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I ndex

Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type.

Abdominal ultrasound, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets, 36
Ablation therapy, percutaneous ethanol, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 59
Acinar cells, in avians, in pancreatic atrophy, 1–2
in pancreatic carcinoma, 6–7
Adenocarcinoma, in avians, metastasis to pancreas, 6
Adenohypophysis, of pituitary gland, in avians, 14
Adenomas, cystic ovarian, in guinea pigs, 70
of pituitary gland, in avians, 17
of thyroid gland, in gerbils, 63
in hamsters, 63
in mice, 62
Adenovirus, in avian pancreatitis, 3–4
Adrenal disease, vs. Cushing disease, in ferrets, hyperadrenocorticism resulting from, 45
medical management of, 45–46
Adrenal gland, in avians, diseases of, 17
endocrine control and role of, 16–17
hormones produced by, 16
as excessive, 17. See also Hyperadrenocorticism.
as inadequate, 17–18
in ferrets, excessive hormones produced by, 35–49. See also Ferrets.
surgical resection of, for hyperadrenocorticism, 36
Adrenal hormone panel, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets, 36
Adrenal mass, in ferrets, 37, 39
Adrenocortical function, in avians, growth hormone influence on, 20
HPA axis activation of, 16–17
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), in avians, control and role of, 16–17
synthesis of, 16
Age/aging, thyroid metabolism changes related to, in hamsters, 62
in mice, 62
Allergic disease, FDB related to, in pet birds, 83–86, 88
Alopecia, in guinea pigs, hyperthyroidism vs., 54–55
with ovarian cystic disease, 70–71
in pet birds, septicemic, 83, 88
5-Alpha-reductase inhibitor, for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 38, 43
Amino acid deficiencies, intrinsic feather loss with, in pet birds, 80
Amyloidosis, thyroid disease related to, in hamsters, 63
in mice, 62
Anastrozole, for hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, 38, 45
Androgen receptor blockers, for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 38, 42–43
Androgens, in avians, synthesis of, 16, 18–19
Androstenedione, in avians, 19

Vet Clin Exot Anim 17 (2014) 103–122
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104 Index

Anemia, hyperadrenocorticism resulting in, in ferrets, 43–45. See also

Hyperestrogenism-induced anemia.
Antiandrogens. See also specific drug.
for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 38, 41–43
Antidiuretic hormone, in avians, 17, 20
Antipsychotic drugs, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 95–96
Arginine vasotocin (AVT), in avians, control and role of, 17, 20
Aromatase inhibitor, for hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, 38, 45
Aspergillus spp., FDB related to, in pet birds, 84
Atrophy, pancreatic, in avians, 1–2
Avian behavior, feather destructive, 77–101. See also Feather destructive behavior (FDB).
Avian bornavirus (ABV), FDB related to, 86, 88
Avians, hypothalamic/pituitary axis of, 13–22
anatomy of, 14
adenohypophysis in, 14
neurohypophysis in, 14
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in, 16–18
control mechanisms of, 16–17
hormones synthesized by, 16
hyperadrenocorticism and, 17
hypoadrenocorticism and, 17–18
hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis in, 18–19
follicle-stimulating hormone and, 18–19
in female, 18
in male, 18–19
luteinizing hormone and, 18–19
prolactin in, 18
role of, 18
hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in, 14–16
control mechanisms of, 14–15
growth and development role of, 15–16
hormones synthesized by, 15
metabolism role of, 15
introduction to, 13
neurohypophysis in, 20
arginine vasotocin and, 20
mesotocin and, 20
somatotropic axis in, 19–20
adrenocortical hormones and, 20
control mechanisms of, 19
growth and development role of, 19
immune function role of, 20
lipid metabolism role of, 19
thyroid hormones and, 20
summary overview of, 13, 20
pancreatic lesions of, 1–11
infectious disease, 3–6, 8
islets of Langerhans, 7
noninfectious disease, 7
proliferative, 8–9
neoplastic disease, 5–7
Index 105

noninfectious disease, exocrine, 1–4

proliferative disease, 5–7
summary overview of, 1
pet, feather loss and feather destructive behavior in, 77–101. See also Feather
destructive behavior (FDB).
reproductive disorders in, 23–33
GnRH agonists for, 25–31
as long-acting, 26–30
deslorelin acetate as, 23, 27–31
implantation procedure for, 30–31
leuprolide acetate as, 23, 26–28
mechanism of action of, 25–26
synthetic vs. endogenous, 25
HPG axis and, 23–25
introduction to, 23–24
neuroendocrine physiology of, 23
summary overview of, 23, 28
Avoidance devices, for FDB prevention, of pet birds, 90–91

Bacterial agents, in avian pancreatitis, 3–5
Bacterial dermatitis, FDB related to, in pet birds, 84–86, 88
Behavioral disorders, in chinchillas, thyroid disease related to, 63
in pet birds, feather destructive, 77–101. See also Feather destructive behavior (FDB).
Bicalutamide, for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 38, 42–43
Bile duct, hyperplasia of, in avians, 5–6
Birds, general species of. See Avians.
pet, feather loss and feather destructive behavior in, 77–101. See also Feather
destructive behavior (FDB).
Blood collection techniques, for ferrets, 44
Blood transfusion, for hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, 44–45
Bornavirus, avian, feather destructive behavior related to, 86, 88

C cells, in thyroid gland, of rodents, 52
Cage size, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 78–79, 88
Calcitonin, in rodents, 52
Caloric deficiency, in avians, pancreatic atrophy with, 1–2
Candida spp., FDB related to, in pet birds, 84
Carbimazole, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 57–58
Carcinoma, in avians, pancreatic, 6–7
islets of Langerhans, 8–9
metastatic, 6
thyroid, 16
in hamsters, thyroid, 63
Cardiac abnormalities, in guinea pigs, hyperthyroidism vs., 54–55, 57
hypothyroidism vs., 60
Catheterization, urethral, for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 41
Cervical neck mass, in guinea pigs, hyperthyroidism vs., 54–55
hypothyroidism vs., 60
106 Index

Chewing promotion, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 90–91

Chinchilla, thyroid diseases in, 63–64
hyperthyroidism as, 63
thyroidectomy for, 63–64
Chlamydophila psittaci, in avian pancreatitis, 5
Circadian rhythm, of adrenocortical secretions, in avians, 17
Circovirus, intrinsic feather loss with, in pet birds, 81–82, 88
Clomipramine, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 96
Cockatoos, mutilation syndromes in, 86–87
Coelomic disorders, in birds, 24
GnRH agonists for, 26–27, 29–30
Collars/collaring, of pet birds, for FDB prevention, 90–91
allowing food to pass into crop, 94
commercially available types of, 91–92
custom-made extenders for, 91–94
distractions for, 94–95
individualized placement for trauma prevention, 94–95
Computed tomography (CT), of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 56–57
Corticosteroids, in avians, control and role of, 16–17, 20
synthesis of, 16
in mice, thyroid disease related to, 62
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), in avians, control and role of, 16–17
synthesis of, 16
Cryptosporidiosis, in avian pancreatitis, 5
Cushing disease, adrenal disease vs., in ferrets, hyperadrenocorticism resulting from, 45
medical management of, 45–46
Cystadenoma, ovarian, microscopy of, in guinea pigs, 70
Cystic rete ovarii, in guinea pigs, 69, 71–72
Cysts, of thyroid gland, in avians, 16
ovarian, in guinea pigs, 69–75. See also Ovarian cystic disease.
Cytology, of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 54–55
Cytoplasm, in pancreatic atrophy, in avians, 1–2

Degenerative disease, in islets of Langerhans, of avians, 7
Dermatitis, FDB related to, 84–86, 88
bacterial, 84–86
fungal or yeast, 84–85
Deslorelin acetate, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets, 37–39
for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 73
for reproductive disorders, in birds, 23, 27, 29–30
efficacy of, 28
implantation procedure for, 30–31
Deslorelin acetate implants, for birds, 29
contraindications for, 31
subcutaneous administration procedure for, 30–31
Dexamethasone suppression test, low-dose, for adrenocortical function, in avians, 17
Diabetes mellitus, in avians, islets of Langerhans associated with, 7, 9
Diarrhea, hyperthyroidism vs., in guinea pigs, 54–55
Index 107

Elizabethan collars, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 90–92
custom-made extenders for, 91–94
Enrichment techniques, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 90–91
Environment, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 78–80, 88
thyroid metabolism variations with, in hamsters, 62
Environmental modifications, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 90
Estrogens, in avians, synthesis of, 16, 18
Ethanol ablation, percutaneous, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 59
Exocrine noninfectious disease, in avian pancreas, 1–4
atrophy as, 1–2
fat accumulation as, 3
fibrosis as, 3–4
necrosis as, 2–3
toxicity as, 2, 9

Fat accumulation, in pancreatic cells, of avians, 3
Fatty liver disease, in avians, 3
Feather destructive behavior (FDB), in pet birds, 77–101
clinical evaluation of, 77–79
common presentation of, 78
definition of, 78
factors associated with, 78–80, 88
intrinsic feather loss vs., 77, 79–83
circovirus and, 81–82
malnutrition and, 80
medical, 80–83
mites and, 83
nonmedical, 79–80
polyomavirus and, 82–83
medical associations, 83–86
allergic disease, 84–86
avian bornavirus and, 86
G. psittaci and, 86
inflammatory disease, 84–86
metabolic disease, 83–84
mutilation syndromes vs., 86–87
psychogenic risk factors for, 87–96
summary overview of, 77, 96–97
Feather loss, in pet birds, as behavioral disorder. See Feather destructive behavior (FDB).
intrinsic. See Intrinsic feather loss.
Feather-picking, in pet birds, 80, 89. See also Feather destructive behavior (FDB).
Fecal examination, for G. psittaci, in pet birds, 86
Ferrets, hyperadrenocorticism in, 35–49
clinical signs of, 35–36
diagnostic tests for, 36
disease-specific management of, 40–46
5-alpha-reductase inhibitor for, 38, 43
108 Index

Ferrets (continued )
adrenal vs. Cushing, 45–46
anastrozole for, 38, 45
androgen receptor blockers for, 38, 42–43
antiandrogens for, 38, 41–43
aromatase inhibitor for, 38, 45
bicalutamide for, 38, 42–43
finasteride for, 38, 43
flutamide for, 38, 42–43
hyperestrogenism-induced anemia and, 43–45
ketoconazole for, 46
mitotane for, 46
prostatic disease and, 40–43
trilostane for, 46
introduction to, 35–36
medical management of, 36–46
drugs for generalized symptomatic treatment, 36–40
for specific conditions caused by adrenal disease, 40–46
summary overview of, 35, 46
surgical management of, 36
symptomatic treatment of, 36–40
GnRH agonists for, 36–38
deslorelin acetate as, 37–39
leuprolide acetate as, 37–39
mechanism of action of, 36–37
melatonin for, 38–40
Fibrosis, of pancreatic cells, in avians, 3–4
Finasteride, for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 38, 43
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA), ultrasound-guided, of prostatic cysts, in ferrets, 41
of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 54–55
Flukes, in avian pancreatitis, 5–6
Fluoxetine, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 96
Flutamide, for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 38, 42–43
FNA. See Fine-needle aspiration (FNA).
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), in avians, female, 18, 24
male, 18–19
Follicular cell adenoma, in gerbils, 63
in hamsters, 63
in mice, 62
Follicular cells, in thyroid gland, of rodents, 52
Follicular cysts, ovarian, in guinea pigs, 71–72
Folliculitis, FDB related to, in pet birds, 84–86
Folliculogenesis, in avians, hormonal stimulation of, 18
Foraging, as enrichment, for FDB prevention, 90
Fungal dermatitis, FDB related to, in pet birds, 84–85, 88
Fur-chewing, thyroid disease related to, in chinchillas, 63

Gerbils, thyroid diseases in, 63
Giardia psittaci, FDB related to, in pet birds, 86, 88
Index 109

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), in avians, arginine vasotocin influence on, 20

Glucocorticoids, in avians, metabolic role of, 17
synthesis of, 16
GnRH. See Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) entries.
Gonadal tumors, in birds, GnRH agonists for, 29–30
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 73
in avians, control and role of, 18, 24
identified forms of, 24–25
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets,
deslorelin acetate as, 37–39
leuprolide acetate as, 37–39
mechanism of action of, 36–37
for hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, 45
for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 73–74
for reproductive disorders, in birds, 25–31
as long-acting, 26–30
deslorelin acetate as, 23, 27–31
implantation procedure for, 30–31
leuprolide acetate as, 23, 26–28
mechanism of action of, 25–26
synthetic vs. endogenous, 25
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptors, subtypes of, in avians, 25
Gonadotropins, in avians, 18–19
female, 18
male, 18–19
Growth and development, in avians, hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis role in, 15–16
somatotropic axis influence on, 19–20
Growth hormone (GH), in avians, control and role of, 19–20
for posthatching growth, 19
pituitary influence on, 19
somatotropic axis influence on, 19–20
targets of, 19
thyroid influence on, 15
Guinea pigs, ovarian cystic disease in, 69–75
clinical signs of, 70–71
diagnosis of, 71
histopathology of, 71–73
hormonal treatment of, deslorelin acetate in, 73–74
GnRH in, 73
hCG in, 73
leuprolide acetate in, 73
introduction to, 69–70
photographs of, 70
summary overview of, 69, 74
treatment of, 73
medical, 73–74
surgical, 72–74
postoperative care for, 74
types of, 71
thyroid diseases in, 53–60
110 Index

Guinea pigs (continued)

hyperthyroidism as, 54–59
cause/physiology of, 54
clinical signs of, 54
diagnostic testing for, 54–57
differential diagnosis of, 54–55
epidemiology of, 54
signalment of, 54
treatment of, 57–59
goals of, 57
oral medications in, 57–58
percutaneous ethanol ablation in, 59
radiation therapy in, 59
radioactive iodine in, 58
thyroidectomy in, 58
hypothyroidism as, 59
neoplasia as, 59–60
advanced imaging studies of, 56–57
causes of, 59–60
clinical signs of, 60
concurrent disease with, 60
diagnostics for, 60
differential diagnosis of, 55, 60
signalment of, 60
treatment of, 60
ultrasound-guided FNA of, 54–55
thyroid function reference ranges for, 53
thyroid testing for, 53–54

Hair loss. See Alopecia.
Haloperidol, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 95–96
Hamsters, thyroid diseases in, 62–63
external factors of, 62
hypothyroidism as, 63
neoplasia as, 62–63
perifollicular amyloidosis as, 63
physiological factors of, 62
thyroid function reference ranges for, 62
Hepatic disease, FDB related to, 83, 88
Herpesvirus, in avian pancreatitis, 3–5
islets of Langerhans and, 8
Histology/histopathology, of islet of Langerhans hyperplasia, in avians, 8
of ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 71–73
of pancreatic atrophy, in avians, 1–2
of pancreatic carcinoma, in avians, 6–7
of pancreatitis, in avians, 4–5
of thyroid gland, in avians, 14–15
in rodents, 52
History taking, for feather loss/damage, in pet birds, 78
Index 111

Hormones. See specific gland or hormone.

HPA axis. See Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.
HPG axis. See Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 73
Humidity, low, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 79–80, 88
Husbandry, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 78–80
thyroid metabolism changes related to, in hamsters, 62
Hyperadrenocorticism, in avians, HPA axis role in, 17
in ferrets, 35–49
clinical signs of, 35–36
diagnostic tests for, 36
disease-specific management of, 40–46
5-alpha-reductase inhibitor for, 38, 43
adrenal vs. Cushing, 45–46
anastrozole for, 38, 45
androgen receptor blockers for, 38, 42–43
antiandrogens for, 38, 41–43
aromatase inhibitor for, 38, 45
bicalutamide for, 38, 42–43
finasteride for, 38, 43
flutamide for, 38, 42–43
hyperestrogenism-induced anemia and, 43–45
ketoconazole for, 46
mitotane for, 46
prostatic disease and, 40–43
trilostane for, 46
introduction to, 35–36
medical management of, 36–46
drugs for generalized symptomatic treatment, 36–40
for specific conditions caused by adrenal disease, 40–46
summary overview of, 35, 46
surgical management of, 36
symptomatic treatment of, 36–40
GnRH agonists for, 36–38
deslorelin acetate as, 37–39
leuprolide acetate as, 37–39
mechanism of action of, 36–37
melatonin for, 38–40
Hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, hyperadrenocorticism resulting in, 43–45
clinical signs of, 43–44
diagnosis of, 44
treatment of, 44–45
aromatase inhibitor in, 38, 45
blood transfusion in, 44–45
leuprolide in, 45
Hyperplasia, of bile and pancreatic duct, in avians, 5–6
of endometrium, in guinea pigs, 72
of islets of Langerhans, in avians, 8–9
Hyperthyroidism, in chinchillas, 63
in guinea pigs, 54–59
cause/physiology of, 54
112 Index

Hyperthyroidism (continued )
clinical signs of, 54
diagnostic testing for, 54–57
differential diagnosis of, 54–55
epidemiology of, 54
signalment of, 54
treatment of, 57–59
goals of, 57
oral medications in, 57–58
percutaneous ethanol ablation in, 59
radiation therapy in, 59
radioactive iodine in, 58
thyroidectomy in, 58
in rats, 62
Hypertrophy, of islets of Langerhans, in avians, 8
Hypoadrenocorticism, in avians, HPA axis role in, 17–18
Hypophysis, in avians. See Pituitary gland.
Hypothalamic/pituitary axis, of avians, 13–22. See also specific axis.
anatomy of, 14
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in, 16–18
hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis in, 18–19
hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in, 14–16
introduction to, 13
neurohypophysis in, 20
somatotropic axis in, 19–20
summary overview of, 13, 20
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, in avians, 16–18
control mechanisms of, 16–17
hormones synthesized by, 16
hyperadrenocorticism and, 17
hypoadrenocorticism and, 17–18
Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, in avians, 18–19
follicle-stimulating hormone and, 18–19
in female, 18
in male, 18–19
luteinizing hormone and, 18–19
prolactin in, 18
reproductive control by, 23–25
role of, 18
Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, in avians, 14–16
control mechanisms of, 14–15
growth and development role of, 15–16
hormones synthesized by, 15
metabolism role of, 15
in rodents, control and role of, 52
Hypothalamic-releasing factors, in avians, somatotropic axis control of, 19
Hypothalamus, in avians, hormones produced by, for adrenal gland control, 16–17
for gonadal control, 18
for thyroid gland control, 15
Hypothyroidism, in guinea pigs, 59
in hamsters, 63
Index 113

in pet birds, feather destructive behavior related to, 83–84, 88

in rats, 61–62

Imaging, advanced, of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 56–57
standard. See Radiographs.
Immune function, in avians, growth hormone influence on, 20
in mice, thyroid disease related to, 62
Immunoassays, for thyroid function, in guinea pig, 53
Infectious disease, in avian pancreas, 3–6, 8
bacterial, 3–5
islet cells, 8
parasitic, 5–6
viral, 3–5
Inflammatory disease, FDB related to, 83–86, 88
Inhibin, in avians, 18
Insulinlike growth factor-1 (IGF-1), in avians, growth hormone influence on, 19
Intrinsic feather loss, in pet birds, clinical evaluation of, 77–79
definition of, 78
factors associated with, 78–79, 88
feather destructive behavior vs., 77, 83–86
medical, 80–83
circovirus and, 81–82
malnutrition and, 80
mites and, 83
polyomavirus and, 82–83
mutilation syndromes vs., 86–87
nonmedical, 79–80
psychogenic factors vs., 87–96
summary overview of, 77, 96–97
Iodide, thyroid function and, in avians, 15
Iodine, radioactive, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 58
Iodine deficiency, follicular thyroid adenomas related to, in hamsters, 63
in mice, 62
Islets of Langerhans, in avians, infectious disease of, 8
neoplastic disease of, 8–9
noninfectious disease of, 7
pancreatic atrophy and, 1–2
proliferative disease of, 8–9
types of, 7

Job training, of pet birds, for FDB prevention, 90

Ketoconazole, for adrenal vs. Cushing disease, in ferrets, 46
114 Index

Laboratory tests, for feather loss/damage, in pet birds, 78–79, 81–83, 86
for hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, 44
for prostatic cysts, in ferrets, 41
for thyroid diseases, in guinea pigs, 53–56, 59
in rodents, 53
Lactotrophs, in avians, gonadotropins produced by, 18
Leuprolide acetate, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets, 37–39
for hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, 45
for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 73
for reproductive disorders, in birds, 23, 26–27
efficacy of, 28
Levamisole toxicity, pancreas as target of, in avians, 2
Leydig cells, in avians, gonadotropins produced by, 18–19
Lipid metabolism, in avians, growth hormone influence on, 19
Luteinizing hormone (LH), in avians, female, 18, 24
male, 18–19
in guinea pigs, ovarian cystic disease and, 72
Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), in avians, 18

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 56
Malassezia spp., FDB related to, in pet birds, 84–85
Malnutrition, intrinsic feather loss with, in pet birds, 80, 88
Masses/nodules, cervical neck. See Cervical neck mass.
of adrenal gland, in ferrets, 37, 39
of thyroid gland. See Thyroid mass/nodule.
Medical factors, of feather loss/damage, in pet birds, 88
destructive, 83–86
intrinsic, 80–83
Medical workup, for feather loss/damage, in pet birds, 78–79
Melatonin, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets, 38–40
Mental stimulation, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 90
Mesh vests, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 94–95
Mesotocin (MT), in avians, control and role of, 17, 20
Metabolism, in avians, corticosteroids influence on, 17
hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis role in, 15
lipid, growth hormone influence on, 19
in pet birds, feather destructive behavior and, 83–84
intrinsic feather loss and, 80
Metastatic carcinoma, pancreatic, in avians, 6
Methimazole, for hyperthyroidism, in chinchillas, 63
in guinea pigs, 57–58
Methimazole trial, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 57
Mice, thyroid diseases in, 62
aging changes and, 62
neoplasia as, 62
thyroid function reference ranges for, 62
Microscopy, of ovarian cystadenoma, in guinea pigs, 70
of pancreatic cells, in avians, with necrosis, 2–3
Index 115

with zinc toxicity, 2

Mineralocorticoids, in avians, metabolic role of, 17
synthesis of, 16
Mites, intrinsic feather loss with, in pet birds, 83, 88
Mitotane, for adrenal vs. Cushing disease, in ferrets, 46
Molting, intrinsic feather loss with, in pet birds, 80
Mutilation syndromes, in pet birds, clinical evaluation of, 77–79
feather destructive behavior vs., 77, 83–86
intrinsic feather loss vs., 77, 79–83
psychogenic factors vs., 87–96
species-specific, 86–87
summary overview of, 77, 96–97
Mycobacteriosis, in avian pancreatitis, 5

Naltrexone, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 95
Necrosis, pancreatic, in avians, 2–3
Nematodes, in avian pancreatitis, 5–6
Neoplastic disease, in avians, GnRH agonists for, 23, 29–30
of adrenal gland, 17
of pancreas, 5–7
carcinoma as, 6–7
metastatic, 6
pancreatic duct, 6
of thyroid gland, 16
in gerbils, of thyroid gland, 63
in guinea pigs, of thyroid gland, 59–60
advanced imaging studies of, 56–57
causes of, 59–60
clinical signs of, 60
concurrent disease with, 60
diagnostics for, 60
differential diagnosis of, 55, 60
signalment of, 60
treatment of, 60
ultrasound-guided FNA of, 54–55
in hamsters, of thyroid gland, 62–63
in mice, of thyroid gland, 62
in rats, of thyroid gland, 61
Neurohypophysis, of pituitary gland, in avians, 14, 20
arginine vasotocin and, 20
mesotocin and, 20
Noninfectious disease, in avian pancreas, exocrine, 1–4. See also Exocrine noninfectious
islet cell degeneration as, 7
Nuclear scintigraphy, of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 56–57

Opioid blockade, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 95
Opioids, release of endogenous, with self-injurious behaviors, in pet birds, 94–95
116 Index

Ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 69–75

clinical signs of, 70–71
diagnosis of, 71
histopathology of, 71–73
hormonal treatment of, deslorelin acetate in, 73–74
GnRH in, 73
hCG in, 73
leuprolide acetate in, 73
introduction to, 69–70
photographs of, 70
summary overview of, 69, 74
surgical treatment of, 72–74
postoperative care for, 74
types of, 71
Ovarian disease, in birds, 23
GnRH agonists for, 25–31
neuroendocrine physiology of, 24–25
surgical treatment of, 24
Ovariectomy, for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 74
Ovariohysterectomy, for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 70, 72, 74
Oviductal disease, in birds, 23
GnRH agonists for, 25–31
neuroendocrine physiology of, 24–25
surgical treatment of, 24
Ovulation, in avians, agents used to temporarily cease, 19
chronic, 23
GnRH agonists for, 25–31
neuroendocrine physiology of, 24–25
surgical treatment of, 24
excessive, 19
hormonal stimulation of, 18
Oxyglobin, for hyperestrogenism-induced anemia, in ferrets, 45

Pancreatic atrophy, in avians, 1–2
Pancreatic duct, in avians, hyperplasia of, 5–6
neoplasia of, 6
Pancreatic lesions, of avians, 1–11
infectious disease, 3–6, 8
islets of Langerhans, 7
noninfectious disease, 7
proliferative, 8–9
neoplastic disease, 5–7
noninfectious disease, exocrine, 1–4
proliferative disease, 5–7
summary overview of, 1
Pancreatic necrosis, in avians, 2–3
Papilloma, in avian pancreas, 5–6
Parakeets, Quaker, mutilation syndromes in, 86–87
Paramyxovirus, in avian pancreatitis, 3–4
Index 117

islets of Langerhans and, 8

Parasitic disease, in avian pancreatitis, 5–6
intrinsic feather loss with, in pet birds, 83
Parovarian cysts, ovarian, in guinea pigs, 71, 73
Paroxetine, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 96
Patient history, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 78
Percutaneous ethanol ablation, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 59
Perifollicular amyloidosis, in hamsters, 63
Pet birds, feather loss and feather destructive behavior in, 77–101. See also Feather
destructive behavior (FDB).
Photoperiod, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 79, 88
thyroid metabolism variations with, in hamsters, 62
Physical examination, for feather loss/damage, in pet birds, 79
Pituitary gland, in avians, adenomas of, 17
anatomy of, 13–14
endocrine control and role of. See specific axis, e.g., Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal
(HPA) axis.
hormones produced by, for adrenal gland control, 16
for gonadal control, 18
for somatotropic control, 19
for thyroid gland control, 15
in neurohypophysis, 20
target organs of, 14
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), for G. psittaci detection, in pet birds, 86
for polyomavirus detection, in pet birds, 83
for psittacine beak and feather disease diagnosis, 81–82
Polyomavirus, in avian pancreatitis, 3–4
intrinsic feather loss with, in pet birds, 82–83, 88
Posthatching growth, in avians. See Growth and development.
Poxvirus, in avian pancreatitis, 3–5
Pregnancy, thyroid metabolism during, in hamsters, 62
Progesterone, in avians, 18–19
Progestogens, in avians, synthesis of, 16
Prolactin, in avians, 18
Proliferative disease, in avian pancreas, 5–9
bile and pancreatic duct hyperplasia as, 5–6
islet cells, 8–9
papilloma as, 5–6
Prostatic disease, in ferrets, hyperadrenocorticism resulting in, 40–43
clinical signs of, 40
diagnosis of, 41
treatment of, 41–43
antiandrogens for, 38, 41–43
urethral catheterization in, 41
Pruritus, FDB related to, in pet birds, 86
Pseudomonas spp., FDB related to, in pet birds, 85–86
Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD), in pet birds, 81–82
Psychogenic risk factors, for feather destructive behavior, in pet birds, 87–96
as stereotypical behavior disorder, 89, 94
avoidance devices for, 90–94
captivity and, 89
118 Index

Psychogenic (continued )
client education resources on, 87, 89
clinical evaluation of, 77–79
enrichment techniques for, 90
environmental modifications for, 90
incidence of, 89–90
intrinsic feather loss vs., 77, 79–83
medical associations vs., 83–86
mental stimulation for relief of, 90
mutilation syndromes vs., 86–87
pharmacologic agents for, 94–96
prevention of, 90
strategies for, 90–96
specific etiologies of, 87–89
summary overview of, 77, 96–97

Quaker parakeets, mutilation syndromes in, 86–87

Radiation therapy, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 59
Radioactive iodine, for hyperthyroidism, in guinea pigs, 58
Radiographs, of prostatic cysts, in ferrets, 41
of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 56–57
Rats, thyroid diseases in, 61–62
hyperthyroidism as, 62
hypothyroidism as, 61–62
neoplasia as, 61
thyroid function reference ranges for, 61
unique features of, 61
Renal disease, in pet birds, feather destructive behavior related to, 83, 88
Reproductive disorders, in birds, 23–33
GnRH agonists for, 25–31
as long-acting, 26–30
deslorelin acetate as, 23, 27–31
implantation procedure for, 30–31
leuprolide acetate as, 23, 26–28
mechanism of action of, 25–26
synthetic vs. endogenous, 25
HPG axis and, 23–25
introduction to, 23–24
summary overview of, 23, 28
in guinea pigs, ovarian cystic disease as, 69–75. See also Ovarian cystic disease.
Reproductive hormones, as therapeutic. See specific classification or hormone.
in avians, 18–19
female, 18
male, 18–19
neuroendocrine physiology of, 23
in ferrets, excessive production of, 35–36, 46. See also Hyperadrenocorticism.
medical management of, 36–46
Index 119

drugs for generalized symptomatic treatment, 36–40

for specific conditions caused by adrenal disease, 40–46
surgical management of, 36
Rete cells, in testis and ovarii, of guinea pigs, 71
cysts of, 69, 71–72
Rodents, thyroid diseases in, 51–67. See also specific disease or species.
anatomy of, 52
chinchilla and, 63–64
gerbils and, 63
guinea pigs and, 53–60
hamsters and, 62–63
introduction to, 51
laboratory tests for, 53
in guinea pigs, 53–57
mice and, 62
physiology of, 52
rats and, 61–62
summary overview of, 51, 64

Scintigraphy, nuclear, of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 56–57
Seasonal variations, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 79, 88
of prolactin production, in avians, 18
of thyroid metabolism, in hamsters, 62
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 96
Self-mutilation, in pet birds, 77–79, 94. See also Mutilation syndromes.
Septicemic alopecia, in pet birds, 83, 88
Serotonergic agents, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 96
Serous cysts, ovarian, in guinea pigs, 69, 71–72
Sertolic cell tumors, in birds, GnRH agonists for, 29–30
Sex hormones. See Reproductive hormones.
Soft stool, hyperthyroidism vs., in guinea pigs, 54–55
Somatostatin, in avians, 15
Somatotropic axis, in avians, 19–20
adrenocortical hormones and, 20
control mechanisms of, 19
growth and, 19
immune function and, 20
lipid metabolism and, 19
thyroid hormones and, 20
Spermatogenesis, in avians, hormonal stimulation of, 19
Staphylococcus spp., FDB related to, in pet birds, 84–85
Steroid hormones, as therapeutic. See specific classification or hormone.
categories of, 16
in avians, control and role of, 16–18
synthesis of, 16, 18–19
Steroidogenesis, in avians, hormonal stimulation of, 18
in guinea pigs, ovarian cystic disease impact on, 72
Stress response, in avians, HPA axis role in, 16–17
in pet birds, feather destructive behavior and, 83–84
intrinsic feather loss and, 80
120 Index

Surgery/surgical resection, for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 70, 72, 74
of adrenal gland, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets, 36
of thyroid gland, for thyroid disorders, in chinchillas, 63–64
in guinea pigs, 58, 60

T3 suppression test, for rodents, 53
Task training, of pet birds, for FDB prevention, 90
Testicular tumors, in birds, 23
Testosterone, in avians, synthesis of, 18–19
Thyroid diseases, in pet birds, feather destructive behavior related to, 83–84, 88
in rodents, 51–67. See also specific disease or species.
anatomy of, 52
chinchilla and, 63–64
gerbils and, 63
guinea pigs and, 53–60
hamsters and, 62–63
introduction to, 51
laboratory tests for, 53
in guinea pigs, 53–57
mice and, 62
physiology of, 52
rats and, 61–62
summary overview of, 51, 64
Thyroid function tests, for rodents, 53
chinchilla references for, 63
guinea pig options of, 54–57
guinea pig references for, 53
hamster references for, 62
mice references for, 62
rat references for, 61
Thyroid gland, in avians, anatomy of, 14
diseases of, 16
endocrine control and role of, 15
histology of, 14–15
hormones produced by, 15
target tissues of, 15–16
in rodents, anatomy of, 52, 62
histology of, 52
Thyroid hormones, in avians, 15
growth hormone influence on, 19–20
in rodents, function tests of, 53–57, 61–62
physiology of, 52
Thyroid mass/nodule, in chinchillas, 63
in gerbils, 63
in guinea pigs, 59–60
advanced imaging studies of, 56–57
causes of, 59–60
clinical signs of, 60
concurrent disease with, 60
Index 121

diagnostics for, 60
differential diagnosis of, 55, 60
signalment of, 60
treatment of, 60
ultrasound-guided FNA of, 54–55
in hamsters, 62–63
in rats, 61
Thyroidectomy, for hyperthyroidism, in chinchillas, 63–64
in guinea pigs, 58
for neoplasia, in guinea pigs, 60
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), in avians, 15
in rodents, 52
Thyrotropin-stimulating hormone (TSH), in avians, 14–15
in rodents, physiology of, 52
tests for, 53
guinea pig options of, 54–56, 59
Thyroxine (T4), in avians, 15
in rodents, physiology of, 52
tests for, 53
chinchilla reference for, 63
guinea pig options of, 54–56, 59
guinea pig reference for, 53–54
hamster reference for, 62
mice reference for, 62
rat reference for, 61
Thyroxine (T4) supplementation, for hypothyroidism, in guinea pigs, 59
in rats, 62
Tissue differentiation, in avians, hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis role in, 15–16
Toxins/toxicities, as feather loss/damage factor, in pet birds, 79
pancreas as target of, in avians, 2, 9
Training, task, of pet birds, for FDB prevention, 90
Trematodes, in avian pancreatitis, 5–6
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 96
Triiodothyronine (T3), in avians, 15
growth hormone influence on, 19–20
in rodents, physiology of, 52
tests for, 53
guinea pig options of, 54–56, 59
guinea pig references of, 53–54
hamster reference for, 62
mice references of, 62
rat references of, 61
Trilostane, for adrenal vs. Cushing disease, in ferrets, 46
TSH stimulation test, for rodents, 53
Tumors. See Neoplastic disease; specific tumor.

Ultrasound, abdominal, for hyperadrenocorticism, in ferrets, 36
Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration, of prostatic cysts, in ferrets, 41
of thyroid nodule, in guinea pigs, 54–55
122 Index

Urethral catheterization, for prostatic disease, in ferrets, 41

Uterine disease, in guinea pigs, ovarian cystic disease with, 70, 72

Vacuolar degeneration, of pancreatic cells, with zinc toxicity, in avians, 2
Vacuolation, of islets of Langerhans, with diabetes, in avians, 7
ovariectomy, for ovarian cystic disease, in guinea pigs, 74
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), in avians, reproductive role of, 18, 24
Viral agents, in avian pancreatitis, 3–5
islets of Langerhans and, 8
in pet birds, feather destructive behavior related to, 84, 86, 88
intrinsic feather loss related to, 81–83, 88

Weight loss, hyperthyroidism vs., in guinea pigs, 54–55
Wooden perches, for FDB prevention, in pet birds, 90–91

Yeast allergy, FDB related to, in pet birds, 84

Zinc toxicity, pancreas as target of, in avians, 2, 9
Zymogen, in pancreatic atrophy, in avians, 1–2

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