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Pacita Complex, San Pedro, Laguna

Asynchronous Acivity no. 2
S.Y. 2020-2021
NAME: _______________________________________ SCORE: _______________
LEVEL & SECTION: __________________________ DATE: _________________

I. Read the situations/conditions or problems enumerated below. If you are in any of

them, how will you practice openness in discussing it with someone?

1. I failed to come to school because I have no transportation money for the day. If I am in
this situation, I will tell my teacher

2. I am frequently tardy in coming to school. Tardiness affects my performance in class but I

will tell my teacher that

3. I prefer to be alone because of my low self-confidence. If I have this problem, I will look
for the guidance counselor to tell him that

4. My parents are financially hard up these days. I will not be ashamed to tell my friends

5. I do not perform well in school because I have no parental guidance. I will discuss this
openly with my teacher so she will understand me. I will tell him that

6. I know I have poor health because of poor nutrition and lack of sleep. I will discuss the
matters with my teacher and I will tell him that
7. I am not happy in school because of my classmates who are bullies. I will discuss this with
my teacher and I will tell him

8. I feel insecure in school and I would like to discuss this problem with my teacher. With
openness I will tell him

9. In case I suspect a teacher of playing favorites, I will discuss this with another teacher I
am comfortable with and tell her that

10. My poor study habits make me cram during examinations. I have to discuss this
problem with the guidance counselor and tell him that

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