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Assignment : Cultural Dimensions

Below are cultural dimensions. In each dimension, choose the one that
characterizes the Filipino. Provide an example to support your answer. You may use
real-life experiences, a television show, a TV commercial, an article, or a literary
composition, provided that they are situated in the Filipino context.
Do it on a separate sheet and submit it on a pdf file.

Cultural Dimension Answers Examples

Individualistic Culture Collectivist Culture Filipinos are known for being helpful. We
or Collectivist Culture are working together to help our fellow
citizens in whatever manner we can. For
example "bayanihan" These is commonly
the house that is brought by mens during
the owner's relocation to a new
place.Another bayanihan is after a recent
typhoon in Siargao and its near provinces,
we were all willing to support those
families who were devastated by the
typhoon Odette.
Low context or high High Context Culture it indicates that Filipino people don't
context Culture always say what they mean. It simply
means that for a variety of reasons, many
things in the culture are thought to be best
left unsaid. Example of these are Kumain
ka na ba? (busog pa ako) and Paano mo
ginawa yan? (Madali lang)
Monochronic or Polychronic Culture Because life isn't fully predictable in the
Polychronic Culture Philippines, schedules must be flexible.
The clock takes a back seat to most other
criteria for actions. Here, things don't
always go as planned, and deadlines are
continuously juggled. The majority of
family time is, nevertheless, holy. In a
nutshell, Filipinos are people who are
prone to doing a lot of activities at the
same time. Working student, for example,
who studies during the day and works
during the night, another is the
Magandang Buhay talk show sometimes
they have segments like cooking while
talking to the guests.
Low certainty High uncertainty We all know that most people in our
avoidance or High avoidance Culture country are more comfortable with
uncertainty avoidance ambiguity, more entrepreneurial, and more
Culture willing to take risks. An example of more
entrepreneurial people are those who are
flexible, adaptable, and open to new
opportunities, which is why the majority of
Filipinos own a business like sari-sari
Masculine vs. Masculine Culture People "live and work" in a masculine
Feminism culture country like the Philippines. It requires
employees to be determined and
empowered, with an emphasis on
fairness, competitiveness and
achievement, and problems are solved by
fighting them. One example is that we all
know that a Filipino man usually works for
his family.
Short term orientation Short term It is more pragmatic than normative to live
Culture or Long term Orientation Culture in the Philippines. They are normative in
Orientation Culture their thinking and have a significant
interest in establishing the absolute Truth
in such cultures. They have a strong
sense of tradition, a low proclivity to save
for the future, and a strong desire to get
things done quickly. Because of their
impatience with the outcome, Filipinos, for
example, choose to do what is required.

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