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Daria Protas

Faculty of International Relations

International relations, 308
Supervisor: O. Verkhovtsova


Nowadays, the business sphere in Ukraine is developing rapidly, so one of
the most popular types of translation is the translation of business correspondence.
With the advent of e-mail, the exchange of correspondence between owners of
different cultures and languages has ceased to be something unattainable.
Currently, due to the expansion of public international contacts,
internationalization of economic activity, unification of office systems, as well as
the creation of new types of information transmission (Internet, Fax, SMS, MMS)
has significantly increased the volume of business language and new forms of
business communication. The relevance of the research topic is due to the growing
role of business communication at the present stage of development of society as a
whole. The activity of a business person is impossible to imagine without working
with documents. Economists have estimated that some categories of employees
spend 30 to 70% of their working time on drafting and working with official
documents [1]. 
Moreover, business correspondence covers various areas of human activity and
is the basis for the existence of such areas of activity as diplomacy, commerce, as
well as international economic, scientific and cultural cooperation. The main
feature of the language of business correspondence is the accuracy and clarity of
the presentation of the material in the almost complete absence of emotional
elements. Like other styles of language, this style has a definite communicative
aim and its own system of interrelated language and stylistic means. The main aim
of this type of communication is to state the conditions binding two parties and
to reach agreement between two contracting parties. The most general function of
the style of official documents predetermines the peculiarities of the style. The
most striking feature is a special system of clichés, terms and set expressions by
which each substyle can be easily recognized [4, 95].  For example,
We inform you that ...; We want to inform you…; We consider it necessary to
inform you that…; We are pleased to inform you that…; We are pleased to
announce that…; Unfortunately, we have to inform you that ...; Let me inform you
that…; We hereby inform you that ....; Thank you for your letter of March 15…; In
reply to your request,…; Further to our meeting last week…; In order to…;We
regret to inform you that…[3, 85].
 In the language of official documents, terms and professionalisms are widely
used in accordance with the subject and content of official documents. First of all,
these are economic, diplomatic and legal terms (export, contract, business
proposal, demand). Characteristic is also the use of stationery, reproducible lexical
and phraseological units, which correspond to frequent situations and common
Business correspondence contains many abbreviations and names of
companies, people on the basis of a certain action or attitude (manufacturer,
supervisor, designer, consumer, etc.); complex prepositions that express certain
standards of content (due to, with regard to, in connection with). Business
language is characterized by the use of neologisms, ie words and phrases that arose
to denote a new object or phenomenon. [2, 45]. 
It is important to say that the translation of business documents is a special
type of translation that requires the translator not only perfect knowledge of
foreign languages, but also mastery of business style. The translator must be well
versed in business terminology, because one incorrectly translated term can lead to
a rupture of business relations and misunderstanding of the document. This means
that phrases can sometimes carry both semantic and emotional load. The result of
further cooperation or negotiations often depends on the accuracy of the
transmission of such intonations.
An important point in the translation of official business documents is the
observance of confidentiality, the customer expects that the information he trusts
the translator will not fall into the wrong hands.
Therefore, in order to achieve an adequate translation of an official business
document, the translator must adhere to such basic requirements as accuracy (all
the provisions of the original must be set out in the translation); brevity (all
provisions of the original should be summarized and concise); clarity (brevity and
conciseness should not distort the understanding of vocabulary); and literature (the
text of the translation must comply with generally accepted norms of literary
language, without using the syntactic constructions of the original language).


1. Врабель Т. Т. Стаття «Лексичні особливості перекладу» [Електронний

ресурс] / Томаш Томашович Врабель – Режим доступу до ресурсу:
2. Карпенко М. А. The Problems of Translating a Business Correspondence /
М. А. Карпенко, О. А. Кириченко. – Суми, 15. – 66 с.
3. Bryan Garner. HBR Guide to Better Business Writing. US: Harvard
Business Review Press, 2013. - 240 p.
4. Verkhovtsova O., Golodniuk A., Kutsenko O. Theory and Practice of
Translation Practical Assignment. – K.: NAU, 2017. -166 с.
5. 0950562221

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