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Teaching a student with learning disabilities is really hard to dealt with.

For example, a student with

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which are very common to children nowadays. This
students with ADHD are diagnosed at an early age however most of them as they step up on high school
are still unable to control tantrums. So, teaching this kind of students needs a lot of effort, creativity
and patience.

Every student is different from other student. We really need to keep an eye to figure out what’s the
best learning tool that are suitable to them especially to a special student. As a teacher, we need to
make an arrangement that is suitable and appropriate for his condition and to give him/her the chance
to learn as well as the normal students around him/her.

Since, an ADHD students gets distracted easily we need to put the student away from window and doors
where he can get distracted easily by a passerby. As well as, we put the student near or in your front of
the teacher’s desk. Ask for other students’ cooperation to give him some quiet surrounding whenever
there is a task given but not in a way that will make the students unable to interact with the teacher and
their other classmates.

Start your class with having an eye contact to your student specially with ADHD. You need to build a
trust with them and you want their full attention to you. Since most ADHD students gets easily
distracted you need to laid out your plans for the day, what are they going to learn and also what’s your
expectation to them. ADHD students’ needs a separate task but same level with their classmate so that
he/she will not be left behind from his/her classmate. It is advisable to give one instruction at a time and
repeat as necessary. It really requires a lot of patience in dealing with this kind of students. Give him/
her the difficult task early of the day since his mind has still lot of energy than later of the day. Since, he
has a little attention span make his or her task with visual such as pictures and color coding to make him
interested with the task. Allow them having small breaks in between classes to avoid exhaustion and
replenish their energy.

It is also advisable to make worksheets and test with fewer question and giving frequent quizzes than
long quizzes. Divide the long term projects into segments and assign completion for each segment.
Accept late work accomplishment and give partial credits so that he/ she will not be discourage but still
learn his lesson to finish his task on time. Minimize asking them to perform publicly but allow them
when they are really confident to do it. At the end of the day, summarize your lesson ask him/ her how
his day goes. If they didn’t able to understand the lesson assign them a little homework to get them
acquainted by it for the next day. Finally, compliment them for doing a good job for today and keep it up
for the following day.

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