag co Be es DIRECTIONS: In the blanks space below, draw one note equal to the value of the notes in the musical equation. You may use dotted nates. do oe oe PB vrei wee ll ell alae meee see ee oe oes” x, alia ue din ae tire =. 1 ae Copyright © 2007 by Are Publishing Co, ne. Note: the purchase of his book cars witht the right to photocopy this page 30 Limited o on Schoo only, NOT FOR RESALE : x oy x ane Qe r es i I oS [> ee ee NOTE NAMES Name: ‘INOTE NAMESI Class mumn-177asiee Note Names - Treble Clef DIRECTIONS: Write the correct letter name under each note in the treble clef E = =e 2: x > oS e DIRECTIONS: Draw quarter notes in the treble cle for each of the following letter names. Don't forget to draw the stem correctly. (Notes below the 3rd line have stems going up. Notes onthe 3rd line and above have stems going down) Do not use ledger lines. In some cases, there may be more than one correct answer Draw an eighth nate D Draw a quarter note F 7. thats lower than the 4, that is higher than the note printed on the staff note printed on the staf. Draw a half note A Draw a quarter note E 55. that is lower than the 8. thats higher than the note printed on the staff note printed on the staff Draw ahalf note G . that is lower than the ‘ote printed on the staff Draw a whole note C 6. that is higher than the note printed on the staff ‘Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, ne, Note: he purchase ofthis book carries wit the right to photocopy this page 34 ‘Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE, DIRECTIONS: Draw quarter notes in the bass cle for each of the following letter names. Don't forget to draw the stem correctly, (Notes below the 3rd line have stems going up. Notes on the 3rd line and above have stems going down.) Do not use ledger lines. In some cases, there may be more than one correct answer. ee Draw a whole note G 7. that is lower than the note printed on the staff. Draw a quarter note B 4, thats higher than the note printed on the sta Draw an eighth note A 8, thatis higher than the note printed on the staff Draw a half note C that is lower than the note printed on the staf. Draw a whole note E 9. that is lower than the note printed on the staff, Draw a quarter note F 6. that is higher than the rote printed on the staff. ‘Copyright © 2007 by Are Publishing Co We. "Note: th purchase ofthis book cars with it he right to photocopy ths page Linitd to one schoo! ony, NOT FOR RESALE 35 Name; Gs: ornate Ledger Lines ' DIRECTIONS: Write the correct letter name under each note in the treble clef. £ E £ a © A a DIRECTIONS: Write the correct letter name under each note in the bass clef. # 2 2 2 ft Zz 7 ie DIRECTIONS: Use ledger lines to draw the correct notes in the boxes, | | a ee = | | This is a half note A. To its Now draw a 3. right, draw another half 5, halfnoteA note above the staf below he staf This sa whole note D.To ts Now craw, 44 tight draw another woe 6. hole note note D below the staff above the staff DIRECTIONS: Circle the correct note for the questions below. | o 7... Which note is a B? = 9, Which note is ac? es =I ——— a 2 8. Which note is a G? 10. wi note is an F? Copyright © 2007 by Aled Pulshing Co, ne. Noe the purchase ois book arr with the ight fo photocopy this page 36 Limited to one school ony, NOT FOR RESALE Name: MENOTE NAMES Class: —o Sharps and Flats - Treble Clef DIRECTIONS: Write the correct note name under each note in the treble clef. b, . & t= b ¢ | ee co aaa cee as ee | 2 4 if = 7 Ze DIRECTIONS: Circle the note which is higher. 2 % te . e = e DIRECTIONS: Circle the note which is lower. ° oe £ 1 & oe oe eo DIRECTIONS: Using quarter notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the treble clef. Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer. # DIRECTIONS: Using half notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the treble clef. Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer. 10. x Bb Gt Db Fe Ab ce Ab Dé G & Q A Copyright © 2007 by Arad Publishing Co, ne Note: the purchase of his ook cars wt the right o photocopy tis page. Liited to oe schol ony: NOT FOR RESALE a7 Name: ee (ENOTE NAMES | generraekees Sharps and Flats - Bass Clef DIRECTIONS: Write the correct note name under each note in the bass clef. be 225 ie. =a 2, 2 =e aes DIRECTIONS: Circle the note which is higher. 2 3S. BSS. DIRECTIONS: Circle the note which is lower. Es —— a Ge DIRECTIONS; Using quarter notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the bass clef, Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer Cees Bb Ft ct Di BE G@ DIRECTIONS: Using half notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the bass clef. Do not use ledger lines Note: There may be more than one correct answer. 10. BE A Eb Gt Db B G Copyright © 2007 by Ated Publishing Co, nc Note the purchase ofthis book caries wth it the right o photocopy this page. 38 Limited to one school only NOT FOR RESALE. Name: MEENOTE NAMES Class: eee Sharps and Flats — Two Clefs DIRECTIONS: Write the correct note name under each note in the treble clef if te a q iW DIRECTIONS: Circle the note which is higher. 3 = 4 DIRECTIONS: Circle the note which is lower. ee rs . a a u DIRECTIONS: Using quarter notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the treble clef. Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer. Zz DIRECTIONS: Using half notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the bass clef. Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer Ab Fi Db fo Bb @ 10. Bb Gt Bb Di FA Ab Copyright © 2007 by Ared Publishing Co, Ine. Noe: the purchase ofthis Book cartes with the ht to potocopy this page. Limited to ne school only. NOT FOR RESALE. Name: GlENOTE NAMES Class: mee Identifying Notes in the 40 Treble Clef DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is a G. ie oe DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is an F. 2. DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is an A. 3s eo DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is a8. oe DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is an E. a oe DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is aC DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is a D. Te DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is an 8. Copyright © 2007 by Aled Pubishing Co, Ine Note the purchase ofthis book carries with ithe ight to photocopy tis page Limited to one school only, NOT FOR RESALE Name: (WEINOTE NAMES Class: a OUI Identifying Notes in the = arelUlc.SS-rlCC rrlC COOrOrlC OOrOlhlUC lOrlllUCUDL! Bass Clef DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is an F 1, Sp DIRECTIONS: Circle every note thats a G. DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is aC. DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is a D. DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is a B 2 = DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is an A. 6. DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is an E. 7. DIRECTIONS: Circle every note that is a G. Copyright© 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, In "Note: the purchase this book cris wth the right to photocopy this pape ‘Limited to one stool ony. NOT FOR RESALE 4 Name: mEINOTE NAMES = Class: NT Match the Notes - Treble Clef DIRECTIONS: What is the name of each note? Write the correct answer from the second column in the space. A Fe G@ Eb Ab Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, nc Note: the purchase af this book carries wit the right to photocopy this page. 42 Limite to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE Name: MEENOTE NAMES Class: madame Match the Notes —Bass Clef DIRECTIONS: What is the name of each note? Write the correct answer from the second column in the space. Ab a Eb Ge a SO jc oe Fe sens p92 Ad ubiting Co, tt purchase ts ook ears wh th hs potcapy hs Ui on schol ony NOT OR RESALE” SP 43. lEnNOTE NAMES am Bass Clef raw an X over any note that is not an F DIRECTIONS: Directions: Draw an X over any note that is not an A. 2. eo DIRECTIONS: Directions: Draw an X over any note that is not an E. 3. e DIRECTIONS: Directions: Draw an X over any note that is not a D. 4. eo eo DIRECTIONS: In the following examples, draw an X over the measure that does not have two notes with the same letter name. 5, 6. DIRECTIONS: True or False? Are the notes the same? Circle T or F. lane 9. Copyright © 2007 by Ard Publishing Co, Ine Note: the purchaso of ths boo carte withthe rgt to photocopy this page Limited to one schol only. NOT FOR RESALE Name: MEENOTE NAMES Case pee 177 Zable Know Your Notes in Two Clefs | DIRECTIONS: In each example below, draw an X over the measure that does not have three notes with, the same letter name. 2 2 2 DIRECTIONS: In the box following each whole note, draw another whole note with the same letter name, The note may be in the space above or below the staff, but do not use ledger lines. DIRECTIONS: In the following two examples, a whole note is shown in the treble clef. In the blank bass clef, draw a whole rote that has the letter name as the note shown in the treble clef. Do not use ledger lines. NOTE: There may be more than one correct answer. 7. 8. DIRECTIONS: In the following two ‘examples, a whole note is shown in the bass clef. In the blank treble clef, draw a whole ote that has the etter name as the note shown inthe treble clef. Do not use ledger lines. NOTE: There may be more than. ‘one correct answer. 10. Copyright © 2007 by Altre Publishing Co, Ine Note: the purchase of hs book cartes with it the right o photocopy this page ‘Limited to ane sho! only, NOT FOR RESALE, 45 KEY SIGNATURES Name: KEY SIGNATURI Class: emma Major Key Signatures in the Treble Clef DIRECTIONS: Write the correct name of each major key signature on the line provided, oe = = 1. =. Bite 3. — 6. = 9. C= DIRECTIONS: In the box, write the correct sharps for the following sharp key signatures, 10. 11. 2s eo Key of G Key of A Key of D DIRECTIONS: In the box, write the correct flats for the following flat key signatures, 13. 14, 15. Key of Bo Key of F Key of Ab Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, Ie, Note the purchase ofthis book caries With tthe right to potocopy this page. 48 Limite to one schoo! only. NOT FOR RESALE Name: MEKEY SIGNATURES Class: me Major Key Signatures in the Bass Clef DIRECTIONS: Write the correct name of each major key signature on the line provided. ——— 4 = 1, 2 = SSE] .RES TL x HE DIRECTIONS: In the box, write the correct sharps for the following sharp key signatures. 10. 11. 12. Key of D Key of E Key of G DIRECTIONS: In the box, write the correct fats for the following flat key signatures. 13. 14. : Key of Eb Key of F Key of Bb Copyright © 2007 by Ared Publishing Co, Ine ‘Noe: the purchase ofthis Book caries with the ght to potacopy this page Limited to one school ony NOT FOR RESALE 49 Name: Class: 7 Major Key Signatures in Treble and Bass Clefs DIRECTIONS: Write the correct name of each major key signature on the line provided. —— «Be 2S 2, == = 3. 3. = 6 = GS oe DIRECTIONS: In the box, write the correct sharps for the following sharp key signatures, 10. 11. Key of E Key of D Key of DIRECTIONS: In the box, write the correct flats for the following flat key signatures. 13. 14, 15. Key of Bs Key of Ab Key of F Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, nc. Note: he purchase of tis book cartas witht the right to photocopy this page 50 Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE, 1 Name Class: ee 11-Zae Know Your Key Signatures DIRECTIONS: Find the correct key signature in the second column and write it in the blank space. 16. Copyright © 2007 by Ate Publishing Co, Ine Note the purchase oft book cars with the ight o photocopy tis page. Lined to one soho only. NOT FOR RESALE 1 ] : . J 4 ; 3. Bb J _ ; 4 5. G ) Eb a 7 Ay J 8. E ! DIRECTIONS: Find the correct key signature in the second column and write it in the blank space. 9. F 10. D J 11. Bb . 12. & . 13. A ) 14. E } 15. G } Ab } Name: EY SIGNATURE Class: eure Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals — Treble Clef DIRECTIONS: What is the letter name of the note in the box? Write the correct answer in the blank space. 1. ea © DIRECTIONS: Using half notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the treble clef. Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer. 6 DIRECTIONS: Using whole notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the treble clef. Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer. Bi De Eb Fe Eh Ab & Gt Dy AY FR Db Copyright © 2007 by Ated Publishing Co, Ine Note: the purchase of this Book caries with tthe right to photocopy tis page, ited to one school only. HOT FOR RESALE 82 Name: pY SIGNATURI Class: meee Note Naming with Key Signatures and Accidentals — Bass Clef DIRECTIONS: What is the letter name of the note in the box? Write the correct answer in the blank space. | 1. 6. = Ae oe Bs 3. J : 4. ee ; 5. 10. poy DIRECTIONS: Using quarter notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the bass clef. Do not use ledger lines. Note: There may be more than one correct answer. : Zs 4 Db q Ab FA G DIRECTIONS: Using half notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the bass cle. Do not use ledger lines. : Note: There may be more than one correct answer. Bh E> Db Gt D4 EE Copyright © 207 by Aled Pblsting Co, ne Note purchase of is book cas wth it te igo ptocpy this age Lined 10 oe schol ony. NOT FOR RESALE Name: Class: eY SIGNATURI comer a Accidentals in Treble and Bass Clefs DIRECTIONS: What is the letter name of the note in the box? Write the correct answer in the blank space. 6. 1. Bh, 10. DIRECTIONS: Using half notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the treble clef. Do not use ledger lines Note: There may be more than one correct answer. * DIRECTIONS: Note: There may be more than one correct answer. ZE As Gt BE ce Fi Ds ing whole notes and accidentals, draw the following notes in the bass clef, Do not use ledger lines. E G DE Fe Bb Gt Copyright © 2007 by Aired Publishing Co, nc. Noe: the purchase ofthis Book carries wit tthe right to photocopy tis page. LUmited to one schoo! only. NOT FOR RESALE. MUSICAL SYMBOLS AND TERMS Name: (MEEMUSICAL SYMBOLS AND TERMS genet Know Your Musical Symbols Class: DIRECTIONS: Name each musical symbol, Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. a. 10. 11. AZ. 13. 14, 15. 58 A. Copyright © 2007 by Aired Publishing Co, Ine. n ie Quarter Note }. Natural . Treble Clef . Whole Note . Staff Whole Rest . Eighth Note . Sharp . Eighth Rest Time Signature Half Rest Bass Clef Flat Half Note . Quarter Rest "Noe: the purchase f this book caries witht the right to photocopy this pape. Limited to one school ony, NOT FOR RESALE MEEMUSICAL SYMBOLS AND TERMS Name: Class: meneame Match the Musical Symbols } and Terms DIRECTIONS: Name each musical symbol. Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. rit. ps yyaccel. 0 A. Tenuto mark B. Marcato ©. Accent D. To speed up E. Breath mark F, First ending G. Decrescendo H. Fermata 1. To slow down J. Crescendo K. Staccato mark L. Caesura (to pause) M. Coda N. Barline ©. Repeat sign Copyright © 2007 by Ard Publishing C,, ne Ne: the purchase of his book caries wth th right to ptocopy his page, Linite to one schoo! only. NOT FOR RESALE 59 SICAL SYMBOLS AND TERI Name: Class: pened Which Is It? Musical Symbols 60 DIRECTIONS: Which is it? Circle the letter of the correct answer for each example. th 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. rit. This isa This is a This is a These are This is a This is a This is a This is a This is a This means This means This means This is an This means This dot means A. A. A. The note is short Time Signature Whole Rest . Half Note Quarter Notes . Fermata . Sharp Bass clef sign . Natural . Half Rest Loud . Get faster . Get louder . Eighth Rest Stop playing & Copyright © 2007 by Ared Publishing Co, ne Noe: the purchas ofthis book cartes wit th right to photocopy this page. Limited to one schoo! only. NOT FOR RESALE, . Key Signature . Half Rest }. Whole Note Eighth Notes Tie . Flat Treble clef sign sharp . Quarter Rest . Soft . Get slower Get softer . Accent Repeat the section . The note is long (a 22 ICAL SYMBOLS AND TEI Class: meee How Loud? How Soft? Dynamics DIRECTIONS: Which dynamic level s louder? Circle the correct answer. 1. p or mp Spe or Pp ae opp a mf on mp DIRECTIONS: Which dynamic level is softer? Circle the correct answer. eee 7 or S Tee or Fe 6. mp or mf ayy or ™p DIRECTIONS: What does each dynamic level mean? Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. Qi faci) A. Loud Once. anf, B. Very soft fase Sf, . Medium loud 7 ee D. Medium soft pam. Ff E. Very loud a4, ere ep, F. Soft DIRECTIONS: Match the Italian term with each dynamic level. Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. sas 7? A. pianissimo Ness af. B. piano 17. Sf C._mezz0 piano 18. mp D. mezzo forte Bogen Lf forte Me pp F. fortissimo Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co. Ine. Note: he purchase of tis book cartes wit it the ito photocopy this page ‘Limited to one school ony. NOT FOR RESALE. 61 Name: iSICAL SYMBOLS AND TERMSHI Class: eee Know Your Musical Dynamics DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank space, 1. Decrescendo means the same as 20 seed Io A. Diminuendo A. to gradually get louder B. Crescendo B, to gradually get softer DIRECTIONS: In the examples below, are the dynamics correct or incorrect? Circle the correct answer. ih Correct or Incorrect ps Correct, or Incorrect S decrese. mf Correct, or Incorrect a) 4. Correct or Incorrect Hf cme. pp DIRECTIONS: How loud or soft isthe music at @, ©, © and ©? Circle the correct answer. © Verysot Medium soft ® Mediumloud or — Medium Soft © Very loud or Very Soft 0 Copyright © 2007 by Atred Publishing Go, ne, ie ‘Noe he pra hs book cars wit th rt to phtacpy ts page ‘Limited to one school only. NOT Fon Pree Name: MEEMUSICAL SYMBOLS AND TERMSE Class: seems How Fast? How Slow? Tempo DIRECTIONS: Which tempo marking is faster? Circe the correct answer. 1. Largo or Presto 3. Vivace or Adagio 2. Moderato or Vivace 4, Andante or —_—_Alllegro DIRECTIONS: Which tempo marking is slower? Circle the correct answer. ’ 5. Presto or Andante 7. Moderato or Vivace 7 6. Adagio or Presto 8. Andante or Largo ) DIRECTIONS: What does each tempo marking mean? Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. Allegro A. Fast , 10. Vivace B. Very slow : 11. Andante C. Walking tempo 12. Largo D. A moderate speed 13. Moderato Very fast 14. Adagio F. Slow DIRECTIONS: What does each tempo change mean? Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. ) 15. ___—_ritardando A. gradually slower 16. accelerando B. gradually faster 17. a tempo . return to previous tempo Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Go, ne ’ Note the purchase a his book cares wth the right to photocopy this pape {Lina to one sohoo! ony. NOT FOR RESALE Name: I@EEMUSICAL SYMBOLS AND TEI Class: SENT Staccato, Accent, Fermata DIRECTIONS: Which note is shorter? Circle the note which is shorter. DIRECTIONS: Place a staccato dot on every G# in this example. Be sure to position it correctly, either above or below the notehead. Presto 9. DIRECTIONS: Place a fermata over every half note in this example. Adagio 10. Si mp Copyright © 2007 by Aired Publishing Co. In Note: the purchase o his Book cartes with ithe ght 0 photocopy this page ted 1 one schoo only. NOT FOR RESALE. 64 Name: EEMUSICAL SYMBOLS AND TERMSEE Class: eerie Dynamics, Accent, Tenuto, Marcato DIRECTIONS: Which note is louder? Circle the note which is louder. or or eo DIRECTIONS: What does each symbol mean? Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space. Be A A. Loud 6. > B. Louder as — C. Loudest DIRECTIONS: Place an accent (>) above every B> in this example. Fast oe accel. rit, DIRECTIONS: Place a marcato mark (A) over every eighth note in this example. Vivace mf ‘Copyrlant © 2007 by Aled Pubishing Co, Ine ioe: he purchase of tis book cre wth ithe ight to photocopy tis page Limited to one school ony, NOT FOR RESALE, 65 TIME SIGNATURES a ene Time Signatures: ee } 4 DIRECTIONS: Write the correct time signature in the box. The answer will be J, , or 4. iP Copyright © 2007 by Ared Publishing Co, inc "Noth purchase hs book crs wh i th ight to potoopy thi page 68 Limited to one schoo only, NOT FOR RESALE DIRECTIONS: Write the correct time signature in the box. The answer will be Z, 3, or 4 i Copyright © 2007 by Area Publishing Co, ne, Noe the purchase of his book cris wth erg Yo phtocopy this page Lite to one shot ony- NOT FOR RESALE 69 Name: iE SIGNATURES! Class: meer Advanced Time Signatures DIRECTIONS: Write the correct time signature in the box. The answer will be J, $. 8, 8, or 8. Copyright © 2007 by Are Publishing Co, ne Note: the purchase ofthis book carries with it height to photocopy this page. 70 ‘Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE. KEYBOARD IDENTIFICATION Name’ SVBOARD IDENTIFICATI Class: Oe Our2S oe Keyboard Identification — White Notes 3 | DIRECTIONS: On th: line below each note, write the correct number from the keyboard shown above. — es < ve = am 2 = = —— es a Copyright © 2007 by Alred Publishing Co, inc a4 "Note: the purchase ofthis book carries with it the right to photocopy this page i Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE. Name: IRIKEYBOARD IDENTIFICATIONS Class: mexomnrix@em Keyboard Identification — White and Black Notes [ D 1]3] 5] 6] 8 | 10] 12] 13] 15] 17] 18] 20 | 22] 24 | 25 |27 | 29 | 30 | 32 | 34] 36 | 37 | 39] 41 | 42 | 44 | 46 | 48| 49 DIRECTIONS: On the line below each note, write the correct number from the keyboard shown above. 7 1. 2, : 3. 4. Cop © 2007 as Pubs Co, ne Nth putes ook as wh gh a pokcopy hs page Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE, 15 Name: Class ]OARD IDENTIFICATI meneame Keyboard Identification — White and Black Notes 21 |29 | 30 | 32] 34] 36 | 37] 39 | 41 | 42 | 44 | 46 | 48 2 113 [5 [6] 8 | 10] 12] 13] 15] 17| 18] 20] 22 |24]2 DIRECTIONS: On the line below each note, write the correct number from the keyboard shown above. Copyright © 2007 by Ale! Publishing Co. ne Note: the purchase of his book caries with the right te photocopy this page Limited to ane stioo! ony. NOT FOR RESALE 7 MUSICAL PUZZLES Name: IUSICAL PUZZLE: orn ap Unscramble the Musical Terms DIRECTIONS: The left column contains musical terms. The right column contains scrambled words. Unscramble the Words in the right column and match them with the musical terms inthe left column, Pace the correct letter from the right column in the blank space. 1 accent A. ftafs 2, _____pianissimo B. _labenir 30 a aflat C. spsaiminio 4) Foto D. parhs 5) vs piano E. meartfa Go | fae F. rsdceceoedn 7. _____ marcato G. et 8.) see tempo H. felc Be ina cep I. poemt 10. _____ natural J. sremuea Wi eames State K. alnutra 12pm tenuito L. rofet 13. _____fortissimo M. ceatcn 14. crescendo N. anoip M5, Seeeetbarline 0. sifromotsi 16. _____—_fermata P. acsotate 17. ______ decrescendo Q. falt 18. staccato R. eodecscrn 19, measure $. taormca 20, 62,5 sharp T. utneot Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, nc. Note: the purchase of his book cartes with the right to photocopy this page Linie to one school ony, NOT FOR RESALE. Name: Class: ga-rrSabee Musical Terms in English DIRECTIONS: Find the 16 words below in the grid. The words in the grid may be forward, backward, down, up, or Hie AG ale Wi Ry Gh HE Ie ME zy ae m LF @ B Bo & AY By AG R WB A XR REN, N UN P ee ee a Tae eS he OF Gay ©) @ iE ON it, G@ Pi A ACCENT BARLINE BASS BEAT CLEF Dor FLAT KEY oc) ees ynonal. Each word will always be in a straight line. When you find the word, circle the letter. DW s AM K O (et Pie Me: Uy (Agra) Bi Up Rei) exe Geko yy & Te Vi, EV ieee 5S) Ap 7B} AKG Ne O)> ty Ey oxeeno) Q: Te EKG ees Ty (Ry We IR) Kg) Hi A JE Ql Hy, El 4S) MWe) INE AVE 2S) 0748) w JW 0 Hyp Mey Ne Pe Shea iz MEASURE NATURAL, NOTE REST ‘SHARP STAFF TIE TREBLE ‘Copyright © 2007 by Ared Publishing Co, no Note: the purchase of ths Book caries wth tthe right to photocopy this page Limited to one school ony, NOT FOR RESALE, 79 Name: Class: Musical Terms in Italian DIRECTIONS: Find the 12 words below in the grid. The words in the grid may be forward, backward, down, up, or diagnonal. Each word will always be in a straight line. When you find the word, circle the letters. RON) iGo OpeMcGi gD) URI 70) ST Ma, Ona ZR ORS Ue Dia abe sUn AC eas geo NI ie Age Die aZ: eal ME We “BEN ORM SBh Moi: (Nie eA) AC aE) Calke gM: 71) NO7H) ANP OIE Op Gee) own Ge AT teGs) IRE (Pe al SEB. IK dG, a) MING) Oe «RNC Ss Pe 18X07 aR SME Se Si (Ok (OR GAY GigE Rie Mp Ay wT Ay aD, Teer tee Kea GM) 21S uP Xe eZ Ker Oy BL aL TU pee URS: ARS COMBE: at) RYE (0%. Ree IR oh Regis VACMEGRINU! JE aU SMe 9S. 1D) AYER ER IQ) al 9) Olga Higa Nios CG) Pae eA) 1S. Gi, aa: YD) ON IND IK gD UG) AD Wi od Mg Wp wy, 22S. i BO Ae OW ye Pe © 28 Reo OV VE Oat AG AR. 7A Mi TAD aH) aA) Nest Gee (GWAR sSre Ey ea JocAy NG aD 0s 2G. al’ GP, Pons (Seg eXe 2G XE MMH IMIG UR ayy C3" PI ‘ACCELERANDO MARCATO. CRESCENDO PIANISSIMO DECRESCENDO PIANO FERMATA RITARD FORTE STACCATO FORTISSIMO TENUTO ‘Copyright © 2007 by Aled Pubishing Co, ne. "Noe: the purehas ofthis book carries wit tthe rot to photocopy this page 80 Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE, Name: Class: eer Safe Musical Tempo Terms DIRECTIONS: Find the 12 words below in the grid. The words in the grid may be forward, backward, down, up, or diagnonal. Each word will always be in a straight line. When you find the word, circle the letters. V OME 1D) Gi SievA | WittAW Cle yYeusO)) Ha Oa eee See Oo) Vy Rb Vm Se ME MO) DE Ri, A ete OL | Nove ieee IN, XoRVAL A IE) XQD) G PAR EIN; ONgRenamaue 9) 2 Oo Xe i PR GME Ln Oe Al FP} By 1! OnE | N SAG Wil Ta SR ie Dees (yO Fe Le NO CO NN S) AUPeT: EDeeM, |) Pp) P ial 0 ) Manan Bi Mee Cc} Alton T MISHRiE aR: P GiReewAw Tara Di PG) Gite — MMPs ova) V1 6) Ye QA 1 FL!) FoR) JM Avan Ge -DaaxXe © Moma Au OX LiVAVSIPRRXG GO SU GRAVAEEIn a 0 [aM OQ S| @Ri Bay, Me Roak “(Cement KOM KAS. J) BUG A UF eee Ga MQebi V1 MZ VST Wi 0) APR akan) ‘ACCELERANDO MODERATO. ADAGIO. PRESTO ‘ALLEGRO RITARD ANDANTE SLOW FAST TEMPO LARGO VIVACE Copyright © 2007 by Ard Publishing Co, Ie ‘Noe: the purchase ofthis book caries with the right to photocopy this page Limited to one school ony. NOT FOR RESALE. mm Name: Class: Crossword: The Basics of Music ACROSS 1. Itdivides two measures 27. Whole, half, quarter, and 13. Notes are on this on a staff 6. Musical symbol which on ee 14. Not dirty raises a note a half step 3 Noteseaual to oo fal 16, Note equal to two quarters & Not sp 31. The notes and rests Meas 9. What we do with food between two barlines; 19, Silence in music 10, Short for Sidney unit of music 20. Short for Edward 11. Before noon 21. Notone 12, Musical symbol which Down 25, To heal lowers a note a half step 1, The lowest male singing 26, Placed after a note, it 14, Treble and bass are this voice; also a clef ‘means to add half to. 15, The middle of a donut 2, What we do with a book note's value 17. Notes are in this on a staff 3. Note equal to one half of 28. Hello in Spanish 18, Note equal to two eighths ee Gaa fetalon bid that 22, B. 24, Abbr. for Nebraska Santa's helper One of five on your foot Fi 4, Type of clef, not the bass 5, Notes are on this...lines ‘and spaces Hello Copyright © 2007 by red Publishing Go, ne can't fly 30. Us Note the purchase o his book cartes with thrift 10 photocopy tis page Limited to one schoo only. NOT FOR RESALE, MEEIMUSICAL PUZZLES EOE HL Crossword: Musical Terms ACROSS. 1 3 6. After noon 9. Sick uN R 13, 14, 15 7 18, 19, 22, 25. 26. 21. 28, 30. 31 32, 33, 37. 38. 39, Musical term for soft Abbr. for United States of America Gradually increase Nae Class: Italian musical term meaning very slow tempo To wager Short for Ronald Line above or below ‘a note meaning to hold a note for its full value Dynamite! Short for Susan us One plus one Abbr. for cresecendo Musical symbol indicating that 2 note should be held for more than its normal value Abbr.for Virginia =P Musical term ‘meaning loud Abbr. for Pennsylvania Musical term meaning to slow the tempo Roman garment Abbreviation for Oregon Not dy ‘Abbr. for mister ‘Abbr.forTennessee 7. 1 Musical term ‘meaning medium: ee forte 8. In.a moderate tempo DOWN Politically correct, or 10. personal computer ” Musical symbol meaning 4g to emphasize a note 18. Italian musica term meaning a cheerful or fast tempo Italian musical term 7 ‘meaning a moderate, graceful tempo a Musical symbol meaning fastrongyemphasieae 23 note 24, Gradually decrease in volume Corn on the Short for Leonard Trick or Curved line above or below two notes that combines the duration of the note values ‘Abbr. for San Francisco italian musical term ‘meaning a very slow tempo Not before Also ‘Copyright © 2007 by Aled Publishing Co, nc Note the purchase ofthis book carries with it the ight to photocopy this page. Limited to one school ony. NOT FOR RESALE. 25. 27. 28. 33 34, 36. Htalian musical term ‘meaning a lively, q tempo Italian musical term ‘meaning a very fast tempo ‘Abby. for Alaska Mother ‘Abbr. for American ‘Automobile Association ‘A wizard came from here Abbr. for Delaware 83 ANSWERS ae Te a> es = = re os fe Fae Sed jumm-rirfammm: Note and Rest Va 1 = lues MENS nw Se i it nb eae mnie > tae we Chal Dake Tue Cae CD hate s - we Gie> =| Te = Case 8 False) 8 fe 10. os os ene = jum Identifying Notes jr-r7-Somems: Identifying Rests meas! joe ——— saree Seenme ae Avon ame heron sion ee eae seegcs G.mcinoccee Grcenbeaurd came a ‘sere ease acto, =s ; ay ee = + SSeS case Ce ath ashame Brosinbeeamn Shea Stet 06 nen jummcrfammmm Identifying Notes and Rests we = Sa jemer-r7/ a Notes and Rests Math DIRECTIONS net hepa erm bon oe wd ae ee @)-5.)-)-4 16 jumm-mickilmm Do You Know Your Notes and Rests? DRECTONS eet maith oe intel eo toe i hn ce ha he cehertheois ey eres asco ergo ene MSE oe Win ECTONS ech nen eek sl hove he Saverio = SSS ACTON et argo et i hi sb ei wa wg stn hee ware es 26 nor cum in a Measure? ===> ee ———| 23 Sse meme How Many Quarter Note Beats Seed oe \emmmrene’ecemms: How Many Half and Eighth Note Beats in a Measure? DRECTNS hal et ow ya eee ae ot s see 4&3 2 aS amt ten cep enn inte tem 2 6 ESS i = cs Quarter Note Beat DIRECTIONS: ne compe bon 2g ep nee lnwomp 2 and eon esr yer expe 7a a aris try tea > pS Gps pom Barlines and Measures—

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