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A Qualitative Research
Presented to
The class of Ms. Mary Jane F. Santos, LPT
Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

In partial fulfillment of
The requirement for the Subject
Practical Research 1





STUDENTS, prepared and submitted by GROUP 1 – ICT AGONCILLO has been
approved and accepted on (INSERT DATE) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
Practical Research 1 under Ms. Mary Jane F. Santos, LPT with a grade of ???.


Directress Principal School President

The researchers would like to acknowledge these people whose behind of this

success and made these research possible through their help, time, effort and support.

Despite of the difficulties faced by the researchers; these people have served as their

guide. Without them this research is impossible. And because of that the researchers

would like to send the deepest gratitude to these people:

Dr. Rolando M. Gregore, President of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan, Inc.,

for being the foundation of this school. For his motivation, consideration and support to

the students in exploring their skills. And for consistently supporting the students.

Dr. Marcelina L. Gregore, Directress Principal of Mystical Rose School of

Caloocan, Inc., For her willingly support make this research possible. For keeping the

students guided to their way towards achievement.

Mrs. Novette A. Gregore, Assistant Directress, for advocating the researchers

towards the completion of this study.

Ms. Mary Jane F. Santos, Practical Research Teacher, for giving her unending

support, providing great counsel for countless revisions and great knowledge, endless

patience to the researchers, for unlimited help, and for guiding and motivating the

researchers from the very start. This research became success and attainable.

Mr. Ritchie Van Oblianda, Researchers’ adviser - SHS Math Teacher, for sharing

his knowledge about statistics especially in sampling techniques, for his undying

support, by giving endless advice, cheering the researchers up at their disheartening


Mr. Jeffrey C. Alba, Reading and Writing teacher, for giving his knowledge, for

always open on giving suggestions, unlimited explanations and for always giving word

of wisdom to help the researchers.

Ms. Ruth Lerios, for giving some advices as much as knowledge and spent her

time to taught the researchers of what must be done.

To the Teachers, for giving advices and sharing ideas to improve the study

especially to those who validate the questionnaires.

To their Participants, for willingly and considerately accepted the researchers’

invitation and truthfully answered the question during the interview.

To the Researchers’ family, for giving their full support physically, emotionally,

mentally and financially. For their patience, guidance and endless consideration. And for

believing the researchers’ success to achieve their goals.

Above all, the researchers want to bring their innermost gratitude to our

Almighty God for spiritual guidance, and for giving them enough knowledge,

understanding, and power that support to overcome the completion of this study.


The researchers enthusiastically dedicate this research paper to their

PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 TEACHER as their inspiration and motivation to make this

study possible. To their FAMILIES, for support and all the sacrifices they made, for

endless understanding even with sleepless night throughout the process of study.

Researchers made this study to make them proud and to see the result of their

sacrifices. To their beloved TEACHERS for giving advices and never-ending patience,

for giving their time to make this study complete. Also, they are the one who pursue

the researchers to do their best for this study, and they are the one who help and guide

the researchers to do great performances in class. To their CLASSMATES AND

FRIENDS for helping each other to make this study possible, for giving ideas to each

other. Additionally, for supporting and trusting that every researcher can do it. And


CALOOCAN, INC. for giving their time and effort to answer the question honestly.

We joyfully dedicate this study to them. Without them we cannot make this

study possible.




Title Page...............................................................................................i

Approval Sheet.......................................................................................ii



Table of

Research Abstract..................................................................................ix

Research Design....................................................................................xi

Sampling Technique..............................................................................xii

Statement of the Problem.....................................................................xiv

Summary of Findings............................................................................xv




Statement of the Problem .....................................................7
Scope and Delimitation..........................................................9
Locale of the Study.............................................................10
Significance of the Study.....................................................11
Definition of Terms.............................................................14


Local Literature...................................................................19
Foreign Literature...............................................................22
Local Studies......................................................................27
Foreign Studies...................................................................30
Relevance of the Reviewed Literature and Studies to the Present


Statement of the Problem....................................................49
Research Design.................................................................51
Selection of Co-Researchers/Sampling Techniques................52
Research Instrumentation/Data Collection............................54
Treatment of Data/Data Analysis..........................................57
Validation of the Instrument................................................59


Statement of the Problem....................................................60
Co-researcher A – Hermione................................................62
Co-researcher B – Sam........................................................66
Co-researcher C – Dan........................................................70
Co-researcher D – Kat.........................................................76
Co-researcher E – Blue........................................................80
Co-researcher F – Kharel.....................................................83
Co-researcher G – Mau........................................................87
Co-researcher H – Chocho...................................................91
Co-researcher I – Leonard...................................................96
Co-researcher J – Kang......................................................103
Researchers’ Experiences...................................................106
Researchers’ Reflections....................................................109


Statement of the Problem..................................................130
Summary of the Findings...................................................132
Symbolic Representation....................................................135
Fake news and Misinformation Guide..................................143
Appendix A: Letter to Administer Interview Protocol. .163
Appendix B: Letter to the Validators.........................164
Appendix C: Validation Checklist...............................170
Appendix D: Informed Consent................................176
Appendix E: Interview Protocol................................178
Appendix F: Transcription........................................180
Appendix G: Curriculum Vitae...................................200


Fake news is the promotion and the promulgation of news articles found

particularly on social media that are false or deceptive. These news articles appear to

be distributed just to influenced or manipulate reader’s opinion on a certain topic and

information. Today’s generation mostly relies on technology especially the internet

where almost everyone is connected, it allows people to browse and share various

contents found on it. Fake news can deteriorate someone’s reputation in a way that it

misleads anyone who reads and views the misinformation. As a result, the lines

between fact, entertainment, advertising, fabrication and fiction are gradually being


Facebook is one of these social media sites where you can easily acquire and

spread information but it does not make it a reliable source. Facebook makes it simple

to share different contents that serves as information and entertainment, this site also

turns out to be a regular daily stop for many users. Since people easily believed what is

predominantly shared, they tend to do the same thing, by just clicking buttons they can

easily spread fake news. It is dangerous because it can destroy someone's reputation

without proof or evidence. This makes the Internet world less accurate and becomes a

misleading digital environment.

Misinformation can affect all aspects of life. It contributes to the way

misinformation will continue to complicate the public's understanding. Fake news can be

classified as effective fake news and ineffective fake news. The effective type is the one

that can cause panic and anger, and the readers feel like taking actions after reading

those news stories. These are very alarming for the reason that unnecessary actions

lead to perilous occurrence. The ineffective ones are the type which does not have

much impact and are not harmful.

People nowadays typically relies on Facebook which they usually look for

information but it is not always reliable, however others still spreading information not

knowing if it is legitimate. The fact that people mistakenly believe in the misinformation,

they will become more confuse whether the information is factual or just a hoax. The

point here is after you experienced believing on fake information or news, it will make

you more wary about things and will not easily believe on what you have read or hear.


The researchers use the Case Study Qualitative Research method wherein the

research is focused on examining how fake news and misinformation affects individuals

as observed by senior high school students in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

Mitchell (1983) defined a case study as a “detailed examination of an event (or

series of related events) which the analyst believes exhibits (or exhibit) the operation

of some identified general theoretical principles. According to Yin (1994), a case study

is a comprehensive research strategy that deals with situations “in which there will be

more variables of interest than data points relies on multiple sources of evidence, with

data needing to be converged in a triangulating fashion,” and that “benefits from the

prior development of theoretical propositions to guide data collection and analysis.

Gomm et al. (2000) argued that a case study implies collection of unstructured data

and qualitative analysis of data.

For the purpose of this study, case study design is used to identify the effects of

fake news and misinformation, particularly on Facebook, to students.



The co-researchers of this data were drawn from the population of Senior High

School students in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. For a case study, a number of

ten students from the total population in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. were

taken and used as co-researchers of the study. According to Crouch & McKenzie (2006),

having less than 20 co-researchers in a qualitative research can aid the researchers in

establishing and retaining a tight connection and improving a comfortable gaining of


Ten (10) selected grade 11 students who are currently studying in Mystical Rose

School of Caloocan, Inc., were utilized by this study throughout the Academic Year


The researchers chose the co-researchers through the use of Purposive Sampling

Technique in which they have chosen the co-researchers who fit rightfully in acquiring

accurate results. This is a Non-Probability Sampling which pertains to choosing the

respondents based on the characteristics of the whole targeted population and for the

main objective of the researchers in conducting the study. Purposive Sampling is a non-

probability sampling that allows choosing according on attributes of a population and

the purpose of the research (Crossman, 2018). The Sampling Technique is helpful in

picking co-researchers that fit the required characteristics correctly in order for the

researchers to obtain information, data, and answers from the rightful co-researchers

that have been purposefully chosen for the study.


The researchers chose purposive sampling technique for they need certain

information that a participant qualifies. Qualifications of the participants were:

1. Participants must come from the cream sections of each strand and should

have been included on the 1st quarter’s achievers list.

2. Each participant must be an active Facebook user.

3. Participants should have at least a 4-hour daily average time spent on using


The qualifications of the co-researchers mentioned above ensure that the

gathered insights will be beneficial in addressing the study being conducted.



According to Stroud (2020), fake news refers to false information or

stories/hoaxes created to deliberately misinform or deceive readers. Spreading fake

news can cause panic and anger. This study aims to give awareness to the real news

and fake news as perceived by the selected Senior High School students of Mystical

Rose School of Caloocan, Academic Year of 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following:

1. What are the common information or news story encounters of the


2. What are the reasons of spreading misinformation as perceived by the


3. What are the ways of the participants in identifying fake news and


4. How do fake news and misinformation affect the participants?

5. How may the participants handle fake news and misinformation on


6. How may the findings be utilized in crafting a guide?



Based from the answers given by our co-researchers and after thorough analysis

of the data, the researchers hereby present the summary of our findings.

Common information and news encountered by the Facebook users are about

class suspensions, weather forecasts, and other current issues. Some of them often see

posts about political stuffs, and celebrities. However, it is found that the majority of the

users’ news feed are filled with entertaining content, though not informative, such as

memes, jokes, and personal blogs from the pages they follow. Furthermore, what is

seen on a news feed of each users depends on their interests and other things that

they have been engaging interactions the most.

Facebook allows users to share what they want with their friends. Alas, it also

allows the possibility of spreading fake news and misinformation, and there are lots of

reasons behind this. First, users do not give time to verify the information they have

seen. They mostly read the headlines and share it right away; they do not even bother

to read the whole content. Second, they let themselves to be overwhelmed with their

emotions. Because of this, they may not be able to think clearly and it may cause

reckless moves and unnecessary reactions. Third, they do not know the difference

between fact and opinion. It is possible that they may perceive an opinion as a fact,

and vice versa. Lastly, they follow the choice of the majority. What’s trending appeals

to them and they will interact with it no matter what negative effects it may bring.

Ways of identifying fake news and misinformation varies from one user to

another. Some of them go to news sites to verify the information, though it is trusted,

other news media are deemed to be biased. Certain user use journals and Google

Scholar for verification. Others compare what they have seen on Facebook to the

similar posts or videos found on Google, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and to Facebook

itself. Few of them thinks that the basis of a verified content is associated with its

popularity. They thought that the popularity of who shares it and the number of likes

and shares of a particular post is a major factor to know if the information is legitimate.

Facebook users expressed that the spread of fake news and misinformation will

cause confusion, limited thinking, and even panic. They are confused whether they will

accept the information they have read or seen. There is a blurred line in between truth

and falsity that makes it hard for it to determine what is legitimate. Moreover, the

likeliness of the users to believe on this false information is at a greater chance,

contrary to the way it should be.

Majority of the co-researchers pointed out that when sharing an information,

prior confirmation is necessary, otherwise false information might spread. A lot of them

associated their actions to the famous line from an online campaign promoting the

responsible use of social media, “Think before you click.” Deleting the post, making an

apology, reporting the page, and commenting to the post, are the ways of the co-

researchers when they happened to encounter or shared false information.

Awareness must be empowered. It will be effective to prevent the outspread of

fake news and misinformation. It is now the time to rekindle the fight against

falsification. Knowing what’s ahead and how to prevent will be a great help to end the

prevalence of fake news and misinformation.



Based on the summary of findings, the following implications are drawn.

Facebook users tend to follow pages or accounts that will satisfy their interests

and needs. Users follow informational pages to be more active and aware of what is

happening around. At the same time, they also follow entertaining pages to enjoy their

leisure and give them good vibes. Unfortunately, information and entertainment have

been mixed up together in one place. In this kind of situation, there will be a confusion

and it will be difficult to point out which is which. This puts users to the unseen danger

of consuming fake news and misinformation.

Facebook contents are opted for sharing regardless of their nature, whether it is

for plain humor, satire, factual data, or biased opinion. Any Facebook users can be one

of the spreaders of fake news and misinformation without knowing that they are

actually doing it, and it happens for many reasons. Users do not think critically. They let

their guard off, and accept things openly without prior judgement, hence, leading to

adverse actions. Many Facebook users can be affected by those kinds of actions. It can

lead the readers to get misinformation easily because of unverified information. This

situation may lessen if the Facebook users know how to verify the information they

have seen on Facebook.

One way to know what is true, is to run to the reliable sources and compare.

This is by far the most used method of the users. Despite of what other users have

stated, verifying an information based on its popularity may not be the best approach to

practice. As observed on this study, Facebook users are way informed about how to

verify credible sources and legitimate information. However, the problem lies whether if

they are actually doing it or just knew how. Finding legitimate information requires the

ability to be a critical thinker and the eagerness to seek truth.

Spreading of false information can cause confusion, limited thinking and even

panic. When there are two contradicting stories on a similar topic, people do not know

which one they are going to believe, that is why confusion arises. Limited thinking

occurs when the users only rely on what they have read or seen. It limits their mind

from other possible side of the information because they do not even try to search for

more concrete details. They are slacking off to do additional researches, because it is

way out of their convenience. The only thing they care for is merely the content of the

post itself. Panic and unnecessary actions is not impossible to happen. If users did not

get the humor or the implied message out of the content, they will mistakenly take it as

real, thus, sudden unfiltered reactions are triggered.

Validating certain information before it is shared is important. In addition, don't

immediately trust the information that is read or seen. You can help to decline the

spread of false information. Further refining the skills on verifying information pick up

other ways to avoid fake news and misinformation on Facebook. It is important to

always start with oneself. It is useless to advocate others if you have not started it in

your own.

A guide will be effective to prevent the outspread of fake news and

misinformation. Facebook users will have ideas and techniques to stay away from fake

news, and the guide will also help them find out more easily whether particular

information is fake or not. They will become aware of the information they share on

Facebook. They will also be more active in terms of gathering facts. It needs to be

spread, therefore, that more Facebook users will understand more about the situation.

It would definitely be a useful way to spread awareness.




This chapter is consisting of the background of the study, statement of the

problem, assumptions, scope and delimitation, locale of the study, significance of the

study, definition of terms used.


Today’s generation is now more dependent on technology and one of the main

outlets of information is through the internet. It enables people to actively engage on

social media by allowing them to browse, to create, to share, and to give comments on

various content found on it. This makes the internet world less accurate and becomes

a misleading digital environment. Social media platforms are placing audiences at the

forefront of content discovery and distribution, and making them collaborators in the

production of news (which offers many benefits but weakens remaining news media

gatekeeping power and impacts on verification standards).

As a result, the lines between fact, entertainment, advertising, fabrication and

fiction are increasingly blurred. And when disinformation and misinformation are

published, the social news distribution system, dependent on peer-to-peer sharing,

frequently sends the content viral, making it impossible to pull back, even if journalists

and other factcheckers successfully debunk it.


While the amount of fake news these days seems to continue to grow, some

may find it harder and harder to decipher what is true and what is not.

Fake news is the promotion and the propagation of news articles, especially

through social media, that are false or misleading. These articles are promoted in such

a way that they appear to be spread by other users, as opposed to being paid-for

advertising. The news stories distributed are designed to influence or manipulate

readers’ opinions on a certain topic towards certain objectives (Gu and Yarochkin,


Fake news and misinformation are nothing new. Rumors and false stories have

probably been around as long as humans have lived in groups where power matters.

The ability to have an impact on what people know is an asset that has been prized for

many centuries. These malicious contents on social media can have significant negative

societal effects. Therefore, fake news detection on social media has recently become an

emerging research area that is attracting tremendous attention.

Mostly, the problem of fake news is that it pollutes people’s minds. It can be

dangerous in a way that it misleads the readers or the viewers of the said information.

It can be noticed that the usual problems on getting misinformation are the way of

giving opinions and rumors without validity. Aside from that, the mindset of many

teenagers using social media platforms, which is being convinced on every information

they have seen, have a large effect on getting misinformation much easier.

There are a lot of social media sites where information can be found. One of

these sites is Facebook. It is one of the easiest ways of getting and spreading

information. Facebook is user-friendly and open to everyone. Even the least technical-

minded people can sign up and begin posting on Facebook. Although it started out as a

way to keep in touch or reconnect with long-lost friends, it rapidly became the darling

of businesses that were able to closely target an audience and deliver ads directly to

the people most likely to want their products or services.

Facebook makes it simple to share photos, text messages, videos, status posts

and feelings on Facebook. The site is entertaining and a regular daily stop for many

users. In terms of the information available on this social media and the advent of

targeted advertising, fake news and misinformation can go straight for the most

susceptible and valuable victims — those most likely to spread the content.

People can find information in just a snap of a finger yet without having reliable

source. It is dangerous for the reason that it can destroy someone's reputation without

proof or evidence. Since people believe in some fake news, many of us tend to do the

same thing. They believe it depends on likes, shares, and response of whoever may see

it (O'Connor, 2019).

Many teenagers using Facebook can easily spread fake news by just clicking

buttons. So that many of the information they have seen, will make them convince

more easily. Untrusted sources of fake news are having their own purpose and benefits

for spreading such fake information.


Misinformation can affect all aspects of life. On the Internet, one can read

content that is stated to be factual but that may not have been checked or may be

erroneous. In the news, companies may emphasize the speed at which they receive

and send information but may not always be correct in the facts. These developments

contribute to the way misinformation will continue to complicate the public's

understanding of issues and to serve as a source for belief and attitude formation.

When information is presented as vague, ambiguous, sarcastic, or partial, audiences are

forced to put the information together and assume what is correct.

Fake news can be classified into two categories; as effective fake news and

ineffective fake news. The effective fake news is those articles which have the potential

to cause panic and anger, and the readers feel like taking actions after reading those

news stories. These actions can include selling a stock, changing the perception of an

event, riots, etc. These are very alarming, and more attention needs to be paid in this

area. The ineffective fake news is entertainment, parody, rumors, etc. which do not

have much impact and are not harmful.

In everyday life, people are now relying on Facebook and they usually look

forward to those things that they always encountered. Most of the time, they love to

read some articles, news, and knowledgeable information. But the thing is, those

various types of information are not always reliable. People must be aware that maybe

they are still spreading those information without knowing that it is not totally


According to the Reboot Foundation (2019), everyone can learn to be better

critical thinkers. The solution is education. Specifically, it’s about giving people the

power of critical thinking. If you are a critical thinker, you are a critical judge of

information, and that’s how we will finally beat fake news. Currently, most young

people aren’t able to easily separate online fact from online fiction. Students have

difficulty determining the difference between real news stories and branded advertising.

They also don’t take the bias of source material into account when evaluating claims on

social media (Stanford History Education Group, 2016). One survey found more than

one-third of children admit to share information online that they later learned was fake

or inaccurate.

Even if you know the information you are getting is false, fictitious, or

misleading, simply being exposed to it can have clear consequences (Rapp & Salovich,

2018). When people are exposed to inaccurate information, they may feel confused

about what is true, doubt the utility of their prior understandings, and consequently rely

on false claims and ideas, according to the article, published in the journal Policy

Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

So, the fact that people unknowingly believe in the false information, they will

become more confuse about things whether it is a factual information or just a hoax.

The point here is after you experienced believing on fake information or news, it will

make you more cautious about things and will not easily believe on what you read or


Thus, this research entitled Fact or Bluff: Spreading of Fake News and

Misinformation on Facebook as Perceived by Senior High School Students

prompted to explore and describe the realm of fake news and misinformation in

Facebook. The main purpose of this study is to obtain student’s insights regarding fake

news and misinformation that will help everyone become conscious and responsible on

the circulation of these contents on Facebook to prevent the possible effects of it.


According to Stroud (2020), fake news refers to false information or

stories/hoaxes created to deliberately misinform or deceive readers. Spreading fake

news can cause panic and anger. This study aims to give awareness to the real news

and fake news as perceived by the selected Senior High School students of Mystical

Rose School of Caloocan, Academic Year of 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following:

1. What are the common information or news story encounters of the


2. What are the reasons of spreading misinformation as perceived by the


3. What are the ways of the participants in identifying fake news and


4. How do fake news and misinformation affect the participants?

5. How may the participants handle fake news and misinformation on


6. How may the findings be utilized in crafting a guide?



Social lives of the people living in the 21 st century is way too much connected

through technology. It is shown through the rapid growth of social media users and

the average time users spent on it. This poses a great exposure of all its contents

including the harmful ones to users and it comes with a huge power to influence

people who are unaware of the existing misleading scheme known as fake news and


This research aims to describe the effects of the spreading of fake news and

misinformation that affects the individual’s mind and also the society. There is an

assumption that the participants will enlighten their minds and will increase their

knowledge in terms of identifying legitimate information from different sources on

Facebook. They fully understand the difference between fake news and legitimate

news that the participants encounter. The participants know the effects of fake news

and misinformation and how to handle those kinds of information.



The main purpose of this study is to evaluate student’s insights regarding fake

news and misinformation that will help everyone to become conscious and be

responsible on the circulation of these contents on Facebook to prevent the possible

effects of it. The researchers prompted to explore and to describe the realm of fake

news and misinformation in Facebook. The study also focuses on how fake news and

misinformation are perceived by the selected students who are using Facebook.

This study focuses on utilizing in-depth interviews as the methodology in

gaining information from the co-researchers. Moreover, it is delimited only for the

selected Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan,

Inc. Students from different schools and its school premises are excluded. This study

covered only ten selected students as participants that were chosen purposively.


This study is conducted in the Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. located at

#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes Subdivision Camarin, Caloocan City on the

Academic Year 2019-2020. This study contains information about spreading of fake

news and misinformation as perceived by senior high school students. In referenced

from research titled "Prevalence of Fake News: How Disinformation Affects the News

Literacy of Grade 11 in M.R.S.C.I." In addition, most students in Mystical Rose School

of Caloocan are Facebook users. They incorporate their social life and educational

activities through social media. Thus, they are plainly exposed to fake news and

misinformation circulating on Facebook. This makes this school suitable as the chosen

locale for conducting this study.



Everyone is now living in the Internet-driven Information age, where almost

everyone is connected through technology. Not to mention, this particular website,

Facebook, is responsible for linking over 2.5 billion monthly active users (Statista,


In line with this, Facebook has become one of the main outlets of information in

everyday life. Everyone can put any information they want, thus, making Facebook

prone to these malicious, deceiving content known as fake news and misinformation.

The purpose of this qualitative study is to raise awareness regarding falsification

to prevent possible effects of fake news and misinformation on Facebook by describing

the realm of fake news and spread of misinformation that will affect the society and

individual mind. The world is in this era of advanced technology and development in

almost all the fields. The thing which has been recently become too problematic for

everybody is the "spreading of fake news". The researchers believe that the findings of

the study would be valuable and significant to the following:


Students will be aware on how they can identify legitimate news and sources

on Facebook and also acquire different ways to avoid getting misinformation. Knowing

the characteristics of real information will make them learn the proper ways of

recognizing the credibility of news and also the source of information.

Teachers can easily discuss and explain relevant topics in class. It will not be

difficult for them to tackle related lessons to this research if all the students in their

class already have knowledge about it.

Librarians may aid individuals to spot "fake news" and evaluate websites’

reliability through orienting them with various precautionary measures needed. With

this, they can make them more news literate and tech-savvy consumers.

School administrators will also learn how to avoid getting fake information in

social media or the internet, just to make sure that their students are only getting real

information and not a fake one. They can also help their students to be aware on this

problem, in a way of conducting a seminar inside the school.

Media and other legitimate sources will not get difficulty in terms of

spreading real information and facts on Facebook, making the social media more

trusted and reliable. Different information came from untrusted sources will not spread

via different social media platforms, leading to a more competitive media environment.

Community may guide the student Facebook users to elude misinformation

spreading on Facebook and giving ideas on how to recognize trusted sources of


information. Identifying the credibility of different sources of information will be a

helpful strategy to avoid getting misinformation.

Future researchers will have a complete output basis and helpful reference

material in getting comprehension of related studies on other research aspects that

were not yet scrutinized. This research can be use by the future researchers as a

reference, support, or foundation for other different studies or research that has a

relevant topic.

Indeed, this study is hugely beneficial to a lot of people especially now that

almost everyone is exposed to the Internet. The proper and responsible way of using

social media, particularly the Facebook, will contribute a big help to prevent the spread

of fake news and misinformation. Being aware of what’s really happening around and

being able to recognize truth from falsification are essential for our protection to the

fight against these malicious contents.



The following terms are defined operationally and conceptually to further

understand the study:

Acquire - to come into possession or control of often by unspecified means

Algorithm - a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some


Comprehension - the act or action of grasping with the intellect; understanding

Credibility - the quality or power of inspiring belief

Crowdsourcing - the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by

soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online


Deception - the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or


Dem/s - member/s of democratic party

Diffusion - the state of being spread out or transmitted especially by contact

Discourse - formal and orderly and usually extended expression of thought on a


Disinformation - false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the

planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth

Disparage - to depreciate by indirect means (such as invidious comparison)

Disseminate - to disperse throughout

Diversion - the act or an instance of diverting or straying from a course, activity, or


Elusive - tending to evade grasp or pursuit

Enormous - marked by extraordinarily great size, number, or degree

Evade - to take refuge in escape or avoidance

Extensive - having wide or considerable extent

Facebook - pertains to the popular free social networking website that allows

registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep

in touch with friends, family and colleagues


Fake news - false stories that appear to be news

Flourish - to grow or develop successfully

Hoax - something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication

Inclination - a tendency to a particular aspect, state, character, or action

Intensify - to make intense or more intensive; strengthen

Malicious - having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone

Misinformation - false or inaccurate information

Mislead - to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by

deliberate deceit

Monetary - relating to money or to the mechanisms by which it is supplied to and

circulates in the economy

News - denotes to the newly received or noteworthy information, especially about

recent events.

Nontrivial - not trivial; significant, important

Overshadow - to exceed in importance

Paradigm - an example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its

inflectional forms

Perception - pertains to the way in which something is regarded, understood and


PEW (Pew Research Center) - provides information on social issues, public opinion,

and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world.

Polarize - to separate into opposing groups

Politicize - to give a political tone or character

Posit - to assume or affirm the existence

Prevailing - to be or become effective or effectual

Profoundly - in a way that has a strong effect; extremely

Prominent - standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line

Purveyors - a person who sells or deal in particular goods

Scrutinized - to examine closely and minutely

Social Media - pertains to the websites and applications that enable users to create

and share content or to participate in social networking

Subsequently - after a particular thing has happened; afterward

Tremendous - notable by reason of extreme size, power, greatness, or excellence


Unsubstantial - not substantial; lacking substance, firmness, or strength

Veracity - conformity with truth or fact; accuracy




This chapter will discuss the relevant information, theories and facts that are

connected to the present studies gathered by the researchers from different

references. It’s helpful for the researchers, in order to identify the existing knowledge

and how they’re going to contribute from it. The objective of review of related

literature and studies is to provide the reader with a general overview of the topic.

In this chapter, researchers will be able to present related foreign and local

literature and studies to answer and to support the statement of the problem in

chapter one. However, it will also show the relationships between the studies reviewed

and give its similarities or differences.

In addition with these materials and sources, researchers will gain deep

understanding about the topic. This will also present some information of the strategy

used in the past conducted studies. Nevertheless, these studies are presented to fortify

and widen the subject matter.


The reviewed related literature encompasses several sources coming from both

local and foreign authors. This section contains different ideas that helps support the

main focus of the researcher’s study. These includes articles concerning fake news and

misinformation and how it affects individual user towards its propagation on Facebook

that is relevant to the study being conducted.

LOCAL. It includes findings about literary works that were made locally. This section

comprises some local literary works such as books, articles, news and other medium

about fake news and misinformation.

In the Philippines, where 76 million Internet users stay online the longest in

the world, just a handful of people spend a few hours each day to fight fake news

(Andreo & Ditas, 2019).

Fake news, stories or hoaxes is created to deliberately misinform or deceive

readers. Usually these stories are created to either influence people's point of view,

pushing a political agenda or cause confusion and can be often profitable business for

online publishers.

As stated by Guerrero (2018), "False information spread through networking

sites is one of the most defining problem of our ages."


Fake news is not unique to the Philippines and because of the internet and

social media, the problem has become a global phenomenon, undermining democracy

and a free press. The good or real news is that the platforms most widely used for

spreading fake news are moving together with media organizations and the academe

to address the problem. Social media giant which is Facebook, criticized for its role in

the spread of hoax news or trolls, is at the heart of the battle (Pamintuan, 2017).

Filipino netizens fell for satirical pieces written by our kababayan on local fake

news and satire websites. Add the Filipinos' tendency to quickly share and retweet on

Facebook and Twitter to the equation, and things really get scary (Cabristante, 2014).

A Mass Communications professor in the University of the Philippines, claims

that the fake news is not just "politics” but is affecting the daily decision making of the


"A lot of the fake news in the Philippines, many are about politics, but when you

look at the environment, when you open your Facebook feed, many of the fake news

are about health, about class suspensions-things that impact your own daily decision-

making that can really change your life” (David, 2017).

Fake news and misinformation might cause panic, violence, or tend to exhibit

propaganda to discredit one's reputation. In order to effectively prevent such incident

prior to propagation of false news and inaccurate information. Senate Bill No.1492 or

the act of Penalizing the Malicious Distribution of False News that also known as "Anti

Fake News Act of 2017" is passed in the senate but later, was dismissed. This bill aims

to penalize person who dissemination, circulation, promulgation and spread fake news

through any form of mass media. Any person who will be proven guilty of committing

any of the prohibited acts will be punished by a fine ranging from 100 000 pesos to

500 000 pesos and imprisonment ranging from 1 to 5 years. (Soriano, 2017).

Fake news has been trendy nowadays. It has a big impact on the way of media

platforms operate, the public's perception of information, and even how the

governments confront its proliferation. The Internet has extremely changed the way

news published. More like the invention of printing press, the internet allowed more

people to published their opinion and withdraw news from publishing giants

(Munsayac, 2018).

We’ve all had that experience of coming across shared news stories with

hyperbolic headlines while scrolling through our social media feeds. Some of us would

click and read the accompanying article in disbelief, while others would just

immediately share it around without verifying the source. Though critical readers

would spend a few minutes of Google-directed due diligence to reveal a story’s

veracity, by then, it may be too late — the story may have already gone viral and

received millions of page views.

The reason of spreading fake news and misinformation is may do it for common

reasons. Some of the motives are jealousy, to get revenge, hate someone, to destroy

someone, for business, to likes/share increased and because it pays.


Those articles which have the potential to cause panic and anger, and the

readers feel like taking actions after reading those news stories are just a few of the

impact brought by fake news and misinformation.

The effects of fake news can be very destructive — both on a social and

economical way. If even just one person would say one bad thing about a certain

product, all he or she would need is another person to comment or agree and this

would make it sound true for most.

According to Drilon (n.d.), one of the reasons why fake news can be very

convincing is that massive amounts of it could make it believable. The sheer volume of

content about one specific rumor makes it even more convincing to the public eye.

Knowing Filipino internet users spend hours each day browsing on different

social media platforms. You understand by now that fake news and other types of false

information can take on different faces. They can also have major impacts, because

information shapes our point of view, we make important decisions based on

information. We form an idea about people or a situation by obtaining information. So,

if the information we saw on the Web is invented, false, exaggerated or distorted, we

won’t be able to make good decisions.

FOREIGN. It includes findings about literary works that were made internationally.

This could help provide further leads that would make improve the researcher’s study

and become a reference for the readers and other researchers. Findings from these

literatures may help to strengthen the assertions of the researchers.

Fake news has become a pressing issue both for technology companies and

governments across the globe. Yet as widespread as the problem is, opportunities to

glimpse misinformation in action are fairly rare. Most users who generate

misinformation do not share accurate information too, so it can be difficult to tease out

the effect of misinformation itself (Neserole, 2018).

Misinformation online is very difficult to correct. Confirmation bias is extremely

powerful. Once people have found "evidence" of their views, external and contradicting

versions are simply ignored. One proposal to counteract this trend is algorithmic-driven

solutions. For example, Google is developing a trustworthiness score to rank the

results of queries. Similarly, Facebook has proposed a community-driven approach

where users can flag false content to correct the newsfeed algorithm. This issue is

controversial, however, because it raises fears that the free circulation of content may

be threatened and the proposed algorithms might not be accurate or effective. Often

users denounce attempts to debunk false information, such as the link between

vaccination and autism, as acts of misinformation (Armbrecht, 2016).

Nowadays, news hits us across all media platforms and devices, in a landscape

populated by all degrees of professional journalists and citizen journalists and satirists

and hoaxers and folks paid or personally moved to write intentionally fake news

(Valenza, 2016).

False news are becoming more and more successful nowadays because they

appeal to a readers’ emotions. It became extremely prominent on social media. Also,

at first glance, they often not seem to be completely fictitious- they, most times, have

an air of legitimacy. This can often be as a result of the driving phenomenon, which is

a phenomenon that occurs as more journalists begin to cover a story, even more

journalists are likely to join the crowd, imitating the angle the story initially took rather

than developing alternate or original approaches or angles (Valenza, 2016).

Using social media to get news has changed the way that millennials now

consume that news (Rohampton, 2016). This is due to the fact that news and

information is now integrated into their everyday lives, and they cannot help but be

constantly exposed to it. They are now subjected to opposing viewpoints on the news-

they are not just being presented with the facts, but also with opinion and bias that

are rife in the news that they are now consuming information from.

There are many reasons that false beliefs/misinformation spread, often in spite

of good evidence refuting them. One reason is that we all are used to trusting other

humans as sources of information. This is, to some degree, a necessity. We certainly

cannot go do the work ourselves to guarantee that all our beliefs are good ones. Even

when we look to scientific journals for evidence supporting our beliefs, we are

ultimately trusting others (the scientists who share their data). And sometimes even

these good sources lead us astray (O' Connor, 2019).


Fake news has been an increasingly common part of the media ecosystem

(Tandoc et al., 2017). Unintentional fake news, satirical pieces, and news that is

purposely fake have become part of our daily news routine (Albright, 2016; Allcott &

Gentzkow, 2017), while social media offers the tools to generate and distribute fake

news rapidly. There is deliberately fake news which has done everything from amusing

us to confusing us, and there are many calls to take actions and counter their spread

on social media and the Internet. The speedy spread of information through social

media platforms — both verified and unverified, from both professional and non-

professional content providers — has facilitated the spread of fake news (Tandoc et

al., 2017). Based on the fact that news consumers are having difficulties in

distinguishing between verifiable news and falsified content provided with the intention

to mislead the reader, it is increasingly important to understand how social media

users verify items that they suspect to be false.

Fake news is everywhere, and it is generated and distributed with tremendous

speed. There are people, media outlets and organizations who are fighting the spread

of fake news and are willing to make an effort in order to provide quality content.

Media outlets which produce quality content need to be supported both by advertisers

and by audience.

In an age where most consumers receive and share their news online, false

information can reach large audiences rapidly. Fake news is any information that

deliberately intended to mislead. Fake news stories mimic real journalism and can

disseminate through social media, email or chat messages.

Although it is not a new phenomenon, misinformation through false news has

become lucrative today. The rapid spread of online misinformation poses an increasing

risk to societies worldwide. It is a serious problem calling for solutions.

New research sheds light on who shares made-up — or “fake” — news. Another

study shows how hard it can be to spot made-up news. Additional projects explore

how we can all be better fact-checkers.

In short, do your own online search before sharing something, especially if it

makes an astounding claim, (Funke, 2019). “Look for facts reported by credible news

outlets that either back up or refute the central claims in the story at hand.”

Credible news outlets generally have a reputation for truthful and accurate

reporting. They identify specific sources of their information. And they follow a code of

ethics that calls for honesty, corrections of errors and more. Websites that merely

repeat the same claim as another website’s article — sometimes word-for-word —

don’t count. “And,” Funke cautions, “when in doubt, always think before you share.”


The related studies provide an overview of researches from local and

international authors. The data gathered came from their finished researches that will

serve as bridge for giving conclusions into present and future studies. This review of

related studies includes previous research about fake news and misinformation that

supports the claims of the researchers.

LOCAL. It contains studies from the Philippines which shows how the current condition

on Facebook regarding fake news and misinformation affects Filipinos.

In the time of technology, practically 50% of news get and share their report

from online sources, false data can spread quickly from one person to another through

the web. The pack of data represents another test in our public activity. A more

interest to this current advanced society is the extraordinary question with the reliable

standard of data that spread to a huge number of people very quickly to a few minutes

since the people are presently profoundly associated through the web technology.

Filipino's flourish with remaining associated with their networks. They need

ongoing results to settle on the correct decisions, particularly during time of

emergency. The web crowd's development rate gives no indications of easing back

down. It assumes a major job in the public. Filipinos use Facebook in field of

Instruction, Diversion, Occupation looking for Abilities Preparing, Business enterprise

and Monetary Proficiency (Rappler, n.d.).


As indicated by a report, 408 are youthful grown-ups matured. Age is a

significant explanation that influences the level of the quantities of people utilizing

Facebook. Individuals diverse in economic status and not all has the ability to use

Facebook. Using Facebook requires mobiles telephones and web get to. Youthful

grown-ups have the most percentage of usage because lot of them can manage the

cost of and buy cell phones. Just 15% of young people added to the level of user of

Facebook and some of them need more assets to manage the cost of this sort of need.

Since millennial's were viewed as active Facebook clients, a significant amount

of user accumulated various information or data consistently through this web-based

life webpage. It might include in the field of Education, Entertainment, Politics issues

and News. Web based life news platform adds up as Facebook role to the Filipino

Facebook clients.

Huge numbers of Filipino netizens wanted to use this online networking

destinations as instrument to get data locally and universally. Any person who had

Facebook account was permitted to make, share and disseminate their own substance

making it a free online press. Thus, many deceptions were likewise arriving at the

region of many Filipino Facebook clients. This is due to the lack of confirmation of the

validity of contents as well as the freedom that content creator possessed (Pamintuan,


According to Lustre (2015), digital journalism or also known as online journalism

is a variation of journalism influenced by technologies specially in the internet


websites, these variations of journalism its purpose is to spread factual stories and

allow all people that use of internet to be in line with stories right away.

Also, Lustre (2015) said from the work of Curtis, many people that use internet

can share and interact using multimedia mix of words, photos, and audios. This kind of

internet websites or internet medias can become a root of unfiltered news, and also,

she added that many of the people are involved in social networking sites are able to

see events unfold real-time. Lustre (2015) claims that this method of spreading

information has been useful since then in the Philippines in early 1995 when business

world begins to publish through the website online. Lustre (2015) cited that social

media and websites make the people change their beliefs of journalism that being a

"conversation, not a lecture".

Based on Facebook newsroom (n.d.), one of most popular and used social

media network site among all online platforms is Facebook. In spite of flood of new

platform offering a new and fun feature, Facebook remained number one with 1.71

billion user and 60 million active Filipino users on the Facebook (Alejandro, 2017).

In the Philippines, news websites still had small local people in 2006. However,

the report of an analytic company ComScore's Southeast Asia Digital Future 2013

concluded that 37% of the Philippines’ population are internet users and most of the

internet users are ages between 15 to 34 years old.


"I think Filipinos just need to be more critical and not take everything at face

value, whether it may be an online article or a political candidate," says Stewart

(2014). It takes a pair of observant eyes and an analytical mind to appreciate the

Internet more. So, the next time an extremely unbelievable or ridiculous news on

Facebook shared by a friend is seen, it always pays to think before you click.

FOREIGN. This portion contains findings from the studies of different foreign authors

in the realms of fake news and misinformation on social media. The conclusions

presented in the studies will uphold the claims of the researchers.

In this technology driven society, obtaining and spreading of information

becomes easy and fast pacing. In the era of the society where the platform of

connectivity and sharing of information in the social media, perspective on authentic

information, digitize rumor spreading, misinformation and fake news becomes more

alarming, relevant and relative. Although the political process has a long history of

misinformation in popular misperception, Flynn et al. (2017) and Lazer et al. (2018)

stated that spreading of fake news and misinformation on social media has caused

widespread alarm in recent years because a lot of people use social media and once

they saw a news, they believe on it even it's not from reliable source. According to

Manfra (n.d.) as society continues to confront the implications of fake news and

misinformation for American democracy, particular the effect on public institutions it is

natural to turn the examples from the past. According to Budak (2019), the spread of

content produced by fake news publishers was one of the most discussed

characteristics of the 2016 US presidential election. Fake news misinformation and

disinformation will be major concerns in the 2020 presidential election. According to

previous research by the pew research center, half of American adults describe

misinformation as a “very big problem” – more than who say the same about climate

change racism and terrorism (though few than who say healthcare affordably the

wealth and drug addiction).

Last month Pew launched its election news pathways project to better

understand how American news consumption habits affect what they know about the

election. In survey finding released today, it found that both democrats and

republicans expect misinformation efforts to be aimed more than their own parties

then at the other. Pew surveyed more than 12,000 Americans last October and

November and found that 61% of democrats and democratic leaning adults believed

fake news “with mostly be intended to hurt” they're party, while 62% of republicans

and republican leaning adults believes their party will be targeted. Instead, of those

same dems, 36% believe misinformation on wheel target both parties equally

compared 29% of republicans.

Fake news is a term that has evaded a clear definition. Because "fake news" is

so elusive, scholars define the term using different examples. Allcott and Gentzkow

(2017) gave fake news an operational definition of “news articles that are intentionally

and verifiably false, and could mislead readers” Even the president of the United States

Donald Trump has his own definition of fake news, as argued by Steve Coll of the New

Yorker who wrote “judging from the President’s tweets, his definition of ‘fake news’ is

credible reporting that he doesn’t like”. Using these different concrete definitions, fake

news can be easily research by the scholars, students, or even in every different

individual. Fake news can be define based on experience or if a person encounters it.

Those definition can be used to satisfy or to solve every person's curiosity.

According to Ruchansky (2017), the topic of fake news has drawn attention

both from the public and the academic communities. Such misinformation has the

potential of affecting public opinion, providing an opportunity for malicious parties to

manipulate the outcomes of public events such as elections. Because such high stakes

are at play, automatically detecting fake news is an important, yet challenging problem

that is not yet well understood. Nevertheless, there are three generally agreed upon

characteristics of fake news: the text of an article, the user response it receives, and

the source users promoting it. Existing work has largely focused on tailoring solutions

to one particular characteristic which has limited their success and generality.

As stated by Brummette et. al (2016), due to the importance of word choice in

political discourse, this study explored the use of the term “fake news.” Using a social

network analysis, content analysis, and cluster analysis, political characteristics of

online networks that formed around discussions of “fake news” were examined. This

study found that “fake news” is a politicized term where conversations overshadowed

logical and important discussions of the term. Findings also revealed that social media

users from opposing political parties communicate in homophilous environments and

use “fake news” to disparage the opposition and to condemn real information

disseminated by the opposition party members. Most of the time, fake news can be

spread through different parts of social media. Continuously spread of false stories can

result to an enormous problem that requires a practical solution.

Vilcario (2016) stated that the wide availability of user-provided content in

online social media facilitates the aggregation of people around common interests,

worldviews, and narratives. However, the World Wide Web (WWW) also allows for the

rapid dissemination of unsubstantiated rumors and conspiracy theories that often elicit

rapid, large, but naive social responses such as the recent case of Jade Helm 15––

where a simple military exercise turned out to be perceived as the beginning of a new

civil war in the United States. In this work, they address the determinants governing

misinformation spreading through a thorough quantitative or qualitative analysis. In

particular, we focus on how Facebook users consume information related to two

distinct narratives: scientific and conspiracy news. Although consumers of scientific and

conspiracy stories present similar consumption patterns with respect to content,

cascade dynamics differ. Different false contents are scattered through social network

sites or social networking sites, with that, fake news and misinformation may spread

throughout the whole social media.

As said by Tacchini (2017), in recent years, the reliability of information on the

Internet has emerged as a crucial issue of modern society. Social network sites (SNSs)

have revolutionized the way in which information is spread by allowing users to freely

share content. As a consequence, SNSs are also increasingly used as vectors for the

diffusion of misinformation and hoaxes. The amount of disseminated information and

the rapidity of its diffusion make it practically impossible to assess reliability in a timely

manner, highlighting the need for automatic hoax detection systems. As a contribution

towards this objective, Facebook posts can be classified with high accuracy as hoaxes

or non-hoaxes on the basis of the users who "liked" them. Two classification

techniques are presented, one based on logistic regression, the other on a novel

adaptation of boolean crowdsourcing algorithms. On a dataset consisting of 15,500

Facebook posts and 909,236 users, obtained classification accuracies exceeding 99%

even when the training set contains less than 1% of the posts. It is further shown that

these techniques are robust: they work even when it limits the attention to the users

who like both hoax and non-hoax posts. These results suggest that mapping the

diffusion pattern of information can be a useful component of automatic hoax

detection systems.

As stated by Polonica (2017) in the article, the problem of fake news in the

context of the traditional paradigm of a news story were analyzed. The traditional

paradigm posits that, most of all, a piece of information is true. However, in

contemporary media, there exist pieces of information which are fabricated and

untrue. It is not a new phenomenon, yet it has intensified in recent years. News stories

are fabricated for entertainment, political, or commercial purposes. They are carriers of

propaganda and profit. The essence of fake news is the intentional misleading of the

receiver for achieving the above gains. It is difficult to verify their veracity, and identify

fake news items due to their similarity to real pieces of news. That is why they are

becoming a part of the media landscape in which we will probably have to exist.

As stated by Vosoughi (2018), they investigated the differential diffusion of all

of the verified true and false news stories distributed on Twitter from 2006 to 2017.

The data comprise ~126,000 stories tweeted by ~3 million people more than 4.5

million times. They classified news as true or false using information from six

independent fact-checking organizations that exhibited 95 to 98% agreement on the

classifications. Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more

broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more

pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural

disasters, science, urban legends, or financial information. They found that false news

was more novel than true news, which suggests that people were more likely to share

novel information. Whereas false stories inspired fear, disgust, and surprise in replies,

true stories inspired anticipation, sadness, joy, and trust. Contrary to conventional

wisdom, robots accelerated the spread of true and false news at the same rate,

implying that false news spreads more than the truth because humans, are more likely

to spread it.

According to Funke (2018), many articles have been rated as false by major

fact-checking organizations have not been flagged in Facebook's system, and two

major fake news sites or page have been little or no decline in Facebook engagements

since early 2016. Different articles have been rejected or categorized as inaccurate by

the legitimate media and organization. Those articles did not get the attention of

Facebook users because of legitimacy issues. Fake news and other illegitimate

information can be access because of wide and not secured social media platforms.

According to Kai Shu (2018), social media for news consumption is a double-

edged sword. On the one hand, it is low-cost, easy access, and rapid dissemination of

information lead people to seek out and to consume news from social media. On the

other hand, it enables the wide spread of fake news or low-quality news with

intentionally false information. The extensive spread of fake news has the potential for

extremely negative impacts on individuals and society. Therefore, fake news detection

on social media has recently become an emerging research that is attracting

tremendous attention. Fake news detection on social media presents unique

characteristics and challenges that make existing detection algorithms from traditional

news media inactive or not applicable. One thing, fake news is intentionally written to

mislead readers to believe false information, which makes it difficult and nontrivial to

detect based on news content; therefore, we need to include auxiliary information,

such as user social engagements on social media, to help make a determination.

Another, manipulating this auxiliary information is challenging in and of itself as users'

social engagements with fake news produce data that is big, incomplete, unstructured,

and noisy.

According to Blair et al. (2017), Facebook now discontinued strategy of flagging

inaccurate stories as "disputed" has been shown to modestly lower the perceived

accuracy of flagged headlines, while according to Pennycook and Rand (2017), though

some research suggests that the presence of warnings can cause untagged false

stories to be seen as more accurate. Prevention of spread of false stories or fake news

are being held by the fact-checking organizations on Facebook. They believe that some

actions may cause fake information to be seen as legitimate.

Levin (2017) stated that media commentators have argued that efforts to fight

misinformation through fact-checking organizations are "not working", Ghosh and Scott

(2018) admit the fact that misinformation overall is "becoming unstoppable". Although

fact-checking organizations are there to stop the spread of fake news and

misinformation, their job is not enough to achieve their goals or objectives because

they have considered spread of fake news and misinformation as "unstoppable".

Evidence on whether these efforts have been effective —or how the scale of the

problem is evolving more broadly— remains limited. A recent study argues that false

stories remain a problem on Facebook even after changes to the platform's news feed

algorithm in early 2018 based on Newswhip (2018). Traditional efforts are not enough

to stop the problem, even changing the Facebook's news feed algorithm will not stop

the spread of fake news and misinformation. Modern problem requires modern


As stated by Balmau (2017), today's social media platforms enable to spread

both authentic and fake news very quickly. Some approaches have been proposed to

automatically detect such "fake" news based on their content, but it is difficult to agree

on universal criteria of authenticity (which can be bypassed by adversaries once

known). Besides, it is obviously impossible to have each news item checked by a

human. In this paper, a mechanism is built to limit the spread of fake news which is

not based on content. It can be implemented as a plugin on a social media platform.

The principle is as follows: a team of fact-checkers reviews a small number of news

items (the most popular ones), which enables to have an estimation of each user's

inclination to share fake news items. Then, using a Bayesian approach, the

trustworthiness of future news items were estimated, and treat accordingly those of

them that pass a certain "untrustworthiness" threshold. Then, they evaluate the

effectiveness and overhead of this technique on a large Twitter graph. It is shown that

having a few thousand users exposed to one given news item enables to reach a very

precise estimation of its reliability. Thus, they identify more than 99% of fake news

items with no false positives. The performance impact is very small: the induced

overhead on the 90th percentile latency is less than 3%, and less than 8% on the

throughput of user operations.

According to Mesole (2014), the emerging role of Social Networking Sites or

social media sites had become extremely enormous in the current time. It has been

used as an alternative or supplementary source of news and information by the recent

media scholars around the globe. Social media is making its own objective, but

sometimes, social media is getting uncontrollable. Different Social networking sites are

being used by different person or account users, in line with that, different pages are

also prevailing around social media. Different pages and links from social networking

sites can present other secondary purposes aside from their primary objectives.

Mesole also said that Facebook is among the top leading and most popular

social networking platform around the world. Apart from the main uses of Facebook

such as for communication and enhancing user's social interactions, the versatility of

Facebook had been beneficial since then in many factors to many individual particularly

when Facebook began to be a part of online journalism. Also, news organization and

journalists now participate in sharing news and information through Facebook.

Based on Pew Research Center (2015), Social Networking Sites or social media

sites such as Twitter and Facebook have the highest number of access of internet

users. As of early 2015, 63% of Facebook and Twitter users got news or information

on different respective sites and pages. This is up substantially from the year 2013

where half of each social network's users (47% for Facebook and 52% for Twitter)

reported to have gotten their respective information there.

One in five new Facebook users also gets different information on Twitter and

as a whole 78% of the smaller population of new Twitter users also get news on

Facebook, resulting to an 8% of total social media users who are getting their

information both on Twitter and Facebook. On Facebook, information use grew among

both males and females (14% to 61% for male and 49% to 65% for female). Based on

a conducted study, Facebook news consumers are composed of 57 % of female and

43% male which ranges from 30 to 49 years old having the highest percentage of

news and information consumer; followed by 18 to 29 years old with 31 percentage.

Moreover, it is also said in the study that most of the news consumers of Facebook are

college students with 34% and high school or less and people with college degree

having the same 33 percentage.

Based on the survey of American Press Institute conducted on 2015, Facebook

have dominated other social media platforms for news and information. Also based on

the said conducted survey, Facebook is more popular among all adults which ages

under 35 years old, it is also stated that Millennials are commonly using social

networking sites for news than the older members of tech users. Millennial users from

18-to-21-year-old users exploit 3.7 social networks out of seven platforms in the

survey. For the average older millennial age 30-34 the results depleted to 2.9. Half of

the social media users are opted to share news stories, Videos and images, and nearly

as many (46%) have discussed a news issue or event. Most of them had also shared

news events on social media by themselves by posting videos or photographs of the

news event. Based on Pew Research Center (2014), it has been found out that 14% of

the tech users posted their images as for the news events and 12% respectively who

had posted videos.

As of 2015, Pew Research asked users of each platform how often they engage

with the site or the application, on a daily, weekly or less frequent basis. It is

undeniable that social media users continue to be highly engaged on Facebook when

in terms to the frequency or percentage of usage of the site. Fully 70% said that they

use Facebook on a daily basis (including 45% who do several times a day), some 17%

visit Facebook Weekly, while 12% users log on seldom. Also, Facebook users are not

simply reading or viewing the main content of the news or information on the site

instead there were 65% of Facebook users sometimes or often share, comment or

post on Facebook.

According to Jurkowitz et al. (2014), there were three main paths that a

Facebook news consumer often lead to those are: Directly to the news sites, Facebook

visitors and visitors from search engines. Direct visitors are the ones who either type a

URL into the search browser or use a bookmark; in Facebook visitors, they are the

ones who come through a query on a search engine; and lastly those who get news by

following links and pages they saw in Facebook.

Through many years, the number of Facebook users are expanding

continuously. Aside from that, the time they spend using Facebook and the time they

spend seeking for an information is also getting larger. In line with that, the problem

(spread of fake news and misinformation) is still unresolved even this is an issue from

long time ago, there are different solutions but those are just temporary. Therefore,

we must seek for other possible solutions, so that we can at least prevent the spread

of fake news and misinformation.


In one of the first academic studies about the consumption of fake news,

researchers at Princeton, Dartmouth and the University of Exeter estimated that about

25 percent of Americans visited a fake news website in a six-week period around the

time of the 2016 US election.

But the researchers also found that the visits were highly concentrated - 10% of

readers made 60% of the visits. And crucially, the researchers concluded "fake news

does not crowd out hard news consumption."

As said by Mantzarlis (2018), "The reach was relatively wide, but not so deep, it

is quite a big step further to say, are people voting on this, making decisions on it."

"To say it's poisoning our democracy or it won this guy or the other guy an

election, we need a lot more research to be able to say that."

Fake news, or fabricated content deceptively presented as real news, has

garnered a lot of interest. Although hardly a new phenomenon, the global nature of

the web-based information environment allows purveyors of all sorts of falsehoods and

misinformation to make an international impact. As a result, we talk of fake news and

its impact not only in the United States, but also in France, Italy and Germany. A closer

analysis shows even the most widely circulated fake news stories were seen by only a

small fraction of Americans. And the persuasive effects of these stories have not been

tested. The real impact of the growing interest in fake news has been the realization

that the public might not be well-equipped to separate quality information from false

information. In fact, a majority of Americans are confident that they can spot fake

news. A crucial part of that strategy should involve media literacy training and

equipping news consumers with tools that will allow them to gauge the legitimacy of

the news source, but also become aware of their own cognitive biases.

The problem will only get worse without proper action as more people get their

news online and politics becomes more tribal and polarized.



Fake news spreads much faster than real news, and real people are to blame.

Fake news, defined by the researchers as stories approved by six major fact-checking

services, can spread 10 times faster than legitimate news stories (Vosoughi, 2013).

People who spread fake news may do so because of its novelty and because

they may gain status by sharing new information. Novel information is more valuable

than information you already know (Aral, 2018).


Fake news had always been around, but nowadays, the main differences lie in

the way it is being spread and read. At present, the information, whether true or false,

travels faster. People could easily access tons of news and information through

different media platforms through the internet. It also allows users to make choices

about the received information and provides a platform for many points of view.

Perception can be constantly manipulated to make it better and believable (Munsayac,


Although fake news may not be as persuasive as it seems, that does not make it

any less of an issue. Fake news is a powerful tool for pushing false political agenda,

and it make society from engaging in an insightful discussion when even the most

basic of facts are being debated over. We must hold online platforms accountable for

fact-checking and implementing measures to warn users about potentially malicious

content, and we as consumers must also be aware of the content we are reading and


Social media platforms can look into ways to ensure that even high-use

accounts receive verified content, to avoid the further spread of fake news. Seeing as

social media are the main sites that refer viewers to fake news outlets, social media

companies themselves must be certain in fact-checking and ensuring that content their

platforms share does not promote the fake news. They can identify and block links to

known fake news sites, and implement warnings (Flores, 2018).


The reasons that misinformation and fake news spread are trusting other

humans as sources of information (O'Connor, 2019).

One of the reasons why the misinformation is spreading is having a belief or

trust in someone's information. Many people have information that they believe, but

they don't know if it is true and good. Those who share a common set of beliefs will

come to believe in a common set of actions that are in their interests. They will

generally become socially bonded by those shared beliefs. When we truly believe

something, it influences our actions. These actions can then exert a powerful influence

on the beliefs of others. The effect is so powerful that repetition can persuade us to

believe information we know is false in the first place.

Fake news stories are becoming more and more successful nowadays because

they appeal to a reader's emotions (Valenza, 2016).

The first job or ability of fake news is to catch or grab our attention and then

highjack our learning and memory goes a long way to explaining its success. But its

strongest selling point is its ability to appeal to our emotions.

Decisions are often driven by emotion that can be difficult to identify. In the

process of making a judgement, people consult or refer to an emotion catalogue

carrying all the positive and negative tags consciously or unconsciously associated with

a given context. Decisions are often driven by emotion that can be difficult to identify.

Using social media to get news has changed the way that millennials now

consume that news (Rohampton, 2016).

People are more willing to share an article than read it. On these days most

social media users are millennials, so most of them are not able to prevent themselves

from disclosing information. Once they have a belief, they tend to cling to it, even if it’s

not true. Many young people find it easy to believe on information without strong

evidence so what happens is they immediately share it on social media until many

believe it. Misinformation is an extremely complex and multifactorial issue with possible

negative consequences in almost every aspect of human activity. It is not a new

phenomenon – along with fake news they existed in the traditional media environment.

As widespread as fake news seems, it may seem difficult to grasp that people

can believe it despite how absurd or unrealistic the claims may be. Recent research,

however, explains that fake news possesses certain attributes that make people likely

to trust them, and understanding these factors can hopefully shed light on possible

ways to stop the spread of dangerous misinformation. It is important to recognize our

own biases and consume news consciously. It is easy to fall into the trap of

confirmation bias, especially when numerous articles spring up at the height of a

certain issue. By reading articles first and verifying the facts however, we can prevent

ourselves from falling prey to fake news. Although fake news may not be as pervasive

as it seems, that does not make it any less of an issue. Fake news is a powerful tool

for pushing false political agenda and mudslinging, and it hinders society from

engaging in an insightful discussion when even the most basic of facts are being

debated over. We must hold online platforms accountable for fact-checking and

implementing measures to warn users about potentially malicious content, and we as

consumers must also be aware of the content we are reading and sharing.

As a result of their studies, more people can share or interact using internet and

social media as the number of users still growing. Many people can also make or share

fake news and misinformation. According to an analytic company ComScore's

Southeast Asia Digital Future (2013), Philippines is one of the countries who have the

most users of internet ages between 15 to 34 years old respectively, and based on

iSupport studies 5 hours and 12 minutes per day as their average usage of internet

and social media platforms.

Misinformation and fake news are way connected as to what Allcott and

Gentzkow (2017) said, false stories are news articles that are intentionally and

verifiably false, and could mislead readers. Fake news carrying different fake

information came from untrusted sources. Facebook users have their own reasons why

they spread news, articles, or any information in their timeline. Fake news can be

spread intentionally and if unintentionally shared, it can cause misinformation to many

Facebook or other social media platform users.

In recent years, the reliability of information on the Internet has emerged as a

crucial issue of our society. Social network sites or social networking sites (SNSs) have

revolutionized the way in which information is spread by allowing users to freely share

content (Tacchini, 2017). Considering the fact that different SNSs can be use by

anyone who want to use it, so they can freely spread information and think infinitely or

without them getting inconvenient of sharing and posting many information they want

to post. Social Networking Sites such as Twitter and Facebook have the highest

number of access of internet users, (Pew Research Center, 2015).

The number of Facebook users are getting larger through different times,

encouraging the Pew Research Center to conduct a study relevant to it. Based on their

research, teenagers are also getting involve in terms of sharing fake news, also, the

findings said that most of the Facebook news consumers or simply the Facebook users,

share news from different sources of information without verifying the credibility of it,

making the Fake news and misinformation spread through the use of social networking

sites such as Facebook.

The abovementioned studies and literature may bring enlightenment to the

present study in various means. The findings that the researchers collected are

essential to the study in supporting the researchers’ claims and in crafting a guide

about preventing the spread of fake news and misinformation The researchers found

that many studies are way related to this present research, so keeping every studies'

relevant data, will help us a lot to conduct this research properly.




This chapter presents the methods and procedures of research applied to gather

the needed data. It contains the research design, the selection of co-researchers,

sampling technique, the methods of data collection, instruments used and the

treatment of data.


According to Stroud (2020), fake news refers to false information or

stories/hoaxes created to deliberately misinform or deceive readers. Spreading fake

news can cause panic and anger. This study aims to give awareness to the real news

and fake news as perceived by the selected Senior High School students of Mystical

Rose School of Caloocan, Academic Year of 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following:

1. What are the common information or news story encounters of the


2. What are the reasons of spreading misinformation as perceived by the


3. What are the ways of the participants in identifying fake news and


4. How do fake news and misinformation affect the participants?

5. How may the participants handle fake news and misinformation on


6. How may the findings be utilized in crafting a guide?



The researchers use the Case Study Qualitative Research method wherein the

research is focused on examining how fake news and misinformation affects individuals

as observed by senior high school students in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

Mitchell (1983) defined a case study as a “detailed examination of an event (or

series of related events) which the analyst believes exhibits (or exhibit) the operation

of some identified general theoretical principles. According to Yin (1994), a case study

is a comprehensive research strategy that deals with situations “in which there will be

more variables of interest than data points relies on multiple sources of evidence, with

data needing to be converged in a triangulating fashion,” and that “benefits from the

prior development of theoretical propositions to guide data collection and analysis.

Gomm et al. (2000) argued that a case study implies collection of unstructured data

and qualitative analysis of data.

For the purpose of this study, case study design is used to identify the effects of

fake news and misinformation, particularly on Facebook, to students.



The co-researchers of this data were drawn from the population of Senior High

School students in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. For a case study, a number of

ten students from the total population in Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. were

taken and used as co-researchers of the study. According to Crouch & McKenzie (2006),

having less than 20 co-researchers in a qualitative research can aid the researchers in

establishing and retaining a tight connection and improving a comfortable gaining of


Ten (10) selected grade 11 students who are currently studying in Mystical Rose

School of Caloocan, Inc., were utilized by this study throughout the Academic Year


The researchers chose the co-researchers through the use of Purposive Sampling

Technique in which they have chosen the co-researchers who fit rightfully in acquiring

accurate results. This is a Non-Probability Sampling which pertains to choosing the

respondents based on the characteristics of the whole targeted population and for the

main objective of the researchers in conducting the study. Purposive Sampling is a non-

probability sampling that allows choosing according on attributes of a population and

the purpose of the research (Crossman, 2018). The Sampling Technique is helpful in

picking co-researchers that fit the required characteristics correctly in order for the

researchers to obtain information, data, and answers from the rightful co-researchers

that have been purposefully chosen for the study.


The researchers chose purposive sampling technique for they need certain

information that a participant qualifies. Qualifications of the participants were:

4. Participants must come from the cream sections of each strand and should

have been included on the 1st quarter’s achievers list.

5. Each participant must be an active Facebook user.

6. Participants should have at least a 4-hour daily average time spent on using


The qualifications of the co-researchers mentioned above ensure that the

gathered insights will be beneficial in addressing the study being conducted.



This study conducted is approved first by the subject adviser. In facilitating the

instruments, the researchers utilize qualitative interviews for the co-researchers to

answer with full honesty for the significant points needed for the study. The researchers

conduct the use of qualitative interviews in getting the insights and experiences of

student Facebook users with the use of interview that are conducted to cover and

acquire enough information for further clarifications. The researchers use semi-

structured qualitative interview.

According to Cristobal Jr. and Cristobal (2017), in semi-structured interview,

there is a specified list of questions to be asked by the researchers, but the researchers

are allowed to ask follow-up questions that are not included in the list of original

questions when new ideas come up. The semi-structured qualitative interview can help

the researchers gather deeper information and more data from the co-researchers.

During the interview, the co-researchers were asked to answer the interview

protocol of the study. The researchers made use of the interview protocol to find the

bridge between the results and the data gathered by the researchers. The interview

protocol contained a list of questions each having an intended purpose.

Question 1 refers to the information and news stories that student Facebook

users commonly found in their News Feed.


Question 2 tells about the most trending topics occurring student Facebook

user’s News Feed.

Question 3 talked about the pages student Facebook users follow.

Question 4 referred to experiences of the participants for sharing information

from an untrusted source and the effects it can cause.

Question 5 dealt about the common kinds of post that the participants always


Question 6 talked about the ways to verify a fake and legitimate information.

Question 7 tells about the sites and materials that using to verify information if

its legit or fake.

Question 8 tells about the belief of student Facebook users in terms of fake

news and misinformation.

Question 9 refers to the student Facebook user's intellectual capacity to think

about fake news and misinformation.

Question 10 refers to the first impression of student Facebook users and how

they deal with it.

Question 11 refers to the things you will do when you shared invalid

information unknowingly.

Question 12 refers to the things you need to avoid to prevent the spread of

fake news and misinformation on Facebook

After formulating a qualitative research, the researchers came up in choosing an

instrument under after sequential reading in the statement of the problem of this paper.

Under of case study qualitative research design is the purpose investigation of a single

individual, group or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. In seeking

answers to the statement of the problem, the co-researchers were interviewed. The

statement of the problem served as the basis point for the interview protocol. With

series of checking and corrections, the interview protocol was presented to adviser for

further clarification and suggestion.

The researchers also asked permission for the interviews to be audio recorded. A

smartphone voice recorder was used during each interview. Making use of an audio

recorder allowed the researcher to record fully and accurately what was being said

rather than taking notes during the interviews. According to De Vos et al. (2002), it was

very useful to make use of a tape recorder because the researcher is able to

concentrate on what was said in the interview so that the researcher could think about

a follow-up question. The co-researchers were interviewed individually in a private and

quiet room.


The researchers made use of Creswell method of qualitative data analysis. The

data gathered by the researchers were collected with the use of smartphone and were

transcribed. The researchers carefully listen to the recordings and reread the transcript

so that they can deduce information from the participants’ insights. The data were kept

with utmost confidentiality to protect the identity and interest of the co-researchers.

The transcribed data were analyzed and interpreted.

According to Creswell (1998), the generic steps for analyzing qualitative data are

as follows:

1. Organize and prepare the data for analysis. This involves transcribing

interviews, optically scanning material, typing up field notes, or sorting and

arranging the data into different types, depending on the sources of


2. Read through all the data. Obtain a general sense of the information and

reflect on its overall meaning.

3. Begin detailed analysis with coding process. It involves taking text data

or pictures, segmenting sentences (or paragraphs) or images into categories

with a term, often a term based on the actual language of the participant

(called an invivo term).


4. Use coding process to generate a description of the setting or

people as well as categories or themes for analysis. Description

involves a detailed rendering of information about people, places, or events in

a setting. Then, use the coding to generate a small number of themes.

5. Decide how the description and themes will be represented. One

approach is to use a narrative passage to convey the finding of the analysis

and detailed discussion of themes and sub-themes or interconnecting themes.

6. Making an interpretation of data. A final step in data analysis involves

the formation of understanding, that is, what Lincoln and Guba (1995) call

“lessons learned”.


After formulating the interview protocol, the researchers conduct a preliminary

interview, which has included a validation checklist. Five people that are considered out

of the study were asked questions made by the researchers in the interview protocol.

This entailed the purpose of the study to clarify if the questions were reasonable to ask,

and for noting clarifications for the revision of interview questions. The weighted mean

of the answers in the validation checklist is 3.49 which is classified under “Very

Good”. The result ensured the validity of the interview protocol and enabled the

researchers to commence the interviews.




This chapter contains the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data

gathered by the researchers from the interview conducted.


According to Stroud (2020), fake news refers to false information or

stories/hoaxes created to deliberately misinform or deceive readers. Spreading fake

news can cause panic and anger. This study aims to give awareness to the real news

and fake news as perceived by the selected Senior High School students of Mystical

Rose School of Caloocan, Academic Year of 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following:

1. What are the common information or news story encounters of the


2. What are the reasons of spreading misinformation as perceived by the


3. What are the ways of the participants in identifying fake news and


4. How do fake news and misinformation affect the participants?

5. How may the participants handle fake news and misinformation on


6. How may the findings be utilized in crafting a guide?




Co-Researcher A-------------------------------Hermione

Um… lagi akong online madalas more like 5hrs a day, wow 5hrs charot minsan

mga 3hrs ganon kase hindi lang ako nagfafacebook pampantangal din ng stress and

then I can say that I’m active online ah… user kase halos lahat ng social media sites

meron akong account ayon.

When speaking about Facebook well it’s probably almost all about political stuff

because I am someone who is active in um active ako sa pagkuha ng balita tungkol sa

politika kase its really interest me so much so ayon madalas politika minsan naman arts

paghindi arts minsan um mga random stuffs lang na interesting, na entertaining.

As of now hindi ko pa alam kase busy ako so hindi ko nakikita pero yung mga

nakikita ko sa mga trending topics mostly kase mga memes kundi mga memes yung

mga bagong chapter ng mga binabasa kong manga and then madalas kase nasa

international akong ano social media website so madalas kong trending topics na alam

ko is um yung mga international na hindi ako makarelate.


Pages and accounts usually those who which interest me pero madalas kase um

yung mga sources ko ng mga news is mga shinishare ng mga kaibigan ko na yung

mga kaibigan ko is active din sila political and then some of them are from universities

na so I trust them sa mga shinashare nila. To be more active and to be more aware or

what is happening around.

Sharing an information from untrusted source, yes siguro kapag headline is very

interesting, seems funny for example there is an article about 20 reasons why you

should you forgive Marcoses and then yung clinick ko siya anong tawag dito walang

laman which is nakakatuwa. Um first I think it’s very witty and very ironic naman tsaka

trusted naman yung ano kinda pero hindi kasi ako laging nandon so hindi ko alam

talaga kung totoo yon so ano nalang sa mga bobo hindi nila kaagad nagegets yon

parang magagalit ba sila or magrarant sila kung ano pa sinasabi nila ganun.

Jokes, bukod sa jokes is yung mga nakakainis na pangyayari politically. Well

para iexpress yung galit ko, maliban don para malaman din ng iba pero siyempre bias

because of my personal opinion but it’s still good to spread news on others regardless

of whatever it is just up to them kung gusto nilang i-verify nila iyon.

Well first you should go to news outlet or whatever site is and sometimes kase

some news network are not can be trusted because um news networks are owned by

private companies like kahit sabihin na natin na mga kompanya kahit na media outlet

sila masasabi mo pa rin na bias pa rin iba sa kanila kase tumatangap sila ng pera eh.

Um mostly kase yun nga sa news if not news if it’s for talking about scientific

stuff then I will look at journal sa mga google scholar kung talagang nag eexist yung

ganong study madalas if an article does not nurture journal na walang DOI yung DOI

kase yun yung parang magagamit para malaman kung verifiable yung source so

pagwala nun edi ekis, hindi totoo.

Well it causes a lot of confusion kase like I have a certain believing something

and some news um parang kinokontradict niya siyempre babasahin ko iyon tapos

kikilatisin ko isat isa tapos ipopoint up ko ahhh mali ka.

Fake news and... like what hindi ko gets. Like you read something, something

tapos hindi mo na iveverify kasi minsan kapag yung mga tao kase mostly ang

tinitignan lang nila is yung headlines so hindi nila na fact-check so yon kung ganon

lang nagspread ng ganong news tapos hindi mo naman chinecheck ganern isa ka pa sa

nagpapalawak, nagpapalaganap ng ka ignorantehan ganern.

Report, pag hindi report magcocoment ako mali yan delete mo yan fake news

as in all caps pa, “FAKE NEWS” ganern. I would delete it immediately specially

someone na notified na kase I don’t have all that time in the world to verify to verify

on that things in internet so it’s just mostly blind trust to other so hopefully others

would like you know like take advantage of blind trust put in internet

Well first and for most stop stop spreading fake news and second verify all the

news that you or article or shared post that you shared in internet and then next point

out and speak out if there’s something wrong in article ganern.

Co-Researcher A-------------------------------Hermione

I’m an active user and I spend 3-5 hrs. in my social media accounts because it's

also my stress reliever.

All about political stuff. I am someone who is active in taking information about

political stuff because it's interesting. Trending topics that I know is from international

but I can’t relate.

Pages and accounts usually those who interest me but some of my sources is

from my friends from universities because they are also active in political stuffs. To be

more active and to be more aware or what is happening around.

Yes, if the headline is very interesting. I think it’s very witty and very ironic but

sometimes I’m not into that sites so it depends on people who saw the news if they will


Scenarios from political but sometimes jokes. To express my feelings, also to

inform the people who saw it but it depends on my personal opinion.


Well first you should go to news outlet or whatever site is and sometimes some

news networks could not be trusted because it involved monetary interest. I will look at

journal in google scholar if that study is existing and if it have DOI to ensure if the

source is verifiable.

I have certain news believe something and some news like its contradicting it.

You read something then you didn’t verify it first because people mostly depend on

headlines and they don’t check it first before spreading it.

I reported it. Sometimes, I may comment to that post.

I would delete it immediately.

Well first and for most stop spreading fake news and second verify all the news

that you or article or shared post that you shared in internet and then next point out

and speak out if there’s something wrong in article.

Co-Researcher B-------------------------------------Sam

I'm an ambivert type of person. I'm an introvert and extrovert at the same time.

Uhmm.. When it comes to personal life, uhmm.. I want to be alone kasi, lalo na kapag

I'm studying, so I don't want disturbance. Kapag nasa school naman, uhmm.. I have a

lot of friends, so I need to communicate with them, so yun.


Uhmm.. It depends, sometimes when I leisure, uhhm.. almost 6 hours and it

especially when weekends and I already done my activities or school works, so I use

my social media accounts just for entertainment.

Uhmm... about, uhm... uhm... I just, uhm... about Kobe Bryant's death and the

bush fires somewhere in Ifugao province, and then about bullying. About the bush fire

in, in Ifugao because we just came there, we went there in Baguio and I don't see any

trace of bush fire there.

Uhm... The GMA News. If uhm... there is a suspension in classes, that's my

number one basis. Uhm... more like Benedict Cua, for because he's a great influencer

and then my favorite, uhm... singers.

I don't. Actually, I don't share a lot of post because, uhm... ayon, iniiwasan ko

kasi yung ano eh, misinformation, uhm... I think, uhm... when I shared post I, I need

to know that it was reliable, if it came from reliable sources like GMA News, like that.

Mostly about politics. Because I just want to know more about our society and

I’m a student na gusto kong may alam pa rin ako sa society kahit na student lang ako.

Usually I search it on google, especially when it comes to the most important

part, uhmm... na there are incidents or deaths na involve and then I watch youtubes.

Uhmm... like google, uhmm... sometimes uhmm... twitter because uhmm... there

are pages like the GMA news there so it's official so…

Sometimes kasi uhmm.. minsan ako den naniniwala lalo na kung madami na

yung tao na nagshashare non and there a lot of comments and opinions like that. Yes.

Because they think na yung alam nila yun na yun, they don’t uhmm.. they don’t

do searching lalo na kapag nakakatamad na kase talaga like kung anong nabasa mo

sige na paniwalaan mo na.

I do comments like uhmm.. merong nangyari na uhmm... there lots of uhmm..

mga nangyayari ngayon like kakapasok palang ng January or 2020 and then about

corona virus and then etc...etc...but theres is a news about the somewhere in korea

and when I click the link the date was not updated so hindi siya ano hindi siya kumbaga

nagpapasikat lang ganun.

Uhmm.. i just do comment na sinabe ko na uhmm.. like hindi naman po updated

so wag kayong maniwala and do some search. Yes.

Public apology was important kase when you commit mistakes you just need to

accept the consequences.

Spreading of fake news kase hindi mo siya maiiwasan lalo na ngayon na yung

mga kabataan ay sobrang link na sila social media so siguro uhmm.. let’s just put it in a

nice way na think before you click and then siguro for them to know more information i

will do the searching and ill will put it and share it for them to know na mali na yung

alam nilang information.


Co-Researcher B-------------------------------------Sam

I'm an ambivert type of person. I'm an introvert and extrovert at the same time.

When it comes to personal life I want to be alone mostly when I'm studying, so I don't

want disturbance. in school I have a lot of friends, so I need to communicate with


I spend 6 hours especially when I already done my school and I use my social

media accounts for entertainment.

About Kobe Bryant's death and the bush fires somewhere in Ifugao province,

and then about bullying.

About the bush fire in Ifugao because we just came there and I don't see any

trace of bush fire there.

The GMA News. there is a suspension in classes, that's my number one basis.

more like Benedict Cua because he's a great influencer and then my favorite singers.

I don't. I don’t usually share a lot of post but when I shared post I ensuring it

came from reliable sources like GMA News.

Mostly about politics. Because I’m a student I want to know more about our

society and to boost my knowledge.


Usually I search it on Google. Like Google, Twitter because there are pages like

the GMA news there and it's official.

Sometimes I believe to that news because a lot of people commenting and

reacting to that post.

Yes, because they depend on what they saw and believe.

I do comments. I do comments like “your post is not updated, it’s not from

reliable sources.” Yes.

Public apology was important because when you commit mistakes you just need

to accept the consequences.

I will do a researching and I will share it for them to know because a lot of

people are using social media sites.

Co-Researcher C--------------------------------------Dan

Kasalukuyan akong grade 11 ABM Aguinaldo, 16 years old at mahilig ako mag-


Pinaka madalas talaga, pinaka marame tsaka pinaka nangunguna kapag mag o-

open ako is mga tao na nag-popost about sa update sa kanila, minsan din may mga

information na hindi naman tungkol sa sarili nila kung baga tungkol sa ibang bagay na

interested sila or kung baga yung hobby nila dun sila mahilig shinishare talaga nila yun

at yun yung nakikita ko sa news feed ko.

Wala naman talagang trending kung baga pareparehas lang naman sila ng

shinishare siguro yun na yung pinaka trending yung mga kpop mga ganun siguro yung

mga tinatangkilik ng mga tao yun talaga pinaka nakikita ko sa news feed ko.

Yung mga pages or yung mga account na nag-momotivate ng mga tao kase ako

madali ako ma-down so yun yung pina-follow ko para na rin sa sarili ko na pag

binabasa ko or lalo na’t pag pagod nako, galing akong school kaya yun yung nakikita ko

sa feed ko, natutuwa ako para ma motivate ako so kung may ipa-follow man akong

account or pages yun talaga yung pinipili kong mga account.

Oo, na try ko na yun kasi dati lalo na nong bata-bata pako hindi naman talaga

kapag nakita ko yung information naniniwala agad ako eh hindi ko naman iisipin yung

source kasi bata pako pero ngayon hindi naman ganun kadalas actually hindi na ako

nag-shishare ng information lalo na kapag ‘di ko pa napapanood.

Sa TV, kasi dun talaga ako nag rerely kung baga kung mag shishare man ako ng

information sure ako na totoo yun. Siguro kung naniwala naman sila don or hindi kasi

hindi naman tayo sigurado na lahat ng friends ko na nakita yon kasi madali yon

matabunan so kung sa unang nakakita siguro maniniwala agad sila or yun nga kung

sakali man ang shinishare ko lang naman dati kasi is kaya ako nag ABM kasi mahilig ako

sa business so mga shinishare ko yung mga tiesite lagi mga ganon so siguro pwede sila

mag panic buying or anything na talagang kung maniniwala ka agad gagawa ka agad

ng paraan eh kasi nga kung totoo man yon or hindi kung nangyari man yon na nag

share ako ng ganon siguro malaki ang magiging epekto non sa mga tao kasi kung

maniniwala sila dun na hindi naman pala totoo siguro parang may epekto talaga na

gagawa sila or mag adrenaline rush na mag iisip sila ng bagay na hindi dapat nila


Yung mga post na kung ano lang yung post na natutuwa ako lalo na yung mga

meme yun talaga yung shinishare ko sa Facebook kasi kaya ko shinishare kasi natuwa

ako so gusto ko matuwa din yung mga friends ko lalo na kapag pang pa goodvibes.

Kagaya nga ng sabi ko kanina titignan ko yung source ngayon kasi maingat nako

sa ganon tsaka kung maverify ko sya ang pinipili ko na source is yung kilala ko na or

yung alam ko na dati pa na nag bibigay ng reliable information so ganun talaga yung sa

sources lang talga ako titingin kung ito yung sources na pinagkakatiwalaan ko so iisipin

ko ko talaga na legitimate yung information.

Ang pinaka talaga is yung TV, sa GMA dun lang ako mag rerely kasi yung ABS

alam ko na bias yun so sa tv lang ako nag aantay then nakikinig din ako ng radio yung


Nangyayari lang to kasi kapag may tao akong pinagkakatiwalaan na may tao

akong iniidolo, talagang pinaniniwalaan ko siya tas may mga information minsan kahit

di ko kilala yung sources pinaniniwalaan ko then kung may pinaniniwalaan man ako ang

nag coconfused lang naman sa akin is akala ko ganto pero ba’t ganto yung mga ganon

so parang kung ito yung pinaniniwalaan ko pwede talagang mang yari yun dahil sa

shinare nung something kung sino man or someone talagang nag coconfused sya kasi

bakit bat di kita pinagsampuna kung pinaniniwalaan ko kasi diba nga yung lagay nga ng

mag sasaka dito sa pilipinas is mahirap yung parang hindi sila binibigyan ng pondo ng

gobyerno then may nagshare na, nakita ko sa newsfeed ko na binibigyan naman daw

lalo na yung nanalo senador di ko nasasabihin yung pangalan nanalo then binibigyan

nya daw ng pondo. Parang shinare sya nong kilala ko talaga yung pang alam ko na

matalino ganun so parang naniniwala nalang ako medyo panatag ako na ay dinaman

pala ganon kahirap yung lagay ng mag sasaka parang ganun.

Actually lahat naman ng tao gusto mapadali yung buhay so ito mga high school

student minsan talaga madalas nag-rerely sila sa facebook yung nga so kung itong mga

fake news or mga misinformation na ito makita nila sa newsfeed agad nilang

paniniwalaan yun kasi di naman lahat ng tao ay critical thinker na basta basta nalang

inaacept yung idea basta basta nalang inaacept yung information so yung talaga yung

nag lilimit sa kanila ng pag nakita nila paniniwalaan nila yun so parang kung

pinaniniwalaan nila hindi na sila mag iisip pa ng iba yun nag lilimit na kanila ay ganto

pala ay sige ganto nalang.

Pag alam ko kasi na hindi naman totoo lalo na pag napanood ko sa GMA yung

totoo tapos nakita ko tapos shinishare nila mali diko nalang piinapansin lalo na diko

shinishare kasi nga mali ba’t ko ishishare so di ko man sya pinapansin then parang

isang beses na try ko din mag post na sana kong di kayo sure sa pinag kuwanan sana

wag nyo nalang i-share kasi nagko-cause lang kayo ng panic sa ibang tao lalo na yung

sumabog yung taal diba nagpost sila sabay sabay daw yung mga volcano ganyan

ganyan tapos di naman reliable sources yung pinagkuhanan so nagko-cause siya ng

panic sa mga tao ganun.

Ang ginawa ko lang nun is nag post ako sabi ko sure kabang totoo yan tapos

after non, dinelete niya yung post tapos Nawala, dun ako natuwa.

So di ko sya sinasadya di ko alam na mali diba parang nung bata ako ang

ginawa ko nun denelete ko yung post tapos marami kasi nag comment dun parang nag

usap kami nun parang nag debate pa nga kami sa comment section eh so ang ginawa

ko denelete ko ko yung post then parang nalaman naman na nila yung totoo sa future

nun tapos nag post ako na nag sorry ako ganyan nag apologize ako sa mga taong

nakakita then naniwala dun talaga.

Sa tingin ko pinakamagagawa ko lang naman talaga prevent ang gagawin wag

ka na lang agad maniniwala not unless marami lang naman sources na nakakakita ka

ng parepareho sila ng information siguro totoo so parang napigilan mo wag ka na lang

agad maniniwala lalo na kung may ishishare sa Facebook or sa social media site kung di

kanaman talaga sigurado sa information.


Co-Researcher C--------------------------------------Dan

I’m already Grade 11 ABM Aguinaldo, 16 years old and I’m using Facebook.

Mostly, people who keep posting about themselves and also their hobby and

where they interested.

Mostly kpop updates and were people usually interested commonly appeared in

my newsfeed.

I usually followed those pages where it posting motivated post.

Yes, I already experienced it when I was a kid but now, I don’t usually share

information when it don’t appear on tv.

I commonly shares memes post. Because it can give you good vibes.

I will check if it came from reliable sources.

I checked if its reliable when it’s from GMA and DZBB.

They believe it because they saw it from their newsfeed. They don’t care where

it come from.

I try to ignore it because if I also share it, it can cause confusion and panic to


I just commented to that post if it’s legit. I shared news without unknowingly if

its legitimate or not so I just apologize for people who saw it.

Don’t believe easily not unless all of the accounts or pages are posted the same


Co-Researcher D--------------------------------------Kat

So I’m from Grade 11 ABM-Aguinaldo, 17 years old.

About class suspension, weather tapos mga napapanahong balita naman ganon.

Depende kasi sa panahon, minsan kasi diba halimbawa maulan siyempre tungkol sa

mga suspension ganon. Yung diba nung nakaraan kase may mga kumakalat na news

na sa mga kidnapping ganon.

Tungkol ba sa news or sa kahit saan? Mga inspirational quotes na pages ganon

tapos bible verses mga ganon. Yung ABS-CBN, GMA ganon.

Alin, lahat iyon? Yung una kase sa mga quotes ganon para kase ma-inspire ako

ganon, kapag nakikita ko yung ganon kase yung mga post nila parang iniinspire kanila

na gawin mo yung ganyang bagay ganon tapos yung sa mga ano naman sa ABS-CBN

atsaka GMA siyempre kase para malaman ko rin yung mga nagyayari sa paligid ganun

then mga news na napapanahon…. ayun.


Oo. Sakin ano kase naniwala ako agad kase akala ko talaga nangyayari, yung sa

kidnapping kase may nagshare na, babae siya, nagpost siya tungkol doon sa nangyari

sakanya tapos ako shinare ko kase baka nga totoo yun, nangyare iyon, so sakin parang

ako natakot ako na lumabas ganyan kase baka nga totoo, baka nandiyan sila na

kidnaping din ako ganon tapos para sa iba naman syempre matatakot din sila kase

nabasa nila iyong ganong experience nung babae.

Memes ganon. Kase natutuwa ako eh.

Oo, yung sa mga class suspension ganon. Para mainform din yung iba na walang

pasok ganon then bukod doon yung ano kase iba ibang news ganon kapag na catch

yung atensiyon kunwari yung isang news na catch nung atensiyon ko non ishahare ko,

mga links ganon tungkol sa news shinashare ko minsan.

If nung source non is kilala, kunware yung ABS-CBN diba kilala namn siya or

kaya yung GMA NEWS ganon.

Hindi, hindi pa rin. Hindi pwedeng maging basehan yung likes and shares kase

minsan yung mga tao naattract lang duon sa pictures or doon sa laman ng post pero di

nila alam na kung fake ba yun or totoo ganon.

Sa mga page non, kunware yung sa GMA ganon or kaya sa Twitter den kase

feeling ko kapag sa twitter mas totoo yung mga news na nadoon ganon or kaya sa

television,yung mga news talaga doon.


Siguro halimbawa yung sinabi ko yung sa kidnapping, may mga nagpost doon

na parang totoo mga sinasabi nila, iyong mga nangyayare kase may mga pictures pa

silang pinapakita ganon tapos parang sobrang emotional yung post nila kaya karamihan

naniniwala sa kanila kase emotional yung pagsabi nila ng mga nagyayare kaya

naniniwala yung mga ibang tao.

Siguro kase ang galing magkuwento, ayun nga yung halimbawa ko kanina yung

kidnapping, marami rin kaseng nagpopost ng ganon so parang yung mga student

naniniwala na kase marami ng nagpopost.

Wala, hindi kolang pinapansin hinahayaan ko lang. Hindi kase ako nagko

comment sa ganon kase feeling ko kapag ganon parang dadagdagan kolang yung mga

toxic people. Idedelete, kase pwede namn idelete ganon.

Siguro sisimulan kona sa sarili ko kase sakin syempre kung alam konaman na

fake iyon bakit kopa ishahare,halimbawa ako,marami naman akong friends din sa

Facebook if na nagshare ako ng ganong fake news syempre yung iba makikita rin iyon

so posibleng maishare din nila so sa akin dapat ako, hindi kona ishashare yung fake

news na iyon para hindi narin maishare ng iba, ibang studyante ganon.

Co-Researcher D--------------------------------------Kat

So I’m from Grade 11 ABM-Aguinaldo, 17 years old.


About class suspension, weather forecasts and others. It depends on time,

sometimes, if it's rainy then there are news about class suspensions. Last time there

are spreading various news about kidnapping.

About news or anything? Those pages contain inspirational quotes and bible

verses. The ABS-CBN, GMA like that. First, for the quotes, it inspires me and for GMA

and ABS-CBN, to be aware on my surroundings.

Yes. For me, I mostly believe on any information, talking about the kidnapping, I

shared it because maybe it's true, and also because I’m scared.

Memes like that. Because it's fun.

Yes, about class suspensions. To inform other people and aside from that, it

catches my attention. If the source is known, like GMA, ABS-CBN because they are

already known sources.

Number of likes can't be your basis, sometimes people get attracted to the

pictures and they didn't know if that information was true.

GMA like that, and Twitter because it feels like news on Twitter are more

legitimate than any other social media platforms. I also watch television.

So, for example, about the kidnapping, some posts appear to be true because of

the pictures, videos of the event and also the delivery of the post emotionally, so that

there are a lot of people easily get misinformation.


Well I think it's the way of delivering a story. For example, like what I've said

earlier, they also tend to believe in an information because there are a lot of people

sharing it.

Nothing, I just ignored it. I didn't make comments because I did not want to be

considered as toxic people. I would delete it, because it can be.

I'll start from myself, because if I know that an information is fake, why do I

need to share it? I have a lot of friends on Facebook that can possibly see that fake

information that I have shared, If they do, they'll have a chance to also share it. So

Instead, I would not share fake news so that my friends wouldn't too.

Co-Researcher E--------------------------------------Blue

Good afternoon I am Blue I’m 16 years old, I’m female student. I take up GA

strand. I’m a chill person, and I’m an introvert. I’m not really friendly, and I found

difficulty in expressing my thoughts but for this interview I’ll do my best give you

answers and I’m aware on fake news that is happening online.

Kadalasan kong nakikita sa news feed ko is news about politics. Yung sa

government ngayun nakakita din ako news about sports lalo na yung sa FIBA Asia Cup

ngayun tapos mga entertainment news tungkol sa mga artista. Sa ngayon kasi sa news

feed ko ang nakikita kong news yung anu nga sa franchise renewal ng ABS-CBN. Tas

nakikita ko din news sa ncov yung mabilis na pagkalat which is yung origin is yung

China and yung next country na may pinakamaraming cases ay ang South Korea yun.

Kadalasang mga news page like GMA news, ABS-CBN news, CNN news, CNN

sports, Rappler and I usually followed meme pages. Para makakuha ng information

about what is happening sa surroundings ko para maging aware ako kung ano bang

mga issues na nangyayari sa country and sa world and para sa entertainment.

No. It came from legitimate source kasi shinaredan ko ng post is verified ng

Facebook at talagang credible na sya. Known sya ng maraming tao. Kadalasan yung

mga ano, trending news lalo na yung sa government tapos sa mga health news like

ncov. I commonly shared mga entertainment stuff like memes. For entertainment and

para makakuha din ako ng information about what is happening sa surroundings ko.

The information is true if yung page na shinaredan mo ng post is verified ng

Facebook tapos credible na at alam maraming tao. I use google para maghanap ng

related things about dun at mas ma verified kung totoo yun.

It cause confusion kasi nga di mo alam kung ano yung paniniwalaan mo yung

parang isang side lang yung alam mo di mo alam yung buong story. Pag kasi

nakakakita ng fake news ang shs students mabilis silang magbigay ng emotion kagaya

ng example nung fake news about class suspension. Kasi parang ambilis nilang mag


Syempre naiinis kasi maraming mga tao ang naniniwala tapos nagiging uto-uto

dun sa mga fake news na nakita nila. Siguro wala na lang hindi ko na lang sila

pinakikialaman minsan nirereport ko yung page na nagpapakalat ng fake news.

First I will turn down the post. I will delete the post tapos para di na kumalat .

Syempre I will report the page, yun lang kaya ko as a student tapos siguro

siguro I will tell my friend na yung mga shinishare nila na fake yun wala naming

credibility and I will ask them to turn down the post para di na kumalat sa iba.

Co-Researcher E--------------------------------------Blue

Good afternoon I am blue I’m 16 years old, I’m female student I take up GA

strand. I’m a chill person, and I’m an introvert. I’m not really friendly, and I found

difficulty in expressing my thoughts but for this interview I’ll do my best give you

answers and I’m am aware on fake news that is happening online.

I've mostly seen posts about politics on my news feed. I've also seen news about

sports like FIBA cup then for entertainment about different artists. For now, I mostly

seen news about ABS-CBN franchise renewal on my news feed. Then I also seen news

about NCoV and the way it spread so quickly.


Mostly news pages like GMA news, ABS-CBN news, CNN news, CNN sports,

Rappler and I usually followed meme pages.

To get information about what's happening in my surroundings and to be aware

about the issues happening in our country and in the world and also for entertainment

No. It came from legitimate source I shared it from a credible source that is

verified by Facebook. It is also known by many people.

Mostly for me, trending news about government, Then health news like ncov. I

commonly shared entertainment stuff like memes. For entertainment and to get

information about what's happening in my surroundings. The information is true if a

page is verified ng Facebook, credible and known. I use google to find related things

about that and to know if it's true.

It causes confusion, because you will not know where to believe in. If I saw, fake

news, I always found out that SHS students give their emotions easily. They react on it


I felt irritated, because there are many people believing on that particular news

that is fake. Sometimes, I just report the page who's spreading the fake news.

First, I will turn down the post. I will delete the post. I will report the page,

because that is the best thing to do as a student, also, I would tell my friends about

that fake news and don't share it because it has no credibility and I will ask them to

turn down the post for the information to stop spreading.

Co-Researcher F-----------------------------------Kharel

I’m 17 yrs old. I’m from grade 11 GAS Mabini.

Actually, yung mga fake news about sa mga classes. Kapag kunyare walang class

suspensions. Kunyare yung pag may mga bagyo ganun. Yung mga trending topics dun

syempre wala kaagad pasok sa ganito ganyan which is di naman talaga legit kasi sabi

sabi lang.

For me our local mayor si Oca kasi yun nga mga announcement kung may pasok

ba o wala. Para maka seek ng information at maging aware pa sa mga nanyayare sa


No. Masasabi ko lang is makikita naman sa Facebook kung legitimate yung

source like page kung yun ay may check at verified ng Facebook.

Para saken yung mga bagay kung saan makaka relate ka talaga like hugots sa

love life friendship at iba pa. Nakakarelate lang kasi tapos halos lahat di naman lahat

pero nararanasan din nila.


Ayun pag konti yung nag lalike tapos paulit-ulit lang din yung mga post tapos

walang verification check ng Facebook. I use IG or Twitter ganun kung parehas lang din

sila nag mga content or sinasabe maybe totoo yun.

Confusing sya the way na pag nakita mo yung information or news tapos may isa

pang same news or information pero iba sila ng story di muna na alam sa dalawa kung

alin ang paniniwalaan mo.

Most of SHS students lang di naman lahat pero kasi andaming estudyante yung

paniwalain pero ayun nga may mga tao pa rin na info seeker di naman lahat ng tao

pareparehas ng iniisip.

Kapag nakakakita ako ng fake news napapailing na lang ako at napapaisip bakit

ba nila need ito ipagkalat di ba nila iniisip na nakakapahak sila at nakakaperwisyo ng


Irereport ko nalang para ma turndown yung page or kung kaninong account man

yun. Kung di ako sure tapos nalaman kung fake news pala yun idedelete ko nalang

kaagad yung post at mag sosorry ako sa mga nakabasa or nag react about dun. Mag

rarant ako at mag re raise ng awareness about sa mga fake news at yung mga

posibilidad na maging epekto nn pag hinayaan lang nila.


Co-Researcher F-----------------------------------Kharel

I’m 17 yrs. old. I’m from grade 11 GAS Mabini.

Actually, it’s about fake news on class suspensions. It’s like there is no really

class suspension. Seasonally, like storms or hurricanes. A lot of trending posts about it

that suddenly blows up that is not actually real or announced by the authority.

For me our local mayor Mr. Oca Malapitan, because of his announcements about

class suspensions. For me to be able to seek and be fed by the information about my


No. All I can say is you can easily verify any post or blog on Facebook if the

account or page who posted it is verified by Facebook.

For me, I usually share quotes, love hugots, friendship lines, and etc,. just like

what others can relate about. It’s just familiar to me and for some people can be relate

at. If the page or account doesn’t have a lot of likes or has no verification tag by

Facebook. I use IG or Twitter cause some of the content there somehow relevant.

It is confusing the way that the moment you saw the information or news then

there’s another news or information that’s almost the same but they differ from story

you’ll be confused on what side to believe.


Most of the SHS students not all of them but most of them easily believe on the

news or information that they’ve seen, and makes them to think limitedly. Still there’s a

lot of students who still seeks more relevant stuffs before believe.

Every time that I encounter these kinds of things, I felt disappointed to the

people who are still continuing to make these things. They didn’t know that they can

put someone’s life in danger.

I’ll report the page or the account so the Facebook will turn down the account

and unable to do more stuffs like that. If I posted something like that then ASAP I’ll

delete that post and post an apology to those persons who saw it.

I will use my freedom of speech by telling everyone that we need to be aware

about the possibilities of fake news can do.

Co-Researcher G-------------------------------------Mau

I’m from ICT – Agoncillo.

Uhm… karaniwan kasi kapag nag-iiscroll ako sa news feed ko, karamihan nakikita

ko yung parang nagiging freedom wall yung news feed ko kasi nandoon yung labasan

ng sama ng loob ng mga ano ko, mga friends ko sa Facebook, ganun.


Ngayon, yung trending topics about yung dumbbell ba ‘yun? Basta ‘yun


Uhm… ayun, yung karaniwan na yung kapag sa walang pasok, ganun.

Mostly, yung mga interest ko. Halimbawa, sila Marshmellow, yung page about sa

Marshmellow, fina-follow ko ‘yun. Tapos yung about sa mga pages yung tungkol sa

mga anxiety, parang mga kadramahan sa buhay, ganun.

Nakakarelate kasi ako minsan sa mga post na ‘yun. Halimbawa, kapag

malungkot ako o kaya masaya. Yung mga post na ‘yun nararamdaman ko sa sarili ko.

Syempre, ano… kasi yung interest ko nata-tackle nila at saka kapag malungkot

may mga ano rin dun, natututunan ako na pwede kong i-adopt sa sarili ko.

Yes, nagshe-share ako ng mga galing sa untrusted source. For example, yung…

may mga chance na walang pasok, syempre ‘di ba excited ako, masaya ako kasi walang

pasok, edi may makikita ako dun. Naniniwala agad ako nang hindi ko man lang

kinukonsulta yung iba.

Yung shine-share ko commonly… is yung mga parang memes ganun… mga

kadramahan sa buhay.

Syempre ano… shine-share ko yun kasi yung post na yun… yun na nga kanina

sinasabi ko, nakaka-relate ako sa mga post na yun, syempre gusto ko ring i-share sa

iba yun. Halimbawa, kapag ano… katulad sila ng mga nararamdaman ko, pwedeng

makatulong yung mga post na yun sa kanila.

Syempre ano… may mga post kasi diba na di mo malalaman agad yun na fake

news, syempre ako as a student, inaalam ko muna yun sa ibang mga source.

Halimbawa, pwedeng kila mama, tatanungin ko… sila kuya… kung may alam sila

tungkol dito. Tapos yun, sasabihin nila yung about dun ganun. O kaya pwede rin akong

mag-ano sa news, ganun… kung totoo ba talaga tong balitang to, yung nakita ko sa


Sa pictures, mahahalata naman minsan yung edit, ganun… at saka binabase ko

rin sa mga comments, diba pag may mga comments dun na “totoo” ganun, parang yun

naniniwala na rin ako. Sa link naman, binibisita ko muna. Tapos titingnan ko kung

edited ba yun or hindi yung link na yun.

Halimbawa yung post about sa walang pasok, nag-coconsult muna ako sa

television, pwede rin sa radio.

Halimbawa, may mga post na iba sa paniniwala ko, ganun. Syempre, yung fake

news na yun, may epekto sa paniniwala ko. Syempre, macoconfuse tuloy ako kung ano

ba talaga yung totoo dito… yung sarili ko bang kaalaman o yung fake news na nabasa

ko. Parang malilito tuloy ako kung ano ba talaga yung totoo dun sa dalawa.

Syempre, karaniwan na silang nagso-social media at may nababasa silang fake

news kaya yung mga nababasa nilang fake news parang dun na lang talaga sila

maniniwala kasi minsan ako rin… aaminin ko na tinatamad rin ako magbase sa ibang

source kung totoo ba o hindi. Kaya yung mababasa ko na lang na post dun, fake news

man o hindi, yun na lang yung paniniwalaan ko.

Kapag fake news, di na lang ako nagrereact. Dina-daan daanan ko na lang.

Oo, ganun. Nagbabasa ako ng mga comment kung totoo ba yun base sa mga

comments nila. Wala akong masyadong ginagawa about it. Parang ano… babalewalain

ko na lang, hindi ko na lang papaniwalaan.

Kapag nakakapag-share naman ako ng mga post na hindi naman totoo, syempre

sa huli marerealize ko na hindi pala totoo to ganun… buburahin ko yun. Syempre kasi

aminado ako na napapahiya ako… kasi kapag nagshe-share ako ng post na “ay ganun,

mali pala… fake news…” edi maba-bash ako sa mga comments… yun, buburahin ko na


As a student, hindi na lang ako basta-basta magshe-share ng mga di ko pa

napapatunayang totoo, ganun. Kaya nga… sabi nila… think before you click. Bago ka

mag-share, mag-comment, or mag-react sa isang post, kailangan mo munang pag-

isipan kung totoo ba to or mabuti ba yung epekto nito sa iba.

Co-Researcher G-------------------------------------Mau

I’m from ICT – Agoncillo.


Usually when I’m browsing at my newsfeed, most of the things that I see is

people make the Facebook as their freedom wall, they rant about problems and so on.

Now, trending topics about dumbbell something like that. Mostly, my interest.

Example, Marshmellow, the page about Marshmellow, I’m following it. Then pages

about anxiety, more on drama in life. Cause they made me happy and they have a lot

of advices that I can adopted to myself.

Yes, I’ve shared some news from untrusted source. Example, an instance that

there will be a class suspension, of course I’m excited, I’m happy cause there will be no


I commonly share memes and quotes about drama in life. Of course, I can relate

from it. I share it cause some people might relate too.

As a student I will act wisely I will seek more information and I’ll ask my mom if

she knows about it. For an example suspension of classes, I’ll the news on tv or radio if

that news id example, there are news that I already know but then I saw on my news

feed this news again and leads me to the confusion on where to believe at.

Sometimes we just keep on browsing on social media and once we encountered

some fake news or misinformation, we just believe on it. If it is fake news, I just ignore

it. I’m reading the comments at the comment section, once I knew that it is fake Ill

ignore it.

Once I realized that I shared some fake news I will immediately delete it cause

don’t want to be bashed. As a student, I will not recklessly share any news or

information without confirming its legitimacy. As what they say “think before you click.’’

Co-Researcher H----------------------------------Chocho

Uhh umm ok hi I’m umm 16 years old I’m studying in Mystical Rose School of

Caloocan, my favorite school and I’m currently taking the ICT strand my favorite strand

in my favorite school.

Pwede naman magtagalog diba so um ah information and news story na

common sa newsfeed ko is sa ating mga studyante siguro mga balita na walang pasok

yon yung madalas makita sa newsfeed ko sa Facebook and Twitter or other social

media na nagagamit ko.

Sa sarili kong feed kung hindi yung mga walang pasok news na nakikita ko its

either mga current issues tulad ng corona virus and um yung lalaking tumalon sa city

hall na depression and other issues na pinapakalat ng mga tao.

So, umm mga pinafollow ko sa facebook is usually for memes kase alam mo kase

alam ko walang pinagkakatiwalaan lahat ng nakikita ko sa facebook hindi naman natin

makakapagkatiwalaan so kung ganon lang naman kukuha nalang ako ng entertainment


para naman atlis alam kong mga memes kung mga page nila ay magpost ng balita

alam kong peke.

Ahh yun nga sinabi ko nga kanina since alam ko naman na lahat na sa social

media ay makakapagkatiwalaan kukuha na lang ako sa kanila na pang entertainment

and kung mag post man sila nang example ng balita atlis alam ko na alam ko na

kaagad na hindi yun totoo.

Um yes, sa tingin ko wala naman kase yung sa mga shinashare kong fake news

na aware akong fake news sobrang fake news siya and um once na makita siya ng

ibang tao na I’m sure na ano maalam nila na fake news nga iyon.

Umm wala naman akong masyadong shinishare sa facebook bukod sa mga

memes na nakikita jokes ganun.

Shinishare ko lang siya kase gusto ko ayon wala akong other reason bukod don

kase natatawa lang ako shinishare ko sa mga friends ko ayon.

So ako I verify news and information nakadepende sa um marami akong

pinagbabasehan una sa likes, comments and shares pangalawa sa um kung verified ba

talaga ang account na nagpost and kung saan ko Nakita.

For me hindi lang ako kung ano um nakakita ako ng balita sa Facebook at hindi

ako sure, iba gumagamit akon ng verification through um the internet the other parts of

the internet tulad ng google magsesearch ako ng mga um topic na related don sa

related news na nakita ko so ayon.

So ayun nga um diba tayong mga sa generation ngayon mas madalas tayong

gumamit ng social media and internet sa karamihan ng bagay and kung hindi lahat ng

ano kung hindi lahat na makikita mo sa internet and social media na mga balita ay

lahat sila’y di totoo malilito tayo kung alin dito ang paniniwalaan natin and ayon minsan

hindi ako nakakapasok pero yung totoo may pasok pala kase yu yung nakita ko sa

facebook so ganun maraming cause ang information.

So ayon fake news and misinformation nalilimitahan ang pag iisip sa ating mga

senior high school kase sa’tin kailangan aware tayo sa mga kung baga eto na yung ano

eh mga stepping stones natin na papuntang college na kung saan aware tayo sa mga

lahat ng mga nangyayari sa society natin tulad ng corona virus hostage taking um kung

hindi lahat mababalita tungkol doon ay totoo mas um mas kokonte or limitado lamang

ang information na makukuha naten therefore yung mga nalalaman natin ayun

nalilimitahan den.

So um ako um once may nalaman once may makita akong fake news ako

matatawa lang ako kase mostly para sakin joke lang yon and lalo na kapagmay nakita

akong naniniwala talaga ansarap talagang magpangap na bobo sa harap ng tao na

feeling matalino kaya ayon natatawa lang talaga ako.


So sakin once na pag nakaencounter ako ng fake news or misinformation

shinishare ko den pretending na naniniwala don den titignan ko kung sino yung

maniniwala o sa hindi para sa katuwaan lang den.

So kung hindi ako aware na fake news parang na share ko um una ang unang

option ko siguro ay ieedit ko yung post ko pangalawang option ko is magkaroon ako ng

follow up post na hindi totoo iyon or just straight up delete ko yung ano yung post na

yon and sa tatlong option na yon irereport ko yung ano yung post na yun saying that

hindi yon totoo fake news iyon.

Uhh, sa totoo lang wala akong masyadong magagawa as a student pero sating

mga tawag dito sating gumagamit ng social media ang ano nalang siguro tulad ng

ginagawa ko kaganina either ipaalam sa iba na fake news to or just delete it report

yung mga post and accounts na nagpopost ng mga fake news na iyon.

Co-Researcher H----------------------------------Chocho

Uhh umm ok hi I’m umm 16 years old. I’m studying in Mystical Rose School of

Caloocan, my favorite school and I’m currently taking the ICT strand my favorite strand

in my favorite school.

So, um ah information and news story that common at my newsfeed is about us

students maybe some news about class suspension that’s all I commonly encountered

at Facebook.

For now, maybe about corona virus, people committing suicide, and other

negative things.

I’m just following some memes and other entertainment stuffs.

You know, I’m aware about fake news so I just entertain myself rather than

thinking what to believe.

Um yes, I think there will be no bad effect to people. They know how to

distinguish fake news.

I just usually share memes and jokes. Aside from it is funny I’m sharing it with

my friends.

I have my standards first the like, comments, the page if it is verified by

Facebook. If I’m not sure about that news I usually use google to search more about it.

Based on our generation, it’s a big deal. We don’t know what to do the news

here saying “there’s no classes’’, but on the tv there’s announcement. Fake news limits

us to think more and to how we are going to solve the problem without digging up

more information about the specific problem.


I’ll just laugh on it, and those people who believes at that news or information.

I’ll still share it. I’ll make fun of those people who will believe on it.

If I shared a fake news unknowingly, I think I’ll follow up it by editing its caption

or just straight delete it. I will just tell to people that this account or page is posting

fake news or simply report it.

Co-Researcher I----------------------------------Leonard

Ahm I’m from section Burgos, Home Economics strand grade 11, 16 years old.

Uhm usually I commonly find on my news feed is ano yung mga ano news na

napapanahon ngayon and, and a story about the lives of my friends yun po. Ahm

pagdating sa news I think it's about ABS-CBN shutdown and ahm pagdating sa

kabalbalan po is that yung parang pornsite na meron nakalagay sa baba na ano na ano

na makulit ka iuuntog kita sa ganito kineme ganon.

Uhm usually I followed pages or account ah comedy, love story minsan po it's

about LGBTQ, IA plus group or ahm mga ano, mga nakaka-catch ng attention ko.

Ahm ayun nga as I've said earlier uh ano nakaka-catch sila ng attention ko ahm

siyempre hindi rin naman maiiwasan talaga na makakuha ng mga sources sa mga

untrusted and ahm ano yung epekto nito saken actually wala naman dahil hindi ko rin

siya siniseryoso dahil wala naman talaga akong paki sa nara-- sa kung anong meron

ngayon, dahil ang paki ko kung ano ang meron sa akin ganon and ano po siyempre

ayun nga kung alam ko na uns--- ah untrusted sources siya ng news ano hinahayaan ko

muna siya mga ano ilang araw tapos doon, doon ko na malalaman kase kung totoo ba

siya or hindi dahil ika-clarified na siya e kaya doon.

Ahm nakakatawa kase minsan, kadalasan sa mga shinishare kong information is

memes actually hindi naman siya information e, ahm mga kabalbalan lang, kunwari

mga taglibog ganon and ano mga funnies--- funny video.

Ahm ayun nga nakaka-catch sila ng attention and para pag ano pag na stalk ko

yung sarili ko masaya ako kasi alam kong yung ini-stalk ko may saysay yung nilalagay

doon --dahil kasi ako yun.

Ahm sa panahon ngayon ahm ano madami na talagang kumakalat na fake news

pero hindi rin talaga natin maiiwasan kung ano nga ba yang totoo sa hindi. Ahm bilang

isang estudyante ahm ano parang nasa ko pa rin yung think before you click so bago

mo siya kunin or bago mo siya ikalat kailangan ano intindihin mo muna kung ano yon,

kung tama ba siya or hindi ah siguro ano kung kailan siya pinost, kung kailan siya ano

lang mabisa, siguro ganon para malaman mno kung totoo ba siya o hindi.

Ahm maliban sa Facebook I usually use ahm tiktok ewan ko kung ano siya kung

multimedia account ahm next po dun is Twitter na kung saan kadalasan na pina-follow

ko po talaga sa twitter is mga news, news site like ABS-CBN, GMA, TV5 and ano yun pa

yung mga iba pang network site.

Ahm actually kase ano e dahil sa fake news naiba yung ano e yung perception

natin dun sa isang bagay may mga opinyon kase sa fake news na hindi talaga tama ano

siguro kung napaniwalaan mo man yon siyempre mag iiba yung ano understanding mo

sa isang bagay na kung saan pag lumabas na yung katotoohanan hindi mo siya

matatanggap dahil ano dahil hindi nga yun yung una mong nakuha.

Ahm ayun na nga fake news nga eh kaya siguro kaya limitly lang yung ano.

Limitedly lang yung pag iisip ng tao kase hindi parin ano, parang hindi kase nila

inuuwa---- inuunawa ng maayos ahm bali dito kase parang kung ano yung nakikita nila,

what you see is what we believed, pero para sakin kung ano yung nakita mo dapat

suriin mo para malaman mo yung totoo.

Ahm wala parang wala lang pake talaga kasi nga, pero kung magre-react man

talaga ako siyempre naiinis ako kasi bakit nag kakalat sila ng misinformation eh kung

pwede naman nila ikalat yung totoong information.

Ahm pag hina-handle sa tingin ko lang ayun nga yung katagang think before you

click bago mo siya ano paniwalaan dapat intindihin mo at ano ano ba parang intindihin

mo siya at suriin mo para malaman mo talaga yung totoo.


Ah usually kapag alam kong fake talaga hindi talaga ako dun ahm no hindi ako

nakikipag interact don as long as alam kong mali yon hindi talaga makiki--- hindi ako

mag sasayang ng oras para makipag interact don sa ano.

Ahm kung sakali man na makapag share ako ng maling post ay maling news

dini-delete ko agad siya sa ano ko sa news feed ko or sa ano ko account ko kase

parang ano e parang mali ka na nga ba't mo pa ikakalat edi dapat itago mo nalang or

burahin para hindi na kumalat pa ganon.

Ahm for me self-awareness talaga and ano po kamalayan sa kasalukuyan kasi

kung hindi mo alam yung mga nakapaligid sayo paano pa kung sa sarili mo ahm

katulad ah ng ano ano ba. Ano para sakin para po hindi na mapre-- ma-prevent na po

yung pagkalat ng fake news I think ano wag niyo nalang po i-share kase kung ise-share

niyo pa dumagdag lang din po kayo don and ano parang marami pang maniniwala doon

na kung saan pag naniwal sila gagawin din nila yung isang bagay na dapat hindi kaya

yun yung sa tingin ko and self-awareness po para po wala ng misinformation sa

Facebook and not only in Facebook but in other kind of social media like Twitter,

Instagram and ayon.

Co-Researcher I----------------------------------Leonard

I’m from section Burgos, Home Economics strand grade 11, 16 years old.

Usually I commonly find on my news feed is the trending topics and story about

lives of my friends.

For news, I think it’s about ABS-CBN shutdown and when it comes to escapade

it’s like a pornsite which is located at the bottom like you are.

Usually I followed pages or account comedy, love story sometimes it's about

LGBTQ, IA plus group or and whatever catch my attention. As what I've said earlier it

attracts my attention.

Sometimes we can’t elude that kind of action, sometimes we get wrong

information from untrusted source and actually the effect on me is nothing because it’s

nothing serious and I don’t care what they have because all I care is about me and

sometimes if I know the news is came from an untrusted source I let it passed few days

then after that I know if it’s true or not because it’s already clarified.

Sometimes it’s all about funny, usually I shared information is memes actually it’s

not information it is about for fun and lustful days and funny videos. It catches my

attention and when I stalk my account, I’m happy because I know that I’ve shared

information has a purpose. Because it’s me

In our generation fake news is everywhere but we cannot avoid knowing if it’s

true or not. As a student I’ll always put in my head the word “Think before you click” so

that before you spread some information you need to analyze if it’s true or false

information. You need to know if it is up to date, if it is validated to know if the

information is true or legit.

Except Facebook I usually use Tiktok I don’t know if it’s multimedia account and

next is twitter where I follow like news site like ABS-CBN, GMA, TV5 and other network


Actually, because of fake news our perception to that thing is being different,

there are many opinions in fake news that is totally wrong. So, if you believed your

understanding to that thing will change, and if the truth was coming out you will not

accept it immediately because it’s not the first information you knew.

People will think limitedly because they do not understand well. Supposedly they

do the “what you see is what you believed”, but for me what you see is you should

investigate or check it to know if it’s legitimate.

Nothing, seems like I don’t car. But if I react, I get annoyed because why would

they spread fake news/ false information if it can spread the truth information or legit


I think the best way is the saying “think before you click” before you believed

you should understand and analyze what news said to know if it’s true or legitimate.

Usually if I know that kind of post, I didn’t bother to see that post. No, I’m not

interacting, as long as I know it’s not true, I wouldn’t waste my time to interact with

that kind of post.

In case I shared a misinformation or fake news I immediately delete it on my

news feed or in my account, it’s like you are wrong with that kind of action why would

you spread it instead keep it secret or remove immediately to prevent further spread of


For me self-awareness and cognizance to this generation. For me to prevent the

spread of fake news I think you should not spread or share it, because if you share it

it’s like you are imitate them and the other people will believed it too. Where in when

they believe they do the wrong thing that’s my perception and self-awareness is the

best way to prevent spread of fake news and misinformation not only in Facebook but

in other kind of social media like Twitter, Instagram etc.

Co-Researcher J-------------------------------------Kang

I’m 18 years old from HE-Jacinto.

Opo. About sa Memes at saka mga kadramahan ganon. Yung mga sad posts.

Yung mga nababalita den sa TV lumalabas din sa Facebook, then meron ding mga fake

news halimbawa yung dating issue about kina James at Nadine na naghiwalay na raw

sila pero ngayon totoo na. Pangalan ng page minsan ANXIETY ganon.

Sa GMA. Gusto ko yung post nila

No. Kapag kilala yung taong nagsabi nun. Kagaya ng sinabi ko kanina yung sa

mga sadpost mga memes ganon. Sa mga balita mga topics na pinapalabas sa TV tapos

lumalabas sa Facebook. Para malaman or mainform din yung ibang tao.

Kung galing siya sa kilalang tao then napanood mo na siya tapos nakita mo sa

Facebook. Magsesearch ako sa Facebook and Google.

Makakaapekto siya kase paniniwala namin is magka iba .

Oo. Yung kapag may pinapagawa yung teacher tapos about sa news tapos fake

pala yun syempre maaapektuhan yung ginawa mo don.

Yes. Wala kase alam ko ng fake news iyon. Siguro ishashare ko tapos sabihin na

fake news yon. Edi nung pinagsharean ko ng information ipapaalam ko sa kanya na

mali pala yung information.

Kapag nagshare ako lalagyan ko ng caption na Fake news ito tapos huwag na

nila ishare or ipakalat pa. Magko comment tapos sasabihing itigil na iyan kase mali yung

impormasiyon na ibinibigay nila.


Co-Researcher J-------------------------------------Kang

I’m 18 years old from HE-Jacinto.

Yes. About memes and others. About sad posts. Those news on our television,

then there are also fake news about the breakup of James and Nadine. The name of

the page is Anxiety

I followed GMA (news). I like their news.

No. If I know the person who shared it.

Like what I’ve said earlier, about sad post and memes. Those news I’ve seen in

television and Facebook To know and inform others.

If it came from a known personality and if I’ve watched it on Facebook. I’ll

search on Facebook and Google.

It can affect, because our beliefs are kind of different.

Yes. If your teacher assigned you to a task related to news and you suddenly

found out that it is fake.

Yes. I didn’t react, because I didn’t know it’s fake.


I’ll share it then inform others that it’s a fake news. I will tell them that it’s a fake


I’ll share it and put some captions telling it’s fake, so that it will not spread. I’ll

comment and will tell him/her to stop spreading it.



“Excited but nervous,” these are the words that came from the researchers after

their title has been accepted. Somehow, they are confident because some of them

already know what to do and have made a research paper on their previews school


The researchers came up with a bunch of ideas that they want to resolve where

all of them would agree upon. Then they have finally decided to choose the topic

about fake news and misinformation and what might be the effect if people are not

aware of it and will tolerate or don’t do any actions. They noticed that most students

just keep on sharing some news or information without knowing that it is not actually

legitimate or real. The researchers realized that an action must be taken immediately.

Raising awareness is needed to prevent and stop those who keep on making fake

news and misinformation as perceived by Senior High School Students.

After the title defense, they felt relieved and begun making their research titled



Thanks to their research adviser, the researchers have finalized their research

questions and interview protocol. Finding co-researchers were not a problem for them

because they have lots of acquaintance that made looking for participants easier. The

researchers have set requirements for their respondents. As long as they are using

Facebook with a daily average time of 4 hours a day, they are perfectly fit to be one of

the participants. As the researchers search all the top 2 of every section of grade 11

Senior High School Students of Mystical Rose of Caloocan Inc. to be their participant, it

is a really tough job for them because they need to adjust their time to their

participants if their time is available or not. As they roam and roam for about 2 weeks,

they finally did it. The researchers interviewed them with voice recorder to minimized

their consumed time. After the interview, they transcribe the recorded audio into text.

Interviewing people/students are tough but enjoyable. The researchers met a lot of

people that they are not actually familiar with, but after all of this, they had some good

conversation and became friends.

“’Evidence,’’ a data that supports specific idea or case to prove its legitimacy.

This is the most interesting part of the research as the researchers believed. They

collect lots of related literature, studies, articles, and so on to support their study about

“fake news and misinformation” and to strengthen their study about the existence of

‘’fake news and misinformation,’’ and its negative effects to students. As the research

team continues to search, they have found out that this study is not only a problem for

individuals but a global crisis that still existing. A lot of people don’t care about it that’s

why the researchers have been powered up to conduct this research.

The analysis of this qualitative research data involves the objective of Fake or

Fact: Spread of Fake news and Misinformation on Facebook as perceived by Senior


High School Students by using the data that the researchers have obtained to describe

what needs to be described in this research.

The researchers went through a lot of revisions regarding their research papers

before and even after their title defense. Their topic is a bit difficult to conduct so they

have to regularly comply with their research adviser for revision. Their research adviser

always gives her might to correct all mistakes committed on their revision process and

the researchers are grateful for that because from that mistakes they are gradually

honed to better researchers as well as students.

Lately, the research team continued working on their research although not on

their usual way that they are on a same place working together. Instead, the

researchers worked online in messenger because each of them was prohibited to go

out of their houses due to the CoViD-19. They are a bit problematic on this situation

because not all of them were online in the same time so they have to work harder now

than they used to. Now that the researchers are getting used to work on their

respective houses, they keep helping each other’s out even if it is via messenger.

The researchers just want to say that making a research was challenging and in

the same time it was fun because working on this research is not just for grades but

also for themselves and other students, because this research were so beneficial and

relevant for everyone. They are thankful about this experience because it makes them

become a better student which is a good development and served as a training for

college life.


The following themes emerged from the rigorous analysis of the gathered data

and they were supported with direct quotations from the co-researchers.

1. Common Information on Participant's News Feed. It is the news stories that

appear to be normal or commonly seen on participant’s news feed. Researchers asked

them to share their news feed’s common information.

Co-researcher H told us the common story on his news feed as a student. So,

um ah information and news story na common sa newsfeed ko is sa’ting mga

estudyante siguro mga balita na walang pasok ‘yon yung madalas makita sa

newsfeed ko sa Facebook and Twitter or other social media na nagagamit ko . [I

mostly found news about class suspension on my Facebook and Twitter

newsfeed or other social media platform I'm using.]

Co-researcher F said that, Actually yung mga fake news about sa mga classes.

Kapag kunyare walang class suspensions. [Actually, fake news about classes like

there are no suspension of classes.]

Co-researcher D also prove that class suspensions are way common on a

student’s news feed. About class suspension, weather tapos mga napapanahong

balita naman ganon. [About class suspension, weather forecast and other

current news.]

Co-researcher G also shares that suspension of classes are really common on

her news feed. Uhm… ayun, yung karaniwan na yung kapag sa walang pasok,

ganun. [Mostly, especially if there are no classes]

In this study, most of the co-researchers said that the most common topic that

appeared in their newsfeed is about class suspension but there are different

topics occur depending on the situation. Co-researchers commonly shared post

about students. They may see the post in their own social media sites. This

doesn’t mean that class suspensions are the most common topic on every

Facebook user’s news feed. This proves that there are different topics occur

depending on the situation and their interests.

2. Looking into the Trend. This means a particular group of people (e.g. community)

have knowledge about a specific topic occurred on their accounts. After asking common

information, researchers asked them to share trending topics occurring on their news


Co-researcher H gave different trending topics on his news feed. Sa sarili kong

feed kung hindi yung mga walang pasok news na nakikita ko its either mga

current issues tulad ng corona virus and um yung lalaking tumalon sa city hall na

depression and other issues na pinapakalat ng mga tao. [I mostly found current

issues like Corona virus and other issues that spread by different person.]

Co-researcher E also shared an idea. Sa ngayon kasi sa newsfeed ko ang

nakikita kong news yung anu nga sa franchise renewal ng ABS-CBN. Tas nakikita

ko din news sa ncov yung mabilis na pagkalat which is yung origin is yung china

and yung nxt country na may pinakamaraming cases ay ang south Korea yun .

[For now, I mostly found news about the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and also

about NCoV quickly spreading.]

Co-researcher I added trending topic on his news feed. Ahm pagdating sa

news I think it's about ABS-CBN shutdown. [In terms of news, I think about ABS-

CBN shutdown.]

In this study, most of the co-researchers said that the usual trending topics

occurring on their newsfeed it is either Franchise Renewal of ABS CBN or

spreading of Novel Corona Virus. Each participant told us the trending topics

occurred on their news feed and are quite similar to each other’s information.

Proving that they are all aware on what’s trending and what is happening around


3. Following Each Interests. Here we can find the most trusted pages or accounts

by the participants. Trusted sources are very important, following those can help to

stop the spread of fake news and misinformation on Facebook. Researchers asked them

what pages or accounts do they usually follow (in terms of news).

For Co-researcher B, she always has a basis in terms of verifying an

information. Uhmm.. The GMA News. If uhmm.. there is a suspension in classes,

that's my number one.

Co-researcher J directly told her trusted page. Sa GMA (news) [I'm following

GMA news.]

Co-researcher E and D, added another trusted page/s. Co-researcher E said,

Kadalasang mga news page like GMA news, ABS-CBN news, CNN news, CNN

sports, Rappler. [Mostly I follow news pages like GMA news, ABS-CBN news,

CNN news, CNN sports, and Rappler.] Co-researcher D stated, Yung ABS-CBN,

GMA ganon [I followed ABS-CBN and GMA]

With that information, researchers found that the participants already know what

is the difference between trusted and untrusted sources of information.

After that, participants shared their purpose of following those pages.

The researchers noticed that Co-researchers E and D has the same purpose.

Co-researcher D said, …ganon tapos yung sa mga ano naman sa ABS-CBN at

saka GMA siyempre kase para malaman ko rin yung mga nagyayari sa paligid

ganun then mga news na napapanahon…. ayun. [To be aware on what's

happening around.]

Co-researcher E told us: Para makakuha ng information about what is

happening sa surroundings ko para maging aware ako kung ano bang mga

issues na nangyayari sa country and sa world and para sa entertainment. [To get

information about what's happening in my surroundings and to be aware about

the issues that is happening in our country and the world.]

In this study, 5 co-researchers said that they followed trusted pages or account if

it came from GMA News. The two participants followed those pages because

they want to be aware about what is happening in their surroundings. Unlike ABS

CBN, it has a bias in terms of news. Participants already know what is the

different between trusted and untrusted source of information. And also, to be

aware what pages or account should follow.

4. Sharing Doesn’t Always Mean Caring. Researchers asked the participants if they

have shared information from an untrusted source. It is important to know the

credibility of different sources of information to make sure that if it is shared, it will not

cause misinformation to many Facebook users.

Co-researcher E directly stated: No. and also added, it came from legitimate

source kasi shinaredan ko ng post is verified ng Facebook at talagang credible na


sya. Known sya ng maraming tao. [It came from legitimate source because it's

from a page that is verified by Facebook.]

Co-researcher F also answers No and added Masasabi ko lang is makikita

naman sa Facebook kung legitimate yung source like page kung yun ay may

check at verified ng Facebook. [All I can say, everyone can verify if the source is

legitimate if it has a check and truly verified by Facebook itself.]

This proves the researchers that there are students that is aware on how to

identify trusted sources of information, because they confidently say that they

did not share information from unknown and not credible sources even once.

This is a big improvement and a great practice of being self-aware. In this study,

2 co-researchers said that they haven’t shared information from an untrusted

source. Because they knew what is the difference between trusted and untrusted

source. And they are sure what information they may share or not because once

you shared from an untrusted source it may cause confusion to many Facebook


5. Pass the Message. It is the post they have shared from different sources (not

considering its credibility). The researchers asked them what information or post do the

participants commonly share on Facebook.

Co-researchers A and B said that they mostly share posts about politics.

Co-researcher B: Mostly about politics.

Co-researcher A stated, Jokes, bukod sa jokes is yung mga nakakaines na

pangyayari politically. [Aside from jokes, different events in politics.]

Co-researchers A and B’s statement are way connected. They mostly share

information about politics which is one of the topics that is highly engaged with

fake news. In this study, 4 co-researchers stated that they commonly shared

post about memes and politics even it’s not from trusted source Which is highly

engaged with fake news they shared post depends on their mood or favorite.

6. Digging for the Root. In terms of verifying information, the researchers asked the

participants about how they can identify or verify an information if it’s true or

legitimate. Verifying information is quite hard for many students, because most of them

did not aware about the credibility of the sources of information, in line with that, they

cannot verify information’s legitimacy without knowing the source of it.

Co-researcher H told us his own way of verifying information on Facebook. So

ako I verify news and information nakadepende sa um marami akong

pinagbabasehan una sa likes, comments and shares pangalawa sa um kung

verified ba talaga ang account na nagpost and kung saan ko nakita . [I have a lot

of basis, number of likes, comments, shares and if that particular account where

I saw the news was verified]

Co-researcher F said that, Ayun pag konti yung nag lalike tapos paulit ulit lang

din yung mga post tapos walang verification check ng Facebook . [If information

doesn't have many likes, or has no verification check by Facebook.]

Although Co-researcher H considering the source where particular information

came from, he also considers the number of likes and shares being a basis of

verifying information’s legitimacy, same case as Co-researcher F.

In this study, 3 co-researchers have their own way on how to identify if an

information is true or legitimate. Because most of the Facebook users are not

aware about the credibility of the source of information. The participants prove

that there are students who are highly prone to get misinformation because of

their way of verifying information. There are still Facebook users who used

number of likes and shares as their verifying basis.

7. The Media Verification. In terms of verifying information's source, the researchers

asked the participants on what media sites usually participants used to verify

information because most of Facebook users doesn’t know on how and where they

verify an information.

Co-researcher B gave her statement. like Google, Twitter because there are

pages like the GMA news there and it's official

Co-researcher I also gave statement and media he is using aside from

Facebook. ahm maliban sa facebook i usually use ahm tiktok ewan ko kung ano

siya kung multimedia account ahm next po dun is twitter na kung saan

kadalasan na pina-follow ko po talaga sa twitter is mga news, news site like ABS-

CBN, GMA, TV5 and ano yun pa yung mga iba pang network site. [Except

Facebook I usually use Tiktok I don’t know if it’s multimedia account and next is

twitter where I follow like news site like ABS-CBN, GMA, TV5 and other network


Co-researcher E also said that Google can also be used to verify information. I

use google para maghanap ng related things about dun at mas ma verified kung

totoo yun. [I use Google to find related things about that particular information

and to verify if it's true.]

Co-researcher F uses other social media platforms like IG and Twitter to verify

news. I use IG or Twitter ganun kung parehas lang din sila nag mga content or

sinasabe maybe totoo yun. [I use IG(Instagram) or Twitter, if they have the

same content maybe it's true.]


Co-researcher A said that she’s also using not only Google but Google scholar

to be specific to verify if an article is legitimate. um mostly kase yun nga sa news

if not news if it’s for talking about scientific stuff then I will look at journal sa

mga Google scholar kung talagang nag eexist yung ganong study madalas if an

article does not nurture journal na walang DOI yung DOI kase yun yung parang

magagamit para malaman kung verifiable yung source so pagwala nun edi ekis

hindi totoo. [Mostly in terms of news or scientific stuff, I will look at journal in

Google scholar to know if that study really exists. If a journal does not contain

DOI, —DOI is used to know if the source is verifiable. If a journal does not

contain DOI, then it's not true.]

Co-researcher J directly stated that she used Facebook itself and also Google

to verify news on Facebook. Magsesearch ako sa Facebook and Google. [I will

search on Facebook and Google.]

Co-researcher D said that on Twitter, news appear to be more legitimate. Sa

mga page non,kunware yung sa GMA ganon or kaya sa TWITTER den kase

feeling ko kapag sa twitter mas totoo yung mga news na nadoon ganon or kaya

sa television,yung mga news talaga doon. [In pages like GMA or Twitter because

I just feel that informations came from Twitter are more legitimate, and I also

watch news on television.]


Co-researcher H said that he uses Google to know if an information is really

true. For me hindi lang ako kung ano um nakakita ako ng balita sa Facebook at

hindi ako sure, iba gumagamit ako ng verification through um the internet the

other parts of the internet tulad ng google magsesearch ako ng mga um topic na

related don sa related news na nakita ko so ayon. [If I have seen news on

Facebook and I'm not sure if it's true, I used verification through the other parts

of the internet like Google. I will search topics related from that particular news

that I have seen.]

With the information the researchers gathered, participants trust Google and

Twitter rather than Facebook, because they used Google and Twitter to confirm

if an information is verified or came from a credible source. Being not knowing

what sites are Fake news or legit can cause confusion on Facebook users

because they doesn’t know on how and where they could verify an information.

8. Constant State of Confusion. In terms of causing confusion, researchers asked

the participants on how fake news and misinformation cause confusion on the things

they already believe because it can change your understanding they didn’t know where

to believe in.

Co-researcher A agreed. Well it causes a lot of confusion kase like i have a

certain believing something and some news um parang kinokontradict niya


siyempre babasahin ko iyon tapos kikilatisin ko isat isa tapos ipopoint up ko ahhh

mali ka. [It causes a lot of confusion for example, I have certain belief in

something, and some news appeared to contradict my beliefs, I will read it and

carefully search it one by one then I'll just find out that it's fake.]

Co-researcher H said it can cause confusion if there are different information

spread through Facebook. So ayun nga um diba tayong mga sa generation

ngayon mas madalas tayong gumamit ng social media and internet sa karamihan

ng bagay and kung hindi lahat ng ano kung hindi lahat na makikita mo sa

internet and social media na mga balita ay lahat silay di totoo malilito tayo kung

alin dito ang paniniwalaan natin and ayon minsan hindi ako nakakapasok pero

yung totoo may pasok pala kase yu yung nakita ko sa Facebook so ganun

maraming cause ang information. [If we see some news that is not true, and

there's many of them, it can cause confusion to us because we didn't know what

is true or fake, we didn't know where to believe in.]

Co-researcher I believes that it can cause confusion to the things people

already believed in. Ahm actually kase ano e dahil sa fake news naiba yung ano

e yung perception natindun sa isang bagay may mga opinyon kase sa fake news

na hindi talaga tama ano siguro kung napaniwalaan mo man yon siyempre mag

iiba yung ano understanding mo sa isang bagay na kung saan pag lumabas na

yung katotoohanan hindi mo siya matatanggap dahil ano dahil hindi nga yun

yung una mong nakuha. [Actually because of fake news our perception to that

thing is being different, there are many opinions in fake news that is totally

wrong. So, if you believed your understanding to that thing will change, and if

the truth was coming out, you will not accept it immediately because it’s not the

first information you knew.]

Co-researcher F said that it is confusion if you will see same information but

different in content. Confusing sya the way na pag nakita mo yung information

or news tapos may isa pang same news or information pero iba sila ng story di

muna na alam sa dalawa kung alin ang paniniwalaan mo.

[It is confusing in a way that if you see a particular information that has different

thought with another, you will not know where to believe from that two


This proves that fake news can really cause confusion from a normal student or

even those who are considered as “smart students” by the society. Being aware

is very important to stop confusion caused by fake news and misinformation. If

we are aware, we can confidently share information to others that can also be

considered as facts because it legitimate.

9. Settling for Less. This explains how fake news affects the participant in terms of

their way of thinking, and how it can cause their state of thinking limited. The

researchers asked the participants about how fake news cause Facebook users think


Co-researcher B believes that fake news can cause Facebook users think

limitedly because what they have seen is what they believe in. Because they

think na yung alam nila yun na yun, they don’t uhmm.. they don’t do searching

lalo na kapag nakakatamad na kase talaga like kung anong nabasa mo sige na

paniwalaan mo na. [Because they don't do searching. What they have read is

what they believe.]

Co-researcher A said that fake news can cause limited thinking if verification is

not present on their practices and sharing it can cause ignorance. Like you read

something, something tapos hindi mo na iveverify kasi minsan kapag yung mga

tao kase mostly ang tinitignan lang nila is yung headlines so hindi nila na fact

check so yon kung ganon lang nagspread ng ganon g news tapos hindi mo

naman chinecheck ganern isa ka pa nagpapalawak pagpapalaganap ng ka

ignorantehan ganern [You read something and you didn't verify it, mostly

Facebook users just read the headline only not the content, they did not do fact

checking so that fake news spread very quickly.]

Co-researcher I said that Facebook users didn’t understand the information’s

content but keep sharing their opinions. He added that it is important to analyze

first the information to know if it’s true. Ahm ayun na nga fake news nga eh

kaya siguro kaya limitly lang yung ano. Limitedly lang yung pag iisip ng tao kase

hindi parin ano, parang hindi kase nila inuuwa---- inuunawa ng maayos ahm bali

dito kase parang kung ano yung nakikita nila, what you see is what we believed,

pero para sakin kung ano yung nakita mo dapat suriin mo para malaman mo

yung totoo. [Facebook users didn't understand the content of information; they

just rely on what they have seen. For me analyze the news first for you to know

the truth.]

Co-researcher G said Facebook users easily believe on what they have read on

introduction without even finishing the whole content. Syempre, karaniwan na

silang nagso-social media at may nababasa silang fake news kaya yung mga

nababasa nilang fake news parang dun na lang talaga sila maniniwala kasi

minsan ako rin… aaminin ko na tinatamad rin ako magbase sa ibang source kung

totoo ba o hindi. Kaya yung mababasa ko na lang na post dun, fake news man o

hindi, yun na lang yung paniniwalaan ko. [Facebook users rely on the

information they have seen on Facebook, not considering its legitimacy. They

didn't check the credibility of a particular information, so that, they have no

choice but to believe in fake news since there is no awareness.]

In this study, 4 co-researchers said that they don’t do searching and they believe

based on what they have read. Facebook users mostly don’t check if it’s true or

legitimate. They just depending on they have seen. They didn’t check if its

credibility, they didn’t use there critical thinking. It is really important to read and

analyze the whole content of an information first before making and considering

different opinions. Without the well understanding of the content, Facebook

users will think limitedly because there are such questions will leave through

their mind.

10. Fake News Encounters. In terms of encountering fake news and misinformation,

it is also important to know the actions you must take to stop the spread of it. The

researchers asked the participants about their reactions after reading the content of the

misinformed data and how do they handle it.

Co-researcher A said that report is still the best action to make in that kind of

situation. Report. Pag hindi report magcocoment ako mali yan delete mo yan

fake news as in all caps pa fake news ganern [Report and then I will comment

"that's fake delete it immediately]

Co-researcher F also said that reporting the post to make the page turned

down by Facebook itself. Irereport ko nalang para ma turndown yung page or

kung kaninong account man yun [I'll report the page]

Co-researcher E said that sometimes reporting a page can stop the spread of

fake news...minsan nirereport ko yung page na nagpapakalat ng fake news

[Sometimes, I report the page who's spreading the fake news.]


In this study, 3 co- researchers said that the best way to do when they

encountered fake news and misinformation is to report the page or account

because it may cause confusion to the Facebook users who may see it. It is

clearly stated that as a student, reporting a page or account is the best way to

do if a Facebook user encounter information that is not legitimate. It can help to

lessen the fake news around Facebook.

11. Awakening Awareness. If a Facebook user will accidentally spread fake news,

he/she must take actions about it. The researchers asked the respondents about how

they figured out if a specific data that they gathered is true or legitimate

Co-researcher A said that she would delete the post immediately. I would

delete it immediately specially someone na notified na kase I dont have all that

time in the world to verify to verify on that things in internet so it’s just mostly

blind trust to other so hopefully others would like you know like take advantage

of blind trust put in internet. [I will delete it immediately especially when

someone notified me because I don't have time to verify things on the internet.]

Co-researcher H would also has a choice to delete the post straight from his

news feed ….or just straight up delete ko yung ano yung post na yon [Straight

up delete that post]


Co-researcher I would admit that it is wrong and delete the post immediately.

Ahm kung sakali man na makapag share ako ng maling post ay maling news

dini-delete ko agad siya sa ano ko sa news feed ko or sa ano ko account ko kase

parang ano e parang mali ka na nga ba't mo pa ikakalat edi dapat itago mo

nalang or burahin para hindi na kumalat pa ganon. [If I have shared fake news,

I'll just delete it immediately on my news feed or timeline. It's better to delete it

before it'll spread throughout the internet.]

Co-researcher F would also delete the post and make public apology. Kung di

ako sure tapos nalaman kung fake news pala yun idedelete ko nalang kaagad

yung post at mag sosorry ako sa mga nakabasa or nag react about dun. [If I'm

not sure then suddenly I found out that it's fake, I'll delete the post and make a

public apology.]

Co-researcher E said turning down the post and deleting it would be a better

option to stop it from spreading. First, I will turn down the post I will delete the

post tapos para di na kumalat. [First, turn down the post, I will delete it before it


Co-researcher C said that, di ko sya sinasadya di ko alam na mali diba parang

nung bata ako ang ginawa ko nun denelete ko yung post… [When I was young, I

delete the post.]


Co-researcher D would delete the post because it can be actually deleted.

Idedelete,kase pwede namn idelete ganon. [Delete bacause it actually can be


Co-researcher G said that if she’ll suddenly realized that it is fake, she will also

delete the post and admit that she is wrong. She didn’t want to get bashed by

other people. Kapag nakakapag-share naman ako ng mga post na hindi naman

totoo, syempre sa huli marerealize ko na hindi pala totoo to ganun… buburahin

ko yun. Syempre kasi aminado ako na napapahiya ako… kasi kapag nagshe-

share ako ng post na “ay ganun, mali pala… fake news…” edi maba-bash ako sa

mga comments… yun, buburahin ko na lang. [If I realized it's fake, I will delete

it, because I know that it's wrong and I don't want to get bashed by other


Sharing an invalid information unknowingly has a lot of effect. 8 co-researchers

shared what they had been experience sharing invalid Information unknowingly.

They said they may delete it immediately in their newsfeed before its spread

throughout the Internet

This explains that a simple mistake can cause a huge impact to other Facebook

users. Aside from deleting the post, it is also important to make a public apology

to avoid misunderstanding. This also explains the concept of being a responsible

Facebook user.

12. Putting an End to Infodemic. In terms of spreading of fake news and

misinformation, here we will know participants will do to prevent the spreading of fake

news and misinformation on Facebook. Researchers ask them what they going to do to

prevent the spread of fake news and misinformation. Most of the Facebook users have

different ways to prevent spreading of fake news and misinformation.

Co-researcher B believes on the concept of “think before you click” ad by GMA.

…let’s just put it in a nice way na think before you click and then siguro for them

to know more information i will do the searching and I will put it and share it for

them to know na mali na yung alam nilang information. [Think before you click.

For them to know more information, do searching and share it for others to

know that the information is fake]

Co-researcher A said that verification is a must. Well first and for most stop

stop spreading fake news and second verify all the news that you or article or

shared post that you shared in internet and then next point out and speak out if

there’s something wrong in article ganern. [First, stop spreading fake news.

Second, verify all the news that you have and you will share on the internet.

Lastly point out and speak out if there's something wrong in an article or news.]

Co-researcher C said that if a Facebook user is not sure about the

information’s legitimacy, do not share it. Sa tingin ko pinaka magagawa ko lang

naman talaga prevent ang gagawin wag ka na lang agad maniniwala not unless

marami lang naman sources na nakakakita ka ng parepareho sila ng information


siguro totoo so parang napigilan mo wag ka nalang agad maniniwala lalo na

kung may ishishare sa Facebook or sa social media site kung di ka naman talaga

sigurado sa information. [don’t believe easily not unless all of the accounts or

pages are posted the same information.]

Co-researcher G said that do not easily share information without verifying it.

As a student, hindi na lang ako basta-basta magshe-share ng mga di ko pa

napapatunayang totoo, ganun. Kaya nga… sabi nila… think before you click.

Bago ka mag-share, mag-comment, or mag-react sa isang post, kailangan mo

munang pag-isipan kung totoo ba to or mabuti ba yung epekto nito sa iba. [Do

not share any informations that is not yet verified. Think before you click. Before

you share, comment, react on an information make sure that it's is legitimate.]

Stop sharing information if you don't know if it's true, also you need to verify the

news or article if it is legitimate before you share or post it. If you know how to

verify or identify information properly it will be easy for you to avoid getting

misinformation. Be responsible at all times, also if accidentally shared fake news.

Many Facebook users seem to be irresponsible in terms of using the said social

media platform. They didn’t know how to identify legitimate information and how

to verify trusted sources of news in Facebook.

We must know what pages brings the Facebook users legitimate news and

information, with that, we can learn to trust different sources or media pages

that only wants to spread awareness. We also should know how to verify the

source of a particular information before sharing it, so that, we can avoid

spreading fake news and bringing misinformation unknowingly.





This chapter presents the summary of findings, symbolic representation,

implications drawn and recommendation offered by the researchers.


According to Stroud (2020), fake news refers to false information or

stories/hoaxes created to deliberately misinform or deceive readers. Spreading fake

news can cause panic and anger. This study aims to give awareness to the real news

and fake news as perceived by the selected Senior High School students of Mystical

Rose School of Caloocan, Academic Year of 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following:

1. What are the common information or news story encounters of the


2. What are the reasons of spreading misinformation as perceived by the


3. What are the ways of the participants in identifying fake news and


4. How do fake news and misinformation affect the participants?

5. How may the participants handle fake news and misinformation on


6. How may the findings be utilized in crafting a guide?



Based from the answers given by our co-researchers and after thorough analysis

of the data, the researchers hereby present the summary of our findings.

Common information and news encountered by the Facebook users are about

class suspensions, weather forecasts, and other current issues. Some of them often see

posts about political stuffs, and celebrities. However, it is found that the majority of the

users’ news feed are filled with entertaining content, though not informative, such as

memes, jokes, and personal blogs from the pages they follow. Furthermore, what is

seen on a news feed of each users depends on their interests and other things that

they have been engaging interactions the most.

Facebook allows users to share what they want with their friends. Alas, it also

allows the possibility of spreading fake news and misinformation, and there are lots of

reasons behind this. First, users do not give time to verify the information they have

seen. They mostly read the headlines and share it right away; they do not even bother

to read the whole content. Second, they let themselves to be overwhelmed with their

emotions. Because of this, they may not be able to think clearly and it may cause

reckless moves and unnecessary reactions. Third, they do not know the difference

between fact and opinion. It is possible that they may perceive an opinion as a fact,

and vice versa. Lastly, they follow the choice of the majority. What’s trending appeals

to them and they will interact with it no matter what negative effects it may bring.

Ways of identifying fake news and misinformation varies from one user to

another. Some of them go to news sites to verify the information, though it is trusted,

other news media are deemed to be biased. Certain user use journals and Google

Scholar for verification. Others compare what they have seen on Facebook to the

similar posts or videos found on Google, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and to Facebook

itself. Few of them thinks that the basis of a verified content is associated with its

popularity. They thought that the popularity of who shares it and the number of likes

and shares of a particular post is a major factor to know if the information is legitimate.

Facebook users expressed that the spread of fake news and misinformation will

cause confusion, limited thinking, and even panic. They are confused whether they will

accept the information they have read or seen. There is a blurred line in between truth

and falsity that makes it hard for it to determine what is legitimate. Moreover, the

likeliness of the users to believe on this false information is at a greater chance,

contrary to the way it should be.

Majority of the co-researchers pointed out that when sharing an information,

prior confirmation is necessary, otherwise false information might spread. A lot of them

associated their actions to the famous line from an online campaign promoting the

responsible use of social media, “Think before you click.” Deleting the post, making an

apology, reporting the page, and commenting to the post, are the ways of the co-

researchers when they happened to encounter or shared false information.


Awareness must be empowered. It will be effective to prevent the outspread of

fake news and misinformation. It is now the time to rekindle the fight against

falsification. Knowing what’s ahead and how to prevent will be a great help to end the

prevalence of fake news and misinformation.



The researchers chose the traffic light to be the symbol of the study. In this

world full of lies, deceptions, distrust of other people, everyone needs to be aware.

The traffic light warns us that on our journey, we can be sure that we are safe in the


The researchers selected traffic light to provide steps for when will we continue

and stop. “Green” means GO, which means go ahead and continue to do right not only

for you, but for the sake of other people. However, since no one is perfect, we still

make mistakes and we can’t avoid encountering conflicts. “Yellow” signifies WARNING.

Yellow traffic signs stand for slowing down (decides what is right and wrong), continue

with caution (you must stop if you are able and if it’s safe to do so). “Red” is used for

signs that tell to stop or yield, which means stop approving to other importations to

claim the wrong decision.

Experts now recommend avoiding the term ‘fake news’, or at least limit its use,

as the term ‘fake news’ is closely associated with politics, and this association can

unhelpfully narrow the focus of the issue. The term ‘false information’ is preferable as it

can refer to a diverse range of disinformation covering topics such as health,

environmental and economics across all platforms and genres, while ‘fake news’ is more

narrowly understood as political news stories.

Stopping the spread of misinformation will be a serious challenge. We must first

understand the nature of the problem: Some people intentionally spread

misinformation. For some people, spreading misinformation is a choice, and often a

profitable one. For others, spreading misinformation is a political job—in these cases,

you should think of it as disinformation. The goal of political bad actors is often to

discourage participation by overwhelming people with misleading information.

Though we're committed to doing everything we can to reduce the spread of

false news to as close to zero as possible, we also need to make sure we take steps to

address the problem when people do encounter hoaxes. To that end, we're exploring

ways to give people more contexts about stories so they can make more informed

decisions about what to read, trust and share and ways to give people access to more

perspectives about the topics that they're reading.


People should know how to stop, how to go and how to be aware. In this

generation people day by day are too impulsive. As much as possible, it must be

prevented, because the longer it exists the more it is getting worse. People should be

aware on what is happening in their environment. If the information they get is not

legitimate they should research or find reliable and legit sources.



Based on the summary of findings, the following implications are drawn.

Facebook users tend to follow pages or accounts that will satisfy their interests

and needs. Users follow informational pages to be more active and aware of what is

happening around. At the same time, they also follow entertaining pages to enjoy their

leisure and give them good vibes. Unfortunately, information and entertainment have

been mixed up together in one place. In this kind of situation, there will be a confusion

and it will be difficult to point out which is which. This puts users to the unseen danger

of consuming fake news and misinformation.

Facebook contents are opted for sharing regardless of their nature, whether it is

for plain humor, satire, factual data, or biased opinion. Any Facebook users can be one

of the spreaders of fake news and misinformation without knowing that they are

actually doing it, and it happens for many reasons. Users do not think critically. They let

their guard off, and accept things openly without prior judgement, hence, leading to

adverse actions. Many Facebook users can be affected by those kinds of actions. It can

lead the readers to get misinformation easily because of unverified information. This

situation may lessen if the Facebook users know how to verify the information they

have seen on Facebook.

One way to know what is true, is to run to the reliable sources and compare.

This is by far the most used method of the users. Despite of what other users have

stated, verifying an information based on its popularity may not be the best approach to

practice. As observed on this study, Facebook users are way informed about how to

verify credible sources and legitimate information. However, the problem lies whether if

they are actually doing it or just knew how. Finding legitimate information requires the

ability to be a critical thinker and the eagerness to seek truth.

Spreading of false information can cause confusion, limited thinking and even

panic. When there are two contradicting stories on a similar topic, people do not know

which one they are going to believe, that is why confusion arises. Limited thinking

occurs when the users only rely on what they have read or seen. It limits their mind

from other possible side of the information because they do not even try to search for

more concrete details. They are slacking off to do additional researches, because it is

way out of their convenience. The only thing they care for is merely the content of the

post itself. Panic and unnecessary actions is not impossible to happen. If users did not

get the humor or the implied message out of the content, they will mistakenly take it as

real, thus, sudden unfiltered reactions are triggered.

Validating certain information before it is shared is important. In addition, don't

immediately trust the information that is read or seen. You can help to decline the

spread of false information. Further refining the skills on verifying information pick up

other ways to avoid fake news and misinformation on Facebook. It is important to

always start with oneself. It is useless to advocate others if you have not started it in

your own.

A guide will be effective to prevent the outspread of fake news and

misinformation. Facebook users will have ideas and techniques to stay away from fake

news, and the guide will also help them find out more easily whether particular

information is fake or not. They will become aware of the information they share on

Facebook. They will also be more active in terms of gathering facts. It needs to be

spread, therefore, that more Facebook users will understand more about the situation.

It would definitely be a useful way to spread awareness.



The following are hereby recommended based on the given implications.

To the students and other Facebook users, learn how to identify fake

sources of information on Facebook, so that they can easily avoid getting

misinformation. Be aware on what is happening in their surroundings, be a responsible

person that will admit if have done any mistakes online and knows the consequences it

can lead.

To the teachers, they can teach their students and share fact checking

techniques, so that they will not get difficulty on finding what is true. Give them

knowledge on how to avoid getting wrong information on Facebook for them to become

more observant.

To the school administration, they can also plan to make fake news

orientation, which has the purpose of spreading awareness bot only for students but

also for other Facebook users like teachers and other staffs. Using this simple

technique, could make big changes and could also take their students away from the

threat of Fake news.

To parents, make sure that their children is responsible enough to use social

media, they must consider their age and knowledge capacity. Additionally, parents must

know how to handle any situation related to fake news, because they play a very

important role that can stop fake news from spreading on Facebook, being a parent

themselves will give them the power to command their children and to teach them

some important lessons, without them being ignored.

To the community, plan to make a topic discussion in your area about fake

news and misinformation. Anyone should be allowed to listen to the discussion and

freely asked some questions if have. Also, make sure that both students and parents

will be invited to the said event, so parents, especially those who are using Facebook,

can also learn about fake news through listening to the discussion.

To media and other information sources: For the legitimate sources, do

not stop spreading and giving people legitimate news and information, just stick to their

main purpose—which is to inform the netizens. For untrusted and fake sources,

stop spreading ignorance to your fellow followers, do not spread fake information

because it can lead various negative effects to other Facebook users.

To the future researchers, continue to fill the gaps on everyone's knowledge,

so that they will be aware on how to avoid getting misinformation, do not stop finding

answers especially to related studies, pursue this study using the same purpose and

most importantly, be a responsible researcher.





Prepared by:

Group 1

ICT Agoncillo

April 2020


A Guide
Presented by
Group 1 ICT Agoncillo April 2020


What is Fake News?

False stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media
with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically.

What is Misinformation?
Incorrect or misleading information unintentionally sent in order to influence
public opinion or obscure the truth.

Misinformation vs. Disinformation

Both disinformation and misinformation contribute to fake news, and both pose a
risk to their audiences. However, the major difference between the two lies in
Disinformation carries with it the deliberate intent to spread information known
to be incorrect. In contrast, the sender of misinformation may not know the
information is inaccurate.

What is Facebook?
A popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create
profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family, colleagues.

Why do we need a guide?

Everyone deserves the truth. Yet, we are surrounded by falsification of
information, especially on the Internet. For this reason, people must act to fight
and condemn the distortion of truth but then with a well-equipped self. This
guide will show how could it be done.




 People trusting other people as sources of information.

We certainly cannot go do the work ourselves to guarantee that all our
beliefs are good ones. Even when we look to scientific journals for
evidence supporting our beliefs, we are ultimately trusting others. And
sometimes even these good sources lead us astray.
 Seeking for conformity bias.
This happens when individuals want to conform their actions or beliefs to
their peers. In sometimes preventing the spread of useful or accurate
knowledge. Our heuristics for social trust, such as placing more trust in
those who are more similar to ourselves, or who share our beliefs, can
 Active attempts to mislead.
There are many groups with an interest in controlling public belief — think
of political parties, oil and gas companies, and pharmaceuticals. Over the
years, different groups have developed effective propaganda techniques
aimed at spreading scientific misinformation.

Other Reasons Why Fake News Spread

 lower attention spans
 fake news stories appeal to our emotions

Other Reasons Why Misinformation Spread

 Lack of fact-checking.
 Lack of Internet gatekeepers.
 Users can easily publish content without being required to subject.
 Poor information from media reports.
 People simply prefer passing on information that is likely to raise an
emotional response in the receiver.



Fake news has been circulating as long as its legitimate counterpart, it's been
getting a lot of play recently, thanks to the way we consume information. According to
Pew Research Center, people under age 50 get half of their news online. And for those
under 30, online news is twice as popular as TV news. Thousands of people circulated
these false stories. Why? Perhaps because eye-popping headlines in our social media
feeds make it easier for us to share content than evaluate or even read it. This creates
a viral storm of sound bites without substance.
But the result of all this misinformation isn’t simply ignorance. It can also
provoke serious consequences.


 Fake news commonly came from unreliable information sources.

 False information doesn’t have verified links (for the whole content) attached at
the end of the information.
 Fake news is quite suspicious in terms of delivering the whole content.
 Fake news doesn’t contain formal citation.



1. Vet the publisher’s credibility.

Would the publishing site meet academic citation standards? Just
because a site is popular among your friends or on Facebook does not
mean its content is accurate or legitimate
What is the domain name? Be wary of unusual top-level domain
names, like “” A second-level domain like “abscbnnews” may
appear credible. But note that is a different and
illegitimate site, though designed to appear similar to the original cause
some of the news articles on Facebook is link embedded as it posted.
What’s the publication’s point of view? Read the “About Us” section
for more insight into the publisher, leadership, and mission statement.

Also, confirm that you have not stumbled upon a satirical news site, like
the Onion or Blogspot clickbait.
Who is the author? Has he or she published anything else? Be
suspicious if the byline, which names the author, is a celebrity writing for
a little-known site or if the author’s contact information is a G-mail

2. Pay attention to quality and timeliness.

Do you notice spelling errors, lots of ALL CAPS, or dramatic
punctuation (?!?!?!) If so, abort your reading mission. Reputable sources
have high proofreading and grammatical standards.
Is the story current or recycled? Make sure an older story isn’t
being taken out of context.

3. Check the sources and citations.

How did you find the article? If the content showed up in your
social media feed or was promoted on a website known for clickbait,
proceed with caution. Even if the information was shared by a friend, be
sure to follow the steps below to vet the publisher’s credibility.
Can you perform reverse searches for sources and images? By
checking cited sources, you can confirm that the information has been
accurately applied and not altered to meet the author’s point of view. The
same goes for images. In an era of Photoshop magic, you can’t always
believe what you see.

4. Ask the pros.

Have you visited a fact-checking website? There are many good
ones, like, International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN),, or Do your own detective work and feel more
confident in being able to identify fact vs. fiction.


 Famous information source should not be used as a verification basis.

When it comes to verification, being famous is not considered on knowing
the legitimacy of an information. Try to consider searching the same
content on a well-trusted media source.

 Check and compare the information from other sources.

After checking the content from a well-trusted media source, you can
compare the first information you have seen earlier to the information you
have searched.

 Determine what is Fact and Opinion

Many Facebook users didn't know what is the difference between fact and
opinion. ‘Opinion’ came from any person who just wants to express their
own understanding from particular information, while ‘Fact’ is a legitimate
information came from trusted media sources. After knowing their
difference, try to read first the whole content of information before taking
any actions.

 Check the publishing date and if an information is updated

As a Facebook user, it is normal when you encounter outdated
information. It is not even considered as Fake news, but can result to
misinformation. Always check the information's publishing date before
sharing it to your Facebook timeline.

 Verify the accuracy of your information

Checking the accuracy or the correctness of an information can help you
to avoid Fake news. Sometimes, Facebook users didn't know if an
information is true even though it's obviously fake.

 Determine if the information came from credible source.

The credibility of an information source is very important to know. You
can determine an information source if it's verified by the government or
has a proof of reliability.

 Check the author's account


If an information came from a single person, try to check his/her account

to know his/her rights in publishing an information. If the information
he/she shared has been prove as fake, you can report the account and
spread awareness to your Facebook friends saying, "The information is

 Verify the source if its real and not bias

Even if the media source has been proven its credibility, try to consider if
that source is not bias or doesn't have any bad records in terms of
spreading news. If they do so, try to consider their information but it
should be compared to a legitimate one or simply just unfollow the source
of information.



ERIC The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is an

online digital library of education research and

ScienceDirect A website which provides subscription-based access to a

large database of scientific and medical research

ResearchGate A European commercial social networking site for

scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and
answer questions, and find collaborators
Academic Microsoft knows journal titles, conference names, and many
research topics.

Sci-hub A website that provides free access to millions of

research papers and books, without regard to copyright,
by bypassing publishers' paywalls in various ways

Mendeley A free reference manager and an academic social


Doaj A website that hosts a community-curated list of open

access journals, maintained by Infrastructure Services for
Open Access
Google scholar A freely accessible web search engine that indexes the
full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an
array of publishing formats and disciplines



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March 5, 2020
Dr. Marcelina L. Gregore, PhD
Mystical Rose School of Caloocan, Inc.


Mrs. Novette A. Gregore

SHS In-Charge
Mystical Rose School of Caloocan, Inc.


We, the senior high students of ICT strand of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan, Inc. are
currently conducting a research entitled "FACT OR BLUFF: SPREADING OF FAKE
STUDENTS". The study aims to obtain student’s insights regarding fake news and
misinformation that will help everyone become conscious and responsible on the
circulation of these contents on Facebook to prevent the possible effects of it.

With this, we are respectfully asking for the permission from your good office to allow
us to conduct an interview to the selected students of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan,
Inc. to gather the needed information and come out to an output with regards to the
aforementioned study.

We are looking forward to your support. Thank you and to God be the glory.
Truly yours,
Group 1 – ICT 11 Agoncillo

Bagona, Heriana Julian R. Demate, Lexi Johana R.

Beron, Jiana M. Martir, James Ian B.
Cartas, Kier Louis A. Pangahin, Katrine Joyce B.
Cervantes, Anthony John L. Tapang, John Michael N.
Del Rosario, Mjay C.
Practical Research 1 Teacher-Adviser
Noted by:
Signed by:
Ms. Mary Jane F. Santos, LPT

Mrs. Novette A. Gregore SHS Officer-in-Charge


Evaluator’s Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Year/Course: ______________________

Dear Teachers:
We, the Senior High School Students of ICT strand of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan
Inc. are currently conducting the study entitled “Fact or Bluff: Spreading of Fake
News and Misinformation on Facebook as Perceived by Senior High School
Students.” The study aims to provide valid data that could describe the negative
effects of the spread of fake news and misinformation on Facebook on Senior High
School students.

This second semester we are about to start the fourth chapter of the study. To allow
this, we are humbling requesting for the validation of our interview protocol. Your
cooperation is a great importance to our academic endeavor and highly appreciated.

We are looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you and God Bless!

Truly yours,
Bagona, Heriana Demate, Lexi Johana
Beron, Jiana Martir, James Ian
Cartas, Kier Louis Pangahin, Katrine Joyce
Cervantes, Anthony John Tapang, John Michael
Del Rosario, Mjay

Ms. Mary Jane F. Santos, LPT

Practical Research 1 Teacher-Adviser



Directions: Put a check (√) in assessing the rating that corresponds to the
validity of the following.
4 – Excellent
3 – Very Good
2 – Good
1 – Poor

Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. Interview protocol is precisely and correctly
2. The interview protocol points out the negative
effects of fake news and misinformation on
Facebook to Senior High School Students.
3. Variables are directly specified.
4. The interview protocol is easy to understand.
5. The interview protocol encompasses the scope
and delimitations of the study.
6. The interview protocol evaluates the details
needed in determining the negative effects of
fake news and misinformation on Facebook to
Senior High School Students.
7. The interview protocol is an effective data
8. The interview protocol is suitable in
determining the negative effects of fake news
and misinformation on Facebook to Senior High
School Students.
9. The participants will find the interview protocol
easy and comfortable to answer.


Informed Consent Form for: ______________________________________

Name of the Researchers: Group 1 – ICT 11-Agoncillo

Cell no.:09234277534

Email Address:




Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study, which will take place from

________________ to _________________.

This form details the purpose of this study, a description of the involvement required

and your rights as a participant.

The goals of the study are:

 To describe how fake news and misinformation destroy the society and

individual’s mind.

 To have everyone conscious and responsible on the circulation of fake news and

misinformation on Facebook to prevent the possible of it.

The benefits of the research will be:

 Facebook users will be aware on how they can identify legitimate sources of

information on Facebook

 The number of Facebook users who spread fake news will be minimized.

The methods that will be used to meet this purpose include:


 One-on-one interviews

You are encouraged to ask questions or raise concerns at any time about the

nature of the study or the method that we are using. You can contact us for any

clarifications about above mentioned.

Our discussions will be audio taped/recorded to help us accurately capture your

insights in your own words. The tapes/records will only be heard by us for the purpose

of this study. If you feel uncomfortable with the recorder, you may ask that it be turned

off at any time.

You also have the right to withdraw from the study at anytime. In the event you

choose to withdraw from the study all information you provide (including

tapes/recording) will be destroyed and omitted from the final paper.

Insights gathered by you and other participants will be used in writing a

qualitative research report, which will be read by my adviser and presented to the

Faculty of Practical Research of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Incorporated.

Through direct quotes from you may be used in the paper, your name and other

identifying information will be kept anonymous.

By signing this consent form, I certify that I ______________________________

___________________ agree to the terms of this agreement.

__________________________ ___________________

Signature Date


Project: Fact or Bluff: Spreading of Fake News and Misinformation on Facebook as

Perceived by Senior High School Students

Name of Researchers:

Heriana Julian Bagona Lexi Johana Demate

Jiana Beron James Ian Martir
Kier Loius Cartas Katrine Joyce Pangahin
Anthony John Cervantes John Michael Tapang
Mjay Del Rosario

Co-researcher’s preferred name other than his/her real name: ____________________


Age: ______________

Year of birth: ____________

Grade level: _________________

Position of Interviewee:

This study aims to describe how fake news and misinformation destroy the

society and individual’s mind. The data that will be gathered from this interview will be

kept with utmost confidentiality to protect your privacy and will only be used on the

purpose of this research. This interview might take an hour to an hour and half.


1. Tell me something about yourself.

2. What information and news story do you commonly find on your news feed?
3. What are the most trending topics occurring on your own feed?
4. What kind of pages/accounts do you usually follow on Facebook?

4.1. Why do you follow that kind of pages/account?

5. Have you experience sharing information from an untrusted source?
5.1. If yes, what are the effects caused by that kind of action?
5.2. If no, how can you say that the information you have shared came
from a legitimate source?
6. What information or posts do you commonly share on Facebook?
6.1. Why do you share it?
7. How will you verify an information if it’s true or legitimate?
8. What other media or materials do you use to verify information?
9. How do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the things you
10. How do fake news and misinformation make SHS students think limitedly?
11. The moment that you have encountered fake news/misinformation on
Facebook, how did you react on it?
11.1. How did you handle it?
12. What actions will you take if you have shared invalid information
13. What do you think you can do to prevent the spread of fake news and
misinformation on Facebook?

Thank you very much for spending your valuable time with us. We assure that

your responses will be confidential. We hope that you will still have time to see us in

the near future for follow up interview as the need arises.



Co-Researcher A – Hermione
Interviewer: ok so tell me something about yourself?
Interviewee: um lagi akong online madalas more like 5hrs a day wow 5hrs charot
minsan mga 3hrs ganon kase hindi lang ako nagfafacebook pampantangal din ng stress
and then i can say that im active online ah user kase halos lahat ng social media sites
meron akong account ayon
Interviewer: so next question, what information on your stories that commonly find on
your news feed
Interviewee: when speaking about facebook well its probably almost all about political
stuff because i am someone who is active in um active ako sa pagkuha ng balita
tungkol sa politika kase its really interest me so much so ayon madalas politika minsan
naman arts paghindi arts minsan um mga random stuffs lang na interesting , na
Interviewer:so next question, what are the most trending topics occuring on your news
Interviewee: as of now hindi ko pa alam kase busy ako so hindi ko nakikita pero yung
mga nakikita ko sa mga trending topics mostly kase mga memes kundi mga memes
yung mga bagong chapter ng mga binabasa kong manga and then madalas kase nasa
international akong ano social media website so madalas kong trending topics na alam
ko is um yung mga international na hindi ako makarelate
Interviewer: so next, what king of pages or accounts do you usually follow on facebook
Interviewee: pages and accounts usually those who which interest me pero madalas
kase um yung mga sources ko ng mga news is mga shinishare ng mga kaibigan ko na
yung mga kaibigan ko is active din sila pilitical and then some of them are form
universities na so im trust them na mga shinashare nila
Interviewer: so why do you follow that pages or accounts
Interviewee: to be more active and to be more aware or what is happening around
Interviewer: SO next,have you experience sharing an information from untrusted source
Interviewee: sharing an information from untrusted source, yes siguro kapag headline
is very interesting, seems funny for example there is an article about 20 reasons why
you should you forgive marcoses and then yung clinick ko siya anong tawag dito
walang laman which is nakakatuwa
Interviewer: so what are the effects cause by that kind of action
Interviewee: um first i think its very witty and very ironic naman staka trusted naman
yung ano kinda pero hindi kase ako laging nandon so hindi ko alam talaga kung totoo
yon so ano nalang sa mga bobo hindi nila kaagad nagegets yon parang magagalit ba
sila or magrrant sila kung ano pa sinasabi nila ganun.
Interviewer: so next, what information or post do you commonly share on facebook
Interviewee: jokes,bukod sa jokes is yung mga nakakaines na pangyayari politically
Interviewer: why do you share it

Interviewee: well para iexpress yung galit ko,maliban don para malaman din ng iba
pero siyempre bias because of my personal opinion but its still good to spread news on
others regardless of whatever it is just up to them kung gusto nilang iverify nila iyon
Interviewer: so how will you verify an information its true or legitimate
Interviewee: well first you should go to news outlet or whatever site is and sometimes
kase some news network are not can be trusted because um news networks are own
by private companies like kahit sabihin na natin na mga companya kahit na media
outlet sila masasabi mo padin na bias parin iba sa kanila kase tumatangap sila ng pera
Interviewer: so um what other media or materials do you use to verify on information
Interviewee: um mostly kase yun nga sa news if not news if its for talking about
scientific stuff then i will look at journal sa mga google scholar kung talagang nag eexist
yung ganong study madalas if an article does not nuture journal na walang DOI yung
DOI kase yun yung parang magagamit para malaman kung verifiable yung source so
pagwala nun edi ekis hindi totoo
Interviewer: so how do fake news or misinformation cause confusion that things you
Interviewee: well it causes a lot of confusion kase like i have a certain believin
something and some news um parang kinokontradict niya siyempre babasahin ko iyon
tapos kikilatisin ko isat isa tapos ipopoint up ko ahhh mali ka
Interviewer: so um so how do fake news and misinformation SHS students like you
think limitedly
Interviewee: fake news and ... like what hindi ko gets
Interviewer: um paano siya nakakalimit ng pag iisip
Interviewee: like you read something , something tapos hindi mo na iveverify kasi
minsan kapag yung mga tao kase mostly ang tinitignan lang nila is yung headlines so
hindi nila na fact check so yon kung ganon lang nagspread ng ganon g news tapos
hindi mo naman chinecheck ganern isa ka pa nagpapalawak pagpapalaganap ng ka
ignorantehan ganern
Interviewer: so the moment that you encounter fake news or misinformation on
facebook how did you react on it
Interviewee: report paghindi report magcocoment ako mali yan delete mo yan fake
news as in all caps pa fake news ganern
Interviewer: so thats you handle it
Interviewee: yeah
Interviewer: so next um what actions will you take if you share invalid information
Interviewee: i would delete it immediately specially someone na notified na kase idont
have all that ime in the world to verify to verify on that things in internet so its just
mostly blind trust to other so hopefully others would like you know like take advantage
of blind trust put in internet
Interviewer: and last question what do you think you can do to prevent spread of fake
news and misinformation

Interviewee: well first and for most stop stop spreading fake news and second verify all
the news that you or article or shared post that you shared in internet and then next
point out and speak out if theres something wrong in article ganern
Interviewer: so thats it thank you

Co-Researcher B – Sam
Interviewer: So tell me something about yourself.
Interviewee: I'm an ambivert type of person. I'm an introvert and extrovert at the same
time. Uhmm.. When it comes to personal life, uhmm.. I want to be alone kasi, lalo na
kapag I'm studying, so I don't want disturbance. Kapag nasa school naman, uhmm.. I
have a lot of friends, so I need to communicate with them, so yun.
Interviewer: So, uhmm.. In terms of using Facebook, uhhm.. Do you consider using
Facebook in a duration of 4 hours or above?
Interviewee: Uhmm.. It depends, sometimes when I leisure, uhhm.. almost 6 hours and
it especially when weekends and I already done my activities or school works, so I use
my social media accounts just for entertainment.
Interviewer: So next, what information and news story do you commonly find on your
news feed?
Interviewee: Uhmm.. about, uhmm.. uhmm.. I just, uhmm.. about Kobe Bryant's death
and the bush fires somewhere in Ifugao province, and then about bullying.
Interviewer: Uhmm.. next, what are the most trending topics occuring on your news
Interviewee: About the bush fire in, in Ifugao because we just came there, we went
there in Baguio and I don't see any trace of bush fire there.
Interviewer: So, next, what kind of pages or accounts do you usually follow on
Interviewee: Uhmm.. The GMA News. If uhmm.. there is a suspension in classes, that's
my number one basis. Uhmm.. more like Benedict Cua, for because he's a great
influencer and then my favorite, uhmm..singers.
Interviewer: So, have you experience sharing information from an untrusted source?
Interviewee: I don't.
Interviewer: Ahh, so how can you say that the information you have shared came from
a legitimate source?
Interviewee: Actually, I don't share a lot of post because, uhmm.. ayon, iniiwasan ko
kasi yung ano eh, misinformation, uhmm.. I think, uhmm.. when I shared post I, I need
to know that it was reliable, if came from a reliable sources like GMA News, like that.
Interviewer: So next, What information or posts do you commonly share on Facebook?
Interviewee: Mostly about politics.
Interviewer: and why did you share it?
Interviewee: beacause i just want to know more about our society and im a student na
gusto kong may alam parin ako sa society kahit na student lang ako
Interviewer: How will you verify an information if it's true or legitimate?

Interviewee: usually i search it on google especially when it comes to the most

important part,uhmm... na there are incidents or daeths na involve and then i watch
Interviewer: And next, what other media or materials do you use to verify an
Interviewee: Uhmm... like google, uhmm... sometimes uhmm... tweeter because
uhmm... there are pages like the gma news there so it's official so
Interviewer: So, how do fake news, for you how do fake news and misinformation
cause confusion to the things you beliefs?
Interviewee: Sometimes kasi uhmm.. minsan ako den naniniwala lalo na kung madami
na yung tao na nagshashare non and there a lot of comments and opinions like that.
Interviewer: so it's cause confusion?
Interviewee: yes
Interviewer: Next, how do fake news or misinformation make SHS students like you
think limitedly?
Interviewee: becuase they think na yung alam nila yun na yun,they dont uhmm.. they
dont do searching lalo na kapag nakakatamad na kase talaga like kung anong nabasa
mo sige na paniwalaan mo na.
Interviewer: Next, the moment that you have encounter fake news or misinformation
on facebook?How do you react on it?
Interviewee: i do comments like uhmm.. merong nangyari na uhmm... there lots of
uhmm.. mga nangyayari ngayon like kakapasok palang ng January or 2020 and then
about corona virus and then etc...etc...but theres is a news about the somewhere in
korea and when i click the link the date was not updated so hindi siya ano hindi siya
kumbaga nagpapasikat lang ganun.
Interviewer: So how did you handle it?
Interviewee: uhmm.. i just do comment na sinabe ko na uhmm.. like hindi naman po
updated so wag kayong maniwala and do some search
Interviewer: You just spread awareness?
Interviewee: yes
Interviewer: next, what action will you take if you have shared invalid information
Interviewee: public apology was important kase when you commit mistakes you just
need to accept the consequences
Interviewer: and last question, what do you think you can do to prevent spread of fake
news and misinformation on facebook
Interviewee: spreading of fake news kase hindi mo siya maiiwasan lalo na ngayon na
yung mga kabataan ay sobrang link na sila social media so siguro uhmm.. lets just put
it in a nice way na think before you click and then siguro for them to know more
information i will do the searching and ill will put it and share it for them to know na
mali na yung alam nilang information.
Interviewer: that's it,thank you so much.

Co-Researcher C – Dan

Interviewer: So goodafternoon tell mw sometthing about yourself first?

Interviewee: kasalukuyan akong grade 11 abm Aguinaldo 16 years old at mahilig ako
mag Facebook.
Interviewer: What information and news story you commonly find in your newsfeed?
Interviewee: Pinaka madalas talaga pinaka marame tsaka pinaka nangunguna kapag
mag oopen ako is mga tao na nag popost about sa update sa kanila , minsan den
may mga information na hindi naman tungkol sa sarili nila kung baga tungkol sa
ibang bagay na interested sila or kung baga yung hobby nila dun sila mahilig
shinishare talaga nila yun at yun yung nakikita kosa news feed ko.
Interviewer: What are the most trending topics appeared in your news feed?
Interviewee: Wala naman talagang trending kung baga pareparehas lang naman sila
ng shinishare siguro yun na yung pinaka trending yung mga kpop mga ganun siguro
yung mga tinatangkilik ng mga tao yun talga pinaka nakikita ko sa news feed ko.
Interviewer: what kind of pages or accounts you usually followed on Facebook?
Interviewee: yung mga pages or yung mga account na nag momotivate ng mga tao
kase ako madali ako ma down so yun yung pinafollow ko para narin sa sarili ko
na pag binabasa ko or lalo nat pag pagod nako, galing akong school kaya yun
yung nakikita ko sa feed ko natutuwa ako para ma motivate ako so kung may
ipafollow man akong account or pages yun talaga yung pinipili kong mga account.
Interviewer: have you experience sharing misinformation from untrusted source?
Interviewee: oo na try ko na yun kase dati lalo na nong bata bata pako hindi
naman talga kapag nakita ko yung information nainiwala agad ako eh hindi ko
naman iisipin yung source kase bata pako pero ngayon hindi naman ganun kadalas
actually hindi nako nag shishare ng information lalo na kapag dikopa napapanood
sa TV kase dun talaga ako nag rerelie kung baga kung mag shishare man ako ng
information sure ako na totoo yun.
Interviewer: follow up question what are the effects cause by that action diba nag
share ka ano ung magiging effect nun sa mga nakakita?
Interviewee: siguro kung naniwala naman sila don or hindi kasi hindi naman tayo
sigurado na lahat ng friends ko na nakita yon kasi madali yon matabunan so kung
sa unang nakakita siguro maniniwala agad sila or yun nga kung sakali man ang
shinishare ko lang naman dati kasi is kaya ako nag ABM kasi mahilig ako sa
business so mga shinishare ko yung mga tiesite lagi mga ganon so siguro pwede
sila mag panic buying or anything na talagang kung maniniwala ka agad gagawa ka
agad ng paraan eh kasi nga kung totoo man yon or hindi kung nang yari man yon
na nag share ako ng ganon siguro malaki ang magiging epekto non sa mga tao kasi
kung maniniwala sila dun na hindi naman pala totoo siguro parang may epekto
talaga na gagawa sila or mag adrenaline rush na mag iisip sila ng bagay na
hindi dapat nila ginagawa .
Interviewer: So next what information or post you commonly share on Facebook?
Interviewee: yung mga post na kung ano lang yung post na natutuwa ako lalo na
yung mga meme yun talaga yung shinishare ko sa Face Book kasi kaya ko
shinishare kasi natuwa ako so gusto ko matuwa din yung mga friends ko lalo na
kapag pang pa goodvibes.

Interviewer: how will you verify an information if its true or legitimate?

Interviewee: kagaya nga ng sabi ko kanina titignan ko yung source ngayon kasi
maingat nako sa ganon tsaka kung maverify ko sya ang pinipili ko na source is
yung kilala ko na or yung alam ko na dati pa na nag bibigay ng reliable
information so ganun talaga yung sa sources lang talga ako titingin kung ito
yung sources na pinag kakatiwalaan ko so iisipin ko ko talaga na legitimate
yung information .
Interviewer: So What other media or materials do you use to verify information?
Interviewee: ang pinaka talaga is yung TV ,Sa GMA dun lang ako mag rerelie kasi
yung ABS alam ko na bias yun so sa tv lang ako nag aantay then nakikinig din
ako ng radio yung DZBB .
Interviewer: so next how do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the
things you don’t know.
Interviewee: nangyayari lang to kasi kapag may tao akong pinag kakatiwalaan na
may tao akong iniidolo, talagang pinaniniwalaan ko siya tas mag ng
information minsan kahit diko kilala yung sources pinaniniwalaan ko then kung
may pinaniniwalaan man ako ang nag coconfused lang naman saakin is akala ko
ganto pero bat ganto yung mga ganon so parang kung ito yung pinaniniwalaan ko
pwede talagang mang yari yun dahil sa shinare nong something kung sino man or
someone talagang nag coconfused sya kasi bakit bat dikita pinag sampuna kung
pinaniniwalaan ko kasi diba nga yung lagay nga ng mag sasaka dito sa pilipinas
is mahira yung parang hindi sila binibigyan ng pondo ng gobyerno then may nag
share na , nakita ko sa newsfeed ko na binibigyan naman daw lalo na yung nanalo
senador di ko nasasabihin yung pangalan nanalo then binibigyan nya daw ng pondo
parang shinare sya nong kilala ko talaga yung pang alam ko na matalino ganun so
parang naniniwala nalang ako medyo panatag ako na ay dinaman pala ganon kahirap
yung lagay ng mag sasaka parang ganun.
Interviewer:how do fake news and misinformation make senior highschool students
think limitedly
Interviewee:actually lahat naman ng tao gusto mapadali yung buhay so ito mga
high school student minsan talaga madalas nag rerelie sila sa facebook yung nga
so kung itong mga fake news or mga misinformation na ito makita nila sa
newsfeed agad nilang paniniwalaanyun kasi di naman lahat ng tao ay critical
thinker na basta basta nalang inaacept yung idea basta basta nalang inaacept
yung information so yung talaga yung nag lilimit sa kanila ng pag nakita nila
paniniwalaan nila yun so parang kung pinaniniwalaan nila hindi na sila mag
iisip pa ng iba yun nag lilimit na kanila ay ganto pala ay sige ganto nalang.
Interviewer:the moment that you have incountered fake news and misinformation
on Facebook how did you react on it.
Interviewee:pag alam ko kasi na hindi naman totoo lalo na pag napanood ko sa
GMA yung totoo tapos nakita ko tapos shinishare nila mali diko nalang
piinapansin lalo na diko shinishare kasi nga mali bat ko ishishare so di ko man
sya pinapansin then parang isang beses na try ko din mag post na sana kong di
kayo sure sa pinag kuwanan sana wag nyo nalang i share kasi nag cocost lang

kayo ng panic sa ibang tao lalo na yung sumabog yung taal diba nag post sila
sabay sabay daw yung mga volcano ganyan ganyan tapos di naman reliable souces
yung pinag kuwanan so nag cocost sya ng panic sa mga tao ganun .
Interviewer:follow up Question how did you handled it nireport mo ba? nag
comment ka dun sa mismong post na yon?
Interviewee:ang ginawa ko lang nun is nag post ako sabi ko sure kabgn toto yan
tapos after non denelete nya yung post tapos nawala dun ako natuwa.
Interviewer:what actions will it takes if you have shared invalid information
unknowingly so hndi mo sinasadya.
Interviewee:so diko sya sinasadya di ko alam na mali diba parang nung bata ako
ang ginawa ko nun denelete ko yung post tapos marami kasi nag comment dun
parang nag usap kami nun parang nag debate pa nga kami sa comment section eh so
ang ginawa ko denelete ko ko yung post then parang nalaman naman na nila yung
totoo sa future nun tapos nag post ako na nag sorry ako ganyan nag apologize
ako sa mga taong nakakita then naniwala dun talaga .
Interviewer:what do you think you can do to prevent spread of fake news and
misinformation on Facebook.
Interviewee:sa tingin ko pinakamagagawa ko lang naman talaga prevent ang
gagawin wag kanalang agad maniniwala not unless marami lang naman soures na
nakakakita ka ng parepareho sila ng information siguro totoo so parang
napigilan mo wag kanalng agad maniniwala lalo na kung may ishishare sa FaceBook
or sa social media site kung di kanaman talaga sigurado sa information.

Co-Researcher D – Kat
Interviewer: Tell me something about yourself?
Interviewee: So I’m from Gr11 ABM-Aguinaldo,17 years old.
Interviewer: Okay,What information and news story do you commonly find on your
news feed?
Interviewee: About class suspension ,weather tapos mga napapanahong balita naman
Interviewer: For you,ano yung mga trending topics na nakikita mo sa newsfeed mo?
Interviewee: Depende kasi sa panahon,minsan kase diba halimbawa maulan siyempre
tungkol sa mga suspension ganon
Interviewer: Bukod duon sa class suspension
Interviewee: Yung diba nung nakaraan kase may mga kumakalat na news na sa mga
kidnapping ganon
Interviewer: Okay, What kind of pages/ accounts do you usually follow on facebook?
Interviewee: Tungkol ba sa news or sa kahit saan?
Interviewer: Anything
Interviewee: Mga inspirational quotes na pages ganon tapos bible verses mga ganon.
Interviewer: About naman sa news
Interviewee: Yung ABS-CBN, GMA ganon
Interviewer: Follow up question,bakit mo finallow yung page na iyon?

Interviewee: Alin,lahat iyon? Yung una kase sa mga quotes ganon para kase ma inspire
ako ganon,kapag nakikita ko yung ganon kase yung mga post nila parang iniinspire
kanila na gawin mo yung ganyang bagay ganon tapos yung sa mga ano naman sa ABS-
CBN atsaka GMA siyempre kase para malaman ko rin yung mga nagyayari sa paligid
ganun then mga news na napapanahon…. ayun.
Interviewer: Have you experience sharing information from an untrusted source?
Interviewee: Oo
Interviewer: Follow up question,Ano yung epekto na naidulot nito?
Interviewee: Sakin ano kase naniwala ako agad kase akala ko talaga nangyayari, yung
sa kidnapping kase may nagshare na, babae siya, nagpost siya tungkol doon sa
nangyari sakanya tapos ako shinare ko kase baka nga totoo yun,nangyare iyon, so
sakin parang ako natakot ako na lumabas ganyan kase baka nga totoo,baka nandiyan
sila na kidnaping din ako ganon tapos para sa iba naman syempre matatakot din sila
kase nabasa nila iyong ganong experience nung babae.
Interviewer: What information or posts do you commonly share on facebook?
Interviewee: Memes ganon.
Interviewer: Follow up question, bakit mo shinare iyon?
Interviewee: Kase natutuwa ako eh.
Interviewer: Kung about naman sa news nakapagshare kanaba ng news?
Interviewee: Oo ,yung sa mga class suspension ganon
Interviewer: Ano yung pinaka reason kung bakit mo shinare iyon?
Interviewee: Para mainform din yung iba na walang pasok ganon then bukod duon
yung ano kase iba ibang news ganon kapag na catch yung atensiyon kunwari yung
isang news na catch nung atensiyon konon ishahare ko ,mga links ganon tungkol sa
news shinashare ko minsan.
Interviewer: Okay next, How will you verify an information if its true or legitimate?
Interviewee: If nung source non is kilala,kunware yung ABS-CBN diba kilala namn siya
or kaya yung GMA NEWS ganon .
Interviewer: Ok, I’ll give you example,Paano kung yung isang post is maraming likes at
Interviewee: Hindi,hindi padin.Hindi pwedeng maging basehan yung likes and shares
kase minsan yung mga tao naattract lang duon sa pictures or duon sa laman ng post
pero di nila alam na kung fake bayun or totoo ganon.
Interviewer: Oki, What other media or materials do you use to verify information? Ano
yung mga ginagamit mong source or saan ka nagpupunta para malaman kung yung
isang information is legit?
Interviewee: Sa mga page non,kunware yung sa GMA ganon or kaya sa TWITTER den
kase feeling ko kapag sa twitter mas totoo yung mga news na nadoon ganon or kaya sa
television,yung mga news talaga doon.
Interviewer: How do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the things you
Interviewee: Siguro halimbawa yung sinabi ko yung sa kidnapping , may mga nagpost
doon na parang totoo mga sinasabi nila , iyong mga nangyayare kase may mga pictures
pa silang pinapakita ganon tapos parang sobrang emotional yung post nila kaya

karamihan naniniwala sa kanila kase emotional yung pagsabi nila ng mga nagyayare
kaya naniniwala yung mga ibang tao.
Interviewer: How do fake news and misinformation make SHS Students think limitidely?
Interviewee: Siguro kase ang galing magkuwento,ayun nga yung halimbawa ko kanina
yung kidnapping,marami rin kaseng nagpopost ng ganon so parang yung mga student
naniniwala na kase marami ng nagpopost.
Interviewer: The moment that you have encountered fake news/misinformation on
facebok, how did you react on it?
Interviewee: Wala,hindi kolang pinapansin hinahayaan kolang.
Interviewer: Follow up question, paano mo naihandle?
Interviewee: Hindi kase ako nagko comment sa ganon kase feeling ko kapag ganon
parang dadagdagan kolang yung mga toxic people.
Interviewer: Okay next , What actions will you take if you have shared invalid
information unknowingly?
Interviewee: Idedelete,kase pwede namn idelete ganon.
Interviewer: Last, What do you think you can do to prevent the spread of fake news
and misinformation on facebook? Bilang student para saiyo ano yung maitutulong mo
kahit na sa small things?
Interviewee: Siguro sisimulan kona sa sarili ko kase sakin syempre kung alam konaman
na fake iyon bakit kopa ishahare,halimbawa ako,marami naman akong friends din sa
Facebook if na nagshare ako ng ganong fake news syempre yung iba makikita rin iyon
so posibleng maishare din nila so sa akin dapat ako, hindi kona ishashare yung fake
news na iyon para hindi narin maishare ng iba,ibang studyante ganon.
Interviewer: Thank you.

Co-Researcher E – Blue
Interviewer: Good after noon participant
Interviewer: 1st question
Interviewer: Tell me something about yourself ?
Interviewee: Good afternoon I am blue im 16 years old im female student I take up gas
strand. Im a chill person , and Im an introvert. Im not really friendly ,and I found
difficulty in expressing my thoughts but for this interview I’ll do my best give you
anwers and Im am aware on fake news that is happening online
Interviewer: 2nd question
Interviewer: What information and story do you commonly find on your news feed?
Interviewee: Kadalasan kong nakikita sa newsfeed ko is news about politics. Yung sa
government ngayun nakakita din ako news about sports lalo na yung sa fiba asia cup
ngayun tapos mga entertainment news tungkol sa mga artista
Interviewer: 3rd question
Interviewer: What are the most trending topics occurring on your own feed?
Interviewee: Sa ngaun kasi sa newsfeed ko ang nakikita kong news yung anu nga sa
franchise renewal ng abscn. Tas nakikita ko din news sa ncov yung mabilis na pagkalat
which is yung origin is yung china and yung nxt country na may pinakamaraming cases
ay ang south korea yun

Interviewer: 4th question

Interviewer: What kind of pages/ accounts do you usually follow facbook?
Interviewee: Kadalasang mga news page like gma news abcbn news cnn news cnn
sports rappler and I usually followed meme pages
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: Why do you follow that kind of pages/accounts?
Interviewee: Para makakuha ng information about what is happening sa surroundings
ko para maging aware ako kung ano bang mga issues na nangyayari sa country and sa
world and para sa entertainment
Interviewer: 5th questions
Interviewer: Have you experience sharing information from an untrusted source?
Interviewee: No
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: If no, how can you say that the information you have shared came from
legitimate source?
Interviewee: It came from legitimate source kasi shinaredan ko ng post is verified ng
facebook at talagang credible na sya. Known sya maraming tayo
Interviewer: 6th question
Interviewer: What information or posts do you commonly share on facebook?
Interviewee: Kadalasan yung mga ano, trending news lalo na yung sa government
tapos sa mga health news like ncov I commonly shared mga entertainment stuff like
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: Why do you share it?
Interviewee: For entertainment and para makakuha din ako ng information about what
is happening sa surroundings ko
Interviewer: 7th question
Interviewer: How will you verify an information if its true or legitimate?
Interviewee: The information is true if yung page na shinaredan mo ng post is verified
ng facebook tapos credible na at alam maraming tao
Interviewer: 8th question
Interviewer: What other media or materials do you use to verify information?
Interviewee: I use google para maghanap ng related things about dun at mas ma
verified kung totoo yun
Interviewer: 9th question how do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the
things you believe?
Interviewee: It cause confusion kasi nga di moa lam kung ano yng paniniwalaan mo
yung parang isang side lang yung alam mo di mo alam yung buong story
Interviewer: 10th question
Interviewer: How do fakenews and misinformation make shs students think limitidely?
Interviewee: Pag kasi nakakakita ng fake news anf shs students mabilis silang
magbigay ng emotion kagaya ng example nung fakenews about class suspension. Kasi
parang ambilis nilang mag react
Interviewer: 11th question

Interviewer: The moment that you have encountered fake news/misinformation on

facebok, how did you react on it?
Interviewee: Syempre naiinis kasi maraming mga tao ang naniniwala tapos nagging uto
uto dun sa mga fakenews na nakita nila
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: How did you handle it?
Interviewee: Siguro wala nalang hindi ko nalng sila pinakaelaman minsan nirereport ko
yung page na nagpapakalat ng fakenews
Interviewer: 12 question
Interviewer: What actions will you take if you have shared invalid information
Interviewee: First I will turn down the post I will delete the post tapos para di na
Interviewer: 13th question
Interviewer: What do you think you can do to prevent the spread of fake news and
misinformation on facebook?
Interviewee: Syempre I will report the page yun lang kaya ko as a student tapos siguro
siguro I will tell my friend na yung mga shinishare nila na fake yun wala naming
credibility and I will ask them to turn down the post para di na kumalat sa iba
Interviewer: Thank you very much for spending your valuable time with us. We assure
that your responses will be confidential. We hope that you will still have time to see us
in the near future foe follow up interview is the need arises.

Co-Researcher F – Kharel
Interviewer: Good after noon participant
Interviewer: 1st question
Interviewer: Tell me something about yourself ?
Interviewee: I’m 17 yrs old. I’m from grade 11 Gas Mabini
Interviewer: 2nd question
Interviewer: What information and story do you commonly find on your news feed?
Interviewee: Actually yung mga fake news about sa mga classes. Kapag kunyare
walang class suspensions
Interviewer: 3rd question
Interviewer: What are the most trending topics occurring on your own feed?
Interviewee: Kunyare yung pag may mga bagyo ganun. Yung mga trending topics dun
syempre wala kaagad pasok sa ganito ganyan which is di naman talaga legit kasi sabi
sabi lang.
Interviewer: 4th question
Interviewer: What kind of pages/ accounts do you usually follow facbook?
Interviewee: For me our local mayor si oca kasi yun nga mga announcement kung may
pasok ba o wala
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: Why do you follow that kind of pages/accounts?

Interviewee: Para maka seek ng information at maging aware pa sa mga nanyayare sa

Interviewer: 5th questions
Interviewer: Have you experience sharing information from an untrusted source?
Interviewee: No
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: If no, how can you say that the information you have shared came from
legitimate source?
Interviewee: Masasabi ko lang is makikita naman sa facebook kung legitimate yung
source like page kung yun ay may check at verified ng facebook
Interviewer: 6th question
Interviewer: What information or posts do you commonly share on facebook?
Interviewee: Para saken yung mga bagay kung saan makaka relate ka talaga like
hugots sa love life friendship at iba pa.
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: Why do you share it?
Interviewee: Nakakarelate lang kasi tapos halos lahat di naman lahat pero nararanasan
din nila
Interviewer: 7th question
Interviewer: How will you verify an information if its true or legitimate?
Interviewee: Ayun pag konti yung nag lalike tapospaulitulit lang din yung mga post
tapos walang verification check ng facebook
Interviewer: 8th question
Interviewer: What other media or materials do you use to verify information?
Interviewee: I use IG or Twitter ganun kung parehas lang din sila nag mga content or
sinasabe maybe totoo yun.
Interviewer: 9th question how do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the
things you believe?
Interviewee: Confusing sya the way na pag nakita mo yung information or news tapos
may isa pang same news or information pero iba sila ng story di muna na alam sa
dalawa kung alin ang paniniwalaan mo.
Interviewer: 10th question
Interviewer: How do fakenews and misinformation make shs students think limitidely?
Interviewee: Most of shs students lang di naman lahat pero kasi andaming studyante
yung paniwalain pero ayun nga may mga tao padin na info seeker di naman lahat ng
tao pareparehas ng iniisip.
Interviewer: 11th question
Interviewer: The moment that you have encountered fake news/misinformation on
facebok, how did you react on it?
Interviewee: Kapag nakakakita ako ng fake newsnapapailing nalang ako at napapaisip
bakit ba nila need ito ipagkalat di ba nila iniisip na nakakapahak sila at nakakaperwisyo
ng tao.
Interviewer: Follow up question
Interviewer: How did you handle it?

Interviewee: Irereport ko nalang para ma turndown yung page or kung kaninong

account man yun
Interviewer: 12 question
Interviewer: What actions will you take if you have shared invalid information
Interviewee: Kung di ako sure tapos nalaman kung fake news pala yun idedelete ko
nalang kaagad yung post at mag sosorry ako sa mga nakabasa or nag react about dun
Interviewer: 13th question
Interviewer: What do you think you can do to prevent the spread of fake news and
misinformation on facebook?
Interviewee: Mag rarant ako at mag re raise ng awareness about sa mga fake news at
yung mga posibilidad na maging epekto nn pag hinayaan lang nila.
Interviewer: Thank you very much for spending your valuable time with us. We assure
that your responses will be confidential. We hope that you will still have time to see us
in the near future foe follow up interview is the need arises.

Co-Researcher G – Mau
Interviewer: Tell me something about yourself.
Interviewee: I’m from ICT – Agoncillo
Interviewer: What information and news story do you commonly find on your news
Interviewee: Uhm… karaniwan kasi kapag nag-iiscroll ako sa news feed ko, karamihan
nakikita ko yung parang nagiging freedom wall yung news feed ko kasi nandoon yung
labasan ng sama ng loob ng mga ano ko, mga friends ko sa Facebook, ganun.
Interviewer: What are the most trending topics occurring on your own feed?
Interviewee: Ngayon, yung trending topics about yung dumbbell ba ‘yun? Basta ‘yun
Interviewer: May mga news ka ba na nakikita sa news feed mo?
Interviewee: Uhm… ayun, yung karaniwan na yung kapag sa walang pasok, ganun.
Interviewer: What kind of pages/accounts do you usually follow on Facebook?
Interviewee: Mostly, yung mga interest ko. Halimbawa, sila Marshmellow, yung page
about sa Marshmellow, fina-follow ko ‘yun. Tapos yung about sa mga pages yung
tungkol sa mga anxiety, parang mga kadramahan sa buhay, ganun.
Interviewer: Paano mo ito nire-relate sa sarili mo?
Interviewee: Nakakarelate kasi ako minsan sa mga post na ‘yun. Halimbawa, kapag
malungkot ako o kaya masaya. Yung mga post na ‘yun nararamdaman ko sa sarili ko.
Interwiewer: Why do you follow that kind of pages/accounts?
Interviewee: Syempre, ano… kasi yung interest ko nata-tackle nila at saka kapag
malungkot may mga ano rin dun, natututunan ako na pwede kong i-adopt sa sarili ko.
Interviewer: Have you experience sharing information from an untrusted source?
Interviewee: Yes, nagshe-share ako ng mga galing sa untrusted source. For example,
yung… may mga chance na walang pasok, syempre ‘di ba excited ako, masaya ako kasi
walang pasok, edi may makikita ako dun. Naniniwala agada ko nang hindi ko man lang
kinukonsulta yung iba.

Interviewer: What information or posts do you commonly share on Facebook?

Interviewee: Yung shine-share ko commonly… is yung mga parang memes ganun…
mga kadramahan sa buhay.
Interviewer: Why do you share it?
Interviewee: Syempre ano… shine-share ko yun kasi yung post na yun… yun na nga
kanina sinasabi ko, nakaka-relate ako sa mga post nay un, syempre gusto ko ring i-
share sa iba yun. Halimbawa, kapag ano… katulad sila ng mga nararamdaman ko,
pwedeng makatulong yung mga post na yun sa kanila.
Interwiewer: How will you verify an information if it’s true or legitimate?
Interviewee: Syempre ano… may mga post kasi diba na di mo malalaman agad yun na
fake news, syempre ako as a student, inaalam ko muna yun sa ibang mga source.
Halimbawa, pwedeng kila mama, tatanungin ko… sila kuya… kung may alam sila
tungkol dito. Tapos yun, sasabihin nila yung about dun ganun. O kaya pwede rin akong
mag-ano sa news, ganun… kung totoo ba talaga tong balitang to, yung nakita ko sa
Interviewer: Na-consider mo na ba sa isang news, ‘di ba mayroong picture, link, may
date. Paano mo iyon ina-analyze para ma-verify mo yung information kung legit ba or
Interviewee: Sa pictures, mahahalata naman minsan yung edit, ganun… at saka
binabase ko rin sa mga comments, diba pag may mga comments dun na “totoo” ganun,
parang yun naniniwala na rin ako. Sa link naman, binibisita ko muna. Tapos titingnan
ko kung edited ba yun or hindi yung link na yun.
Interviewer: What other media or materials do you use to verify information?
Interviewee: Halimbawa yung post about sa walang pasok, nag-coconsult muna ako sa
television, pwede rin sa radio.
Interviewer: How do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the things you
Interviewee: Halimbawa, may mga post na iba sa paniniwala ko, ganun. Syempre, yung
fake news nay un, may epekto sa paniniwala ko. Syempre, macoconfuse tuloy ako kung
ano ba talaga yung totoo dito… yung sarili ko bang kaalaman o yung fake news na
nabasa ko. Parang malilito tuloy ako kung ano ba talaga yung totoo dun sa dalawa.
Interviewer: How do fake news and misinformation make SHS students think limitedly?
Interviewee: Syempre, karaniwan na silang nagso-social media at may nababasa silang
fake news kaya yung mga nababasa nilang fake news parang dun na lang talaga sila
maniniwala kasi minsan ako rin… aaminin ko na tinatamad rin ako magbase sa ibang
source kung totoo ba o hindi. Kaya yung mababasa ko na lang na post dun, fake news
man o hindi, yun na lang yung paniniwalaan ko.
Interviewer: The moment that you have encountered fake news/misinformation on
Facebook, how did you react on it?
Interviewee: Kapag fake news, di na alng ako nagrereact. Dina-daan daanan ko na lang
Interviewer: Parang binabale-wala mo na lang?
Interviewee: Oo, ganun.
Interviewer: How did you handle it?

Interviewee: Nagbabasa ako ng mga comment kung totoo ba yun base sa mga
comments nila. Wala akong masyadong ginagawa about it. Parang ano… babalewalain
ko na lang, hindi ko na lang papaniwalaan.
Interviewer: What actions will you take if you have shared invalid information
Interviewee: Kapag nakakapag-share naman ako ng mga post na hindi naman totoo,
syempre sa huli marerealize ko na hindi pala totoo to ganun… buburahin ko yun.
Syempre kasi aminado ako na napapahiya ako… kasi kapag nagshe-share ako ng post
na “ay ganun, mali pala… fake news…” edi maba-bash ako sa mga comments… yun,
buburahin ko na lang.
Interviewer: What do you think you can do to prevent the spread of fake news and
misinformation on Facebook?
Interviewee: As a student, hindi na lang ako basta-basta magshe-share ng mga di ko
pa napapatunayang totoo, ganun. Kaya nga… sabi nila… think before you click. Bago ka
mag-share, mag-comment, or mag-react sa isang post, kailangan mo munang pag-
isipan kung totoo ba to or mabuti ba yung epekto nito sa iba.

Co-Researcher H – Chocho
Interviewer:ok good afternoon, tell me something about yourself
Interviewee: uhh umm ok hi I’m umm 16 years old im studying in mystical rose school
of caloocan corporation my favorite school and im currently taking the ict strand my
favorite strand in my favorite school
Interviewer: ok next what information or news story do you commonly found on your
Interviewee: pwede naman magtagalog diba
Interviewee: so um ah information and news story na common sa newsfeed ko is sating
mga studyante siguro mga balita na walang pasok yon yung madalas makita sa
newsfeed ko sa facebook and twitter or other social media na nagagamit ko
Interviewer: what are the most trending topic occuring on your own feed
Interviewee: sa sarili kong feed kung hindi yung mga walang pasok news na nakikita ko
its either mga current issues tulad ng corona virus and um yung lalaking tumalon sa city
hall na depression and other issues na pinapakalat ng mga tao
Interviewer: ok next what kind of page or account do you usually follow on facebook
Interviewee: so umm mga pinafollow ko sa facebook is usually for memes kase alam
mo kase alam ko walang pinagkakatiwalaan lahat ng nakikita ko sa facebook hindi
naman natin makakapagkatiwalaan so kung ganon lang naman kukuha nalang ako ng
entertainment para naman atlis alam kong mga memes kung mga page nila ay magpost
ng balita alam kong na peke
Interviewer: follow up question why do you follow that kind of pages or account
Interviewee: ahh yun nga sinabi ko nga kanina since alam ko naman na lahat na sa
social media ay makakapagkatiwalaan kukuha nalang ako sa kanila na pang
entertainment and kung mag post man sila nang example ng balita atlis alam ko na
alam ko na kaagad na hindi yun totoo
Interviewer: ok next have you experience sharing information from an untrusted source

Interviewee: um yes
Interviewer: if yes what are the effects cause by that kind of action
Interviewee: sa tingin ko wala naman kase yung sa mga shinashare kong fake news na
aware akong fake news sobrang fake news siya and um once na makita siya ng ibang
tao na im sure na ano maalam nila na fake news nga iyon
Interviewer:ok next what information or post do you commonly share on facebook
Interviewee: umm wala naman akong masyadong shinishare sa facebook bukod sa mga
memes na nakikita jokes ganun
Interviewer: ok follow up question why do you share it
Interviewee: shinishare ko lang siya kase gusto ko ayon wala akong other reason bukod
don kase natatawa lang ako shinishare ko sa mga friends ko ayon
Interviewer: ok next how you verify news and information if its true or legitimate
Interviewee: so ako i verify news and information nakadepende sa um marami akong
pinagbabasehan una sa likes, comments and shares pangalawa sa um kung verified ba
talaga ang account na nagpost and kung saan ko nakita
Interviewer: ok next what other media or materials do you use to verify an information
Interviewee: for me hindi lang ako kung ano um nakakita ako ng balita sa facebook at
hindi ako sure, iba gumagamit akon ng verification through um the internet the other
parts of the internet tulad ng google magsesearch ako ng mga um topic na related don
sa related news na nakita ko so ayon
Interviewer: ok next how do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the
things you believe
Interviewee: so ayun nga um diba tayong mga sa generation ngayon mas madalas
tayong gumamit ng social media and internet sa karamihan ng bagay and kung hindi
lahat ng ano kung hindi lahat na makikita mo sa internet and social media na mga
balita ay lahat silay di totoo malilito tayo kung alin dito ang paniniwalaan natin and
ayon minsan hindi ako nakakapasok pero yung totoo may pasok pala kase yu yung
nakita ko sa facebook so ganun maraming cause ang information
Interviewer: ok next how do fake news and misinformation make senior highschool
students think limitedly
Interviewee: so ayon fake news and misinformation nalilimitahan ang pag iisip sa ating
mga senior highschool kase satin kailangan aware tayo sa mga kung baga eto na yung
ano eh mga steping stones natin na papuntang college na kung saan aware tayo sa
mga lahat ng mga nangyayari sa society natin tulad ng corona virus hostage taking um
kung hindi lahat mababalita tungkol doon ay totoo mas um mas kokonte or limitado
lamang ang information na makukuha naten therefore yung mga nalalaman natin ayun
nalilimitahan den
Interviewer: ok next the moment have encountered fake news or misinformation on
facebook how did you react on it
Interviewee: so um ako um once may nalaman once may makita akong fake news ako
matatawa lang ako kase mostly para sakin joke lang yon and lalo na kapagmay nakita
akong naniniwala talaga ansarap talagang magpangap na bobo sa harap ng tao na
feeling matalino kaya ayon natatawa lang talaga ako
Interviewer: follow up question how did you handle it

Interviewee: so sakin once na pagnakaencounter ako ng fake news or misinformation

shinishare ko den pretending na naniniwala don den titignan ko kung sino yung
maniniwala o sa hindi para sa katuwaan la
ng den
Interviewer: for troll?
Interviewer: ok next what action do you take if have shared invalid information
Interviewee: so kung hindi ako aware na fake news parang na share ko um una ang
unang option ko siguro ay ieedit ko yung post ko pangalawang option ko is magkaroon
ako ng follow up post na hindi totoo iyon or just straight up delete ko yung ano yung
post na yon and sa tatlong option na yon irereport ko yung ano yung post na yun
saying that hindi yon totoo fake news iyon
Interviewer: ok next what do you think you can do to prevent of spread of fake news
and misinformation of facebook
Interviewee: uhh, sa totoo lang wala akong masyadong magagawa as a student pero
sating mga tawag dito sating gumagamit ng social media ang ano nalang siguro tulad
ng ginagawa ko kaganina either ipaalam sa iba na fake news to or just delete it report
yung mga post and accounts na nagpopost ng mga fake news na iyon
Interviewer: ok thank you

Co-Researcher I – Leonard
Interviewer: Ok Goodafternoon, Tell me something about yourself
Interviewee: ahm I’m from section Burgos, Home Economics strand grade 11, 16 years
Interviewer: okay next, What information and news story do you commonly find on
your news feed?
Interviewee: uhm usually i commonly find on my news feed is ano yung mga ano news
na napapanahon ngayon and, and a story about the lives of my friends yun po
Interviewer: Okay next, What are the most trending topics occurring on your own feed?
Interviewee: ahm pagdating sa news i think it's about ABS-CBN shutdown and ahm
pagdating sa kabalbalan po is that yung parang pornsite na meron nakalagay sa baba
na ano na ano na makulit ka iuuntog kita sa ganito kineme ganon
Interviewer: ah okay, okay next. What kind of pages/accounts do you usually follow on
Interviewee: uhm usually i followed pages or account ahm comedy, love story minsan
po it's about LGBTQ, IA plus group or ahm mga ano, mga nakaka-catch ng attention ko
Interviewer: Okay follow up question.Why do you follow that kind of pag---pages or
Interviewee: ahm ayun nga as i've said earlier uh ano nakaka-catch sila ng attention ko
Interviewer: Okay next,Have you experience sharing information from an untrusted
If yes, what are the effects caused by that kind of action?
If no, how can you say that the information you have shared came from a legi---
legitimate source?

Interviewee: ahm siyempre hindi rin naman maiiwasan talaga na makakuha ng mga
sources sa mga untrusted and ahm ano yung epekto nito saken actually wala naman
dahil hindi ko rin siya siniseryoso dahil wala naman talaga akong paki sa nara-- sa kung
anong meron ngayon, dahil ang paki ko kung ano ang meron sa akin ganon and ano
po siyempre ayun nga kung alam ko na uns--- ah untrusted sources siya ng news ano
hinahayaan ko muna siya mga ano ilang araw tapos doon, doon ko na malalaman kase
kung totoo ba siya or hindi dahil ika-clarified na siya e kaya doon.
Interviewer: Ok ,What information or posts do you commonly share on Facebook?
Interviewee: ahm nakakatawa kase minsan, kadalasan sa mga shinishare kong
information is memes actually hindi naman siya information e, ahm mga kabalbalan
lang, kunwari mga taglibog ganon and ano mga funnies--- funny video
Interviewer: ok follow up question, Why do you share it?
Interviewee: ahm ayun nga nakaka-catch sila ng attention and para pag ano pag na
stalk ko yung sarili ko masaya ako kasi alam kong yung ini-stalk ko may saysay yung
nilalagay doon --dahil kasi ako yun
Interviewer: ok next, How will you verify an information if it’s true or legitimate?
Interviewee: ahm sa panahon ngayon ahm ano madami na talagang kumakalat na fake
news pero hindi rin talaga natin maiiwasan kung ano nga ba yang totoo sa hindi. Ahm
bilang isang estudyante ahm ano parang nasa ko pa rin yung think before you click so
bago mo siya kunin or bago mo siya ikalat kailangan ano intindihin mo muna kung ano
yon, kung tama ba siya or hindi ah siguro ano kung kailan siya pinost, kung kailan siya
ano lang mabisa, siguro ganon para malaman mno kung totoo ba siya o hindi.
Interviewer: ok next, What other media or materials do you use to verify information?
Interviewee: ahm maliban sa facebook i usually use ahm tiktok ewan ko kung ano siya
kung multimedia account ahm next po dun is twitter na kung saan kadalasan na pina-
follow ko po talaga sa twitter is mga news, news site like ABS-CBN,GMA,TV5 and ano
yun pa yung mga iba pang network site
Interviewer: Ok next, How do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the
things you believe?
Interviewee: ahm actually kase ano e dahil sa fake news naiba yung ano e yung
perception natin dun sa isang bagay may mga opinyon kase sa fake news na hindi
talaga tama ano siguro kung napaniwalaan mo man yon siyempre mag iiba yung ano
understanding mo sa isang bagay na kung saan pag lumabas na yung katotoohanan
hindi mo siya matatanggap dahil ano dahil hindi nga yun yung una mong nakuha.
Interviewer: ok next, How do fake news and misinformation make--- make SHS
students think limitedly?
Interviewee: ahm ayun na nga fake news nga eh kaya siguro kaya limitly lang yung
ano. Limitedly lang yung pag iisip ng tao kase hindi parin ano, parang hindi kase nila
inuuwa---- inuunawa ng maayos ahm bali dito kase parang kung ano yung nakikita nila,
what you see is what we believed, pero para sakin kung ano yung nakita mo dapat
suriin mo para malaman mo yung totoo.
Interviewer: Ok , The moment that you have encountered fake news/misinformation on
Facebook, how did you--- how did you react it?

Interviewee: ahm wala parang wala lang pake talaga kasi nga, pero kung magre-reacy
man talaga ako siyempre naiinis ako kasi bakit nag kakalat sila ng misinformation eh
kung pwede naman nila ikalat yung totoong information
Interviewer: follow up question ,How did you handle it when you?
Interviewee: ahm pag hina-handle sa tingin ko lang ayun nga yung katagang think
before you click bago mo siya ano paniwalaan dapat intindihin mo at ano ano ba
parang intindihin mo siya at suriin mo para malaman mo talaga yung totoo.
Interviewer: na try mo na bang mag ahm report ng post or mag comment don sa
mismong post na yun na fake ganon?
Interviewee: ah usually kapag alam kong fake talaga hindi talaga ako dun
Interviewer: hindi ka nakikipag inter act don?
Interviewee: ahm no hindi ako nakikipag interact don as long as alam kong mali yon
hindi talaga makiki--- hindi ako mag sasayang ng oras para makipag interact don sa
Interviewer:Okay next,What actions will you take if if you have shared invalid
information unknowingly?
Interviewee: ahm kung sakali man na makapag share ako ng maling post ay maling
news dini-delete ko agad siya sa ano ko sa news feed ko or sa ano ko account ko kase
parang ano e parang mali ka na nga ba't mo pa ikakalat edi dapat itago mo nalang or
burahin para hindi na kumalat pa ganon.
Interviewer: okay last,What do you think you can do to prevent the spread of fake
news and misinformation on Facebook?
Interviewee:ahm for me self awareness talaga and ano po kamalayan sa kasalukuyan
kasi kung hindi mo alam yung mga nakapaligid sayo paano pa kung sa sarili mo ahm
katulad ah ng ano ano ba. Ano para sakin para po hindi na mapre-- ma-prevent na po
yung pagkalat ng fake news i think ano wag niyo nalang po i-share kase kung ise-share
niyo pa dumagdag lang din po kayo don and ano parang marami pang maniniwala doon
na kung saan pag naniwal sila gagawin din nila yung isang bagay na dapat hindi kaya
yun yung sa tingin ko and self awareness po para po wala ng misinformation sa
facebook and not only in facebook but in other kind of social media like twitter,
instagram and ayon
Interviewer: Thank you!

Co-Researcher J – Kang
Interviewer: Tell me something about yourself?
Interviewee: I’m 18 years old from HE-Jacinto.
Interviewer: Then nag spend ba kayo sa Facebook ng 4hours daily?
Interviewee: Opo
Interviewer: So next question,What information and news story do you commonly find
on your news feed?
Interviewee: About sa Memes astaka mga kadramahan ganon
Interviewer: What are the most trending topics occurring on your own feed?
Interviewee: Yung mga Sad post
Interviewer: Kung about sa news or fake news

Interviewee: Yung mga nababalita den sa TV lumalabas din sa Facebook,then meron

ding mga fake news halimbawa yung dating issue about kayla James at Nadine na
naghiwalay nadaw sila pero ngayon totoo na.
Interviewer: Okay, What kind of pages/ accounts do you usually follow on facebook?
Interviewee: Pangalan ng page minsan ANXIETY ganon
Interviewer: Kung interms of news po
Interviewee: Sa GMA
Interviewer: So, bakit niyo po pinafollow iyon?
Interviewee: Gusto ko yung post nila
Interviewer: Okay next, Have you experience sharing information from an untrusted
Interviewee: Yes
Interviewer: So paano niyo po nasabi na yung source kung saan niyo kinuha yung
information is legitimate po?
Interviewee: Kapag kilala yung taong nagsabi nun
Interviewer: What information or posts do you commonly share on facebook?
Interviewee: Kagaya ng sinabi ko kanina yung sa mga sadpost mga memes ganon
Interviewer: Interms of news po
Interviewee: Sa mga balita mga topics na pinapalabas sa TV tapos lumalabas sa
Interviewer: Why you share it? Ano pong purpose niyo?
Interviewee: Para malaman or mainform din yung ibang tao
Interviewer: Okay so, How will you verify an information if its true or legitimate?
Interviewee: Kung galing siya sa kilalang tao then napanood mona siya tapos nakita mo
sa facebook
Interviewer: What other media or materials do you use to verify information?
Interviewee: Magsesearch ako sa Facebook and Google.
Interviewer: How do fake news and misinformation cause confusion to the things you
Interviewee: Makakaapekto siya kase paniniwala namin is magka iba
Interviewer: So susundin nyo po ba?
Interviewee: Hindi
Interviewer: So pero nagcacause poba ito ng pagkalito?
Interviewee: Oo
Interviewer: Ok, How do fake news and misinformation make SHS Students think
Interviewee: Yung kapag may pinapagawa yung teacher tapos about sa news tapos
fake pala yun syempre maaapektuhan yung ginawa mo don.
Interviewer: So you think nakakalimit siya ng pagiisip?
Interviewee: Yes
Interviewer: The moment that you have encountered fake news/misinformation on
facebok, how did you react on it?
Interviewee: Wala kase alam ko ng fake news iyon
Interviewer: So paano niyo naihahandle iyon?

Interviewee: Siguro ishashare ko tapos sabihin na fake news yon

Interviewer: Okay next, What actions will you take if you have shared invalid
information unknowingly?
Interviewee: Edi nung pinagsharean ko ng information ipapaalam ko sakanya na mali
pala yung information
Interviewer: Okay last question, What do you think you can do to prevent the spread of
fake news and misinformation on facebook?
Interviewee: Kapag nagshare ako lalagyan ko ng caption na Fake news ito tapos huwag
na nila ishare or ipakalat pa.
Interviewer: So how about po kapag nakakita kayo ng Facebook users na kagaya niyo
tapos mali yung information niya,paano niyo masasabi na or ano gagawin niyo para
Interviewee: Magko comment tapos sasabihing itigil na iyan kase mali yung
impormasiyon na ibinibigay nila.
Interviewer: So thank you very much po!



#44 Venus St. Constellation Homes Zabarte Road, Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09556345549


 To be successful in life
 To graduate in College
 To be successful in my chosen profession
 To provide my family needs
 To buy what they want
 To travel in the world


 Good in communicating
 Good observant


Date of birth: June 15, 2003

Place of birth: Quezon City
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’5
Weight: 40 kg.
Religion: Catholic
Language/Dialect: Tagalog
Mother’s Name: Glenda Bagona
Occupation: PHMI
Father’s Name: Henry Bagona

Occupation: Electrician


 Able to play some sports

 Able to do flag and baton


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Mahogany St. Cristina Homes Brgy. 177, Caloocan North I, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018
Academic Awards: Grade 7 (Top 7)
Grade 8 (Top 3)
Grade 10 (With honor)

Castle Spring Ave., Cor Molave, Camarin, Caloocan City
2010 – 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

Ph 10 B, Pkg 5, Blk 33, Lot 18 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09355384097


 To finish my studies and to show my appreciations for my parent’s sacrifices

 To fulfill my goals, dreams, and plans in the future
 To become successful in life
 To help my family
 To travel the world someday
 To gain more experience
 To gain more friends


 Good at memorization
 Know how to manage my time
 Willing to explore and learn new things


Date of birth: June 29, 2003

Place of birth: Quezon City
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’7
Weight: 50 kg.
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Language/Dialect: Tagalog/English
Mother’s Name: Mercy M. Beron
Occupation: Caregiver
Father’s Name: Julio D. Beron
Occupation: Delivery Driver


 I can draw (sketching)

 I can easily associate with other people
 I can make good decisions and manage my time


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Langit Road, 1428, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018

Phase 10 A, Parking 3, Block 6, Barangay 176, Caloocan City, Metro Manila
2009 – 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.


Sampaguita Rd. Brgy. 177 Camarin, Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09967788633


 To pursue the career I want in life

 To help my family in their financial needs and etc.
 To be successful someday


 Goal Oriented
 Creative
 Adaptive


Date of birth: June 30, 2003

Place of birth: Cabanatuan City
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’5
Weight: 57 kg.
Religion: Catholic
Language/Dialect: Filipino
Mother’s Name: Celia A. Cartas
Occupation: Sales Marketing Tactical Coordinator
Father’s Name: Enrico S. Cartas
Occupation: Sales Marketing Merchandiser


 Can draw
 Can sing


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Mahogany St. Cristina Homes Brgy. 177, Caloocan North I, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018

Cielito Homes Subd. Brgy.177 Camarin, Caloocan City
2009 – 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.


Ph4 Pkg2 Lot3 Blk114 Bagong Silang Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09954247084


 To be an animator
 To be one of the best programmers
 To be successful


 Creative
 Not giving up easily
 Determined


Date of birth: April 3, 2003

Place of birth: Caloocan City
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’4
Weight: 57 kg.
Religion: Catholic
Language/Dialect: Tagalog
Mother’s Name: Emily L. Cervantes
Occupation: Sales Clerk
Father’s Name: Agapito L. Cervantes
Occupation: Time Keeper


 Can draw anime

 Can play instruments


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Ph1 Pkg2 Bagong Silang Caloocan City
2015 – 2018

Phase 1 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City
2008 – 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.


615 La Forteza Sub., Camarin, Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09566496726


 To be a programmer
 To be healthy


 Ability to do multiple tasks at once


Date of birth: August 26, 2002

Place of birth: Caloocan City
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’9
Weight: 52 kg.
Religion: Catholic
Language/Dialect: Tagalog/English
Mother’s Name: Teresita C. Del Rosario
Occupation: None
Father’s Name: Mario L. Del Rosario
Occupation: Chef


 Drawing
 Active listening
 Computer skills


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Cadena de Amor St. Area B, Camarin, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018

Camarin, Caloocan City
2009 – 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.


2668 Sampaguita St. Brgy.178 Camarin Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09100894228


 To expand more my knowledge and experiences.

 To finish my studies.
 To be successful in my chosen profession.
 To maximize my skills.


 Has an ability to work with a team.

 Great time management.
 Willing to try new things.
 Has an creative mind.
 A responsible and trustworthy student.
 Can do multitask different things
 I have leadership skills

Date of birth: January 23, 2003
Place of birth: Quezon City
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’4
Weight: 60 kg.
Religion: Catholic
Language/Dialect: Tagalog/English
Mother’s Name: Ana Liza R. Demate
Occupation: None
Father’s Name: Johnson V. Demate
Occupation: Freelance Driver


 Can do task as long as I can

 Capable of creating calligraphy art works
 Can easily socialize with other people
 Multi-task
 Good at playing badminton


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Cadena de amor St. Area B Camarin, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018
Academic Awards: With Honors

Area D, Camarin Langka St., Caloocan City North
2009 – 2014


Camarin High School

Camarin High School



Blk 9 Lot 4 Maria Luisa Subd. Taurus St., Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09234277534


 To be an accountant
 To be a Manga artist


 I have an ability to do job under pressure

 Good at proofreading
 Fluent in English


Date of birth: October 12, 2000

Place of birth: Caloocan City
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Civil Status: In a relationship
Height: 5’9
Weight: 69 kg.
Religion: Baptist
Language/Dialect: Tagalog/English/Japanese
Mother’s Name: Lynneth B. Martir
Occupation: None
Father’s Name: Warlito I. Martir
Occupation: Driver


 Drawing


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Mahogany St. Cristina Homes Brgy. 177, Caloocan North I, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018

Castle Spring Ave., Cor Molave, Camarin, Caloocan City
2009 – 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.


4999 Caimito St. S.V.F. Brgy. 178 Camarin, Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09271516033


 To settle with a simple living

 To grow as a person
 To continuously serve Jehovah God whole-heartedly
 To be genuinely happy


 I have a good-leadership
 Great at organizing things
 Creative in different ways
 Responsible for the given task
 Eager to explore new things and learnings
 A fast-learner and versatile person


Date of birth: February 08, 2003

Place of birth: Quezon City
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’1
Weight: 59 kg.
Religion: Jehovah’s Witnesses
Language/Dialect: Tagalog/English
Mother’s Name: Loida B. Pangahin
Occupation: None
Father’s Name: Elven Q. Pangahin
Occupation: Jeepney Driver/Operator


 Writes literary pieces

 Good at memorization
 Can create traditional and digital art
 Have a creative lay-outing and editing skills
 Computer literate
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Microsoft Office
- Visual Basic
- Autodesk Sketchbook


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Mahogany St. Cristina Homes Brgy. 177, Caloocan North I, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018
Academic Awards: Grade 7 (Top 1)
Grade 8 (With High Honors)
Grade 9 (With High Honors)
Grade 10 (With High Honors)
Extra-Curricular Awards: 4th place in Pagsulat ng Agham DSPC 2015
8th place in Pagsulat ng Agham DSPC 2016
7th place in Pagsulat ng Agham DSPC 2017
1st place in Division NDRM Essay Writing 2018
Leadership Award (Editor-in-Chief)

Phase 6 Package 2 Camarin, Caloocan City

2009 – 2014
Academic Awards: Grade 1 (Top 5)
Grade 2 (Top 7)
Grade 3-4 (Top 3)
Grade 5 (Top 2)
Grade 6 (Class Valedictorian)
Extra-Curricular Awards: 1st place in Pagsulat ng Agham District 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

Cielito Zamora Junior High School


Phase 6 Package 2 Barangay 178 Camarin Caloocan City
Email Address:
Contact Number: 09557906977


 To finish my studies
 To be a successful person
 To develop my skills


 I have a creative imagination

 Great with time managing
 Always trying new things in life
 Loves to explore many things
 A responsible student


Date of birth: November 11, 2002

Place of birth: Caloocan City
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’8
Weight: 54 kg.
Religion: Roman Catholic
Language/Dialect: Tagalog/English
Mother’s Name: Carmelita Tapang
Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: Bienjamin Tapang
Occupation: Electrician


 Have a skills on character designing

 Have a creative imagination
 Can work without a reference as long as it’s not needed


#15 Ilang-ilang St. Metrocor Homes, Almar Subd., Camarin, Caloocan City
2019 – Present


Cadena de Amor St. Area B Camarin, Caloocan City
2015 – 2018
Academic Awards: With Honors

Phase 6 Package 2 Camarin, Caloocan City
2009 – 2014



Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

Teacher 1
Camarin D. Elementary School

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