(G04) 10mm Trulite Clear Sphinx

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Sphinx Glass S.A.E.

Technical Performance data sheet

Date: 2020

Project details
Project name
Façade Maker
Glazing Design 10mm Trulite Clear
Glass Emissivity: 0.85

Glazing design Design Description

First glass 10mm Trulite Clear



Second glass


Third glass

1 2 Coating
Outdoor Indoor

Acoustic Performance
STC-RW= 34 Db ( -2;-4)

Visible Solar U-Value W/m2*K

Ref Ref SF/ Summer NFRC EN 673 U-Value

IG Unit Trans Ref Trans SC UV
Exterior Interior SHGC Air Air

10mm Trulite Clear 87% 9% 9% 8% 75% 0.79 0.92 5.60 5.60 49.00

Simulations were run using LBNL Windows 5.2 and Optics 5 software with version 19.0 of the International Glazing
, Database.

U-Value is calculated Based on LBL, NFRC 100-EN 673 & Solar performance (SHGC) calculated based on NFRC 200

Performance data is based on representative samples of factory production..

Actual values may vary slightly due to variations in the production process +/- 3%

Laminate simulations are not NFRC certified.

This data is to be used for comparison purposes and should not be considered a contract.

Prepared by:

Passant Faried

Projects & Technical Support Engineer Mobile: 01094443517

Sphinx glass -Egypt Email : Pfaried@sphinxglass.com

Under license of PPG Industries,Inc,USA

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