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Time Management Style and Academic Performance of

Grade 11 Students of Sulat National High School

A Quantitative Research

Presented to Mr. Jonathan Merillo

Sulat National High School

In partial fulfilment of

The requirement for the subject

Practical Research II


Abogado, Roselle

Chinel, Henry James

Conos, Justine Althea

Delmonte, Pearl Justine

Palines, Jomari

October 2020

If time is not used effectively, it is regarded a finite resource; time that has passed cannot
be restored or retrieved for humans. Because time is a precious commodity, people should plan
their tasks around it as if it were vital in their lives, both in the practical and educational realms.
Time is one of the most valuable assets that someone has in their life. (Karim & Mitra, 2011)

Time management skills are crucial for improving academic performance and outcomes.
Every student should have time management skills, which include defining objectives and
priorities using time management mechanisms and being organized utilizing time management.
Self-motivation, performance, and ability are all required. (Classens, Eerde & Rutte, 2005).
Today's universities engage in a narrow number of activities that operate as barriers between
academic success

According to Work at Home Woman (2009). There are five styles to identify with:
Achievement Management, Casual Management, Crisis Management, Precision Management
and Social Management

People who measure their success by how much they take on are described as
Achievement Managers. You have a difficult time saying "no" to new tasks and can become
overwhelmed. It's easy to get caught up of the task at hand, and it's even more difficult to
complete everything to your best capacity. The world's procrastinators are described by Casual
Management. You are the one who believes that if you have time, it will be done. Casual
managers are prone to losing track of time and becoming quickly distracted by concerns that
need less effort than the current work.

People who practice crisis management treat each event in their lives as though it were
the most important. They have a tendency to take on multiple projects at once and have difficulty
determining what is a priority and what is not. The perfectionist is described by Precision
Management. Their work is consistently of high quality, but the time it takes to achieve that level
may be too long due to inefficiency in management. The "social butterflies of the world" are
described by Social Management. They are excellent storytellers who prefer to "speak" rather
than "do." Social Managers are notorious for talking away the hours and losing track of time.

The study employed a correlational research design to find out the relationship between
Time Management style and Academic Performance of grade 11 students. The researchers want
to describe and measure the relationship between the two non-manipulated.

The respondents are composed of grade 11 students from the strand of HUMSS, GA,
ABM, HE ICT and EIM in Sulat National High School. We used probability sampling method
which is simple random sampling. The researcher provide the list of the students from all strands
in grade 11 and we used stratified sampling method to derived for the exact numbers of
respondents in each stands.

Researchers used survey questionnaires in gathering necessary details. The instrument

used was research–made questionnaire adopted to the research of Work at Home Women.


Students in Senior High school is said to be the busiest students in high school journey.
Approximately 80% of students in SHS has already experienced time management-related
problems. It is because they are having too much of schools works and responsibilities.

The respondents were asked if what is their time management style, the result showed
that there are 97 or 42% answered Achievement Management which are those students who have
a difficulty in time saying "no" to new tasks and can become overwhelmed. 77 or 33% says that
they undergo Casual Management or those students who described as procrastinators. While in
Crisis Management 36 or 16% of the students belong to those who treat each event in their lives
as though it were the most important. There are 14 or 6% who answered Social Management,
usually these are the students who are considered as storytellers who prefer to "speak" rather
“do”. Lastly, 9 or 4%who answered Precision Management these are the students who described
as perfectionists, their work is consistently of high quality.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing time; however, it is critical to get to

know ourselves so that we can make good decisions about how we spend our time, such as the
process of providing educational services. This topic has been discussed on several platforms,
and an attempt has been made to assess and analyze time and agreement attitudes and behaviors
among students in educational institutions. (Denlinger, 2009).

Many students felt that balancing their studies and their free time is tough. These factors
could exacerbate their anxiety during tests and other school activities. The majority of pupils
acknowledged to cramming during exams.

Better academic success is linked to effective time management. Some students who are
good at managing their time claim to have good grades, whereas students who are bad at
managing their time claim to have poor grades.


Sevari, K., & Kandy, M. (2011). Time management skills impact on self-efficacy and academic
performance. Journal of American Science, 7(12), 720-726.

Claessens, B. J., Van Eerde, W., Rutte, C. G., & Roe, R. A. (2007). A review of the time management
literature. Personnel review

The work at Home Women (2009). Increase your productivity by knowing your time management style

Denlinger, J. C. (2009). The effects of time management on college students’ academic performance. Ball State
University, Fact Book (students/enrollment), 8-16.

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